Hizballah declares "historic victory"

The jihadists continue to crow. "Hezbollah declares 'historic victory,'" from AP, with thanks to Jeffrey Imm:

BINT JBAIL, Lebanon - Hours after a U.N.-imposed cease-fire halted the monthlong Mideast conflict, Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah declared that his guerrillas had achieved a "strategic, historic victory" over Israel. Israel's prime minister, however, maintained the offensive eliminated the "state within a state" run by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

I hope so. We'll certainly see about that.

Lebanese civilians jammed onto roads to stream back to war-ravaged areas Monday after a the cease-fire halted the fighting that claimed more than 900 lives.

For the first time in a month, no rockets were fired into northern Israel, but few Israelis who fled the war were seen returning and Israel's government advised them to stay away for now. a state" run by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

Israeli soldiers reported killing six Hezbollah fighters in four skirmishes in southern Lebanon after the guns fell silent, highlighting the tensions that could unravel the peace plan.

Lebanese, Israeli and U.N. officers met on the border to discuss the withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon and the deployment of the Lebanese army in the region, U.N. spokesman Milos Strugar said.

The "Lebanese army" -- that is, Hizballah.

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Anyone[Hizbollah] who hides behind a woman to fight is a COWARD.

Debka.com states Hizbollah is infiltrating back into S. Lebanon with the refugees. If the shooting starts again there will be civilians in the way. Which will be portrayed as an IDF massacre.

These folks need a good ass whupping where they realize continuing to fight will mean their extermination as a race.

If you are an Islamofascist the big struggle is against the Great Satan (USA) and Little Satan (Israel). In their opinion they are winning in Iraq, Afghanistan and now they have defeated Israel. Expect more attacks. Expect more fighting. Or just give up.

As long as there is a set of lungs and a voice box left, the muslims will
always declare victory. In a way it was a victory since this is a media war
as much as a shooting war. Part 2 coming soon.

I saw Hizballah's headquarters and the neighborhoods they run in Lebanon after Israel got done with them. Hizballah has accomplished no victory.

Sorry to say, believe Israel, with fool Olmert at the helm, did lose this one.

Unless the area from the border to the Litani could have been made an islam free zone it was foolhardy and self defeating to allow the cessation of the dogs of war.

Hopefully Israel will find a real leader before it is too late.

It is too early to assign victory or defeat. Much will depend on the pusillanimous politicians of Lebanon. Will the paid Syrian agents, such as Emile Lahoud, be booted out by those enraged at the behavior of Hezbollah? Will Siniora stop his undignified spectacles, his solipsistic display of sympathy for Lebanese "victims" (quite a few of whom were instantly, unthinkingly, toted up as part of the "civilian" scorecard that Hezbollah and Arab propagandists shrilling ululating their fake grief all over Arab and Muslim radio and television stations, and the hysterical press of thiose countries), and think carefully about the duties of a government, of any government, to retain a monopoly on violence? Will the Christians, the Druse (Walid Jumblatt, varium et mutabile in his alliances, has gone too far out on an anti-Syrian and anti-Hezbollah limb this time to climb back down that particular tree), the Sunni Arabs (like Hariri's aide, Siniora), and even some of the more intelligent and aware Shi'a, manage to patrol the only border that counts -- not that between Israel and Lebanon, but that between Lebanon and Syria, in order to keep out the Iranian agents and weaponry?

The Shi'a, who multiply faster in Lebanon as in Iraq, than any other ethnic or sectarian group, could destroy Lebanon. A sample of destruction that they brought was on display during the last six weeks. It was only a sample. Either Hezbollah remains armed, or Lebanon will disappear. The choice is that of those who consider themselves Lebanese first, and whose loyalty is not to some supra-national idea or hatred. That idea, that hatred, comes from Islam, and can even effect those whose Islam comes second-hand, through growing up surrounded by others who are either Believers, or are told that they are "Muslims" and therefore must think as Muslims "must think." Socio-economic resentments, like every other kind of resentment, are described, and felt, in Islamic terms, and the ultimate enemy is always to be located in the camp of Infidels. Shi'a in Lebanon may have felt economically marginalized by the richer Sunni Arabs and by the Christians and others, but Hezbollah has harnessed that resentment on behalf of Greater Islam and the current contender for the title of Smiter of Infidels, the Islamic Republic of Iran (a year, or a decade hence, the title will pass to some other group or state).

The most important result of the war against Hezbollah should be, must be, a change in the understanding of Israelis as to the power of their enemy, and the necessity for not giving back, ever again, an inch of territory -- not the Golan Heights to Syria, not the "West Bank" to those among the local Arabs who since 1967 have been carefully called "Palestinians," not to anyone. If that is is the outcome, then this will have been a decisive victory for Israel's future, and -- though many in the West do not realize it, do not make the connection -- for Infidels in Western Europe, casting about for models as to how to deal with their own internal threat, that inevitably will grow and grow, and no amount of government-funded "integration" programs or appeasement in foreign policy, and then in domestic policy, will make that threat smaller, much less cause it to disappear.

News about Israeli Military Chief of Staff, Dan Halutz, selling over USD$25,000 worth of shares can't help the cause seehttp://weekbyweek7.blogspot.com/