Iran Racing To Resupply Hizballah

"Lebanese and Iraqi Shias resent, are contemptuous of, and will not take dictation from Iranians" Update: "Iran Is Racing To Resupply Hezbollah," from the New York Sun, with thanks to Arjun:

TEL AVIV, Israel — Iran is racing to resupply Hezbollah across the Syrian border ahead of a possible cease-fire being ironed out this week at the United Nations. Meanwhile, Israeli jets have begun a new bombardment of Beirut's suburbs and Hezbollah is threatening to launch a missile attack on Tel Aviv.

Israeli military and intelligence officials here say Iranian technicians were aboard a flight to Damascus on Monday with the Iranian foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki....

The Iranians this week began a double game in Lebanon best summed up by President Ahmadinejad's message to Muslim nations yesterday in Malaysia: "Although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate cease-fire must be implemented."

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Ahmedinejad is a barking dog and it's just an attention seeking way of expressing inferiority. The Mulsims cheer him vicariously; because they're brainwashed by their own religion which teaches them to be irrational and backward. Israel can defeat the entire middle east if it wants to. There would have probably been no middle east; but because there's oil; we have to be patient and careful dealing with fanatics.

Some interesting, related articles posted at and worth reading.

The extract immediately is from the last article in my little list.

Libyan Reformist Author in Essays Critical of Hizbullah

Published July 26/06 on Elaph by Dr. Muhammad Al-Huni:

The Dreams of Ahmadinejad, Hamas, and Nasrallah "Bring Nothing but Massacres and Unbalanced Wars"

"In southern Libya... there was a dervish by the name of 'Abdallah bin Mas'ud, who had disciples and students. One morning Sheikh bin Mas'ud gathered together his disciples and said to them: 'I dreamt that the infidels' weapons have "gone cold" - meaning they are no longer deadly - and thus I have decided that we will attack the French Army's fortress with cold arms.' Many of the dervishes who were his students went after him, armed with knives, scythes, and swords, and attacked the French fortress in Sabha, the capital of the south. The French destroyed them all, to the last man...

"The latest dream [of this kind] was that of the president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, who said in a speech that was broadcast on Iranian television in Mashad that Iran's joining the group of nations with nuclear technology derives from the Iranian nation's struggle, which is making a step forward towards the coming of the awaited mahdi (Al-Watan magazine, May 5, 2006). So Iran needs to manufacture a nuclear bomb before that time, in order to help the mahdi eliminate the infidels and the polytheists...

"[Ahmadinejad] found people who believe him in the Hamas movement, and especially Khaled Mash'al... The awaited mahdi is coming, so why then defile the struggle with negotiations with Israel or with recognition of it? It may be that Mr. Mash'al hasn't noticed that he [himself] will be among those doomed to perdition, since he isn't a Shi'ite.

"It appears that Hassan Nasrallah [also] believed this prophecy, since he says that there is nothing called Israel on the world map, that he does not recognize the international community, and that he attributes no importance to the U.N. The awaited mahdi is about to come. He will wipe out Israel and the Sunnis, the Christians, and the Druze of Lebanon, and he [i.e. Nasrallah] will be the Imam's viceroy in all of Greater Syria...

"These dreams and prophecies are madness, that bring nothing but massacres and unbalanced wars with foreign [forces]... If it were only these leaders who became possessed with this madness, then things would not be as bad as they are. But the majority of the public have been swept after them.

"The large public that supported Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait and believed that he would redistribute the Arab wealth to all of the Arabs was surprised at the reality on the day that Saddam was defeated, although they did not admit it. This is a public that believed, relying on the analysis of the Al-Jazeera channel's experts, that Saddam Hussein would deliver a humiliating defeat to the United States. When Baghdad fell, this public came up against the bitter reality, but to this day it has not owned up to the truth. It pins all its hopes on the defeat of Israel, and seriously believes that Mr. Nasrallah will defeat it...

"In a short time, the public will understand that they have seen another mirage - but then it will look for another leader to give them what they are missing... [another] fantasy..."

Hezbollah on the Ropes: by Steve Shippert of

Iranian Regime Tries to Deny Hizbullah Report of July 27 Meeting in Damascus Between Iranian Supreme National Council Secretary Larijani and Hizbullah Leader Nasrallah :


Libyan Reformist Author in Essays Critical of Hizbullah:

l heard a minister on Michael Savage last night go on about the last days, as said in the old Testament of the Bible. when l was younger l scoffed at the Bible, but the older l get, and read more, the more things are lining up for the total destruction of islam. These Iranians do no know realize their muhammud was nothing more than an illerate terrorist, and they are being used. Let them dream up their nightmares, as they can ignore the reality that Israel is here to stay.

Nto surprising that a sufferer from Weiss-Schwartz Syndrome would dreamily believe that the Shi'a of Hezbollah are merely local patriots, expressing their campanilismo (local patriotism, expressed in Italy by the local church tower with its local bells locally ringing, hence the word which, admittedly, is slightly awkward when applied to those who would destroy, or deliberately hide behind, every campanile in sight), and have nothing to do with those who largely fund (hundreds of millions of dollars), train (in Iran, and in situ, in the Bekaa Valley), and of course supply them with all those nice missiles, either directly, or through the Alawite regime that is so eager to prove its hyper-islamness lest those Alawites all one day be murdered, by real Muslims, in their beds.

Okay Israel, Condi says your fourteen days are up!

Rice Supports Cease-Fire in Lebanon

AP Condoleezza Rice's comments indicate a shift from President Bush's stated opposition to a cease-fire in Lebanon.

WASHINGTON (Aug. 4) --

Ahhh, blessed peace at last!

Israeli military and intelligence officials here say Iranian technicians were aboard a flight to Damascus on Monday with the Iranian foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki....
Time to do to Damascus Airport what was done to Beirut Airport - take it out!

" this stage an immediate cease-fire must be implemented."
Translation: "They are kicking the crap out of us! Put them in dar al-zuhl, the house of truce, make a treaty with them quickly as the koran says to do before they kill us all! If we do not get a truce soon there will be no one left to regroup, break the truce and attack them later!"

Israel is wiping out Hezbollah terrorists one at a time and the Muslim world is complaining about their darling fighters immenent demise. TOO BAD

Some reports the Hezabollah casualties at over 500 dead and 1500 wounded. Goes to show, they are not invincible.

Go Israel. keep up the good work.

Happy hudna (sarcasm).

It's like only PARTIALLY removing a bad tooth. Don't grant them hudna, they will use it to stab Israel in the back. Remove the problem for the sake of Lebanon and all free people.

Hopefully, the Lebanonese government will rethink allowing hezbollalah back in. They would be STUPID to have to go through this again.

The notion that one grants a "truce" to those who have already proclaimed that their ultimate and immutable aim is to destroy you at some later point not only sounds absurd. It is absurd.


Turkey bomb explosions injure 13

At least 13 people have been injured in two bomb explosions in southern Turkey, police have said.
The first blast occurred near a bank in the city of Adana. It was followed by a second explosion several minutes later at a nearby construction site.

Among the injured were bank employees, students and police officers. The blasts also damaged several police vehicles and shops.

No-one has admitted responsibility for the blasts.

Police are investigating whether the blasts were the result of remote-controlled bombs.

Turkey has been hit in the past by bomb attacks which police blamed on left-wing groups and Kurdish rebels.

I think we're all fed up with militant Islam, and hopefully we won't be duped into a ceasefire of convenience for Hezbollah's sake. The IDF is obviously getting the job done so let's keep it going until the enemy is crushed!

If the US and the Euroweenies forge an early ceasefire, it will only prolong the misery for everyone involved.

Now is the time to deliver a strong and bold blow to the forces of evil. If we don't soon stand up for our civilization we're giving consent for Islamists to continue their quest for world domination at our expense. It's time to stand up and finish this thing, not to empower the enemy with an "intermission".

We can at least pray that the cease-fire talk continues at the U.N. for another 2 weeks. There were raging Radicals at the U.N. from France, Spain and a few others of the E.U. demanding that a cease fire start on Tuesday of this week. Now I hear that we will see a resolution next Tuesday. Perhaps they can talk about that resolution until next Friday, or the following Tuesday. The U.N. has a daily hot-air quotient to fill, you know!

can the proposed peacekeeping force be allowed to shoot anything that moves. If not, then they have no power and Hezbollah will remain.

Iran wants a cease fire immediately. You are damn right they do because hezbolla is having their ass handed to them. These people never want a "king's X" unless they need to resupply or stop the nose bleed. As a fighter's manager would say "keep him on the ropes and take him out in this round."

Robert, and especially WaterDragon52 ...

"Second coming of the Messiah" is a remarkably durable concept that paradoxically allows its adherants to prognosticate their view of the day-and-time of the Madhi's return, and when it doesn't come to pass, also allows the same seers to scratch their head, make a trip up a high mountain, come back down with a peaceful smile and announce that the Madhi IS coming back, but that the people's lack of pure and universal faith is what thwarted his return, just past. All ye sinners repent! Ferret out the secret Judas among you! Ye shall not be in God's graces unless ye make thyself pure of heart and sure of purpose. Etc.


My bi-weeklly regular meeting of friends ventured into discussing the long-term prospects of the Middle East, and after all the torrid, intemperate opinions were duly aired, rasped down and merged ... only one "plan" remained viable.


No, not of Israel, but of the Hezbullah. The complications are rife, but the balance of Power is also at a conjunction which is almost astrologically ordained. In a nutshell: harrow the Hez; steadfastly scuttle supply, communication, money chains; periodically cease-fire ostensibly for 'humanitarian' exodus; goad the Hez at a low level to trigger their rockets; make no threats against Syria or Iran; wait for Arab/Muslim pride to eventually strike out; engage without prejudice, overwhelm with aerial firepower; target the infrastructure of Damascus; America blocades by air and sea Iran - but only a military-arms-power blockade; the Israelis push the Hez for surrender, France takes up the flag, runs with it ... specifically the surrender NOT of Lebanon, but only and crucially just the Hez; Lebanon enjoined behind the scenes to make a break with the Hez, casting their suffering on Syria's and Iran's proxy lintel; the Hez starves, is petrol-less, unsupplied, outgunned, overrun, pocketed, eliminated; Syria and Iran are furious, but gelded - and they know it; The Madhi doesn't show up at the Wishing Well; EU + US + Saudi Arabia and France (who else?!) push for Hez surrender (as a illegitimate destabilizing player), and promise honorable treatment in return; Syria stymied - no real power to match Israel's; Iran double-stymied, needs to keep oil flowing, dares not use The Bomb; Madhi fantasy continues, but begins to sputter; America offers diplomatic and cultural coalition to Syria in exchange for a lasting Peace; Lebanon is encouraged to be the 'peacekeeping' force all by herself, with great honor in South Lebanon; Israel leaves as quickly as Lebanon takes over, offers to help rebuild things necessarily destroyed; Hez-been-ullah is effectivly thwarted; Iran needs a new despot, and the people on Tehran's streets begin their slow revolt;

But there are a lot of things that could "go wobbly" as Margaret Thatcher had opined in years gone.

Iran may have unfertilized (core-less, but otherwise functional) nukes from the Norks, or maybe the Paks; they already have Nork missiles and are improving them; they are desparate to get plutonium, since that is the only viable path to small (read, "missile tipped") nukes; that plutonium could be sourced from Pakistan - we really cannot be sure how much they made; alternately, it could be sourced from often-cited, but surprisingly covert Russian black market bazaars.

Syria is but a tool. Assad isn't crazy - though he may be more serving TO the ancient warlords of Assyria than them to him. He is painfully aware that the Israelis can overfly and target whatever they wish in Syria, for all purposes without challenge. Not even a very sharp or particularly menacing tool for all that. Still smarting from having had the Golan pawn captured, Syria really wants to see a different outcome for its Hez proxy ... but will likely not be able to muster broad Arab (let alone effective Persian - always a conundrum) support for preemptive aggression.

So the Power in the region is in balance. Desperation must needs be the motivation for the Hezbullah's sudden infamy. The facade of civility and ecumenical largess is unmasked - the Hez in the eyes of the world is yet another banal Islamic terrorist organization, with emphasis on [organized]. More organized than most others, its days are numbered, as the Mahdi isn't likely to show up to collect his accumulated offerings of figs and set-aside welfare cheques.


I like the though.
Israel and America should demand openly that Hezabollah surrender. Tell them they have been lied to. Tell them they have no hope if they stay and no hope if they try to evade.
Tell Nasrallah how futile it is for his Hezbollah fighers to continue on.
Promise Nasrallah nothing, guarrantee nothing,and inform him Israel says NO.
Leaflets should be dropped demanding surrender,radio jamming should be ongoing, satellite signals should be disrupted,more roads and bridges destroyed making it difficult for resupply, loudspeakers should be employed demanding surrender, Israeli ground forces should be constantly moving-forcing the Hezbollah to run or stay and die.Keep the enemy moving.No rest. Artillery barrages should continue, bombs and rockets from aircraft should be continued, spy drones should be operational 24/7 noting all movement found.The Syrian border deserves special attention as resupply efforts are being attempted by the terrorist supporters.Infared satellite imagery should be utilized, photo recon from high altitude aircraft utilized. Anthing found moving is fair game.Maybe another daring raid behind enemy lines could be done--these are really demoralizing to the enemy.Capture the leaders is a coup worthy of great PR.
Let Nasarallah know -- He is a loser.

GOTTA SEE THIS - Outstanding photo gallery

War for Enduring Freedom 8/3/06 - Aita al-Shaab, Lebanon,
Kfar Kila, Maroun al-Ras, Avivim, Chebaa Farms, Kiryat Shmona, Nabatiyeh, Beirut, Qana,
Beirut, Tyre, Bekaa, Damascus, Tehran, Jakarta, Seattle


Check out the mural of Condi Rice (about halfway down) beneath the headline BEHIND ENEMY LINES:

"In Qana and in Beirut and elsewhere around the country Hizb'allah terrorists produced a two story banner in minutes after their own bombs brought down a house in Qana...The glossy banner, which must have taken days to prepare, produce and transport, falsely blamed US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, was entitled "The massacre of children in Qana 2".

This is PROOF that Qana was planned by ... Hizb'allah ahead of time."

HEY NASRALLAH, do your homework!

With frighteningly appropriate echoes of Dr. Strangelove , the Navy boasts in the most recent issue of its Undersea Warfare magazine: "The TRIDENTs carry a MIRVed missile in each of their 24 missile tubes. MIRV is the acronym for Multiple, Independently targeted, Re-entry Vehicle, meaning that after reaching the target vicinity the missile's warhead splits apart into as many as ten smaller nuclear bombs aimed at ten different targets with computer-controlled accuracy. How this works - and the precise number of reentry vehicles in each warhead - is secret, but the tremendous fact is that a single broadside from such a submarine - all 24 missiles fired at the same time - can destroy any nation on the face of the earth


here is a helpful hint. we have more than one sub in range of you.

Hugh's last comment is, as usual, spot on, and I'm always amazed almost no one else notes that it is obviously "absurd," as Hugh insists, to agree to a truce with those forever sworn and committed to your destruction and annihilation.

Lost on the part of most westerners, this absurdity is so lost partly because of Baghdad Bob Syndrome--in other words, the Islamists talk so much fantastic trash that it is perceived as just more idle rhetoric when they call for the obliteration of Israel.

As for the main parties calling for a cessation of hostilities, now we're simply talking taqiyya dissimulation, because you can be certain none of them would be calling for a truce if Hezbollah and its masters were winning and had the slightest chance to achieve their goal--repeated ad nauseum--of wiping the democratic and free nation of Israel from the face of the earth.

Yes, Goat Guy, I realize that like other milenialist movements, when the Mahdi fails to make his return engagement, they fold their tents and offer up some lame explanation as to why they miscalculated.

The big difference between most other milenialist movements, is that this one runs the government of a very large country with lots of oil wealth and uses it to foment terror all over the globe.

A Message to Ahmadinejad: A cease-fire isn't on anyone's agenda.


a Message to Ahmadinejad: Can you read my lips pththththththth.
Your pleas for mercy and ceasefire fall on deaf ears . Quit begging.
Put up or shut up. Your days are numbered. You will fail, just like you have failed all your misrable life. Don't ya just hate it.

most of the conservative radio talk show hosts all have said no truce with Hezbollah, Hugh is not the only one saying it, unfortunately the UN,EU, and muslim and their appologists are crying for a truce.
Peace only achieved through military victory.

Lebanon voted hezbulluh in power. Now they are paying the price for that choice.
Hosea 8:7 For if they sow the wind, they will reap the whirlwind....
Sic Semper Islamists.

Although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate cease-fire must be implemented.

we are getting ourt asses kicked, we must have a cease fire now so we can rebuild and resupply then destroy Israel.

Israel destroy all of those attacking and threatening you and the middle east will be more peaceful for all that remain.