Iran threatens life of man for apostasy

Islamic Tolerance Alert from Iran Focus: "Iran threatens life of young man for apostasy - report"

London, Aug. 11 – An Iranian man from the northern city of Rasht is facing prison and may be executed for converting from Islam to Christianity, a Christian news agency reported.
Seven years after Issa Motamedi Mojdehi converted to Christianity, he was jailed by the Ministry of Intelligence Security (MOIS), Iran’s notorious secret police, for apostasy but was officially charged with illegal drug trafficking, Compass Direct News reported.
The 31-year-old was arrested on July 24. A week later, he was transferred to Lakan Prison.
The report said that officials had told Motamedi Mojdehi that he would remain in jail and possibly face execution unless he renounced his Christian faith.
An officer identified only as Mr. Baghani warned him that it might take “several executions” before Iranians understand the consequences of apostasy under Islamic law, Compass said.
Authorities reportedly found out that Motamedi Mojdehi and his wife Parvah had converted to Christianity in January, when they chose a name from the Bible, Micah, for their newborn son.
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OK CAIR, where's your protest against this? Come on UN, let's see you stand up for the declaration of human rights. Or do you make an exception for countries where Islam is the government?

Ten million petitions, ten million letters to the editor, and ten million rants on JW/DW or all the other jihad resistance sites will not change what might happen to this man. If words had any effect, Islam might, just might, have about three hundred thousand followers.

I picked the wrong time to stop sniffing glue!

islam, the so called religion of peace and tolerance. Kofi must have something to say about this human rights violation? Is he still hob nobbing with the "ceasefire agreement group"? Here's his chance tofight injustice.

On the other hand, why isn't islam outlawed in the west?

Does anyone know if there is any substance to the drug-trafficking charge?

The officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran are only adhering to the stipulations of the Koran (33:21). So let us understand and not level any criticism at these poor misunderstood religiosos for this case. They are only doing what they believe to be right. Amen.

Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.
--- God's commandment to emulate Mohammed in Koran 33:21 (Yusufali)

But hey, isn't Islam 'the world's fastest growing religion'?! (as in, that's good right?). Yeah, like a metastasizing cancer.

As Daniel Pipes points out, the real fastest growing faith is the Christian faith and the global south is where the growth is the largest. Muslim countries no suprise here find that to scar them silly so it is not suprising that this Christian man's life is threatened.

Person leaves group of true believers. True believers kill person for leaving group. Cult.

This Islamic exercise has been totally ludicrous since its inception. An Islamic co-worker tried to convert me at work 4 years ago. He brought literature he wrote which claimed Jews had said Jesus was burning in hell in a variety of foul substances. It was a typical attempt to get Christians angry w/ Jews. The boss said there were no company policies in place to prevent this. WRONG. At the danger of being politically incorrect, I took it to Ethics & EEOC. Harassment of this sort might be acceptable in Iran; currently in the U.S. it is grounds for a lawsuit. While U.S. companies are bending over backwards to be P.C., they'd darned well better understand this.

This Islamic exercise has been totally ludicrous since its inception. An Islamic co-worker tried to convert me at work 4 years ago. He brought literature he wrote which claimed Jews had said Jesus was burning in hell in a variety of foul substances. It was a typical attempt to get Christians angry w/ Jews. The boss said there were no company policies in place to prevent this. WRONG. At the danger of being politically incorrect, I took it to Ethics & EEOC. Harassment of this sort might be acceptable in Iran; currently in the U.S. it is grounds for a lawsuit. While U.S. companies are bending over backwards to be P.C., they'd darned well better understand this.