German bombs failed jihad attack

The two unexploded bombs on German trains on July 31 were part of a failed jihad attack, authorities now say -- although of course they don't say "jihad." "German bombs 'mass murder' bid," from the BBC, with thanks to John Doe:

German police have ruled out blackmail as the reason why two bombs were left on trains on 31 July - and now believe it was a failed terror attack.

The bombs were in identical black cases on trains in Dortmund and Koblenz.

They had been timed to explode 10 minutes before the trains arrived, said federal crime chief Joerg Ziercke.

"We are now working on the basis that this was the work of a terrorist group... and was an attempt to kill a large number of people," he said.

Police want to trace two men seen on CCTV wheeling cases at Cologne station....

The devices consisted of gas canisters, alarm clocks, wires, batteries and a flammable liquid in soft drink bottles.

A handwritten note in Arabic, listing groceries, a telephone number in Lebanon and packets of starch labelled in Arabic and English, were also found.

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l can hear some of the German's blaming Bush, Blair for the muslim's hate on their country. l wonder if they catch the monsters who planted them, if they would let them go, like the ones who planned other attacks on the US?

"....flammable liquid in soft drink bottles."
Hmmm, let me think, why does that sound familiar?

You are missing out important nuances in Eurabian mediaspeak.

Ziercke said it is "conceivable" the two men "wanted to set signals with regards to the conflict in the Middle East"... (that's undertandable wouldn't everyone want to?) the packets of starch from a Lebanese brand "suggest" a connection of the men to Lebanon.

Ziercke said the men obviously did not want to cause massive bloodshed. (How nice of them!) the detonaters were set in such a way for the bombs to explode in the open range about 10 minutes before entering the railway station. (How considerate!)

In addition they chose a time of relatively weak traffic, when the trains were not fully occuppied. (Wonderful!)

German PC-speak is amongst the most despicable I have come across.
I'm sure the French can do even better, but 'to set signals..' in such a case of intended mass-murder is again trying to put lipstick on a pig which is Islam..

Again & again the lefty looney's in bed with the Mohammedans for the multi-culti-ideal which destroys us. How much longer?

I have a hunch that IF they caught the culprit(s) all the islama-fascists would have to do is kidnap a couple of German humanitarian workers and they be trading the culprit(s) away.

According to German reports "the two men wanted to send a signal in regard to the situation in the Middle East" (they actually call it Near East).

So it was supposed to be a preemptive strike, I suppose.

Expect the scumbag they've got in custody to say "That's our way to bring you peace" and the German authorities will reward him.

I don't expect him to be behind bars for any substantial amount of time either.

This comment is encouraging:,2144,2139974,00.html

"We are now working on the basis that this was the work of a terrorist group based in Germany and that it was an attempt to kill a large number of people," Rainer Griesbaum, a federal prosecutor, told a press conference Friday.'

I don't see any difference in the degree of PC and TC speak that we have here in the States.
As much as it is going to take another 9-11 for the majority here to get a clue about the Jihadist's end game, it will take a similar event in Deutschland for heads to come out of the sand. Although the politicians in Bayern seem to have more of a clue.