Hamza henchman defies law to praise 7/7 bombers

More jihadist venom from Abu Abdullah. Will the British dhimmis do nothing?

From the TimesOnline, with thanks to all who sent this in:

AN associate of Abu Hamza, the hook-handed cleric, has defied Tony Blair’s ban on glorifying terrorism by praising the July 7 bombers and describing how he would “love” to kill British troops fighting in Afghanistan.

Abu Abdullah said he supports suicide bombers using “household chemicals” to attack the West and believes the prime minister is a legitimate target for assassination because of his foreign policy.

Abdullah, a former spokesman for Hamza, who was jailed this year for his hate-filled sermons, said the 9/11 attacks were a “deserved punch in the nose” for America. He argues that high street banks ought to be destroyed because they charge interest, which is against the tenets of Islam.

Blair, when announcing the ban in the wake of last year’s London bombings, said Britain was tolerant but that there was “a determination that this very tolerance and determination should not be abused by a small fanatical minority”.

Abdullah, however, is apparently being allowed to operate unchecked by the authorities five months after a law was passed making it a criminal offence to glorify terrorism.

Abdullah, 42, is the self-styled “emir”, or leader, of a radical group called Supporters of Shariah, which Hamza founded when he ran the Finsbury Park mosque in north London.

After Hamza was jailed for seven years in February for inciting his followers to murder non-Muslims, Abdullah has taken over a movement claiming up to 3,000 sympathisers.

Abdullah is barred from preaching in most mosques but he has been spreading his views in private meetings or “study circles” at low-key venues, such as community centres in London and the home counties.

Unlike other so-called preachers of hate, Abdullah, a former youth football coach, was born and bred in Britain.

Read it all.

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Dan Rivers at CNN did an interview with this terrorist. A search of CNN's site no longer finds it, but Charles Johnson over at LGF has it here;

Notice how he fantasizes about "his people" (he has abandoned his British identity for his Muslim one) being killed all over the world by "the West".

The guy is delusional, but very dangerous.


Born and Breed in Britain, and if he keeps on like this will soon be buried in Britain.

some more of abu abdullah here:


There was a time when a British citizen who called for the deaths of British troops would have been hanged as a traitor. The last person to do so was Lord Haw Haw in 1946 (correct me if anyone else has been hanged as a traitor since), and even Lord Haw Haw wasn't as bad as the likes of Galloway, Abu Hamza, Omar Bakri and now Abu Abdullah. Had we been living in the world of 60 years ago with the same values of then, this gruesome foursome would have been sharing out 288 raisins following their descent through the trapdoor into the bowels of Hell. But as the years have mounted up since the end of World War II, and two generations have grown up never knowing what a fight for survival entails, we have seen a general softening up of Britain and the West - much to our peril. And letting people come out with treasonous statements like this in public is part of this malaise.

There are several people in the US who are serving time for making documented death threats against President Bush. Apparently it is different in Britain if the threat is suggested or incouraged. However in the US if you are found to be promoting any criminal act whether you participate directly or indirectly, it is defined as a prosecutable felony.

As an example a Denver, Colorado, woman is being held without bail in Linn County, Iowa, on a two-count indictment charging that she twice threatened to kill president Bush in May. Catherine M. Guertin, 24, is pleading not guilty on both charges. The indictment alleges that Guertin made the threats against Bush on May 3 and May 16.

One count charges that she threatened Bush by saying "I want him gone" and "If I ever have a gun, I will shoot him between the eyes." The second count claims that on May 16, Guertin wrote statements threatening the president.

Update: She was recently given a 2 1/2 year jail sentence for these threats against the President.

Abu Abdullah can say whatever he wants to but with freedom comes responsibility.

Throw him out of the country. Revoke his citizenship. He can have his freedom of conscience in a place which will appreciate it.

And this old hate-monger is still walking around free because...????

Plague ,

In Britain unlike the USA a natural born citizen cannot have his citizenship revoked.

However I believe in making wishes come true and we should buy him a ticket to Afghanistan where he can live his dream. Quite sure a few squadies I know would be quite happy to be his tour guide !!.

Unfortunately I believe duelling is now illegal in Britain ....traitor that he is ...if the Queen would allow..my sword is at her command ....wonder if he has the courage of his convictions man to man or as usual all mouth but certainly no trousers !!


He has no courage, but I am sure that he would be happy to send someone else's 20 year old fanatical son to duel with you.

Never ,

When it comes to swords they can form an orderly queue...

Seriously thats the trouble Fanatics from childhood and pathalogical in their Blind Hatred. Used and abused by cowards like him.

He and his ilk offend all decency and in my opinion have should be tried for treason !

apologise for the typo

Kelticman - thanks for the explanation on citizenship. But Abu Abdullah could be escorted to a safer location for his ideas, could he not? Faukland Islands, perhaps?

We need a new Devil's Island for all all the devils. Or if that offends, perhaps a new Jurassic Park for all the vicious, man eating dinosaurs from the Seventh Century... air drop them all in and just make sure no one leaves the island... clean out all the prisons and detention centers and begin sending all misunderstood Utes and 'asians' to this same destination. Air drop a supply of swords, guns and ammunition along with sharpening stones so that they can have meaningful communication and so they can practice their religion as well. Nothing/s too good for the New Jurassic Park...

while we're at it... pepper the island with hidden cameras and microphones like we do with the TV show 'Survivor' and charge pay-per-view.

We solve a problem, clean up neighborhoods, promote a passage to peace in the world and make obscene amounts of money on the royalties at the same time.

All we need is an island large enough to sustain people with food and fresh water ( to assuage any humanitarian guilt we may have )

Let the good times roll!

"He argues that high street banks ought to be destroyed because they charge interest, which is against the tenets of Islam."

But then he wouldn't be able to collect his welfare payments .. which I'm assuming he collects with the rest of the hate mongers sponging off England. Anyone know for sure?

Plague ,

Brilliant idea , however we have already devised a similar idea here on mainland England ....its called Bradistan (Bradford) .....why do you think Britain is swamped with CCTV cameras....when they issue ID cards
we will all have our very own pay per view chip included !!

take care Plague

All we need is an island large enough to sustain people with food and fresh water

Plague, I fear that island has already been chosen. It's called Great Britain. For years, the Islamic world has been dumping its trash here - its radicals, criminals, hatemongers and terror chiefs. All with the aquiescence of both Left and Right-wing Governments. It's not called Londonistan for nothing... :(

Off with their heads!

Or take them to an island in the middle of the Atlantic. Oh excuse me, there is no island in the middle of the Atlantic. Too bad!

Abu Abdullah or "Alan" you will be found, you will be located and you will be sorted. Sorted accordingly and don't think yu will be spared. He who advocates the murder of innocent people should check under his car each morning. Big mouths do a lot of harm.

'In Britain unlike the USA a natural born citizen cannot have his citizenship revoked.' Posted by Kelticman, above.

But we used to have the concept of 'outlaw', and perhaps we should bring it back specifically to deal with people like this Abdullah. (The name apparently means 'slave of Allah').

If you are declared an outlaw, then you are outside the protection of the law. You have no rights. You have no possessions. You have no protection. If someone causes you harm, or even kills you, the law simply ignores it.


"If you are declared an outlaw, then you are outside the protection of the law"

Brilliant ....never crossed my mind. Knowing our statutes is probably still on the books.
(there was a case a few years ago where an accused
started a panic ...he demanded the right of trial by combat with the queens champion , of course it was eventually overruled ....but it was still on the law books....!! )

Wonder how may big mouths in GB we would have once open season was declared.....!!!!