Green card and visa applications not checked against terror watch list 75% of the time

Keystone Kops Alert: "Terrorist screening missed 75% of time: Green card and visa applications not checked against terror watch list," from, with thanks to Doc Washburn:

An estimated 75 percent of applicants for immigrant benefits - green cards, work visas, and a host of other documents - at a major federal processing center were not screened through the U.S. terrorism watch list over the past four years, the Daily Bulletin has learned.

The error - on nearly 3 million applications dating to 2002 - was confirmed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officers at the National Benefits Center in Lee's Summit, Mo., near Kansas City. The center is one of several facilities across the country that process foreign applications for immigrant benefits.

Numerous Department of Homeland Security e-mails - sent the day after British authorities uncovered major terror plot - noted that supervisors and adjudicators at the Missouri center were not aware that a simple touch of a computer key would have allowed them to check the names of applicants against the highest-priority terrorist list. According to the e-mails and the adjudicators themselves, up to 2.8 million applications at the center dating to 2002 did not get such checks.

Robert Cowan, director of the National Benefits Center, denied that benefits were processed incorrectly and said any failed background checks were given to supervisors for final review. Cowan added that the 75 percent figure was attributable to employees not properly marking enforcement documents, misspelling names, or leaving out names altogether.

Oh, I feel much better now.

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My comments and feelings about the recent court ruling on wiretaps

Ban all immigration NOW!!. We have plenty of people who will take the jobs, teach the students, heal the sick, and believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Deport Muslims NOW!!, day by day the Muslims in the country show their true intentions. They are on a war footing and are awaiting the call to battle. They do not honor Americas freedoms or its sacrifices.Muslims are gaining control of the land, courts, and the government 0---Slow Jihad , if you note.

The National Benefits Center is undoubtley staffed by Government employees. Nuff said about that. They have not the sense to even look up names on a computer. Imagine CarrotTop checking people in. Even if the terrorists had name labels attached to their coats stating " I am a terrorist and you are going to die" , these government employees would do nothing.

stupid dhimmis who still refuse to be concerned about terrorists.

I agree exsgtbrown. I'd even go further, and
state that certain extralegal actions should
be taken by citizens to defend the nation.
Be very careful though, as the tide hasn't
turned yet and the courts are against us.

Think you are ticked off now just read Michelle Malkin's book, INVASION and you will be mortified. Show's the total stupidity and incompetance of the INS and immigration system in the USA.