India: Book banned, publisher arrested for book containing picture of Muhammad

And they're demanding the death penalty, which is the traditional Sharia punishment for blasphemy. "Indian Muslims sue blasphemous book," from Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting News, with thanks to Twostellas:

Police have seized and banned school textbooks carrying fake portraits of the noblest messenger of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and arrested the publisher in Uttar Pradesh state after religious authorities demanded the death penalty for him and the book's writer, an official said on Friday.

According to the daily Times, copies of the fifth-grade Hindi book were seized from the Vivekananda school in Mahoba town, said Home Secretary RM Srivastava.

The administration has banned and seized the book carrying the picture of Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

The publisher of the book has been arrested, Srivastava said.

Education Minister Kiran Singh has ordered an inquiry into how the book was approved by a government panel that clears textbooks before circulation.

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Typical of Islamic double standard for censorship. Hypocrites, all.

Is this iranian report, concerning India, accurate?

If it is, why are Indian secular authorities enforcing muslim religious law, particularly on non-muslims? Disgusting.

To be fair, I wouldn't like to see children exposed to a picture or teachings of a homicidal paedophile.

Take the Hindu book. Take a copy of the Qur'an and another of the Hadith.

Appoint a government panel of quangoes, of the Great and the Good. Make sure that the panel has a makeup that reflects the religious makeup of India-- that is, if 10% of Indians are Muslim, then if the panel has ten members, let one of them be a Muslim. The current President of India would be a good choice.

Find every single example of what offends Muslims in the Hindu text.

Now find every single example of what offends non-Muslims, Hindus and Jains and Sikhs and Buddhists and Christians and atheists, in the Muslim text.

Now publish all of the examples offered up on both sides, as offensive material, and distribute this material as widely as possible throughout India. Broadcast the contents, repeatedly, on Indian television. Send the material to Western and other news agencies, in the hope that they too might join in investigating, and offering a kind of comparative judgment, on the relative offensiveness of what was printed in this Hindu book, and what is printed,and inculcated as the absolute truth, either from Allah, or the absolute model for all humanity, because it was done or said by Muhammad.

Now assemble that blue-ribbon panel, now that the wider public has had a chance to familiarize itself with, and to express its opinion about, the contents of both the Hiindu textbook, with its apparent picture of Muhammad, that textbook which has been banned, and of the Qur'an, Hadith, and Sira.




It's countries like Japan and China that will most likely survive while America, Europe, India and several other places break under the pressure of mass immigration and/or Jihad.

It won't take long until we will have trials like this in Europe.

The report is accurate. As to why they are doing it, vote bank politics. Seats. Elections. 13% is a lot of votes.


I had contributed to J/W the same story, albeit from a more local source: Textbooks seized, one arrested. I tend to agree with Celsius, with the caveat that teaching students nothing about Islam is preferrable to teaching them the garbage about it being a legitimate religion like Christianity or Hinduism.

Arjun is right, except for the numbers. While 13% of India's population i.e. 130m is Mohammedan, note that this population is concentrated in 3 states, of which this state is one. Only one party in India has been forced to write off the Mohammedan vote, otherwise, every other party vies for its support.

Hugh's idea is brilliant, which is why, in dhimmified India, it won't ever get implemented. Communal riots, whenever a Muslim commits a comparable offense, is the only way to go - for now.

Simply Disgusting. Pseudo-Secular politicians are far more dangerous than Islomofasists. I think India will become Dar-ul-Islam, whether we like it or not.

Only hope of India is Pseudo-Secular politicians will change their colors once Lefties in Western countries become more pragmatic. Believe it or not Pseudo-Secular politicians have taken inspiration from their ex-colonial lefties.

I thin India will feel more at ease with this sort of thing if Pakistan goes stonage islam on them. I like India alot, I hope this stupidness calms down. besides, how will they get to the moom thinking like this?

Yo! What’s up with the moon?

If you haven’t noticed, since the US said we were going back to stay a lot of others are on the bandwagon. China, Russia, Europe, Japan, even India have all announced plans to go to the moon.


Another Outrage.
DMK govt ordered six cases dropped against Muslim hardliners in TN

Main accused is held for Coimbatore bomb blast. Others are held for vandalizing hindu temples and idols. Charges against them are dropped for the sake of vote. And where is the so called Hindu Nationalist oppposition.