Iraq: Evidence shows increase in number of executions as homosexuals plead for asylum in Britain

Sharia Alert from Brave New Democratic Iraq: "Gays flee Iraq as Shia death squads find a new target: Evidence shows increase in number of executions as homosexuals plead for asylum in Britain," from The Observer, with thanks to JE:

Hardline Islamic insurgent groups in Iraq are targeting a new type of victim with the full protection of Iraqi law, The Observer can reveal. The country is seeing a sudden escalation of brutal attacks on what are being called the 'immorals' - homosexual men and children as young as 11 who have been forced into same-sex prostitution.

There is growing evidence that Shia militias have been killing men suspected of being gay and children who have been sold to criminal gangs to be sexually abused. The threat has led to a rapid increase in the numbers of Iraqi homosexuals now seeking asylum in the UK because it has become impossible for them to live safely in their own country.

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Will the British give these gays the same protection that they give Islamic terrorists, bombers and Jihadists?

My answer is no.

Asylum seekers from Zimbabwe have claimed to be homosexual to gain asylum in the UK when they are not homosexual. I suspect many of those claiming asylum from Iraq say they are homosexual when they are not. As asylum seekers in the UK they will not have to work, they will be housed, fed, clothed, get free health care etc. etc. most of them are simply economic migrants looking for an easier life at the UK taxpayers' expense, just like all the rest.

Holland also found a sharp rise of supposedly gay Iranian asylum seekers. They were granted asylum even though immigration officers had severe doubts of the veracity of the claims.

I guess they could prove.... Nah.

It wouldnt surprise me in the least, that once these "gay" muslims had been granted asylum, they will be supporting Hezb'Allah on the streets, and even join in gay bashing.

War is deceit - always.

I would be more concerned about people claiming to be gay in order to bypass or fast-track immigration rules so they can commit bombings or other acts of terror.

Perfumed Garden

O the joy of sodomy!
So now be sodomites, you Arabs.
Turn not away from it--
therein is wondrous pleasure.
Take some coy lad with kiss-curls
twisting on his temple
and ride as he stands like some gazelle
standing to her mate.
A lad whom all can see girt with sword
and belt not like your whore who has
to go veiled.
Make for smooth-faced boys and do your
very best to mount them, for women are
the mounts of the devils

--- Abu Newas, born about 760 AD. Abu, a Moslem, was loved by Caliphs Haroun al-Rashid, the fifth and most famous of the Abbasid Caliphs. Upon Haroun al-Rashid’s death, his son and successor Mohammed al-Amin chose to retain Abu at the Abbasid Islam court.

Sitting at the pinnacle of Islam, courtier Abu extolled the virtues of man-boy love (mudhakkarate), and is regarded by many Islamic scholars as the greatest of classical Arab literature, such as that might be. As a causal factor of why there is such a plethora of man-boy love in Dar al-Islam, Abu ranks just below Mohammed and Allah.

610 * 623 * 732* 1066* 1215 * 1504 * 1526 * 1683 * 1928 * 1938 * 1948 * 1996 * 2001

Round about them will serve, to them, boys (handsome) as pearls well-guarded.
--- God commanding man-boy love in Koran 52:24

Round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness.
--- God commanding man-boy love in Koran 56:17

And round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness: if thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered pearls.
--- God commanding man-boy love in Koran 76:19


Muslims in general not just arab muslims. The Turks were just as gay if not worse. Check out one example: The Koceks

Link below from wikipedia so do take that into account.


Great point and I concur. Many small US units working closely with Islamic units have encountered the same issue. At some point, an Arab Muslim will offer to trade their "bitch" for a weaker/feminine looking American male soldier. I talked to a Coptic Christian Egyptian officer while serving in Egypt. He told me virtually every platoon has a bitch. The other men were expected to "relieve" themselves on that guy, and that is perfectly acceptable. The guys doing it to the "bitch" were not considered Gay. Only they guy being raped.

In places like Kuwait and Saudi Arabia Arabs are open homos. Holding hands everywhere, kissing each other, etc. etc. Our translators always played the game and held hands/kissed. I would rather die.

The other aspect of Arab "manhood" is the "soft" talking Arab men. They all sound about as Gay as possible, unless spewing hatred about infidels and yelling "allahu akbar". Worthless, hypocritical homos.

This is just another example of how much better off Iraq was under secularist Ba'ath dictatorship of Saddam Hussein than under the Islamic "democracy" that Bush and Blair have imposed on them.

Saddam could care less about Islam and, although he would use Islamic rhetoric to appeal to the Muslim masses, he only trusted his fellow Tikriti tribesmen and the Christian technocrats who ran his government. Sure, he would kill any one who opposed his regime but he didn't mess with people's private lives.

Now all that has been swept away at a cost of billions of US dollars and thousands of young soldier's lives. Not to mention the virtual destruction of Iraq's Christian community. I used to condemn Saddam as just another bloodstained Arab dictator. Now I absolutely admire him and pray that more Saddams will arise in the Arab world to counter Islam with secular nationalism.

As mentioned in comments before, people need to remember that rape is not even considered rape in Muslim culture. How many young girls have been executed for "crimes against chastity", and murdered by family members to protect their "honour", when they have actually been raped? We all know how twisted a Muslim's sense of honour is. Muslims will continue to rape. Whether it's women or men. While that mentality exists they shouldn't be allowed into our countries. It's simple.

Now THAT might make the luvvie-left think again about their deadly embrace (lit.) with the Islamonazis.


"Now THAT might make the luvvie-left think again about their deadly embrace (lit.) with the Islamonazis."

I'm afraid not. According to the PC multiculturalist paradigm under which the Leftist (and all those non-Leftists whose minds have been infected by PC multiculturalism) labors to think, when non-white non-Western non-Christian Muslims murder homosexuals for the "crime" of their homosexuality, it is either equivalent to, or not as bad as, when white Western Christians merely say that homosexuality is a sin or is a "disease".

I.e., according to the PC multiculturalist paradigm, which dominates the West now, Muslims can literally get away with murder, and with the most barbaric anti-liberal behaviors imaginable. At best, they will be given a slap on the wrist, while anxiously making sure we surgically detach the pure and blameless Islam itself (that "great and noble religion of peace") from the wrist-slapping; at worst, the Muslim's barbarity will be blamed, somehow, on the evil West and its evil Jews.

And when white Western non-Muslims do something 1/1000th as bad (e.g., Jerry Falwell merely saying AIDS is God's punishment for homosexuality), they are raked over the coals around the world and the raking keeps the anti-Western heat (and hate) in general smoldering.

NOW we know why Michael Jackson decided to move to that part of the world.

September 19, 2005
Musharraf says rape easy way to Canada
Good thing Musharraf is so moderate. Imagine what he would say if he were an "extremist."

"Report: Musharraf says rape easy way to Canada," from Reuters, with thanks to all who sent this in:


Why Britain, why not Turkey or Egypt or Pakistan? Why do these persecuted muslims always want to flee to the West and when they get there, they join the muslim traitors who preceded them to protest foreign policy and join muslim seditionist groups to plot the overthrow of Western governments.

Yes, Iraq is now a bright beacon of freedom, equality, and democracy, and George Bush deserves the credit for this amazing transformation. We're all going to pay dearly for the miasma that has permeated the Republican Congress and the White House. Bush's policies have polluted the Republican party and when Americans are angry with the status quo, they reflexively vote it out of office. This is stupid, but it happens every time. Despite the miserable failures of the Republican Congress and the Republican president, a Democrat majority will be disastrous. Combine that with a Democrat president in two years, and God help us. The political scene in America is about to go from bad to as hideous as it can get, thanks largely to a president and Congress that refuse to listen to the people who elected them. I dread the November elections, but I have resigned myself to the inevitable.

The West does not have time to experiment with left-wing appeasement tactics, or the luxury of an extended trial and error strategy to deal with the global jihad. We need strong, intelligent, cognizant leaders right now who will jettison political correctness, acknowledge who our enemy is, and formulate a policy to eliminate the people who want to destroy us. The most obvious first step is to protect our borders and keep the enemy out of America! That should include a "comprehensive" restructuring of our immigration policy, not open borders. When the Democrats resume power, Bush's insane immigration and foreign policy will seem like the good old days. The future looks bleak indeed.

Moslems are crazy mixed-up people:

They're a folk of peace; they're the most violent ideology, cultural, and political group ever witnessed.

They exalt women; they treat them like dogs and pigs.

They chop off hands of theives; in the Sunnah they worship the many theft crimes committed by Mohammed and his Companions.

They detest homosexuality; go to any Dar al Islam country and there's enough man-boy love going on to make NAMBLA's prez blush in embarrassment.

They hate the West and all for which it stands; they move to Western nations at the drop of a hat, and eagerly accept all the handouts the Left will hand them.

From the Barnabus Fund

Approximate figures for the number of Christian refugees are as follows, beginning with those displaced by the conflict in Lebanon which began
on 12th July.

* Lebanese Christians who have fled to other parts of Lebanon - 50,000
* Lebanese Christians who have fled to Syria - 33,000
* Lebanese Christians who have fled to Jordan - 30,000

Total Lebanese Christian refugees - 113,000

In addition there were an estimated 80,000 – 100,000 Filipino, Sri Lankan and other “third country nationals” working in south Lebanon, many
of whom were Christians. It is believed that most have left. Some Filipinos are known to have reached Syria, but the whereabouts of the
majority is unknown.

In the last few weeks many Arab Israelis, including Christians, have
fled northern Israel to seek safety elsewhere. Hundreds have gone to the
West Bank e.g. Bethlehem and Jericho. Others have moved via Jordan to
Syria. According to an agreement made between Israel, the Palestinian
Authority and the Syrian government, up to 100,000 Palestinians will be
allowed to move to Syria. (According to some estimates, 10% of the 1.4
million Arabs who live in Israel are Christians, but it is expected
that those who move to Syria will include a higher percentage of

Large numbers of Iraqi Christians have fled their country since the
Gulf War (1990-91). The war which deposed Saddam Hussein in 2003 led to
another surge in Christians leaving, and the increasingly ferocious
anti-Christian rhetoric and violence since then have ensured that the flow
of Christians out of Iraq continues.

Total of Iraqi Christians who have moved to Syria since 2003 - 190,000
The vast majority of these have arrived in the last year and settled as
Aleppo area (mainly from Mosul) - 60,000
Damascus area (mainly from Baghdad) - 120,000

Iraqi Christians who have moved to Jordan since 1991 - 195,000. Of these 45,000 have arrived in 2006.

The number of Iraqi Christians still in Iraq may now be little more than 200,000. This compares with an estimated 1,500,000 before 1990.
Many of these 200,000 are themselves internally displaced, having fled to northern Iraq from Baghdad and other parts of the country.

Thus there must be between 550,000 and 750,000 displaced Christians in the Middle East at present.

Most Christians had expected that they would see some protection and consideration from US and UK forces. They were in for a shock, for PCness made them untouchables as far as the coalition authority was concerned.

They have now fled to Syria, that has allowed them to build churches . This is the country that is now considered the next target. Where will all these Christians now go? It is becoming increasingly difficult to know what is right.

"We need strong, intelligent, cognizant leaders right now who will jettison political correctness..."

In order for such leaders to come forward, they need at least some sense that there is a sociopolitical environment conducive to such leadership, rather than the sociopolitical environment that apparently exists now (with collusion among "elites" and commoners alike), where such leadership would be political suicide.


On 31 January 2006, al-Iraqiya Satellite Television broadcasted a film clip of an investigator questioning a terrorist who along with three other of his cohorts known as Jamal, Sabah, and Firas had kidnapped, raped and killed three Christian women specifically because of their religion. The first victim was Za'faraniyya, the second a teacher resident of Diyala, and the third was an employee at a clinic in al-Madaa'in (ancient Seleucia-Ctesiphon), The early centuries christian center in central and southern Mesopotamia.

On July 18, 2006, al-Iraqiya broadcasted interview with Dr. Mahmoud al-Mashhadanian about the subject of raping and killing of women by the Iraqi terrorist. After addressing the kidnapping of his own sister; 'Thayer al-Mashhadani' and her guards, the Speaker of the Iraqi National Assembly (Parliament) said: "Why kidnap this Muslim woman, instead of Tayseer; why not kidnap Margaret or Jwan?" The latter are Christian names, the implication being that the terrorists should have kidnapped, raped and killed Christian women instead of his sister.

Evidently the Speaker of the Iraqi National Assembly (Parliament) believes that christians are less human than the Muslims therefore he sees nothing wrong with kidnapping, raping and killing of their woman. While he is obviously mourning for his sister he does not think that the suffering of the Christians matter. If this is the mentality of a prominent Iraqi political leader, who is an educated Muslim, what can one expect from the uneducated and ignorant masses who harbor similar hatred towards non-Muslims.
All chapters in Quran begin with the statement; "Besme-Allah Rahman al-Raheem"; 'In the name of God who is kind and compassionate', however such compassion does not seem to be what Muslims practice, judging from what is going on in Iraq. If God is compassionate shouldn't those who worship him strive to be as he is? A kind God would be compassionate to all without exception.

Where will all these Christians now go? It is becoming increasingly difficult to know what is right.

That question has been, is, and will continue to be an urgent question asked from Iberia all the way across an immense arc extending well into the Philippines.

The migration zone will grow northward into Europe as EUrabia and Russia pursue demographic suicide. As the Moslems grow in number, so will the level of trouble and the need for refuge seeking and eventually permanent migration.

What’s unique about this situation is that for once it’s actually the Moslems who are running from their homes, and not black Africans or Buddhist Thai or Ossetian Christians.

610 * 623 * 732* 1066* 1215 * 1453 * 1492 * 1683 * 1928 * 1938 * 1948 * 1996 * 2001

I predict that sooner or later white folk will actually drop sufficient gonad to strike back against Moslem aggression. I know this seems fatastical, but you must admit that it is within the realm of possiblity.

Australia probably first, with NZ following, then maybe Germany, maybe even the UK, but Scotland at least. I see the Scandinavians, Italy, and France, and Canada surrendering without resistance.

Could be thirty years from now, could be a too-late half-assed losing effort, but some caucasians will actually rise up and fight.

The link given above to www.christiansofiraq has important information that one will find nowhere else, about the mistreatment and murder of the Assyrians under the Ottomans -- and more importantly, right now, at the hands of Kurds who must know that their only possible hope for independence lies in the support of the United States and whose forces should be moving heaven and earth to protect the Christians within the areas they control. Their behavior will determine whether or not they continue to receive such a good press in the United States. It is not much to ask -- to ask that they not murder, but protect, the Chaldo-Assyrians and other small groups -- in order to be protected from permanent submission to the Arabs, whether Sunni or Shi'a, it hardly matters.


Thanks for the two excellent posts above. This information is exactly what I was alluding to.

It is becoming clearer every day that as cruel as Saddam was, for Christians and other non-Muslims he was worthy of support. Of course many Christians had to leave before his overthrow but that was when Iraq was under an almost total UN embargo: No medicine, no food, nothing allowed in, except by a few brave enough to break the embargo such as Russia.

Iraq, just like Kosovo, is another case of the West betraying Christians to Islam.

Aren't you asking the Muslim Kurds to act against their own nature. When has any Islamic people ever done this?

The only solution is a completely soveriegn Assyria with full international guarantees. It might be in some kind of confederation with an independent Kurdistan (especially as regards the oil fields near Mosul) but its soveriegnty and autonomy must be secure.

You think Yossarian would give a flying f about Assyria?

The "1/1000th" that you refer to is anything but innocent. Gays were blamed for 9/11, not just for being "sinners" under the dogma of your imposed religions which I reject entirely.

Do not blame me for 9/11, as I am law abiding citizen. I protecting America (albeit in my own small way) and pay taxes. Shame on those who say such things.

The sentiment that I read I this page is hardly one of caring for the persecuted gays. The contrary is true; you all agree with the Islamists since you believe in the same deity. How nice. How "Christian" of you.

It was not long ago that Christians did to gays, what Moslems continue to do now.

Coals are warm they say, after having been set ablaze and left to smolder.

- a post above

remote_control asked "You think Yossarian would give a flying f about Assyria?"

I assume you are refering to the character in Joseph Heller's "Catch 22" who, despite his Armenian name, was described as an Assyrian. In "Closing Time" he is revealed to be an Armenian jokingly posing as an Assyrian.

If he had lived, it would be interesting to see what kind of satire Heller could find in the current Iraq situation.

Typos that are uncorrectable due to a lack of an edit feature:

I protecting...

I read I on this page.

Good post and points Kaffir non believer, Remote Control and his ilk are no different than the Islamo's.. no different at all. He is just as much a puke as is the Islamos' and interestingly the comments on this thread only validate the hypothesis that a Homophobe is a closeted gay.

To wit the comments about Homosexuality in Islam and the obvious effeminacy of Arabs (a fact I have seen for myself..Saudi enlisted men, courting and dancing coyly for Saudi officers), yet we have intense homophobia in Islam, and in the west we have the homophobia of Remote Control and his ilk in the Christian Right.. Which as I said validates the hypothesis that homophobes are closeted gays.

And there is a major difference between homophobia and Islamophobia. Islamophobia is rational, fear of poisonous creatures and sharks is rational, whereas homophobia is irrational..

Nariz you are so full of s@#$. When was the last time your "evil" Christian Right chopped the head of a gay man before Sunday prayers? When was the last time gays fled the evil Christian right in the West to flee to gay paradise of the ME?

So what if some religions agree that homosexuality is wrong. Many Hindu's et al also take a similar stand - that it is wrong. Difference is the Muslim kills to prove he is right.

In your world Nariz, that is of "Animal Farm" proportions we are all equal, only some (like you) are more equal (in your own head) than others.

"It was not long ago that Christians did to gays, what Moslems continue to do now."

So that makes us Christians the same as Muslims does it? Your logic astounds me! Gee should I now put all pagans (eg The Romans) who enguaged in homosexual acts and who put early Christians to death in the same basket to? Gee whiz there will be nobody left will there?

Today in Australia it is the Gays who are going out of their way to impinge on my way of life, to indoctrinate my kids into their "lifestyle" and if I stand in their way suddenly I'm "homophobic". If they can't win in an election they are happy to bypass my and the majorities democratic rights and use Gay activist judges in the courts (like Chirf Justice Kirby here in Oz). Or force their way into the education system using dubious “studies” to justify their position. And then people like you Nariz have the gall to bag George Bush?? Funny that. You gays/supporters trumpet democracy - but only when it suits you. Hypocrites!

Seriously you people who label!? The other day I watched a debate (Insight SBS – Australia) where a known Gay man got up and stated that Gays should not have the same family rights to kids as hetro's - and Gay people/supporters labelled him a "homophobe" - people just like you Kafir and Nariz label others here. What a joke! (I mean, homosexual sex cannot give rise to life, like hetro's can. Yet all things are equal??? Hey, we wouldn’t even be here arguing if it weren’t for hetro sex! But lets destroy the fabric of society – the hetro family!)

You are riding on the backs of Islamic immigration to further your own cause of gay 'rights' in the West - and hence you are very much a part of the problem of the West losing to Islam. Muslims were only imported by lefties like you, to further the cause of the leftist ideals in the West (watering down the Christian population/beliefs that once dominated the West – you know – at a time when the West had Muslims under control – unlike today) Christians and Muslims do not worship the same god - no more than a Hindu or Muslim worship the same god/s.

Maybe you two should pull your heads out of your ar#$ rather than thinking about putting your small head into one.

"It was not long ago that Christians did to gays, what Moslems continue to do now."

There is absolutely NO historical basis for that statement. While Christianity considers the ACT of homosexual intercourse to be sinful (not the orientation), homosexuals were rarely persecuted.

I've run across the accusatation that in the 12th century, homosexuals were persecuted, tortured, castrated, and burned to death on a regular basis in the Christian Church and Christian-controlled States in Europe. But there is no historical evidence for this. In fact the literature of the time is often humorous about the "effeminacy" of the troubadours and King Richard the Lionhearted (a true hero of Christendom) was an open homosexual.

The closest thing to persecution was that evidence of homosexual activity was, in a few instances, used as evidence of witchcraft, such as during the trial of the Templars. But this was by the secular authorities, not by the Church. The few cases of actually killing someone for being homosexual may have been by the Puritans but they certainly are not part of the main current of Christianity.

Opposing something as a sin and persecuting someone are two different things. Homosexuality is in the same category as adultery or fornication. However, I believe that most Christians, like myself, don't really worry about those sins to which we are not tempted and strongly oppose any persecution of those who are.

I am often amazed that gays in the West so seldom mention persecutions against homosexuals in the Muslim world. Often they will act as though those against gay marriage or adoption represent the greatest threats of homophobia, when gays are being threatened with death in so many parts of the world.

The situation is similar with some feminists, where relatively small incidents like the president of Harvard questioning women's interest in science become huge scandals, but the threatened stoning of women rape victims in Muslim countries is largely met with silence.