Glick: The coming wars

Caroline Glick's grim prognosis in the Jerusalem Post (thanks to John Doe):

Since the cease-fire was implemented in Lebanon, we have heard scattered reports indicating that a prisoner swap with the Palestinians may be in the works. In exchange for hundreds if not thousands of Palestinian terrorists now held in Israeli prisons, IDF Cpl. Gilad Shalit, who has been held hostage by Palestinian terrorists for nearly two months, may be released from captivity.

These reports lend weight to the view that things are back to normal. Terrorists kidnap Israelis and hold them hostage and Israel releases terrorists in order to free them. It is a comforting thought for people like Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his colleagues and the members of Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz's General Staff who continue to believe that it will be possible for Israel to sign on a dotted line and achieve "a normal existence." Unfortunately, the chance that Shalit will be released is almost as small as the chance that Israel will be able to achieve a "normal existence." Palestinian sources explain that the decision of whether or not to release Shalit is firmly in the hands of the Iranians and Syrians, and they are not in any mood to horse trade with the Jews.

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While I cannot judge whether or when the Muslim countries in the Middle East will start agitating for all-out war, the situation sure has the signs of the climate preceding the previous World Wars. If it plays out as the columnist predicts, I do not think Israel will restrain itself in war anymore than Britain did in the face of Nazi Germany bombardment.

And so it should'nt. Lets just hope that the U.S, U.K etc do the right thing and stand by Israel.

One Israeli for thousands of palestinians? Sounds like the perfect definition of relative worth....


Yes, two soldiers were taken on the Israel/Lebanon border, which led to the present round of difficulties. However, a single soldier was taken on the Israel/Gaza border a couple of months back, as well.

I've been rooting through the archives, and encountered Skald's oath in the June archive. In my head I now refer to it as "Skald's Oath", and I make the same committment. I plan to post it in other places and invite people to also commit to it (with corrections to the couple of typos).

Join us?

Anyone else here to join us?

Skald's Oath

Dear Muslims,

I make this oath before the Elder Gods of my pagan forefathers. I will be an implaccable foe to Islam and the goals of Islam. I will fight Islam and their followers with all of the weapons of Western Democracy and all of the strength and passion that flows through my blood.

I will not rest, until the threat of Islam to my people, is no more. I will not rest, until I am sure that my children and future generations will [I reckon he made a typo here - I would suggest: + not] live under Sharia law. I will not rest until I am sure, that my religion will not perish at the hands of damned dirty Muslims.

I now offer you, the chance to leave Islam, before the cancer of Islam consumes your soul...

Yes, but Edward Luttwak has a cheerier analysis at RealClearPolitics, and he's a real expert.