Iran working with N. Korea on missiles

The Axis of Evil becomes more than just conceptual. "Iran working with N.Korea on missiles: Institute," from Reuters, with thanks to JE:

SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea has been working closely with Iran to develop its long-range ballistic missiles, possibly using Chinese technology, and is building large bases to prepare for their deployment, a South Korean state-run think tank said....

"The development of Taepodong-2 is conducted jointly with Iran, and it is possible China's technology is used in the development of the Taepodong-2 engine," said the IFANS report, which Reuters obtained on Thursday.

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Iran has the oil wealth but not the smarts to build missiles and nukes. North Koreans have high oriental IQ to build them for the hapless sons of Allah. If not actually build nukes for Iran then to help with the design and manufacture

Iran never had the intelligence for nukes –every last bit of it was stolen.

I keep hearing over and over again that Iran ‘has the right’ to pursue nuclear technology, yet it will never admit that every bit of their nuclear technology is stolen from surrounding shadowy regimes. Since when is theft okay? Oh …I forgot for a second the mindset of the people we’re talking about. Muhammad, after all, paid for his ‘religion’ by raiding caravans.

There’s a difference between a ‘right’ and a ‘privilege’ and privilege better describes the powers and responsibilities that must be shown in order to obtain the ‘right’ for nuclear capabilities.

Besides, why would Iran even want nuclear technology? It’s a dirty science discovered by the Jews, after all!

China would love to see the west hit with a nuclear missile. That is war by proxy. So they facilitate this technological proliferation in the radical world hoping that it is used against the west. China is the dark horse in all of this. Islam is just a pawn of the Chinese. The Chinese want islam to attack us, weaken us, so that they can come in and finish us off.

And just what is the Chinese involvement? Of course China is at arm's length from NK but like the now familiar saying "a state within a state" are there other relations further down the ladder which the Chinese leadership either knows nothing about or just doesn't ask?

Iran have nevered shared its oil wealth with its citizens, why would one expect them to suddenly be concerned about electricity. With all their oil wealth, everyone in Iran could have air conditioning. Instead they have dirt and crazed clerics.

Let them go for it. They will put an Iranian nuke on a North Korean rocket, it will get less than one mile above Tehran and blow up, just like North Korea's other missiles that they tested.
No doubt when it happens they will blame the USA and the Jews. If there is anyone left.

This is precisely what I have been saying. Iran was at the N Korean missile launch in early July. N Korea has nuclear material. Iran has missile technology (from China). Iran has been funding N Korea's nuclear program.

I have been saying elsewhere on this site that I would not at all be surprised if Iran attacks our regional bases in the middle east with 'something' at the same time that they attack Israel.........AT THE SAME TIME N Korea attacks our bases in Japan, Hawaii, S Korea and elsewhere in the Pacific. They MAY even try to get a missile to our mainland.

I think this might well be a simultaneous attack planned either before or near 22 August.

Now, I'm not a doomsday person normally, but how can you look at all the evidence (which the utterly stupid EU, UN, etc. seem not to see at all) and NOT expect something really bad to happen?

If the monkey is just talking rubbish, he will look like a complete fool. No. If there is one thing I know, Islamists have way too much pride. This moron has every intention to create a world crisis. Meanwhile, I watched Kissinger being interviewed last night and he actually thinks that once there is a ceasefire, we can put into place 'talks' for a palestinian state? WHY CAN'T EVEN OUR MOST INTELLIGENT GOVERNMENT THINKERS NOT SEE IT? You cannot negotiate with someone who is determined to murder you! They will NEVER change their minds! Talk is only a means of buing time for them. This has been very successful as of late. Now they have until 31 of August to give an answer. They said they would give the answer on 22 August. While the Western governments sit on their thumbs....the monkey has a plan to attack.

Folks, be ready.

the Hezbollah missiles came from Iran, Iran received these missiles from N.Korea. There was no attempt to conceal anything.
Something big is going to occur.
Stock up on water, supplies, and ammo. be prepared.
Of course, the dhimmicrats will try to negotiate, appease or surrender.

we are seeing a realignment of axes:

Iran-Syria-(Iraq, if we allow it)-White Russia-Venezuela-N.Korea (man, oh man, what a mix! But enough to cause trouble on every major continent)


USA-Israel-G. Britain-Australia-New Zealand-Japan-NATO (individual european nations are hard to list because their loyalties are difficult, frankly, to pin down)-Canada (probably more of an ally than we know)

on the sidelines, officially. Deep in the fray, unofficially, and relishing in our discomfort:

Russia-China-S. Arabia-Egypt-Turkey-Pakistan

Most likely to get pounded on the way:

The old axes of pre-WWII and of the cold war, you can forget. In an asymetrical war like this, the old models don't hold anymore.

bonncaruso - yeah and Chavez is in Africa making buddies there....

You are so right about how things are lining up. Not good. Can the US really count on Europe to stick with us? When I was living in the UK, all I heard was anti-American rhetoric from BBC, Sky News, Euro News, etc., and it WASN'T because of Iraq. I went over in 99 and it was already rife.

When a country was ONCE a major world power (i.e. Britain, France, Germany), it will always resent the fact that is is no longer that power/force. Although we saved Europe, they hate us for it....a deep resentment (pride) for ever needing our help.

Only the older generation remembers. The young folks are being stripped of their nationality by the EU and are being brainwashed by the media. All you hear are bad things about the US. They are being manipulated much like the arabs in the West Bank. The EU is anti-christ in spirit and very evil...but it is a part of the One World Order to come.

Surely it can't have escaped N Korea's notice that, as an officially atheist country, Muslims loathe them only slightly less than Jews. If the jews are first up for annihilation, atheists come a close second. Giving your mortal enemies the power to destroy you (as NK appears to be doing) is foolish.

The one thing I do not understand regading China, the more it helps NK, the more likely it will that that Japan and possibly Taiwan will go nuclear, something that I assume China does not want.

I also don't understand why they support Iran? Do they not understand jihad, at some point jihadist will set their sites on them....

Maybe they view any problem for the USA as a positive for them???

I wouldn't be surprized that the US has a SSBN (the third leg of our nuculear triad) sitting in the Persian Gulf and another off shore of N. Korea. We can give references too, of why they're there. We have the phone # of that Japanese guy with 3 p*nises and 5 b*lls, who is about 65 yo! Kooky-Kim and Abber-Jabber beware!

Let's see... Iran got missile and nuke technolgy from North Korea; NK got it from the Peoples Republic of China, and the PRC got it from... Bill Clinton!

If I saw Slick Willie packing his bags in haste and heading out of Harlem, I'd be leaving, too.

As for stocking up on food and fuel, don't forget to pray, and pray, and pray... and not to that bloodthirsty, psycho counterfeit god either... make it to the Real One.

World War III (IV?) coming soon to a theater near you.

This is an old article on what China may be thinking, but it is still applicable.

Yes the targeting coordinates have already been keyed in. They could be under the ice at the North Pole and still do the job. The Submariners will do their duty even if we are gone. That’s right, Kim, Ugo, Achminajafar, be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.


If the jews are first up for annihilation, atheists come a close second. Giving your mortal enemies the power to destroy you (as NK appears to be doing) is foolish. Posted by: aynrandgirl

Several months ago, N Korea had announced that it was engaged in a 'religious' war against the US. As Charles Krauthammer had then commented, a novelty for an officially athiest country.

I don't think it'll ever come to that, but if the Communist countries of the world (N Korea, Venezuela, Bolivia, China) could be put on a planet with all Islamic countries (with only their Muslim populations), it would be a fascinating situation to watch.


The Latin American part of that alliance is coming apart. In Peru, Comrade Chavez' handpicked candidate lost, in Mexico, Lopez is in an algoresque struggle for the presidency, and in Cuba, while it may be early days yet (like it was in N Korea at the death of Kim Ill Sung), it looks like it could be the beginning of the end. That only leaves the Simon Bolivarite countries - Venezuela and Bolivia - in the Marxist camp. In other words, that problem is containable.

Russia is doing what it can to keep oil prices high, since that's their only source of income. Imagine, if all the West and Infidel worlds chose to islamize, be friends and buy oil from everybody, including Iran, Russia would just hate it, particularly if oil dropped to $30/barrel as a result of the resulting glut in supply. Russis is in favor of the current unstable situation being permanent, and is ignoring the Islamic threat that exists south of them. In Kazakhstan, if Kazakhs outbreed Russians and become more Islamic, a la Malaysia, Russia will have a very real threat on its borders that it doesn't recognize.

Otherwise, nothing would be more fascinating to watch than a shooting war between the dar-ul-Islam and dar-ul-Communism. Imagine Chinese troops occupying all terretory from Gambia to Pakistan, and populating all these area with Han Chinese, just as they did in Tibet, and stamping out all practices of Islam.

I recollect reading an article; and a Chinese diplomat stated that the U.S should be more worried about L.A. instead of Teipei. This was in context to the U.S. supporting Taiwan indirectly.
Post cold war; the US has slacked off a bit too much. The Russians have the A-135 anti-ballistic system and the American GMD is still in it's nascent stages; correct me if i'm wrong.

Presently; China heavily relies on Russia and Israel for sophisticated equipment and Israel and Russia should stop supplying arms to China.
Pakistan is a big pain in the ass; their nuclear scientist apparently sold off nuclear secrets to Iran.It's a big chain you see. It starts of with plagiarist China (they even copy automobiles btw); the technology is handed over to Pakistan and North Korea,and finally Iran.
Pacifist Japan should start acting fast; they need to strengthen their army and abandon their pacifist constitution.
Israel is capable of thrashing the entire Arab world including Iran as of now.
Why is the US supplying F-16s to Pakistan? Why does the US call Pakistan it's ally when Osama is hiding somewhere in the tribal regions of Pak?

Something interesting on Wiki:
"Pakistan president is also wary that the fear of terrorists gaining control over Islamabad's nuclear arsenal could lead to an Israel-led pre-emptive strike against his country.

DennisW and Max:

I'm not sure of the provenance of North Korea's nuclear technology. Perhaps it was Chinese, but I think credit may actually be to the A.Q. Kahn network.

In the end, though, it was primarily Jewish nuclear physiscists who developed the first atomic bomb, many of whom were European exiles who fled the Nazis.

But even if the Iranians are Johnny-come-latelies to the nuke club and only with outside help, they have been very prolific at building more "conventional" WMDs and shipping them to their friends in Lebanon. Their great innovation is to pack the warheads with ball bearings and other small metal objects to ensure that if a victim manages to survive, they will live in greater agony.

bonncaruso: India has very recently emerged as a strong ally of the USA which you did not include list. India is as vulnerable to Islamic terror as anyone and has plenty to lose. It is sticking close to the western world as it values democracy and liberty.

The US government recently issued a statement for Americans to stock up on water and batteries...


pythagoras, yes, a link for this warning ?

a speech by Rep.Bartlett (last year) to the House of Congress about (also by the enemy known) facts of how to destroy the complete infrastructe of the US mainland with the use of a single nuclear device:

If we are going to prevent a nuclear holocaust in the United States, the time to act may be NOW, while Israel is taking offensive action in Lebanon. Personally I believe the Iran situation is much more critical to solve than is even the downside potential of a Civil War in Iraq.

I am not saying our military choice is either/or. But if it were, I would say commit the troops to defeating Iran, now. Iraq does not have nukes nor the means to deliver them to our shores. If we do not intervene in Iran, they could have BOTH very soon. And the will to use them...