Hizballah booklet "presents the Jihad, or Holy War, as a way in which a Muslim may sacrifice his life for Allah and reach heaven"

Misunderstanders of Islam publish a guidebook to the jihad ideology, heavy on quotes from Qur'an and Sunnah. The world has yet to see a coherent case built from the Qur'an and Sunnah for the peaceful coexistence of Muslims with non-Muslims as equals on an indefinite basis. "Analysis: Hezbollah`s indoctrination," from UPI, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

TEL AVIV, Israel (UPI) -- Israeli soldiers who searched Hezbollah homes and bunkers in the south Lebanese village of Maroun el-Ras found a booklet that provided a glimpse into that movement`s religious indoctrination.

It extolled holy war and martyrdom and provided examples from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards` experience.

Soldiers found four copies of that booklet in Maroun el-Ras that has seen some heavy fighting with Hezbollah.

Israeli intelligence experts reckoned that since several copies were found in Hezbollah`s front lines, the 60-page booklet must be an authorized Islamic guidance manual.

It is written like a Muslim-Shiite ideological treatise with quotes from the Koran and Shiite traditions. It presents the Jihad, or Holy War, as a way in which a Muslim may sacrifice his life for Allah and reach heaven. The Shahada, or martyrdom on the battlefield, is a prize for a Muslim warrior, the document says.

There are several gates to Heaven and the most prestigious of all is the one for those involved in a Jihad. That is why every Muslim should strive to take part in a holy war. Victory in a Jihad, or martyrdom, are tops.

Israel`s Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, which the intelligence community uses to release declassified materials, analyzed Hezbollah`s booklet. Its deputy director, Yoram Kahati, noted that Hezbollah considers its fighters as being not only Lebanese but, 'Mainly Muslim-Shiite Jihad fighters who fulfill a most important religious commitment.' That sense increases their motivation to fight Israel, he maintained.

No Arab state has made Jihad its strategy, Kahati noted. Only radical Sunni-Muslims, such as al-Qaida, give Jihad that much importance. However Iran, which is Muslim-Shiite, has been trying to export its ideas to the Shiites in Lebanon and set an example to the other, Muslim-Sunni world, Kahati wrote.

None has made "Jihad its strategy," but many have not hesitated to aid that jihad, and to try to exploit it for their own purposes.

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Here is the video of the hit- and -run jihadi. At the very end it says he called himself a terrorist, police don't believe him.

Is this called slow jihad, where a muslim gets as many as he can? This guy got how many, eight, ten this time? The next muslim may get the same amount or more or less. The jihadi in Seattle got one, and injured five more.

Forget for the moment the hospital and insurance costs.

One man killed. How many grieve? One child in intensive care. How many grieve? How much pain and suffering for the child and his / her family? What about the child's future? One man with a broken hip. How much pain and suffering for this injury? (I know from experience having a dad with a broken hip is not fun times) More people suffering lesser injuries. What about their pain and suffering and anguish?

I won't even try to add up what costs were from his terrorist act.

I guess my point is, is it ok to have terrorist acts like these once a month? Every couple of days? Friday's after prayers?

The only way to end this jihadi business is to get these maniacs out of our country. How many more families will have to grieve and suffer the consequences of these islamic nutters?

Comment on the SF attacks in the next thread, please

On this story, why doesn't Nasrallah/Imad Mudglieh (sp?) lead by example?

"There are several gates to Heaven and the most prestigious of all is the one for those involved in a Jihad. That is why every Muslim should strive to take part in a holy war. Victory in a Jihad, or martyrdom, are tops."

Seriously, why aren't findings like this the breaking and all day story on all media outlets? No-instead all they show is the little girl Ramsey case. I know the Ramsey story is sickening and I would love to have the guilty person in my crosshairs, but this sort of evidence needs pounded in all the PC maniacs heads. Like the oil problem, Islam does not need to be addressed until it's too late. I would prefer to take this on now, while we still can, than leave an even bigger mess for my kids to deal with.

Oh well--I guess a few getting dirty rich on oil and the Saudi Empire with influence in the media is worth sacrificing me, mine and yours.

With all the proof pouring in that Islam is a death cult and provocateur of violence and hate, I am mistified as to why some people refuse to admit that Islam is evil.
Islamic religious clerics openly spew hate as do most Islamic rulers. There are many Islamic Jihad groups (a new group seems to appear every time a bomb explodes), each with a bearded, turbin headed, finger pointing, wide eyed wacko openly vowing to kill all. There are the Islamic youths now openly destroying the world neighborhood by neighborhood. Daily we see terrorists attacking schools, buses, planes, churches, employment lines, police stations, soccer games, tennis matches, people on the sidewalk, people in their homes, markets, tourist sites, hotels and the list goes on and on . The terrorist openly state they will not stop.
Appeasment and negotiations will never work. Treaties and ceasefires will not never work.
Deportations, Immigration Bans, outlawing Islam could show promise.
All out warfare to destroy terrorists will help.
Destroying all copies of the evil text the Qur'an will help.
Banning Muslims from holding political offices, teaching in colleges, being employed in police or military organizations, voting, buying land will all help.
Outlawing face covering and burkas will help.
Profiling in all modes of public transportation will help.
Wiretapping and counter terror surveillance will help.
Education of the threat of terror will help.

We are in a world war, it is time we acted like it. The Muslims in your countries should be considered the enemy, they openly say they support terrorists and terrorist leaders. They teach terror in their homes, schools, and mosques. They are conducting war in your neighborhood. It is only a matter of time before they begin triggering bombs and killing everyone (much like they do in Iraq,Afganistan,Sudan,India,Indonesia,Lebanon,
Iran, and a host of other countries) The war is a world war.
Get involved or be ready to get dead; Islam is coming for you--ready or not.

Yes, I have been saying for some time that because our leaders appear to not be doing much to get rid of this menace, the people will then take the law into their own hands and all hell will break loose... our governments have to give the non Muslim population hope, or else anger will take over... our governments dont seem to even know that Islam is not a religion it is an army disguised as a religion and if they had the brains to read the last three quarters of the quran they would see that, and wernt Mohammads first converts warriors, setting the pace for his future so called revelations..

Islam will destroy one's moral power, it saps the foundation of Christianity, and it disturbs and endangers one's union with the true God. It fetters one's progress and free will. Islam is the enemy of improvements and the deadly foe of education. It demolishes one's pride, it breeds insolence, it promotes vice, it shelters crime, and it is a curse upon the free world.

I read it somewhere that the word for houries is taken from I believe from a Syrian word. I may have even read it here. Its supposts to mean "grapes" they get a bowl of 72 virgin grapes a day?? I mean what do you do, to get sexual satisfaction from a grape?? Where do you put it?? I mean how does this work?? Ok, I guess they are given instruction, allah is all knowing.

Can you imagine the Muslim terroist when he gets to heaven, I can hear him now: I blew myself up and get to heaven, and I get a bowl of 72 virgin grapes, (daily, of course) Are you out of your mind?? Who do I complain to?? Excuse me what a pile of doggy doo doo. Can you imagine the length of the complaint line???

Hey come on guys, don't you think that where ever these guys end up they should get their reward of " a bowl of 72 virgin grapes, daily!"

If Islam wasn't such a damnable religion, we'd all probably die laughing.