Interview with a jihadist preacher

Abu Abdullah.jpg

Watch this CNN video (thanks to F.) of an interview with a jihadist cleric, a convert to Islam, in Britain. Note that the voiceovers, without presenting any evidence, tell us that his views would be repugnant to the vast majority of Muslims, and say that he "tries" to justify violence by invoking the Qur'an -- with the clear implication, again without any evidence, that the Qur'an doesn't actually teach what Abu Abdullah says it teaches. Whoever put this video together is dogmatically convinced that Islam is a religion of peace, and no amount of evidence to the contrary is going to change his mind.

Why does this matter? Because it's false. And false analysis cannot lead to correct policy. The West's misapprehensions about Islam have led it to a number of blunders already. No doubt there will be many more.

Anyway, note also Abu Abdullah's complete identification with Muslims as "my people," despite his so obvious Englishness. His Islam has entirely effaced his ties to his family, his country, and his heritage.

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The only way to deal with such a committed believer is with a gun. I do not believe there is any detoxing him. He is locked into a victim role belief pattern from which there is no escape. Such an error ridden, self contained worldview is preventing him from seeing the error of his ways and in the end, individuals are responsible for their actions. Islam is intolerant in its core and this wackjob has sucked up its teachings and become a well trained lapdog for his Arab masters.

Tolerance on our part is suicidal, and I expect that the west will come to its senses in short order--probably (fortunately or unfortunately in the old form of nationalism. Clearly the disease is spreading and a reaction is coming. I believe we will see history repeat itself--only with much more deadly results given what we can do now as to was done in the middle ages.

Given what is going on in Iran in terms of nuclear bomb potential, the sooner this occurs the better. Lord protect us from liberal appeasers!


I saw this lunatic on TV when it was aired: I wonder how many Mohammedans will distance themselves from his 'repugnant' views?
At long last the MSM seems to dig a little bit deeper now, they are still looking for 'moderates & misunderstanders' of the RoP, but in case you saw the whole show there were also a bunch of bearded Jihad-freaks (one 'Abu Jihad') asked about their views, and they didn't beat around the bush...

Irshad Manji is also seen frequently, (probably the only thing 'moderate' they can come up with) and of course she doesn't even scratch the surface of the 'RoP'- but at least they bring it out into the open!

When will the internment & the deportations begin???

That was the edited report! It would be interesting to view Abu Abdullah's entire interview - complete and uncut.

THis is the tragedy. To understand the psyche of this person one should read 'Islam: Beyond Belief' by V S Naipaul. Islam immediately makes one forget one's culture, one's people, one's heritage and one becomes slave to Arabic tribal culture. I would advise everyone to go through the above mentioned book to comprehend the whole thing.
(I do not know why my messages appear twice.)

I seem to recall a number of British citizens (and American too) dressing up in Nazi uniforms and giving the "Sieg Heil!" salute just before WWII. I wonder what became of them?

In every society, there are those who hate their own people, their own culture, their own heritage. And this is never as true as it is in the west.

During the 20 century, most people of that mentality became communist activists, and not because communism per se, interested them, only because communision was the recognized enemy of the west, and was thus a natural friend.

Now with communism all but gone, those who wish to adopt an adversarial attitude with their own western conscience, now turn to the current antithesis of the west, islam.

If this was 1936, this guy would be in a nazi uniform. If this was 1946, he would be a marxist. Now it is 2006, and the soup de jour for the Leftist radical, is islam.

But what is unique to islam, is the moral equivalency they attribute to everything they do. He talks about millions of muslims being killed. Where on planet earth, are infidels killing millions of muslims? Indeed, the only muslims being killed by infidels are either carrying weapons, or they are killed by accident in war zones. A million muslims are being killed in his mind.

No matter. The answer to this imaginary slaughter of islamic militia men, is to fly a plane into an office building to kill secretaries. Somehow, to an islamic, a Hizbollah soldier dying in a fight with israeli soldiers is the same outrage as killing an innocent westerner on his way to work. In the muslim mind, that is an equivelancy - not just in morality, but numerically as well. Kill one Taliban = kill 9 school girls. Kill one Al-Qaeda fighter = kill 12 housewives. Kill on Hizbollah soldier = kill 24 secretaries.

That is the morally obscene and mathematically absurd calculus of the muslim mind.

Someone who could think like that has no conscience. That is what is common with muslims - men, women, or children - a lack of conscience. Only a human being without a conscience could follow such an ideology. No rational human adult could ever become a muslim. Only a man without a conscience, filled with the hatred of his people for no better reason than sociopathic predilection, could ever embrace such a calculus.

The West can handle external enemies (medieval Islam, fascism, communism). The question now is whether we can handle internal enemies (Muslims and their liberal enablers). I'm afraid the answer is negative.

What a sad piece of human flotsam this 'abu abdullah' is; he is a traitor to his country and to humanity.
When a dog is mad put it down to protect others. He and his fellows require this and it will come.
SOON I hope

"Interview with a jihadist preacher"

There's something really unsettling about seeing the words "jihadist preacher" side by side like that. It seems to scream O X Y M O R O N !!!

Greta Van Susteren called the 7/7 bombers, during her one year anniversary of the event visit to London (meeting with Sir Icky, too) as 'these perverters of Islam.

Several emails to her concerning this have gone unanswered.

Sean Hannity suggested, to Steven Emmerson, that the actions of jihadists was a 'perversion of Islam'.

Tonight, John Kasich (a true moron) sat in for Bill O'Reilly. One of his guests was the fraud, Irshad Manji. She stated that Muslims could preach to the rest of the world that 'Islam means peace'...
And Kasich referred to Islam as 'a religion of peace not one of jihad'.

It goes on and on and on.

I wonder if they'll finally scrap the ROP crap after those 'perverters of Islam' pop a WMD on an American city.

I saw this interview yesterday on CNN.

Honestly, it was the most frightening thing I have seen to date.

It brought a chill down my spine to see the hate in his eyes, in his whole countenance.

It was jaw-dropping, especially in the end when he accused the interviewer of working for the devil.

England has a problem, it has a big problem.

Lord have mercy upon us!

Feel free to send me a personal reply to
Welcome to the 21st Century Islamic Warfare
Let's see the effectiveness of Islamic warfare.
Muslims Vs. the West.
There is new game in town

Allah Hu Akbar.
Islam will rule the world, very soon.
Sharia law is coming to your town near you.

We say to the West:
Keep your Nukes in your curio cabinets.
Keep your aircraft carrier or high-tech weaponry in the showcase. You can't use them against us because of your own higher moral standard and political correctness.
We will take the advantage of your (West’s) higher moral standard and use it against you. We won’t hesitate to use our children as suicide bomber against you.
You can trash your old scheme of warfare that you have developed in last hundred years.
Our new war machines are UNO, Western Media, Your legal system, ACLU, Liberals, Mosques in the West, Islamic rampage all over the world, the Muslims’ organizations in the West, and indeed the sheer number of us who has nothing to lose are the most powerful weapons of all.
We are 1.2 billion.
We are light-years ahead of you in this game.
You can’t defeat us. Submit to Islam now.

On Camera:
We will always say, “Islam is the religion of Peace.”
We will say, “Jihad is actually inner Jihad.”
Moderate Muslim will say there is no link between Islam and Terrorism and the West will believe it because the West is so gullible.
Moderate Muslim all over the world will incubate Jihads by their tea-table talk by defending Islam. Using Western Legal system we will assert our Sharia Laws, slowly but surely.
Off camera:
We will do the rest.

Islam will rule the world, very soon.
Allah Hu Akbar.
Constitution for the new Islamic Republic of EU and USA is under construction.

To the infidels of the West:
We will fight the infidel to death.

• Meanwhile American laws will protect us
• Democrats and Leftist will support us
• UNO will legitimize us.
• CAIR of USA and MCB of UK will incubate us
• ACLU will support us
• Western Universities will educate us.
• Mosques in the West will shelter us
• OPEC will finance us
• EU will appease us.
• Moderate Muslims will fertilize us
• Western Media will put forward our best face
• Hollywood will love us.
• Koffi Annan will pass politically correct sympathetic statement for Jihadists.
• Iran and Syria will refuel us
• Our children will be our armors.
Not the race, not the color of our skin, not the national origin or the citizenship but the Islam and only Islam binds us.

No major news media in the US republished Mohammad [PBUH] caricature in any major way. That is the proof that American’s first amendment gave way to our Sharia law that prohibits Mohammad’s [PBUH] caricature. Get ready. Sharia law is coming to a town near you.

Hey, Hey, Hee, Hee, Ho Ho,
Western civilization got to go.

We will teach our children Islamic supremacy from the very childhood. We will take the advantage of American kindness, gullibility and compassion. When time comes, we will stab them in the back as we did on 9/11 and 7/7 the Islamic way. We will say one thing on the camera (Islam is the religion of peace) and teach another thing (Quran 8:12 Terrorize and behead the infidels wherever you find them) to our children at home.

At the time of the real fight we will hold our own children as our armor – this is Islamic way. When American or Israeli troops shoot at us the world will be watching. Imagine,… Imagine the news in the world “Death of Muslim babies by infidels”. We know CNN, ABC, CBS, BBC are broadcasting live. Al-Jazeera will pour gasoline on the fire. The news will spread like wildfire.

We will take over the Europe first and then US will be the next. We already have a solid ground in the UK, Holland, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Germany, and now in the US.

Islam is the fastest growing religion among convicts in prison all over the word. 30% of French prison inmates are already converted to Islam. How are you going to defeat us?

We are partnering with ACLU, Democrats and Liberals, EU-France, CAIR, MCB, ISNA


There is new game in town.
Let's see the effectiveness of Islamic warfare.
Muslims Vs. the West.

Bill Clinton ordered 50 Tomahawks Cruise missiles costing $2,000,000 each to destroy $50 mud houses that belonged to Osama's family. What a stupidity? What a poor ROI (Return On Investment)

In return Osama's attack on the US.
Cost: 19 martyrs and less than $500,000.
Cost to the West: over 3,000 dead.
At least $1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) dollars economical loss in one year. This includes the ripple effect.

Osama's ROI with respect to:
Life = 3,000/19 = 158 fold.
Dollar = $1 tr./500K = 2,000,000 fold

This is modern warfare. The West will lose.

Islam will rule the world. There is nothing you can do. Even if the per capita GDP of the world drops to half of its present level as a consequence of Islamic laws in place all over the world but still Islam will rule the word.

From your point of view we bring to the world to the dark ages, so be it. But still Islam wins, West loses.
Are you sure you want to play this game?
Jihad, ..Jihad...Jeeehaaad...
You are destined to loose.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = =
I, Abdul Rahman, the original author of above depiction, was born and raised as Muslim. My whole family is still Muslim. I know every genetic code of Muslim. I know Islamic brain. I know every blood cell of Moslem. I live and breathe with them. I am an insider. I left Islam when I understood that Islam is a sick and evil religion.

They say, Now-a-days, Moslems are doing soul searching.
I say, do Moslems have soul left in their body?
One loses soul when they can no longer distinguish between basic good and bad, basic right and wrong, true or false. This is the state of Moslem mind.

Moslems are the victim of Islam.
Islam is a disease that attacks neural network.
I cry almost every day.
Islam took away my family, my friends, my culture, my country from me.

Muslims are fooling the gullible West for a long time. But they can not fool us, the Ex-Muslims. We are exposing Islam. We have been there, done that.

Who will expose Islam to the West?
Muslims? Muslims can’t even see the fault in Islam, hadith or Sharia laws.
Western journalist? Western secret service specialists? West has no clue.
Then who?
Ex-Muslims only are capable of, can and willing to expose Islam to the West.
Not the type of the Ex-Muslims, who first converted from Christianity to Islam for some psychological or economical reasons and then left Islam but the people who are born and raised in an Islamic family, in Islamic country, grew up there, then moved away from Islam in their teen or 20s, or 30s, after getting higher education and after a lot of comparative study and thinking.


Unfortunately, we, thousands of such Ex-Muslims who are living in the West, can’t expose Islam in public due to Islamists threats on our life and family. This threat exists even in the West. Under Islamic law our punishment is “DEATH”.

I've lost the ability to be shocked by things Muslims do and say. Disgusted yes, shocked no.I've come to believe Muslims are capable of just about anything.Case in point, LGF showed a video of Lebanese Muslim villagers descrating the bodies of IDF soldiers.The remains of the soldiers were dumped from duffle bags and a severed head was played with by the Muslims.An elderly person was rolled up in a wheelchair and stomped on the severed head.Absolutely appaling and savage behavior.

The good news is that Muslims are their own worst enemies so the truth about Islam is coming out. Ironically on the same day that the latest Muslim attempt at mass murder was revealed USA Today ran a puff peace on the psychological problems of Muslims since 9/11.Letters to the editor appeared in yesterday's USA Today while one letter was sympathetic to Muslims. All other letters were highly critical of Muslims.

No major news media in the US republished Mohammad [PBUH] caricature in any major way. That is the proof that American’s first amendment gave way to our Sharia law that prohibits Mohammad’s [PBUH] caricature. Get ready. Sharia law is coming to a town near you.

Incorrect, FOX news showed four of the Mohammed cartoons.Followed by a discussion of the cartoon controversy. FOX also interviewed the editor of the newpaper that first published the cartoons.


Posted by: lonewolf at August 19, 2006 01:01 AM

I saw this lunatic on TV when it was aired: I wonder how many Mohammedans will distance themselves from his 'repugnant' views?
At long last the MSM seems to dig a little bit deeper now, they are still looking for 'moderates & misunderstanders' of the RoP, but in case you saw the whole show there were also a bunch of bearded Jihad-freaks (one 'Abu Jihad') asked about their views, and they didn't beat around the bush...

Irshad Manji is also seen frequently, (probably the only thing 'moderate' they can come up with) and of course she doesn't even scratch the surface of the 'RoP'- but at least they bring it out into the open!

When will the internment & the deportations begin???

endquote **

Yes, I remember seeing that 'Abu Jihad' crowding the camera man and the interviewer, wasn't he a Catholic Priest? They said, 'We are not Christian, you know. We don't believe in turning the other cheek!' which means, of course, they are coming for revenge! Revenge for what? For arresting the men suspected of plotting the airline bombings last week in London. "How dare they come and drag people from their homes?" they said. "They didn't do anything!"


Like a mad dog he should be put down...

"In every society, there are those who hate their own people, their own culture, their own heritage. And this is never as true as it is in the west."

We live in a society that questions everything, including it self. This is the downside of it. The upside is that we are developing while the muslims live in the 12th to 14th century.
The original arab culture seems to have been much more questioning but as the texts grew older they became increasingly holier and cause the arab culture to stagnate.

I find it much easyer, today, to accept various (to me) strange cultural expressions in our society once I remember the alternative, such as the Islamic culture of today.

Question: "I seem to recall a number of British citizens (and American too) dressing up in Nazi uniforms and giving the "Sieg Heil!" salute just before WWII. I wonder what became of them?"

Answer: Hopefully they are all of their own demise, but who cares as they are traitors!

Statement: "I challenge that guy in a duel to the death!"

Answer: Don't my friend, as one of British indigenous origin I say leave him to blow himself up and PROVE that he is a muslim.

With regards to the moonbat above with delusions of grandeur i.e.

We'll soon see if you are correct, but you are right in some of what you say, the west is almost certainly helping in your cause! You never know what might happen, there may become a western terrorist group who steal a few nukes and bomb the whole of your promised lands. If that's what it takes to rid ourselves of your disgusting morals then it is always possible because from the start of time there has always been people willing to put there own life on the line to defend what is right.

Hopefully though, this will not need to happen, because Israel will nuke you all in the end and we will clean up the remnants.

I wouldn't even give you people as Hancock (a British Comedy) used to say, "a thimble full of blood" to save your kind. Unless of course it is pigs blood lol. Exsgtbrown and Americaningermany and many others know how to deal with you lot. Thank F*** for people who are not pc,not liberal and who state the truth.

Bye, Bye now have a nice day!

This man before his conversion by his own admission was a criminal - like his mate Richard Reid and many more useless dysfunctional misfits. Islam gives criminality and hatred legitimacy. Islam is THE excuse to get back at a society that has him sussed. He has no credibility whatsoever. Pathetic.

Note that the voiceovers, without presenting any evidence, tell us that his views would be repugnant to the vast majority of Muslims, … Posted by Robert.

There is no need to take a poll to know that reality is quite the opposite. Great majority of Muslims will support his views and he knows that.
Islam is a political movement among other things and to be a leader in any political movement one has to follow majority. He would never express any views which are outside mainstream Islam and have no support from most Muslims. Expressing the opposite views would also be dangerous.
For me it is the key of the problem we are facing today: a Muslim goes on international television and expresses views which are repugnant, immoral and illegal without fear. At the same time reporters imply “self control” to the point of lying and doing that for the same reason – FEAR. I recall an old joke from the soviet era:
An American is trying to convince a Russian that US is a free and democratic country. His argument is that if he calls a US President – an idiot, he would not be arrested by American police. The Russian insists that The Soviet Union has at least as much freedom and democracy, because if he calls a US President – an idiot, the Russian police would not arrest him also.
There are lessons to be learned from history and the history provides us with an answer of how to deal with Terror. So far we know only one response – Terror.
Diplomacy, complicity, aid, UN and so on, DO NOT WORK and will never work. Terror works.
Imaging the views that animal expressed on TV would have made him a target. Would such views be expressed by him?
Imaging that all that pro-muslim propaganda on BBC and CNN puts reporters at risk. Would such propaganda continued to bombard us from the screen?
My wife and I were watching documentary, I think it was called “One year after Beslan”. Not a pleasant viewing. I found it was difficult for me to feel sorry for the crying fathers. Quite the opposite – I felt contempt for them. My wife asked me if our children would have died in that school (We had some unpleasant experience in our life, not too dissimilar to what we were watching on TV and I think she knew the answer). My children are alive. They would have come out alive from that school..
We do not need security, we need Terror. Terror against Muslims and against MSM.
Please, do not misunderstand me. I do not want a reporter to be shot if I do not like the show, there are plenty of other ways to intimidate such people. It is so easy. As for that converted (perverted) scumback, shouting him is the nicest thing I can think of.
We live in a free society and no individual should be shot for his or her views. Shouting has to be reserved only after those views were publicly expressed.


Speaking of fanatics, here are some of Abdullah's comrades from earlier this year (note: I posted this yesterday also, but many people might not have seen it)
The Terror of Islam: "Behead those who insult Islam" (9:49).

Another OT. Just when I think I have seen the depths of depravity in Islam, then I read something like this:

Amil Imani writes:

"Khomeini, the founder of the Iranian Islamic state, made extensive use of the fatwa. Widely-known in the West is Khomeini’s fatwa condemning Salman Rushdie to death for his book. A lesser known fatwa of Khomeini during the last Iran-Iraq war led to the slaughter of thousands of Iranian children. Children, nearly all under 15 years of age, were given plastic keys to paradise as they were commanded by the fatwa of the imam to rush forward to clear minefields for the tanks to follow. In obedience to a fatwa issued to help achieve a goal, willing Iranians had no problem deceiving innocent children with plastic keys to paradise to make the Iranian army's path a bit easier."

The Iran-Iraq War: Strategy of Stalemate
Major Robert E. Sonnenberg, USMC 1985

The third major assault occurred on July 28th. The attack gained nothing. The lives of large numbers of teenagers, who had filled the ranks of infantry, were expended. Plastic keys to paradise were found clutched in cold hands and bodies cloaked in battle jackets bore stenciled signs that proclaimed that the wearer had the Imam Khomeini's permission to enter heaven.23 These offensives raised the human cost of the war to at least 80,000 killed, 200,000 wounded, and 45,000 captured.24

I've seen Abu Abdullah on TV before. Pakistani Muslims in the background were trying very hard not to laugh. However, black and white Muslim converts seem to be taken in by him.

'millions' of muslims are being killed everyday by other Muslims in Iraq.

I'm English. I've known this type of person all my life. He's the kind of guy who if he hadn't converted to Islam would be in the pub at the weekend pumping up with alcohol getting ready to beat the hell out of somebody. A thug and a hooligan. A 'psychically marginal' person, to quote Hugh. So he joins a cult which is a perfect channel for his murderous instincts. Britain will pay for producing a socio-economic and spiritually degenerate God-forsaken wateland that spawned yobs like this in the first place.

l will give you a "Readers Digest" answer, when Westerners have removed themselves so far from simple reality, that they need to look for such serious answers to their questions, the very plain simple things become too complex. Very early on my first meetings and hearing about Muslims defintely turned me off, l could not explain it, but new it to be evil. The "western elites" have lost this very simple human unease when they see things that are not good "evil", they need to explain it away for their own confort but at their own risks, and ours.

There it is: our enemy. Until the majority of people like him are gone we won't be safe.

Notice the blatant lies about defending themselves against the West. That's typical of these people: twisting things and stating the exact opposite of what is true. These mad animals are initiating attacks against us while at the same time blaming us. Pretty much like a rapist blaming his victim.

Not only are they the aggressors, we also have been of enormous value to them with our science and technology, and also massive foreign aid. US alone gives many billions in aid to muslim countries each year. Yet these barbarians want to kill us.

"I've seen Abu Abdullah on TV before. Pakistani Muslims in the background were trying very hard not to laugh."

You mean Pakistanis like those who recently tried to kill thousands of people by blowing up airplanes?

Abu Abdullah is a mentally unstable criminal thug - a second generation Turkish Cypriot formerly known as Attila Ahmet. I don't think that his conversion into a vicious, bullying Muslim was such a radical change for him.

Abu can talk a big game but if he really wants to assess the effectiveness of his sales skills he needs to see if he can talk a department store clerk out of 1,000 cell phones, try to sell them on the road, and then talk law enforcement into believing he's just a businessman looking to turn a profit. The ability of these guys to pull the Jedi mind trick (sorry for the cheesy movie reference) on law enforcement, the media, and the general public through such interviews and propagandizing is stunning. Goebbels and Riefenstahl would be proud.

XY said : "You mean Pakistanis like those who recently tried to kill thousands of people by blowing up airplanes?"
Not all Pakistanis blow up airplanes... some just hijack them. Pakistan's "President" Musharraf is a good example. In 1999, while General Musharraf was out of the country, he was dismissed by the democraticaly elected Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. General Musharraf boarded a commercial airliner and flew back to Pakistan. PM Sharif likely knew that Musharraf was going to go postal so he ordered the plane diverted, not giving Musharraf's plane permission to land in Pakistan.
General Musharraf hijacked the plane and orded it to circle the airport in Karachi until his allies in government overthrow the democratic regime in a coup.
Two decades ago, in this Muslim country where only those who can read, can vote (mostly men) a woman was elected and then re-elected PM. It was never a perfect democracy... but that was a start.
Three years after Benazir Bhutto's term ended (said female) this Musharraf becomes de facto ruler of a nuclear power by hijacking a plane. Less than two years later, he's a big part of Operation Enduring Freedom, helping the US try to find those nasty hijackers who want nuclear weapons and hate democracy.
Am I the only one who sees the irony?


Feb 12 2005

EXCLUSIVE: Preacher of hate was a non-league manager

By Graham Brough and Pete Sampson

THE hate cleric exposed by the Daily Mirror was once a fiery football boss.

Before whipping up worshippers at controversial Finsbury Park Mosque, Abu Abdullah was a soccer coach nicknamed Attila the Hun. He guided youth teams of London non-league sides Athenlay, Sydenham Boys and honed Gillingham and Wales U-21 goalie Jason Brown at Fisher Athletic.

Born Attila Ahmet, of Turkish Cypriot origins, he even changed his name to soccer-friendly Alan - but still managed to get banned from a final after skirmishes with a rival.

Yesterday, officials at Fisher recalled Abdullah, 40, as "very talented". But Brian Miller, chairman of the Bexley League, said: "He was a nutter, very volatile and took it far too seriously. Once I had to referee the managers - not the game."

The dad-of-three left soccer in 1998, devoting himself to Islam. He has now been forced out of the North London mosque after outraging moderate Muslims with anti-West tirades.

From comments above

"British Aerospace and the British government have been successful in getting the multi-billion dollar contract to provide Saudi Arabia with fighter jets!"

This is the type of crap that undermines American and European security. Why the hell do British and American governments allows sales of weopons to countries in which the people hate us and Israel?

When will we come to the realisation that helping middle-eastern Muslims, be it to rid them of dictators, protect them from invasion, or keep them from killing each other, does NOT adavance U.S interests?


As a nation we are tolerant to a fault and boy have are we now in serious trouble !!

Given enough rope they are doing a fine job of hanging themselves in the court of public opinion.
Nutters like these just confirm what everyone on this site already knows...Islam really is a refuge for the deranged , deluded and misogynistic of the world.

We all know that when push come to shove the the British will rally to the antient Dragon Standards and they will know what a crusade really is. Its what they constantly harp on about , insult us about and they are going to in the end find out what it really is all about when patience is finally eroded.

As a nation we are tolerant to a fault and boy are we now in serious trouble !!

Given enough rope they are doing a fine job of hanging themselves in the court of public opinion.
Nutters like these just confirm what everyone on this site already knows...Islam really is a refuge for the deranged , deluded and misogynistic of the world.

We all know that when push come to shove the the British will rally to the antient Dragon Standards and they will know what a crusade really is. Its what they constantly harp on about , insult us about and they are going to in the end find out what it really is all about when patience is finally eroded.

Raise the Dragon quarter asked or given
Do they really wish this upon themselves ??

He is said to be a recent convert to Islam in his adult years, but he refers to "My People" when he talks about Muslims , and it's amazing how someone could be on Earth for so many years and yet still be so stupid .

The Russian Circus used to come to town and they managed to teach bears to ride motorcycles, this guy embraces ignorance like it's some kind of virtue .


He probably believes that if only the west would fall to Islam, sectarian violence between Muslims would stop (it's all our fault). He is, of course, sadly mistaken. Since non-Arab Muslims are second-class citizens within Islam, I'd bet it won't take long for resentments over that fact to come to a head, especially once they realize they've already sacrificed their culture and language to their Arab masters.

There is one, quite twisted, sense in which his claim that the west has killed millions of Muslims is true: by refusing to convert to Islam, millions of (future) Muslims won't exist.

Well if the iman claims the muslim community is getting fed up, he has not seen the angry backlash that is growing against the muslim community from the non-muslims.

Dear Abdul Rahman,

You wrote:

Who will expose Islam to the West? ....Ex-Muslims only are capable of, can and willing to expose Islam to the West. .....Unfortunately, we, thousands of such Ex-Muslims who are living in the West, can’t expose Islam in public due to Islamists threats on our life and family.

Looks like you are a Bangladeshi ex-Muslim like me and now settled in USA. My family was originally from Faridpur in Bangladesh, and now settled in Islampur in the Northern Part of West Bengal, India.

I agree with you. However please join the Christian groups in your place and make friends with the Christians. Tell them that you can help them from behind the scenes. Many (Kabuli) Afghanistani Muslims fed up with the Taliban are doing just that. You need not use your real name, as I am using a pen-name too - like Ibn Warraq who lives in Ohio.

See, if we ex-Muslims get afraid, then how can the West win the war against Islam ?

FYI, I have not converted to any religion since the past 10 years. My family has little connection with me. But, it is a pain to see how a large part of humanity slowly dying of an incurable disease called Islam. If we don't alert others, then don't you think we ex-Muslims would be guilty of crimes against humanity ?

Mohammed bin Kafir Abu Jahal

In India, we have a saying:

"The new Muslim prays five times a day"

It basically means that the convert is the most fanatical zealot of all.

Personally, I find that converts are usually people with personality disorders -- like somebody who gets married and divorced a half-dozen times.

It's like the John Walker Lindh guy, who was from a broken home. People who are screwed up inside.

Anyway, note also Abu Abdullah's complete identification with Muslims as "my people," despite his so obvious Englishness.

Muslims are an ethnic group, just like Jews. Changing ethnicity is not unusual as ethnicity is not the same as race. There are many Black immigrants from Africa who after embracing Christianity proclaim themselves ethnically English and pride their Englishness. English is after all a Christian language.

His Islam has entirely effaced his ties to his family, his country, and his heritage.

God made humans into 4 races, White, Black, Brown and Yellow. However humans at the Tower of Babel created man-made divisions among themselves called ethnicity (a.k.a. language). Arab is an ethnicity associated with Islam, while Jew is an ethnicity associated with Judaism, not to forget Greek is a Christian ethnic group.

Changing ethnicity is not impossible, you just need to deprogram yourself from your former ethnicity and act your new ethnicity. An ex-Arab from Egypt (who was originally a Copt) acts like a Chinese :-)

Anyway, note also Abu Abdullah's complete identification with Muslims as "my people," despite his so obvious Englishness.

Muslims are an ethnic group, just like Jews. Changing ethnicity is not unusual as ethnicity is not the same as race. There are many Black immigrants from Africa who after embracing Christianity proclaim themselves ethnically English and pride their Englishness. English is after all a Christian language.

His Islam has entirely effaced his ties to his family, his country, and his heritage.

God made humans into 4 races, White, Black, Brown and Yellow. However humans at the Tower of Babel created man-made divisions among themselves called ethnicity (a.k.a. language). Arab is an ethnicity associated with Islam, while Jew is an ethnicity associated with Judaism, not to forget Greek is a Christian ethnic group.

Changing ethnicity is not impossible, you just need to deprogram yourself from your former ethnicity and act your new ethnicity. An ex-Arab from Egypt (who was originally a Copt) acts like a Chinese :-)

Kick his ass out of the country.

I saw the interview of abu abdullah. This guy is a damn lunatic, a barbarian. He justified the muslims attacks on 911 saying they had a right to defend themselves. Well question what did those people on the planes, in the twin towers do to the muslims that justify the murder of over 3,000 people in the twin towers do that warrented their death. Those people have done nothing to these muslims nothing at all.

How dare this ranting lunatic say that the people in the West deserved 911. He has been a convert what a few months? And he is calling them his people. He and all the others will burn in hell for what they have done, he and the other murdering lunatics can join mohammed in HELL! where he and others like him belong. They don't deserve to even breath the same air as we do. They don't deserve as far as I am concern to exist.. May he and others like him rot in enternal hell...