Hizballah celebrates Israeli civilian casualties


The same standards don't apply to them that apply to the Israelis, and they know it. "Hezbollah celebrates civilians' casualties: Hitting Israeli cities 'restores honor,'" from Palestinian Media Watch:

While the world debates about responsibility for Lebanese civilian casualties, Hezbollah takes unequivocal pride in its responsibility for causing Israeli civilians casualties. Indeed, Hezbollah celebrates its attacks on civilians as restoring "honor". Hezbollah TV, Al Manar, continues to broadcast video clips glorifying Hezbollah attacks on Israeli cities. Scenes showing Israeli civilians being rushed to the Hospitals are accompanied by the words: "Resist! Explode! Shake! Destroy! Your weapon restores my country's honor."

You can watch the two video clips at the PMW site.

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"Resist! Explode! Shake! Destroy!"


Uh-oh. Must be the dreaded muslim shake-and-awe attack.

QUICK!. CALL Chiraq and let him know Paris is next.

Which of course confirms what the Egyptian blogger sandmonkey was getting at in this post (via LGF):


But of course we KNOW THIS about Muslims!

At this point I am probably MORE furious at westerners who must ALSO know this by now but who continue to hold Israel to a ridiculous double-standard. And actually, the term "double-standard" is putting it far too politely. The vitriole directed towards Israel at this point goes so far beyond the notion of "double-standard" that it practically requires a new vocabulary altogether. How does one begin to describe the RELATIVE silence (in terms of loud condemnation) of the international community in the face of the fact that Muslims are blowing up DAILY in Iraq the number of Muslims who were (or were not) killed at Qana (What the heck must many Iraqis think about their fellow Muslims who have been cheering on the "resistance" at this point?), not to mention the ongoing genocide in the Sudan (Muslims again) etc, i.e. the INTENTIONAL Muslim slaughter of civilians (including Muslims) all over the planet as against Israel dropping pamphlets and making phone calls warning civilians (many of them Hizballah supporters and family members) to get out, not to mention Hizballah intentionally using human shields and celebrating (as seen here) civilian casualties?

Of course we here all know the score. My point is merely that the term "double-standard", especially as applied to how the international community (the non-Muslim community) is behaving currently with regard to its treatment of Israel vs Hezbollah (as a symptom of a larger problem), is a term which is simply inadequate to express this degree of insanity. It's as if the whole world has gone stark raving mad.

It's practically rendered me speechless, that's for sure, and I'm not, as a rule, usually lacking for words.

What they need is a little Hair of the Dog:

Heart breaker, soul shaker
I've been told about you
Steamroller, midnight stroller
What they've been saying must be true

Red hot mama
Velvet charmer
Time's come to pay your dues

Now you're messin' with a
A son of a bitch


It's one thing to be furious at Westerners for holding Israel to a double standard. But what does one say when Israel's leaders themselves are that supine? This morning, on Lee Rodger's, I was listening to David Bedein, Bureau Chief of the Israel Resource News Agency and Middle East correspondent for Philadelphia's Evening Bulletin, and he was saying that the Israeli government is still planning on further settlement withdrawals from Judea and Samaria - even before they have recovered Gilad Shallit dead or alive.

Now, I have no problems being more Zionist than many Israelis themselves. However, the question is, can any non-Israeli government support Israeli settlements, for instance, when Israel is itself making moves to dismantle them? Talk about being more catholic than the Pope.

IP - good question(s). And furthermore, if some 90% of Israeli citizens support the current offensive against Hizballah, then how could they possibly support withdrawal from the West Bank (as if they didn't learn anything from recent history), although to be fair, I haven't seen any recent Israeli polls as to how many Israeli citizens would NOW support unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank. That's a poll that most definitely needs to be taken. But were we to assume that many Israeli's would still, in fact, support such a withdrawal (and it wouldn't surprise me), I would be reminded of this recent post by Lawrence Auster to explain how that could possibly be the case:


No Israeli do not support unilateral withdrawal. Olmert has backed down just now because some soldiers fighting in Lebanon live there.

Double standards are the Moonbats/Islamists/terror supporters MO.

Here is a Moonbat dictionary:


Your weapon restores my country's honor

God before country? Allah might be miffed at this bit of idolatry.


Looks like Olmert's comments are backfiring on him. This is like Chamberlain running WWII after his "missing the bus" comment.


I never doubted that Israel can win this war, but with idiotic statements like Olmert's, I do now. For soldiers to be motivated to desert the forces due to this 're-alignment' strategy (who in Israel comes up with these names?) in the middle of this is unconscionable!

IP - that is beyond depressing. The only good news from your link is the apparent realization by many Israeli's that Olmert is completely deluded.

There is really only ONE solution to this conflict, and that is the one Hugh has repeatedly stated, as in this article below. It is the ONLY solution that grasps the psychology of the enemy and makes "peace" on the enemy's terms:


"Yet the doctrines of Islam remain, and those doctrines will continue to fashion the deepest impulses and beliefs of Muslims. Whatever Arafat or Abbas or anyone else claims or feigns, and whatever any war-weary Israeli hopes, or whatever any useful Western tools or fools Muslims may The doctrine of exploit believe, no real and durable peace can be made with any Infidel sovereign state. It is the duty of Muslims, mandated by Islam and the example of Muhammad, to renew conflict, whatever agreement has been signed, as soon as the Muslim side is stronger. This means that deterrence, and only deterrence, can keep the peace. The doctrine of necessity, or darura – i.e., the fact of an Infidel enemy possessing, or seeming to possess, overwhelming power, is the only thing that Arab leaders, or at least those reluctant to make war, can use as an excuse not to do so. This is why, if one were genuinely interested in preserving peace between Israel and the Arabs, one would be looking at every possible way to strengthen the perception of Israel as impregnable – and to do nothing which, to Muslims looking at a map, might make them gain a different impression."

The doctrine of DARURA.

Please - Hugh - write a post tomorrow titled "The doctrine of Darura" - and make this a household word so that even the "multiculturalists" can come to see that this is the best solution - the best "face-saving" solution - from the Muslim point of view. As I understand it - there is no "dishonor" in "darura". In a way, it's a form of "tough love" that can stop the violence while at the same time permitting Muslims to save face on their own terms.

To borrow from Alarmed Pig Farmer's banner style posts (which I quite enjoy)...


The Jews The Jews the Jews is on fire
The Jews The Jews the Jews is on fire

we dont need no water let the motherfuckers burn
burn motherfuckers

what about the Fucking Ziones who are happy for what's happening to the lebanies civilians


there aint no videos !

"Indeed, Hezbollah celebrates its attacks on civilians as restoring 'honor'."

Honor? LOL!