Iran fires long-range missile from submarine

August 1939 Alert from the Jerusalem Post, with thanks to Romy:

Iran successfully test-fired a submarine-launched long-range missile in the Persian Gulf, Iranian state television reported on Sunday.

The test was part of a continuing series of military exercises the Islamic Republic began earlier this month.

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Wow! The "long range" missle hit a target less than a mile away. Look out fishy's!

The land attack missile is new. Iran has had a submarine capability since the 1990s. I wouldn't be selling life insurance policies to the crew-members.

The craft will boost Iran's inventory of submarines patrolling Gulf waters that according to foreign military experts includes up to six Russian-built SSK or SSI Kilo class diesel submarines.
The defence ministry said the new submarine is called the Ghadir -- a religious holiday to mark the day Shiite Muslims believe the prophet Mohammad annointed Imam Ali as his successor.

Used to be a time --- before war cowards such as Bill Clinton and Dubya Bush --- that the United States Navy woulda had a Los Angeles class hunter there to be able to sink the Persian sub from beneath the surface.

Even our military has gone yellow. Yellow submarine. Thank you, General Abizaid. Allahu akhbar.

"The defence ministry said the new submarine is called the Ghadir -- a religious holiday to mark the day Shiite Muslims believe the prophet Mohammad annointed Imam Ali as his successor."

I'd like to see how it compares to the SSN's "Easter Egg" and "Christmas Tree", and the SSBN "Happy New Year!".

I think the real question is, can this new missile be launched from the Iranian Navy's fearsome flying combat lawn chairs?

Yes, this is a scary thing. An Iranian submarine. Can you imagine a small leak? All those iranians running around in a panic screaming:

halahalahalahala!!! God is great!

I can't wait for the time when we actually get to go to town on these dumbasses. They wouldn't last 10 minutes in a theatre of battle - with Finland.

Where do the muslims strap on the women and children on those subs? Surely , they wouldn't try to go into a battle without their human shields.

We might just get to see how well the iranian submariners perform against the crews of those new nuclear-capable German subs the Israelis just purchased.


Tooooo Funny ! ! !

Maybe they can get away with mounting a swingset on deck?

I'm STILL not convinced we haven't Ohio class (SSBN) subs in the Eastern Med and Persian Gulf. And I'll bet that 1000 yds off the Irainian sub'd stern there was a LA class (SSN) sub shadowing it's every move! heh,heh,heh! (BTW, the Ruskies were only able to track (in glimpses) one SSBN, for 4 minutes, in 30 years of trying! And that was in the Baltic sea!)


I totally agree! A US Attack Submarine is almost certainly shadowing this piece of junk throughout the Persian Gulf. And probably not more than 1000 yards off it's stern. If the Iranian sub so much as opens a torpedo hatch, it'll be sent to the bottom and never heard from again.


With any luck it will disappear and sleep with the fishes !!

In this photo, Madhat is climbing into his sub.
Madhat climbs into his shiny new sub

In this photo, he is saying, "Hey look, Abdullah, we actually have a submarine. God is great!"
God is great!

In this photo, you see it's not much of a sub.
Play time is over

And in this photo, you can see the might of the Iranian Navy. Notice Mr. Fattie Mohammad standing on the sub with his chest out, keeping a look out for any intruders. Good job, Fattie!
God's Navy!

What happend to the Romanian oil-rig and the crew they attacked a few days ago? Not a word, anywhere...

What happend to the Romanian oil-rig and the crew they attacked a few days ago? Not a word, anywhere...

i know,i been lookin ever sence it happined.

funny pics,August22.....looks like that whole sub would fit into one of ours torpedo tubes

only americans has right to keep missiles because of their basic principle on which they are based

americans killed red-indians and occupied america

so they will go this way, no matter they succeed or not

america is suffering from fever by birth

Hey! Lay off poor Mujahid!
He just got off his shift running in the big hamster wheel that powers their new sub and is a little light-headed.

Deep breaths, Muj.

August 22...Great pics! That's not a sub's a dingy!

Mujahid is suffering from Islam.

August22, it's a BABY sub! Awww, itsuchiwiddlecutiepiebeebe! goochigoochigoo!!

Careful freewoman, it might spit up onna them high-speed, underwater bottle rockets atcha.


LOOK! They created it in the 'image' of their Napoleaonic leader!

Looks like his BVD's might be soaked over it.

That sub reminds me of those midget sub's the Japanese had at the start of world war two.

Small and the first things sunk at the start of the fighting.

Oh lets see the U.S. has using subs in war since the American civil war and the Iranians since the 1990's gee I just wonder what would happen if things get hot?

Diesel subs will quickly dispatched by Los Angeles class attack subs. Diesel Subs can also be attacked easily by surface ships or aircraft. Diesel subs are easily tracked by listening devices which are place in the worlds oceans by the tens of thousands. No ship or diesel sub can move without being tracked. A diesel sub in todays waters is not much more than a floating casket. They would be wise to save their sailors and sell the subs for scrap. OH they might get a missile off, which would be immediately tracked. Israel has missile defense systems which could be utilized to neutralize the incoming missile (which I suspect would be fired from the MED. as it is closer which would required a much fast reaction time from the Israelies), BUt it the MED. there are numerous American and British ships and subs which could also shoot down missiles. Once a diesel sub fires a missile, the crew should be busy praying their last prayer to Allah as the end is near. They will be sunk.

Todays killer subs could identify and follow diesel subs from great distances; they could be very close to the diesel sub and the diesel sub would never know it. Todays Los Angeles class attack subs are phenomenal and highly classified. They are deadly and silent and virtually undetectable. AND they are in place.

Iranian subs may impress the camel jockeys but the real world yawns.

The crew members of the Iranian diesel subs should leave a snip of their hair with their mothers before going into action.