Indonesian jihadist: Lebanon ceasefire by Tuesday, or "I will no longer bear responsibilities for the jihad activitises that follow"

Oh yes you will, Didu. "Indonesian jihadis set deadline," from The Australian, with thanks to JE:

INDONESIAN protests against the Israeli offensive in Lebanon grew at the weekend, with one of the main organisers, Muslim political agitator Suaib Didu, declaring a deadline of Tuesday for hostilities to cease "or I will no longer bear responsibilities for the jihad activities that follow".

Mr Didu travelled to the northern city of Pontianak at the weekend to witness a passing-out parade for about 200 young men who say they are prepared to travel to Lebanon to fight against Israeli aggression.

The 40-year-old author of provocative books including one titled Radical Islam: Between Jihad and Terrorism, is a player in the Bulan Bintang (Moon and Star) political party, which is positioning itself to challenge President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in national elections in 2009.

Well, since they represent only a Tiny Minority of Extremists™, they will surely fail in that, will they not? After all, Islam is a religion of peace!

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Go ahead. Infidels in Indonesia will be safer.

Nike, Reebok, Calvin Klein or Ralph Lauren, whoever or whatever you are -- time to pull out, or threaten to pull out, of Indonesia. China, here we come. And that will leave Indonesia, now nearing or having passed its role as exporter of oil, and seeing even its own domestic supply dry up, seeing fissiparous forces at work now on this island, now on that, and yet having managed to inveigle the Pentagon into renewing military training and aid (the limitless lack of guile, the limitless credulity, of so many whose stock in trade is supposed to be unsentimental, unfoolable toughness).

Time to read the riot act to the Indonesian government, and for its generals to act, with their wonted gentleness.

"or I will no longer bear responsibilities for the jihad activities that follow". ......

Here again, muslims show how illogical they are. It's like trying to reason with a brick. Pull our business out, stop tourism and let them suffer until they get their "muslim" problem under control.

His campaign slogan will be:

Vote for me or die

Time to read the riot act to the Indonesian government, and for its generals to act, with their wonted gentleness. Posted by: Hugh

Yeh our politicos are great at reading the riot act, Ford and Kissinger turned a blind eye and provided weapons to Indonesia as they went about a genocide against the Christian East Timorese, then in the wake of the Tsunami, stupid dhimmis sent millions in aid to the most radical of Islamists in Bandi Ache, an Indonesia Province that thinks the Islamist government is kufr, and whose every home sported a picture of Osama.

And then Bush turns around and restarts the Ford/Kissinger armament transfer to Indonesia.