Iraq: Children killed by bombs during soccer game

Sunni/Shi'ite Jihad Update. Watch for the international outcry against the deliberate targeting of children by Sunni mujahedin. But don't hold your breath. "Blasts hit Baghdad football game," from the BBC, with thanks to Nick:

At least 12 people, many of them children, have been killed in bomb attacks while they were playing football in west Baghdad, police say.

Two blasts hit a makeshift pitch on waste ground in a mainly Shia district. Fourteen other people were hurt.

Police say the bombs had been buried in the middle of the football pitch....

Police say those killed and injured in Wednesday's attack on the football game were aged between nine and 20.

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Can anyone please explain the strategy behind igniting a civil war among one's own people? What is the thinking here?

What I find so irritating is that the people blame the US. They cannot get it through their Muslim infected brains that it is their own people killing them. I will bet you will see no media outrage directed towards the Islamic terrorist offenders. Call the terrorists a terrorists. We need to improve our PR skills.

Sorry about the OT (well it applies somewhat):

"C'mon kids! Let's pile into the minivan and go to the park and play soccer -- allah be willing, we'll have a blast!"

Final Score

Mighty Islamic Warriors: 1
Kids: 0

Why not send the world cup squads from Iran and Saudi Arabia to play, and show them how it's done. If the insurgents still want to put bombs in there, it'll be up to Riyadh and Teheran to respond.

Is the MSM publishing the photos of these children killed by their very own religion of peace. They should, under "muslims killing muslim children"

it takes a real low life to kill a child claiming it is God's will. I think the Islamic terrorists just like to kill and see body parts fly. It must be their form of entertainment. Let us eradicate these slugs from existence.

I really think they DO enjoy killing, and it doesn't matter if it's an infidel, Jew, animal, other muslims or children. They do it with such joy.

Zeno, it's the Religion of Peace. There IS no strategy--it's all part of allahaha's plan.

On a similar topic, please compare the following two BBC headlines and subheadlines:

“Dozens killed in Lebanon air raid

More than 54 civilians, at least 34 of them children, have been killed in a town in south Lebanon in the deadliest Israeli strike of the conflict so far. ”

“Blasts hit Baghdad football game

At least 12 people, many of them children, have been killed in bomb attacks while they were playing football in west Baghdad, police say. ”

Honest question: is it just me, or do others also see discrepancies in the narrative of the basic fact that some people (including children!!! ahem)
have been killed?

A better lead-in:

“Blasts hit Baghdad football game - injury timeout to be lengthy"

Game cancelled, replacement players did not show up.

"Watch for the international outcry against the deliberate targeting of children by Sunni mujahedin."

There won't even be a MUSLIM OUTCRY, let alone an outcry from the broader international community. Which must mean that the broader inernational community is effectively taking its cues from Muslims. If Muslims were to create the sort of outcry they've made in response to Qaba for the daily massacres seen in Iraq, then presumably the western press would go along, just to judge from casual observation. The fact that the press does not choose to devote an entire's day's coverage to one of these bombings in Iraq but chooses to follow along with Hezbollah's cues in covering Qaba, means that the press is effectively no longer independent and able to think for itself. Muslims are essentially setting the agenda. How else to explain what went on on Sunday, with literally nonstop coverage of Qaba?

It's been said repeatedly, but obviously the press is at least passively colluding with the enemy. There are apparently all sorts of reasons for that, apparently, some accidental and some intentional. On the accidental side, there's the fact that tyrannical, despotic regimes do not permit free press coverage (including Hizballah, who is controlling press coverage in southern Lebanon, as we saw in the Nic Robertson CNN affair), while free societies DO permit such coverage which permits coverage of their "warts and all" . There is also the issue of western press folks (journalists and photographers) ideologically imagining themselves as "citizens of the world" rather than as "citizens of the west", which makes them "neutral" players, as it were (now add the first point to the second point and imagine the effect on coverage). There is also the matter of infiltration by the enemy into the press, as has clearly taken place at the BBC, for example.

Fodder, no doubt, for some college or graduate student's thesis, to explore this phenomenon in all its nauseating detail but the bottom line of the western press's moral relativism and laziness and greed is disgusting. They've sold the west out.

Where is the liberal biased media on these killings?
where are the body parts and assorted dead bodies shown on the tv clips for the news...oh geesh, its just muslims killing muslims, most likely if it is shown on tv news, might have Western people question the so called religion of peace, its Islam stupid!

Zena...You mean CNN?
Communist News Network

Lulu/Zena, Siciliano you guys and those like you are your own worst enemies, you toss out epithets, and demonize people whom you need as allies.

Let me do some demonizing myself, the most stupid people in the world are those who wound themselves, alienate allies and potential friends.. and that means that group of morons who befoul the what was once an honorable proclivity - conservatives.

Truth of the matter is that the Right Wing Conservative MSM, and the Christian Right have done more to lose the war for the survival of the west, by declaring a culture war and demonizing people who disagree with them as "liberals" and claiming (fallaciously) that liberals control the media.

Last I looked CNN was Conservative News Network, not Communist News Network and all network (cable) news was corporate owned and controlled (i.e. conservative).

I don't know any air headed leftie professors and college students that own and control any media, outside of some small distribution rags like Nation and Mother Jones.. all of the rest of the MSM are right wing republican conservative...period.

How long will it take until we realize that in Islam, women and children are viewed as chattel property, to be disposed of (like machine guns and rockets) as the Jihad sees fit? After all, they are easily replaced, and much less costly than what you have to buy from Tehran.