Fury after Jihad Jack walks free from jail

Jihad Jack Update from The Australian, with thanks to Nicolei:

THE families of terror victims have described the decision by an appeals court to release "Jihad" Jack Thomas - the first man jailed under the Howard Government's new terrorism laws - as a farce.

A Melbourne court's decision yesterday to quash the conviction of the Muslim convert - who met Osama bin Laden and other al-Qa'ida operatives just months before the September 11 attacks - was embarrassing for the Government and the Australian Federal Police and distressing for families of terror victims.

Although Mr Thomas could face fresh terror charges arising out of an ABC interview conducted in his Melbourne home during the trial and aired after the conviction, Peter Iliffe, the father of a Bali bombing victim, said the decision to free him showed how "disconnected the judiciary was from reality".

And David Byron, who lost his 15-year-old daughter Chloe in Bali, said there should be "zero tolerance" for those accused of terrorism. "I don't know what's happening in this country. I read that another terrorist was released in Indonesia last week because of a holiday."

But the lawyer for Faheem Lodhi, a Sydney man convicted of preparing a terrorist attack, praised the court's decision as "good old-fashioned" justice.

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I remember when "good old-fashioned" justice was found at the end of a rope......

The same happens all over the world. They get caught and are released or do very short sentences. You can bet it’s not because of good behavior. I encourage everyone in countries that vote to do as I do. Keep a notepad nearby and record which politicians, judges, and civic leaders kowtow to these clowns and vote accordingly.

This jihad Jack, should have been released over the ocean.

There is already to much trash in the oceans. A deep volcano maybe.

Kudos, that is the true power of the electorial privilege. We have got to share anyone's islamofriendly track records with as many different voters as possible, for enablers of CAIR are sitting on both sides of the aisle. It is imperative that the majority of the general public realize this issue cuts across the political divide like none other in our time.

how "disconnected the judiciary was from reality".
-- from a posting above

And in France. And in England. And in Germany. And in Italy. And in the United States.

This is not a matter of criminal justice, where the equivalent of the Fourth Amendment is brought into play to have evidence thrown out, or where the very high standard of proof has no business being applied in cases involving religio-political terrorism, the terrorism of a large number of fanatical believers, and not merely the crimes of this or that individual lawbreaker.

Laws, and the judges who enforce them, must reflect this reality.

Ronin, sharks need protein, too.

Ronin, sharks need protein, too.

Posted by: freewoman

Lol, remind me to stay on your good side.

In individual cases of common criminals, where someone commits a crime of passion against a spouse, or other, there might be some leniency by judges - the assumption being that there is true repentance, and little likelihood of the crime being repeated.

HOWEVER, if a muslim has been found guilty of planning murders in the name of jihad, or cooperating in such plans, we should not expect judges to give leniency. Have these muslim criminals repented? left Islam? Will they attempt again to follow the path of jihad that Islam commmnads?

Perhaps the fictional character "James Bond" should become real. Wasn't his status as "007" a license to kill? Didn'nt he use that license to eliminate evil plotters before they could perpetrate their enormous crimes? The non-Muslim intelligence services should consider such secret agents, and put them to work.

We are reaping the social/political slide to the left that took place throughout the West starting in the 1960s. All of us have to start voting far right politically, and become very active in the political arena to get sane politicians and judges into office. Our national existence, and individual lives, will soon depend on it.

"Good old fashioned justice?"...

I bet David Byron, who lost his 15 year old daughter could administer 'good old fashioned justice', but it would'nt look the same.

I have had a perfectly harmless post removed from this thread. it was not offensive to anyone!!
So, indeed, Jihadwatch/Dhimmiwatch is leaning more and more to the political correct way of expressing their views.(censorship) That will not help these issues, quite the contrary you will be trodden under by the islamic forces that you try to fight. You might understand the printed matter on Islam, but have not put your feet in as many locations as I did...
Don´t kid yourselves, folks, you can not afford playing aloof...
Get real, use language that the common man can relate to. All this highranking intellectual garble only will turn people away.. as it does.

I know what's happening in that country, good old fashioned 1968 PC. Get some nards, grow a brain. ok mates?

How about releasing him in the middle of the Outback, maybe one of the poisonous snakes or a crocodile will get him. On the other hand, that just might make them sick.