Iran 'fires on Romanian oil rig'

An odd story from AP, with thanks to Ana. Is Iran looking for a little practice in firing upon and occupying enemy ships? Is the Thug-In-Chief Ahmadinejad planning to throw us all a curve today and declare war on...Romania?

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) -- A Romanian oil rig off the coast of Iran came under fire from an Iranian warship and was later occupied by Iranian troops, a company spokesman said.

The Iranians first fired into the air and then fired at the Orizont rig, said GSP spokesman Radu Petrescu. Half an hour later, troops from the ship boarded and occupied the rig and the company lost contact with the 26 crew members shortly afterward.

Petrescu said he had no information about any injuries or deaths. The Orizont rig has been moored near the Kish island in the Persian Gulf since October 2005, he told the Associated Press.

Eugen Chira, the political consul at the Romanian Embassy in Tehran confirmed the incident, but provided few details.

"Some forces opened fire. That an incident has happened is true. We have no details or the reason yet," he said.

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Tankers will be next
Fill up your cars!


Sirens have been sounding in Tel Aviv for the last 10 mins according to our office there.
They have begun evacuating the building.

I just dont look at Mahmoud as a bluffer...I hope I am wrong....but his pride will not allow the world to think he is weak.....something will go down.

Aside from the commandeering of oil supplies, an oil rig can probably be transformed into a interesting kind of weapon.

Could this rig have been targetted because the short president of Iran, isn't scared of reprisals from Romanians?

The only thing the Romanians have that can hit anything is their soccer team. The Iranians have much to fear from Romania.

Of course, we note that Romania is one of the many countries that has refused to fight terrorism or commit support to those who do fight.

Islam is non discriminatory, they attack everyone.

The sooner the world fights back, the sooner the killing stops. People will die, it is better the enemy dies than you.

"Of course, we note that Romania is one of the many countries that has refused to fight terrorism or commit support to those who do fight."

Hmmm. I wonder if perhaps Romania was perhaps assisting us in a way...allowing this rig to be used for intelligence gathering?

"Of course, we note that Romania is one of the many countries that has refused to fight terrorism or commit support to those who do fight."

That's not true, Romania has troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and is committed to the war on terror.

"Of course, we note that Romania is one of the many countries that has refused to fight terrorism or commit support to those who do fight."

That's not true, Romania has troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and is committed to the war on terror.

Romania is very much involved in the war on terror. On many levels and on many fronts. Without a doubt our most trustworthy friend in the Balkans.

Selling them short is a big mistake.

Cred ca facut tu o greseala mare.

You are correct. thanks for bringing that out. I apologize. thanks again.

More news.

Anyone seen this? A bomb scare today on flight between China and Australia.

When Iran gets the bomb it will be open season on Kafiris. Like some kind of caged turkey shoot we'll all be running around blaming eachother waiting for the next attack.

damn, I wanted the world to end. This is what we get instead? A piece of paper? I maxed out my credit cards and told my boss to go fuck off. Dinner Jacket has a lot of explaining to do. When I get my hands on him...


Related to the Jihadist conversation the otherday.
That whole thing started when I saw some Europeans bashing Americans over some "Bushisms" they had seen. So I started letting them have it with both barrels when this Arab joins in. The funny thing is all the Europeans went away when he chimed in. To chicken shit to face reality I suppose. They think we are all a bunch of dumb hicks.

Can't find it but I just heard from someone with satellite tv that India are trying to aprehend a couple of armed men that have gained access to a nuclear power plant?

MOSCOW — A Russian passenger jet with 170 people aboard crashed in Ukraine on Tuesday after sending an SOS message, emergency officials said.

The Tupolev Tu-154 plane, en route from the Russian Black Sea resort of Anapa to St. Petersburg, disappeared from radar screens while flying over Ukraine, Emergency Situations Ministry spokeswoman Yulia Stadnikova said. Minutes later, the ministry said wreckage from the plane was found on the ground.

The Interfax news agency, citing the ministry, said 30 bodies had been found.

RIA-Novosti news agency reported that the wreckage was found near the Ukrainian city of Donetsk. It said rescuers were working at the site.

The plane belongs to Pulkovo airlines, which is based in St. Petersburg, Stadnikova said. She said there were 160 passengers and 10 crew members aboard.


August 22nd Tally:

1. Romanian oil rig
2. Russian passenger plane
3. ?

Surat, Aug 22: Two armed men were spotted in the vicinity of the Kakrapar Nuclear Power Station complex near Surat on Tuesday, triggering a massive search of the area by security forces.

Villagers living near the station reported to authorities they had seen the two men in the area, following which local police and CISF troops guarding the atomic facility launched a search.

"No specific information about terrorists getting inside the complex has come to us," Gujarat`s Home Minister Amit Shah said in Ahmedabad.

The security forces were conducting a search of the station, which has two 220 MW nuclear power plants, he said.

I just surfed on this site and I kind of like it but I have a few questions about this particular article. How come I never see none of this stuff on the news? Is this really happening or is this made up?


Kamil - If you open the link given in Roberts article, you will see this AP story is being covered by CNN, although it won't likely get as much coverage as it should.

Kamil - If you open the link given in Roberts article, you will see this AP story is being covered by CNN, although it won't likely get as much coverage as it should.

Mr. Spencer always provides his sources for ready verification. No, the articles are not made up.

"How come I never see none of this stuff on the news?"

Ah, the $64,000 question. It would take paragraphs to answer this.

I don't think the Russian airliner thing is related, but of course I don't know enough to be sure. However, I'm intrigued by Israel telling its citizens today to prepare bomb shelters in preparation for a possible confrontation with Iran.

Slightly off topic, but on, they have the story of the Russian plane crash. So far 30 bodies have been found. This is what one idiot had to say:

BBc says 30 bodies found. Doesn't say whether their(sic) dead or alive.

That is what I mean about that site, when I posted about the muslims that were taken off. Most there condemned the passengers as racists. But you can see the quality of the mentality! LOL

Anyone finding it weird that news has seemed to freeze since Iran handed over their response?

Now it's all about JonBenet. Seems strange

Of course Israel is on to something if they are preparing bomb shelters.

damn, I wanted the world to end. This is what we get instead? A piece of paper? I maxed out my credit cards and told my boss to go fuck off. Dinner Jacket has a lot of explaining to do. When I get my hands on him...

Posted by: August22

Ha ha - that's the funniest thing I've read in a long time. It brings me back to the days when Norseman used to comment. Whatever happened to that ray of sunshine on my cloudy daze?

August 22 - the day isn't over yet... and I'm traveling around with my riot gun in the car... call me alarmist... but I used to be a boy scout and the motto was: Be Prepared. I feel a little driving around with an 8 shot 12 gauge, but you never know.

The Goobs,

As Michael Sabage put it "parading the perv." has proved to be just the destraction the plebs needed. Wouldn't want to upset anyone or hurt any feelings by reporting some real news.

Off this topic:

U.S.-bound weapons seized, report says
ROME -- Italian authorities seized a container full of weapons including Kalashnikov assault rifles and plastic explosives bound for the United States from Saudi Arabia in May, press reports said yesterday.
Il Mattino newspaper said the "arsenal" was discovered during a search of a ship registered to an unidentified ex-Soviet republic which was traveling from Saudi Arabia to the U.S. East Coast.
Customs officials in the port of Gioia Tauro in the southern Calabria region discovered more than 70 AK-47 assault rifles, plastics used in explosives and launch pads for rockets in the container, the daily said.
The Ansa news agency later reported that "the shipment was permitted, but certain papers were missing from the accompanying documents."
And who might the designated recipient of this shipment be?

I feel a little ridiculous, that is.

Slightly OT, but probably interesting.

It's nearly evening in Iran and I think that the prophets of doom have lost another occasion to shut up: ESPECIALLY because, as Spencer wrote yesterday, WE ALREADY ARE in a situation in which something serious IS going to happen anyway.

I feel OK: is this Paradise ?

/this is a hint to a famous writing by the Japanese Scholar D.T. Suzuki (BTW, the only Japanese jailed IN JAPAN for being against war during WW II)

Wow, and it isn't even far off september 1 193... uurh 2006.

POITIERS-LEPANTO - agreed, we are in a situation where something must happen.

17:20 False rocket warning sounds in Safed (Itim)

Another one?


Laura Ingraham is pulling no punches with her guest from CAIR and his unwillingness for us Americans to use the word "Islamofascism" since it will make the moslems unhappy.

Perhaps some calls to her show from some knowledgeable persons would show the man's bs for what it is:



Yep, far too many Europeans shoot their mouths off when it comes to the USA but don't let that blind you to the fact that you have many friends over here, too - and not just those who post and read this site, either.



You're right. The smartest political move Romanians have made after the revolution was the re-alignment with what they call the "London-Washington" axis, away from the traditional Paris-Bonn one. Truly historic.
Sad thing is that America- and Israel-bashing among the populace is as lively as it is in Western Europe. It's a mixture of envy and the inferiority complex of a small nation that has always had to play the games of the big leaguers surrounding it.

Dear American in Germany,
I agree with Dominic there are many Brits that would support America, and you, and who wouldn't support a lioness like yourself, who roars out her contempt for Islam without fear or favour, and would defend her cubs with her life. I gather from you posting that you have a couple children at least, how lucky they are to have such a Mum. I live just over the border from you and would willingly stand by you, old as I am. There are many like myself, Brits, who remember the last world war and realise that without America we would have lost it, however much out pride tells us otherwise. May I be allowed to make a regal Elizabethan bow, complete with feathered cap had and flourish.

This is piracy and terrorism on a small state. Let's explore this issue further, shall we? Iran perceives itself as acting lawfully under Islam (see below) and wishes to exert its influence in the Persian Gulf. But why Romania? Romania is an infidel land, it has not paid the lawfully demanded jizya or perhaps not enough was paid last time), it has assisted (and is assisting) the US (with numerous troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, and perhaps soon, Lebanon and Sudan) and thus attacking such a pariah state is clearly "defensive” according to the mullahs. Romania is also a staunch ally of Washington’s. Romania (or perhaps Poland) will also host, if it is not already doing so, one or more anti-missile shields being built by Washington and designed to protect Europe from Iran. In that sense, Romania is far more important to Iran than one might think.

Romania also increasingly represents Western decadence (as it is Westernizing at a blistering rate) to Iranians. It is 3 months away from joining the EU, the little shaitan. This is a disturbing trend to Iran as Romania represents the plenary triumph of the West (culturally, economically and militarily) in the Balkan region. Moreover, Romania is a perfect target in that it is not able to defend its vessel (no nation really is in the Persian gulf), but more importantly, it is a nation that Iran knows has little ability to retaliate non-military against all great and powerful Iran (with its Shia "right" and "might").

The main Romanian opposition party (the former “reformed” socialists/communists) is demanding that the current government solve the “row” with Iran diplomatically.

This is a time to help nations like Romania militarily with far greater defensive capabilities. This help can be covert, but it must come. Romania and its neighbors Bulgaria and Greece have special significance. They represent the outermost borders of the West.

The dislike for Romania’s past during WWII must now be forgotten and forgiven as we face new enemies. This includes references to Romania’s alliances during WWII, and its treatment of some of its Jewry. Romania is now a supporter of Israel. For those that cannot forgive, I ask that you move on now. Times have changed. Consider that it is an honor to know Hebrew in Romania now.

The US and its allies, France included, must begin to spend far more on military expenditures. Romania is already spending a lot on its military, but it must spend considerably more. Safeguards need to be in place for our weapons so that they do not end up sold on the open market. The Southern and Eastern flank of Europe must be defended from what will surely become an ever increasingly aggressive East. This little attack makes it clear.

Infidel. It seems you know a little Romanian, but you are clearly not a native Speaker. Might I ask where you learned it?



Wasn't Romania where Vlad the impaler lived ( Count Dracula) I have some vague recollection I am sure that there are readers that can enlighten me on this but I have a vague recollection that he receive a envoy from the Ottoman empire who was so arrogant that he wouldn't remove his turban. Vlad in his wisdom had the turban nailed to his head. Think what it must have been like without aspirins. Perhaps these hounds from hell want revenge, one never knows

Perhaps these hounds from hell want revenge, one never knows

Posted by: Holger Dansker

They want revenge for people taking revenge on allah's revenge. No wonder the muslims are seriously confused. And deluded. And are illogical.

According to several sites, Iran has been holding this rig hostage for several months, in violation of international law.

I have not been able to find anything more about the status of those 26 people, has anyone else here heard anything?

They are in custody. Romanians have demanded their release.

Some politicians are calling this an act of war inside of Romania, labeling (probably incorrectly although I don't know maritime law) the vessel as "Romanian territory." Word play aside, this is CLEARLY an act of war. Romania is threatening to sue for 75 million dollars in damages, damages it calculates in perhaps lost oil, opportunity cost as well as the value of the vessel.

In what court would Romania seek redress? How would a judgment be enforced? How would such a judgment by paid?

Rates of insurance will skyrocket (as will the cost of all goods) as insurers have to insure goods subject to piracy. I think Iran is returning us to the age of Moslem piracy. Imagine 10 years from now once they have nukes. These sorts of acts are only the beginning.

well, Vlad the Impaler was, indeed, a Romanian (Valach) ruler; he was the enemy of the ottomans/turks, and after the fall of Constantinople, he waged a war with them, defeating the invaders. that was in 1456.
Vlad is a different character from the fictional Dracula figure created by Bram Stocker...

anyway, yes, Romania stands with the infidels, and always stood after the fall of Communism.

Sounds like we could use Vlad about now!

If ONLY we had governments in the west that had elected leaders that had courage. Seems all the worlds elected leaders are CHICKENS.....what the hell are we paying them to do? Give our countries away?

If ONLY we had Winston Churchills, Abe Lincolns, George Washingtons...

The folks who post on this board have more common sense that all of the politicians in the West combined! Trouble is, they don't listen to the people anymore. They say what it takes to get elected and then do what the hell they please.

Romania was under pretty constant threat from the Ottoman Empire from the second half of the 14th century; sometimes beating them back, sometimes having to acknowledge their suzerainety and pay tribute.

Romania was at one time pretty much surrounded by nations that had fallen to Islam. The whole Balkan Peninsula became a Turkish-ruled territory, Constantinople was captured by Mohammed II (1453), Suleiman the Magnificent captured the city of Belgrade (1521), and the Hungarian kingdom disappeared following the battle of Mohacs (1526). Therefore, Wallachia and Moldavia (districts of Romania) were surrounded and they had to recognise for over three centuries the suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire.

Vlad the Impeller (Dracula of the Mediaeval legends, 1456-1462), was one of those who fought the Turks (yes, there is the famous story about him nailing Turkish envoy's turbans to their heads). I understand it is tempting to see him as a hero, and many in Romania do. He really was a very ugly character, though--impaling his political enemies, immolating the poor and crippled of his own district--there are other historical figures I would rather embrace.

I'm sure a lot of Muslims remember this resistance from Romania (when do they ever forget any slight, no matter how ancient?). Still, I don't think this recent hijacking has much to do with Romania pe se--I think Ahmadinejad is just trying to see how far he can push, how much he can get away with. If there was a big outcry I'm sure Iran would have backpedaled, calling the whole thing a misunderstanding. Unfortunately, there hasn't been much of an outcry over Iran's actions, and they are getting bolder.

Romania is a NATO member nation. What treaty obligations do other NATO members (say, oh, I dunno, the UNITED STATES!) have when there is an act of war against a member state?