Iraqi Shi'ite protesters in Baghdad: "Mahdi Army and Hezbollah are one, let them confront us if they dare"

Tiny Minority of Extremists Alert from AP: "Iraqi Shiites chant 'Death to Israel'"

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Hundreds of thousands of Shiites chanting "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" marched through the streets of Baghdad's biggest Shiite district Friday in a massive show of support for Hezbollah in its battle against Israel.
The demonstration was the biggest in the Middle East in support of Hezbollah since Israel launched its attacks against the guerrillas in Lebanon on July 12. The protest was organized by radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, whose political movement built around the Mahdi Army militia has been modeled after Hezbollah.
Al-Sadr summoned followers from throughout the Shiite heartland of southern Iraq to converge on Baghdad for the rally but he himself did not attend.
Demonstrators, wearing white shrouds symbolizing willingness to die for Hezbollah, waved the guerrillas' yellow banner and chanted slogans in support of their leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, which has attained a cult status in the Arab world for its defiance of Israeli military power.
"Allah, Allah, give victory to Hassan Nasrallah," the crowd chanted.
"Mahdi Army and Hezbollah are one, let them confront us if they dare," the predominantly male crowd shouted, waving the flags of Hezbollah, Lebanon and Iraq. Many walked with umbrellas in the searing afternoon sun. Volunteers sprayed them with water.
"I am wearing the shroud and I am ready to meet martyrdom," said Mohammed Khalaf, 35, owner of a clothes shop in the southern city of Amarah.
Al-Sadr followers painted U.S. and Israeli flags on the main road leading to the rally site, and demonstrators stepped on them — a gesture of contempt in Iraq. Alongside the painted flags was written: "These are the terrorists."
Protesters set fire to American and Israeli flags, as well as effigies of President George W. Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, showing the men with Dracula teeth. "Saddam and Bush, Two Faces of One Coin" was scrawled on Bush's effigy.
Iraqi government television said the Defense Ministry had approved the demonstration, a sign of the public anger over Israel's offensive in Lebanon and of al-Sadr's stature as a major player in Iraqi politics.
"I consider my participation in this rally a religious duty. I am proud to join this crowd and I am ready to die for the sake of Lebanon," said Khazim al-Ibadi, 40, a government employee from Hillah.
Although the rally was about Hezbollah, it was also a show of strength by al-Sadr, and many worried that the presence of so many Shiite demonstrators — most of them from the Mahdi Army — would add to tensions in the city that has seen almost daily clashes between Shiite and Sunni extremists.
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From Egypt:
Judges in Egypt called upon the government to dissolve its peace agreement with Israel, on the grounds that it is inconceivable for Egypt to coexist peaceably with Israel while the IDF operates in Lebanon. The judges expressed support of popular resistance against Israeli advances, which, in their eyes, is the only way to protect the Arab ummah (greater nation).

From Saudi Arabia:
Abdul Aziz Al Qasem, Saudi writer and lawyer, said: “Religious obligation makes it inevitable for all to support the Islamic resistance led by the Hezbollah, regardless of the factional differences, because we are fighting an enemy that is destroying an Islamic Arab country.

Al Sharif said: ”We differ with the Shiites over basic principles in Islamic jurisprudence, but we should not blaspheme them, because they are Muslims. Which also makes it imperative for us to support them in their fight against the infidel enemy. We should delay our differences until these delicate circumstances are over.“

"I am wearing the shroud and I am ready to meet martyrdom"....from headline.

Sounds like he should be ready to meet with a pair of handcuffs and life behind bars.

Ok -- that sounds like a plan to commit murder to me. I don't get it -- where's the accountability, and why do these 'crazies' get to spout off their intentions to kill not only themselves, but others as well without any consequence.

Why do they continue to get away with this crap!

i am saddened to finally come to conclusion that Iraq will never be a shinning light of democracy in the ME. i held onto hope that they would somehow staighten themselves out and unify the country and destroy the terrorists there. i held onto this hope for the benefit of redeming the loss of my brother, a Marine, who gave his life in the first month of the liberation.

at this point, i suggest that our strategy is to pull out of Bahgdad and let that city burn itself down. our troops should remain in protected bases in Iraq because they will be needed against Iran very soon.

Does the US admin still feel it has a role to play in Iraq. it has done its job, got rid of Saddam. afterall, just the other day Jalal Talabani said that iraqi security services will undertake security for the entire coutnry by the end of the year. Well here is a suggestion to the brilliant state dept peeps...advise the president that the job in iraq is've won and bring the troops home. It will take about a week before the whole place goes to shit in a hand basket.

I for one do not have a problem with least the American tax payers won't have to worry about the hospitals and schools and electricity and sewage plants there money is being spent on building which will ultimately be destroyed by the shaheeds and the jihadis to prove the point of their dignity and honour(WHATEVER)...they will have good use as command and control centres for the peacful and loving islamic vomit that pretends to be human.

I have a splendid idea, start spending some big bucks on rebuild it from top to bottom and ensure that the syrian mafia and the fucking iranians dont get their hands on it! FOR GOD SAKES don't let the French get the lead in anything...they just love the umma!!! But imagine the genious of it...Egypt, Jordan, lebanon all at peace with israel. It will cost a fraction of what is being spent in external and internal debt of lebanon 40 billion plus 4-6 billion to rebuild entire country North to South...real schools for kids real hospitals and real social infrastructure for the lebanese. With all the debt out of the way the leb gov't can use its revenues on its people...sidelining the jihadi scum.

46 billion for a real democracy as opposed to 300+ billion for a bunch of unappreciative monkeys who only desire death to preserve their dignity with the added bonus of orgy sex in heaven.

Nuff said...


I too have a splendidid idea, don't waste any of my tax dollars building anything east of Suez. Let's concentrate on the good ol' U.S. Here is my platform. 1.) Control our borders, 2.) Remove all U.S. troops from Europe. 3.) Begin planning to remove U.S. troops from Korea. 4.) Use money saved to rebuild American infrastructure.5.)Reduce the stream of immigration to a trickle until immigrants already wandering around are assimilated.6.) Leave the U.N.

Isn't it amazing that if I ( a white male) were to say something like "No more muslim immigration to America", I would be branded a racist and be chastized by the community.

Yet, these muslims spew hate all day long and no one says a word. When will the world wake up? The muslims have used up their chances to play nice.

Go Israel! Please create as many martyrs as you can!

Also, stop all muslim immigration to the west!

Shunkleash (PBUY)

We don't mind doing it only after Lebanon is rid of its Mohammedans - Shia, Sunni, Druze. Only Maronites, Melkites and other Infidel groups should be around.


You have my long as you ain't one of them there dummicrats. :o)

Go Israel!
Go Israel!
Go Israel!

Please create as many martyrs as you can! Their 72 year old virgins are a waiting..

Also, stop all muslim immigration anywhere in the world.

Islamic Civilization? What an oxymoron! Since when barbarity is called civilization? Islam is an anti civilization cult par excellence. It destroyed every civilization that it touched. It brought misery, poverty, ignorance and war in every country that it invaded.

WildandCrzyGuy, I agree totally. But stopping immigration for one group of people would immediately be labeled as "racist" by the lefties. It's these concerned lefties who are also calling for a ceasefire. It seems like we need to do some work in our own backyards before we can do much elsewhere in the world.

Darn, another missed target opportunity.

viahj wrote,
i held onto this hope for the benefit of redeming the loss of my brother, a Marine, who gave his life in the first month of the liberation.

Your brave Brother, God rest his soul, joins a long list of American Patriots who have heeded the call of their Nation for 230 years. The particular conflict is not important, only the action of the individual. He makes me proud to be an American.

lefties and dhimmicrats also call the deaths of terrorists cruel treatment.

What is becoming increasingly obvious from the behaviour of these Shiites in Baghdad is that they deserved to live under Saddam Hussein and his Ba'athist regime. We have expended blood and treasure and this is what we've got in return. I wonder if Bush et al, if they could have had a glimpse of today back in 2002, would have gone for Iran instead of Iraq?

What is becoming increasingly obvious from the behaviour of these Shiites in Baghdad is that they deserved to live under Saddam Hussein and his Ba'athist regime. We have expended blood and treasure and this is what we've got in return. I wonder if Bush et al, if they could have had aglimpse of today back in 2002, would have gone for Iran instead of Iraq?

Never listen to anything a Muslim says. Just blow them up.

Israel: go get them apes!!!!!

I did my time in the box, I have friends there now and still have many military friends who will go back. We have done alot of good for the muslims in name only crowd, the only break they ever got was from us infidels. Was it worth the cost in lives and dollars? I don't think so, not anymore. I see only two types of muslims, practicing and name only muslims. I fear none of them but realize the name only crowd is only one verse away from full blown jihadi. Go to any nearby VA and you will see the best this planet has to offer, they have done more than should be possible and paid dearly for it. Even they could not save islam, modernize it, change it, or teach its followers death doesn't have to be its legacy, muslims will never change, bend, learn or adapt. I'd say turn your backs on the lot of them but you would just get jumped from behind. We need to face them square off and take them down to a point where we can control them. We keep snakes out of our homes and invite islam into our countries, madness.

"I held onto this hope for the benefit of redeeming the loss of my brother, a Marine, who gave his life in the first month of the liberation."
-- from a posting above

This is humanly understandable. One wishes to believe that a life was not sacrificed in vain. Those soldiers who died during the first month, or first few months, or even first year, of seizing control of Iraq so that it might be scoured and cleared of weaponry, were doing a job that was rational and necessary. And it will inevitably lead to a weakening of the camp of Islam. But it will inevitably lead to it, becaue the Sunnis will never accept their diminished role, will never allow the Shi'a to dictate to them, or to monopolize much of the oil wealth as the Sunni Arabs did for the past seventy years. What is maddening is the unnecessary loss of life that has occurred only because the Administration, and its inhibited or tame generals, who do not dare to question the policy of creating "Iraq the Model," Iraq-the-Light-Unto-the-Muslim Nations but have been asked to answer only the question that begs the real question, that is to tell Bush when "the iraqis can stand up" in sufficient numbers so "the Americans can stand down." In other words, the generals are asked not to question the policy, but simply to accept it, and relay only their thoughts on the supposed, never-to-be-achieved readiness, of those non-existent "Iraqi" soldiers and non-existent "Iraqi" police to "stand up so that we can stand down."

The obstinacy of this policy is helping to create morale problems in the army, and among those whose relatives have or are serving in the regular and in the citizen army. The standards for recruitment, physical, mental, and moral, have gone down, the age limit has risen. Everywhere there are signs of disarray, from the $21 billion now estimated will be needed to replace the equipment desert-degraded, or left behind, in Iraq, by National Guard units. And how many will now sign up, knowing that they will be asked to risk their lives to keep the likes of the Mahdi Army of Moqtada al-Sadr, whose favorite fighting force is Hezbollah, from the Sunni "insurgents" whose faovrite fighting force is, no doubt, the Sunni-officered army of Saddam Hussein, goosestepping their way to Kuwait, or gassing the Kurds or the Shi'a.

Who wants to prevent these two forces from being at each other's throats? Who thinks the phrase "Generals warn of possible descent by Iraq into dangerous civil war" accurately reflects how they would wish that prediction to be phrased?

It is one thing when the appeasers -- scowcrofts and odoms. or assorted chomskys and deans -- oppose the Administration. That they can handle. For that they possess a mental construct. But the criticisms made hereat Jihad Watch, that they have failed, even by slight indirection or obliquity, to prop[erly identify the enemy, and in so doing, have created a messianic goal for Iraq that is not merely unattainable, but will, in the nearly flat learning-curve of this obstinate and possibly embarrassed administration, squander resources, and may even guarantee a political victory, this year and in 2008, of the forces of appeasement. This is apparently something the Administration does not understand it must factor in. Nor does it apparently have a way to gracefully leave Iraq, putting the blame not on itself, but rather, laconically alluding (see the speech already written for Bush, by googling "Something like this, by Labor Day") to the need for assorted lions in Iraq to lie down with assorted lambs. It is is we, the Infidels, who will always be the lambs to their Muslim lions, we who mean to do good and yet will never be rewarded with unfeigned and long-lasting gratitude.

Viahj - I'm sorry to learn of your brother's death, and thankful for his service to our nation. If it is any comfort, think of this- on 9/11 jihadis initiated our military response by atacking us on our own ground. Your brother was killed in action fighting jihadis on theirs. My problem is not with the war which was thrust upon us, but that we have chosen to fight it by worrying about the security and comfort of our enemies. Our mission should be tracking them down, destroying them, then returing home. This process might have to be repeated every ten or fifteen years. We should not be concerned with their plumbing or their electrical grid except as possible targets. We did not begin to reconstruct Germany or Japan until after hostilities had ceased.

we do not have to confront them, but we can make the skys rain death in a most efficient way. The only ones to die will be them.

I'm a softie, I guess, but I'm a believer. Kurdistan. Why not a country? They seem to like us a great deal, with many with genuine appreciation, hate the Shia's and the non-Kudish Sunnis, and seem to want to live normal lives in their own land. Plus, it would piss off the Shias, Saudis, Turks and everyother specie in between. I love the commercial . . . the other Iraq. Bush should go there, instead of the freaking green zone. Time for America to throw up the 'jump ball' and allow nature to take it's course, if troops are needed for bases, station them in Kurdistan, promote good relations with them. I'm getting sick and tired to be aiding countries who hate us.

"Hundreds of thousands of Shiites chanting "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" marched through the streets of Baghdad's biggest Shiite district Friday in a massive show of support for Hezbollah in its battle against Israel."

Go ahead, mouse, roar against the slumbering lion. But when you learn that he has deadly, viscious teeth and ruthless claws, don't whine about collateral damage or expect any sympathy when you parade your fallen children before the news cameras.

"Mahdi army and Hezballah are one let them confront us if they dare"

Aren't they paying attention...THEY ARE CONFRONTING YOU IDIOTS.

Bout' time to get in the game U.S.

How long did the U.S. sit back and watch what was happening in Europe through the 1930's before we experienced Pearl Harbor. How long would the U.S. have sat out and watched the fight had we not been attacked?

Our troops are in Iraqi and I can guarentee that Syria and Iran will get these guys in Iraq to start attacking U.S. forces like we have not seen. They will do this to try and apply more pressure and win the media war.

Let the military take the gloves off, it is time to rock and roll.

Come on George W. get off the sidelines, diplomacy and cutting checks to Middle East countries is not going to win this war.

And this time when we take a country make it a U.S. territory, as is allowed under International Law of declarations of war. Keep their resources, plant U.S. bases there and get on with life. Otherwards we will be dealing with the same goverment that we put into office in 3 to 5 years. Can we say DeGualle?

If we are going to be accused of Imperialism, then lets be Imperialists.


shukran gazilan,

you are absolutely correct.

This discussion board is addictive. I have learned a great deal, thank you all. One thing is bothering me that I have not seen discussed. Why are the Egyptian Copts and Syrian Christians cheering for Nasrallah and Hizballah?

biorabbi asks: "I'm a softie, I guess, but I'm a believer. Kurdistan. Why not a country? They seem to like us a great deal"

Because the U.S. already promised Turkey, our NATO ally, that we would not support a free Kurdistan. I remember that negotiation prior to the start of the Iraq War. Turkey does not want a free Kurdish state on their border (guess why). So we shafted one of the few Muslim peoples that might actually be pro-Western, to get Turkish support for an invasion of Iraq (which in the end, they never gave us anyway).

Good question, William1215 -

Maybe they aren't really Christians? Just because someone says that they're a Christian, doesn't mean that they are.

Jesus said the only way to heaven is to "do" the will of the Father, and cheering for the destruction of Israel is CLEARLY going against God's will.

William 1215
IMO, the Copts and the Christians of Syria, Lebanon, etc. have learned (even internalized)the Mooslim characteristic of double-speak and double-think. They are reduced to pretending to be on the side of the Moohamedans to avoid getting their arse kicked, churches bombed, daughters "converted," and so on. Secretly they hope Israel kicks the tar out of Hizbulla and then the Lebanese can have their country back.
BUT I believe there are also Christians in Arab lands who have embraced arabism. They no longer learn that their glorious Syrian Christian culture was nearly wiped out by the desert-folk who came charging in with the filth of Islam. Many of them, after a thousand years of lying with the dogs, have picked up the fleas of abasing women, lying, feuds, etc. I believe that among the Copts it is different. They have never learned to assimilate amongst these blood-thirsty creeps.
A dear Lebanese American friend of mine (Catholic lady) likes to say "A hundred million Arabs can't even rattle ten million Jews." She is one of the few who knows what arabs brought to her parents' homeland.
As for Iraq -I have been immensely naive - perhaps like many other Amrikaans. I assumned that once Sodom Hussein crawled out of his burrow, that the Iraqis would unite, get their act together, and our lads would come marching home. I should've known better. You cannot get a single Iraqi (or other Arab) village together, much less the whole of Iraq. The only way they can manage to keep their FAMILIES together is to marry their cousins and sodomize their nieces, nephews & other kin. Only the histrionics of blood in the name of Allah-Moon can get them to forget their seething hatred for one another long enough to make an impact.
I say pack up and get out. I fear something BIg is happening and we have no idea!
I just hope and PRAY that when the moon-stone-lickers really try to sock it to Israel, the USA and its REAL allies will deal them all what they deserve. Wahhabi's, Ibn Saud, Shia, Sunna, Hamas, Hisbulla and all their ilk can enjoy the whores of their hell - or the grapes, or boys-like-pearls or whatever the Pervert Demon has promised them.

it seems a few of you are having a love feast with the Kurds, they are still muslims, and l have read they also have their little pc police to make sure people fall in line with islamic traditions.
l am losing more faith with humanity among muslims, will they ever see the light of democracy? l know of Lebanese Christians who really hates all muslims, but 2nd in line are Jews, most Arabs l think are all raised to hate Jews even the Christians among them.

....Read Matthew 7:21-23

Find below comments from another psuedo-secular leftie.

I notice that the Europe-leaning Democrats are trying to oust Lieberman. I guess after 70 years they're nostalgic for some more Juden Raus. The Democratic Party has decayed into a Euro-lobby. It's a shame that hardly anybody is noticing it.

The U.S. wasted a golden opportunity early in the Iraq War to eliminate al-Sadr and will now suffer the consequences - - civil war in that country. The failure of our leaders to recognize islam as the true enemy has caused the current turmoil. To believe that islam and Democracy can coexist is to deny the truth about this hateful, suppressive cult. Islam requires anyone who is not a muslim to submit or die. In other words, it is anti-democratic and denies individual freedom. Until the Judeo-Christian West recognizes and defeats islam, mankind will suffer.

"Why are the Egyptian Copts and Syrian Christians cheering for Nasrallah and Hizballah?"

These minority groups have no choice but to submit to their masters and support islamic tyranny. To do otherwise would mean death, so they tow the line like the subserviant hostages they are. †

I would rather face death than be pegged a hypocrite -- pretending to support Islam.

"Saddam and Bush, Two Faces of One Coin" was scrawled on Bush's effigy

If they believe that, why no report of a Saddam effigy alongside the Bush one? No doubt, Iraqis still fear Saddam, even while he's in prison. After all, Iraqis know that knife-wielding Saddam loyalists would kill anyone caught burning a Saddam effigy in a heartbeat. At the same time, Iraqis also know that the more militarily powerful, yet freedom-of-expression-loving Americans wouldn't do the same to anyone burning a Bush effigy. So between Bush and Saddam, who's the bigger instiller of terror?

Fear will always equal power and control in this part of the world.

The U.S. wasted a golden opportunity early in the Iraq War to eliminate al-Sadr and will now suffer the consequences - -

the failure is that they did not allow their military to act like they did during WW2, too much PC, accomodate the libs, UN, EU,

Why are the Egyptian Copts and Syrian Christians cheering for Nasrallah and Hizballah?

Posted by: William1215

Because I suspect that these so-called 'christian' sects are much like catholics, etc. who are into replacement theology.

I had the opportunity to ask a 'vicar' missionary from the Church of England who was based in Lebanon and was profession converts to christianity the following question.

"After these muslims convert, what is their stance on Israel....does it change?"

The answer was as I expected. NO. They continue to hate Israel. Many denominations/organizations that call themselves 'christian' claim that THEY are Israel and so the REAL Israel has no right to the land or any relevance. They CLAIM all the blessings but of course ignore all the curses.

They are hypocrites in the highest order and I expect this is why you see such nominal christians supporting Hezbollah.

I heard David Noakes say that the difining line between the TRUE Church and false churches will be their stance on Israel in these last days. I couldn't agree more.

Pardon my spelling errors. It's late and I'm fried. Should have read before posting. Geesh! I wrote like an illiterate islamist!

Israel has not shown its full force yet. Israel is waiting for Syria and Iran to take that next step so Israel can take the war to them.

Go Goobs -- I could not agree more! Go Israel!

Why are the Egyptian Copts and Syrian Christians cheering for Nasrallah and Hizballah?
Posted by: William1215
Because I suspect that these so-called 'christian' sects are much like catholics, etc. who are into replacement theology. - The Goobs

Goobs-- just for accuracy, check out #4 in the Catholic Church's Nostra Aetate.

You're painting with a pretty broad brush there; no need to write off entire groups containing many, many people willing and able to make common cause against the jihadists.

That's what they want. Divide and conquer.

"Death to Israel" and "Death to America"

Ah, death, that sweet sound of all those voiced raised in a loud chant for death. When I was young, we used say "peace and love" or "live and let live". But I date myself, this was the time of the hippy love flower power revolution. Where did it all go?

Today is it death and war, suicide and kill for world Jihad. Makes my Vietnam era seem pretty tame by contrast. Can you imagine the Jihadi sympathizers chanting instead "Peace peace!" or something like "Love love!" while they march by the thousands in their bombed ruined cities? No? Can't imagine it? Neither can I. There's the tragedy, our imagination had been ruined by all this chanting for "Death death!"

So what happened to my "live and let live" philosophy? It got squashed by the violence, the hatreds, the suicide Hizb-Shaitans marching and chanting "death!" Tragic by true. Not to seek revenge on them, but to stop them, shake them, and kill that hatred. Kill means kill the idea, the teachings that promote such hatred, and if not successful, kill those whose actions promote this hatred. Standing at a distance from all the political rhetoric, for clearer perspective, that Israel did this (which they didn't) or America did that (which they never did) while screaming out their hatreds, teaching hatreds to their young children, and so filled with hate that they cannot wait to don the white shroud of death... this must be killed. I would aim not only for their military installations, but put a bulls eye right on their teachers of hate, they who send off the gullible to seek martyrdom after Friday prayer. Kill the ayatollahs, make them 'martyrs' instead, and maybe this insanity of "Death death!" will stop.

"Tens of thousands rally in Baghdad to show support for Hezbollah"

This spectacle must have been quite a morale booster for our brave soldiers who are fighting and dying for nothing in Iraq. When I think of the lives of our brave warriors lost; the thousands maimed for life; the money squandered trying to buy the "hearts and minds" of savage zealots; and so many other disheartening and infuriating aspects of the Iraq conundrum, I feel like crying.

What more evidence do George Bush and Ms. Rice need to be convinced that they are dealing with people who are incapable of gratitude, people who do not want democracy, freedom, or a place in the modern world? We have invested a fortune to free these ingrates from the tyranny of Saddam and they have expressed their humble gratitude. They are loyal to Islam, Iran, Hisbollah and Hamas, from the president down to the average man on the street.

The new president of Iraq supports Hisbollah, and Bush and Rice mumble about the "growing pains of a fledgling democracy." Iraq is not a "fledgling democracy", it is a Sharia state with a constitution based on Islamic law. What were they thinking when they agreed to the creation of an abominable, archaic Sharia state full of fanatical Shi'ites? Saddam had a secular government, nasty as it was. He obviously knew something that was overlooked by everyone who had a hand in this miserable failure. My God, couldn't they glance over at Iran and get a clue?

Whether our forces are withdrawn tomorrow or ten years from now, the immediate aftermath will be the same. Why prolong the inevitable internecine bloodbath. Get our troops out of harms way and unleash the savage, bloodthirsty lunatics to do what they do best---kill each other, blow up schools and power plants, and turn their cities into bombed out war zones. They'll get tired of battle eventually, at which time they can solicit U.N. aid. To hell with these barbarians.

Indian police seize school textbooks carrying Prophet Mohammed portraits

Friday August 4, 09:56 PM
Police have seized and banned school textbooks carrying portraits of the Prophet Mohammed and arrested the publisher in India's northern Uttar Pradesh state, after Islamic clerics demanded the death penalty for him and the book's writer, an official said Friday.
Copies of the fifth-grade Hindi book were seized Thursday from the privately run Vivekananda School in Mahoba town, 300 kilometers (185 miles) southwest of Lucknow, the state capital, Home Secretary R.M. Srivastava told the Associated Press.
"The administration has banned and seized (the) book carrying the picture of Prophet Mohammed. The publisher of the book has been arrested," Srivastava said.
The offices and printing facilities of the publisher, Pravin Prakashan, have been sealed and the book banned, he said.
"Drawing the portrait of Prophet Mohammed is against the tenets of Islam," said Khalid Rashid, secretary of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board. "The writer and the publisher of the text book should be given the death penalty."
The state's Education Minister Kiran Pal Singh has ordered an inquiry into how the book was approved by a government panel that clears textbooks before circulation.
Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state, is home to some 22 million Muslims. The community is India's largest minority, numbering some 140 million in the Hindu-majority nation of more than 1 billion people.
The community held widespread protests earlier this year against Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed.

I remember seeing Saddam's statue being pulled down in the town square, I was sitting at the kitchen table working on paperwork, thinking that a positive new era in the middle east was dawning.

The Soldiers and Marines have not been lost in vain, their sacrifice has awakened me, and tens if not hundreds of millions of others to the true nature of the threat we are facing.

100 billion in inflation-adjusted dollars bought a functioning Europe with the Marshall Plan after World War II. $300 billion and counting in Iraq hasn't been able to keep fellow 'countrymen' from blowing each other up at the market.

I worked with a former Soldier who was a ground-pounder among the Kurds. His impression of the Kurds was very positive; there may have been complex reasons for their support, but they were supportive nonetheless.

The Democrats will use Al Sadr's support of Hezbollah as a political wedge and our forces will begin to leave soon. When we do we need to maintain deployable air and ground assets at a remote base in Kurdish lands.

When the fighting begins in our absence, our forward forces will be able to:
1. De-stabilize threats to our interests;
2. Keep the two warring sides evenly matched; and
3. Neutralize Iranian long-range missile systems by owning the airspace between them and us.

ZenaWarriorPrincess said "l am losing more faith with humanity among muslims, will they ever see the light of democracy?

Hello ! Muslim/Islamic countries will never be democratic, democracy is in total opposition to what the Qu'ran teaches.

And the bigger picture is we pull out of Iraq and Iran takes it over, more oil , more ground for Iran. You know Iran wants to be the big player in the ME...then of course the cry baby Saudi's and Kuwait and all the other threatened by Iran's moves will cry to the US for help when Iran moves on them. How would ya'll like a ME where Iran controls ALL the oil and has nukes ?

Oh the irony of this , these automatons for Allah would never have been allowed to protest like this under Saddam , as annoying as these thugs are it's all part of the same Democracy that lets pro-Hezbollah supporter march in the Streets of the USA.
As long as the two terrorist groups in Iraq
keep bombing each others Mosques the people in America should be glad because the survivors of this Civil war will be the non-violent Muslims
that also reject Shariah-Law.

Canada now has a pro-Hezbollah march in the major Cities with large Muslim population , while I really wonder how the Police can allow a banned terrorist Org. to promote murder against a fellow UN Democratic Memeber, this freedom to protest just exposes the Islamists and counters the rants by CAIR that Muslims are peaceful people and the Quran forbids violence.
I have yet to see one protest over the bombing of Mosques in Iraq, or the storing of weapons there along with waging war from them, this silence makes me believe that Mosques right here in Canada will have or do have weapons in them and the Imams won't condemn this practise.

It seems the majority of postings here are divorced from reality.

The United States has made enemies of the Shia in Iraq by: 1) betraying the Shia after calling them to raise up against Saddam after the first Gulf War; and 2) not sending enough troops to actual secure Iraq.

How many of you would run out kiss Judas after he got members of yoru family killed? If you are honesty and said you would always hate Judas then we have to ask why did our leaders think the Iraqis, particularly the Shia would every consider us their allies?

As the second issue, as commenters in Foreign Policy magazine predicted in 2003, Iraq will fall into chaos if there is no adequate security. Standing around waiting for the Iraqi security forces was simply fanciful thinking on the part of the administration.

It seems to me that those posters questioning the bona fide Christian identity of Maronites and Copts because they don't support the state of Israel fail to recognize that you dont have to be brainwashed to be against Israel. And the comments that ME Christians attack Israel because they are Muslims puppers over looks the facts that these same Christians fought long bloody wars against Muslsims.

Speaking of brave American soliders, and this great nation has had so many, from even before the day of its birth, here’s a poem written by such a hero. A Midwestern boy, in addition to being a poet, apparently he was fine guitar player and songwriter.

There’s a lotta death & dying coming our way, a whole lot, and the Moslems are bringing it to us.

Having an older brother who spent a lot of time on LRRP detail in the jungles of eastern Laos, I really appreciate this verse.

610 * 623 * 732* 1066* 1215 * 1453 * 1492 * 1683 * 1928 * 1938 * 1948 * 1996 * 2001


If you are able,
save them a place
inside of you
and save one backward glance
when you are leaving
for the places they can
no longer go.
Be not ashamed to say
you loved them,
though you may
or may not have always.
Take what they have left
and what they have taught you
with their dying
and keep it with your own.
And in that time
when men decide and feel safe
to call the war insane,
take one moment to embrace
those gentle heroes
you left behind

-- authored by Major Michael Davis O’Donnell
Pilot, 1st Aviation Brigade, 170th Assault Helicopter Company ("Bikinis"), U.S. Army

610 * 623 * 732* 1066* 1215 * 1453 * 1492 * 1683 * 1928 * 1938 * 1948 * 1996 * 2001

KIA in Laos in March 1970, when he flew his helicopter into heavy fire in an attempt to extract a long-range reconnaissance patrol (LRRP) awaiting extraction. An ARVN company was closing in on the LRRP patrol when his helicopter made the extraction attempt at LZ. O’Donnell was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal, the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart, as well as promoted to the rank of Major following his loss incident.

The United States has made enemies of the Shia...

Talk about divorced from reality. The Shiites made themselves enemies of the United States the day they first read the Koran, for the reason that America stands for freedom and justice, two things any good Moslem must hate, and certainly does.

Shinoliite - I paint the truth, wide brush or not.

I do not say that ALL Church of England or Catholic or other organization MEMBERS are against Israel or are into Replacement Theology. I DO stand by my words that the above mention 'organizations' adhere to Replacement Theology....look into it deeper.

In these 'organizations' there are true Believers and there are 'tares'.....those who call themselves christians but only 'appear' to be christians....."You'll know them by their fruit".

The CHURCH is NOT an organization. Organizations are man-made, designed to control its members.

The CHURCH is the body of Christ. Some of the CHURCH might be meeting in an 'organization', but that organization is NOT the Church.

If an organization adopts a Replacment Theology stance, its 'participants' should question if they want to be a part of that 'organization'. By participating in an 'organization' they might be considered guilty by association.

I know personally of a vicat in the Church of England organization that adheres to the Word of God AND supports Israel. This vicar is one of a minority in that organization that is NOT into replacement theology. He has stated publically that if the day comes when he is no longer free to preach the TRUTH, he will leave that organization.

As a part of the Body of Christ, I can say that those who are into replacement theology are deceived. The Lord Jesus KNOWS who are His, where ever they are.

The CHURCH is NOT a building OR organization.
CHRIST is the head of THE Church. The CHURCH are a royal priesthood according to Christ. HE is our high priest.

Jafar, you said:

"And the comments that ME Christians attack Israel because they are Muslims puppers over looks the facts that these same Christians fought long bloody wars against Muslsims".

I beg to differ. CHRISTIANS did not fight muslims. ORGANIZATIONS (man-made organizations that CALLED themselves the church/christians) fought Muslims.

These SAME organizations burnt CHRISTIANS at the stake because they would not bow to their man-made religion! These SAME organizations cut out the tongues of Jews that they forced to convert through torture, so that they could not speak again to confess that their converstion was made under duress. OR, they would simply kill to convert to guarantee they never changed their minds! Lovely huh?

CHRISTIANS are not an organization and the Church is not an organization OR a building. This is something many do not understand....having been force fed that 'the church' (i.e. their 'organization') was the means of salvation rather than Jesus Christ. Thus putting fear into individuals that they had to obey and be controlled by MEN who made the rules ....or be lost to hell.

The CHURCH, as I said above, is the Body of Believers in Jesus Christ. The Church is a royal priesthood that OBEYS Christ. No where in the Word of God, does Jesus tell the CHURCH to attack Muslims. The royal priesthood belongs to Christ and HE is the High Priest. GOD WILL ALWAYS HAVE A REMNANT CHURCH THAT WILL NOT BOW TO FALSE MAN-MADE 'RELIGION'.

The catholic organization and the mainline churches rejected replacement theology in the Nostra Aetate? Did they REALLY?

They did not "replace" replacement theology. Okay, so they stopped SHORT of clearly embracing the alternative view that the Jews are in fact "Israel." INSTEAD, they arrived at a more ‘ambiguous’ middle ground.

They more or less agreed that the Church is still "Israel," (this is STILL REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY....) that the Jews are still a community elected by God, and that the continuing validity of God's covenant with the Jews in light of their rejection of Jesus as the Messiah is a "paradox" and a "mystery."

Ambiguity in religion is no vice. For centuries, such ambiguity was a welcome relief for Jews who suffered at the hands of those who knew the "truth." Still, such an ambiguous view of the theological status of the Jews does not inspire concerted action on their behalf.

We do not see ANY large, grassroots movements in support of Israel among catholics or mainline protestants today. On the contrary, the catholic organization did not recognize Israel until 1993!

The only REAL grassroots movements concerning Israel we have seen among the mainline organizations have been recent efforts to divest from Israel! To the credit of most mainline organizations, such efforts have been largely rejected.


Please tell me which one of the 30000 + versions of Christianity outside the Catholic Church you officially approve of and lets get back to JW.

It has always been helpful for me to separate my religion from my political views.

I don't use caps but I hope you get my drift anyway.
p.s. If you care, we don't disagree on everything.

"And this time when we take a country make it a U.S. territory, as is allowed under International Law of declarations of war. Keep their resources, plant U.S. bases there and get on with life. Otherwards we will be dealing with the same goverment that we put into office in 3 to 5 years. Can we say DeGualle?"

This may be the only way. Once Iraq placed Islamic law into the country's constution, it was doomed for freedom.

Islam is the enemy, and should be the focus of all who are forced to confront it.

Israel has a chance to follow your suggestiom, a truly free from islam, Lebanon. I pray they consider this.

Pismopal Police!

Once again, you're policing the "Christians" on JW. For one thing, Goobs is not trying to convert anyone (which is breaking a ground rule); and secondly, his post is very much ON TOPIC -- as you stated that it wasn't.

For one thing, this IS a religious war, and to tip-toe around your anal opinions of Christians is a tiny bit MUCH. I for one appreciate what Goobs was pointing out about "replacement theology" because it is in fact, relevant.

Note the headline, Pismopal, it has the word "Protestant" in it. I guess the best solution (for you) is to stay away from any headline that hints at religion, because you are bound to find something you don't like. Killjoy.

Goobs -

Thanks for info on replacement theology. I happen to agree with you, and your point is well taken, because it plays a BIG part in why many so-called Christians support Hezbollah.

And don't let pismopal keep you from stating important facts concerning this war. I've seen him drive other posters off of JW because it appears that he hates Christians.


I'm not looking for your approval. I only capitalize the word CHURCH when referring to the BELIEVERS not a building or man-made organization. The head of the Church is Jesus Christ, not a pope or arch-bishop or pastor, etc.

Tell you which Christianity I approve of. The BIBLICAL model outlined in the NT. All otheres are man-made 'religions' and were designed to control it's 'members' via doctrines that were decided by someone's 'interpretation' of the scriptures...which, sadly, they got terribly wrong on many many occasions.

Replacement theology allowed the holocaust to happen and unfortunately is still allowing a hatred of Israel by not standing up FOR Israel.

Geesh! How many years were people kept blind from even reading the Bible? That was useful for keep them dependent on someone telling them how to think! There are so many that even believe that they have to go to a 'hireling' of an organization to have their sins forgiven! Truth is, we need only go to Jesus. We are a royal priesthood and HE is the high priest.

Note: The first assemblies were not 'organizations'and believe it or not, like-minded Believers have always and continue to exist today and will exist until Christ returns for His Bride.

So when you see so-called 'christians' rageing against Israel, you can bet that they are filled with hate rather than the Holy Spirit.

P.S. I'm a she not a he. :o)

Sorry Goobs! Everyone thinks that I'm a guy too, so I should really know better. Usernames can be very confusing at times.


Your claim that "organizations" do not represent true Christanity is precisely the argument that Muslim apologists make in their attempt to cover the true nature of classical Islamic theology regarding Jihad. I am not a scholar such as Mr. Spencer, but the fact that your argument parallels one he has so eloquently discredited forces me to pause and ask if your view points are equally blinded to the facts.

Those who condemn the Shia (and by extension all Muslims) for reading the Qur'an and say that by doing so they have taken the United States and democracy as enemies all I can say is you are ignorant and misguided. There is nothing in the Qur'an which mentions the US or democracy.

If you would point to the verses regarding infidels and so further, my only reply is read Mr. Spencer. He points out time and time again that the classical interpretations of these verses were used to justify wars of aggression and abuses against non-Muslims ot disapproved Muslim sects. The point to emphasis is that the basis for these actions were interpretations. The beauty of interpretations of a text is that the text can always be reinterpreted.

If you would just "kill 'em all, and let God sort them out" you will be in a very uncomfortable position attempting to justify your actions on the Day of Judgement

I happen to be a Catholic and a convert at that but there are many non Christian posters here who have much of value to contribute. I am not one of the posters with a lot to contribute and I am aware of that. What I tire of is Goobs constant slams against my brand of Christianity which has nothing to do with the theme of this site, in my opinion. I made no reference to replacement theology and don't know what is has to do with what I said. What I said stands...please state what sects of Christianity are valid according to your standards and get that sunni-shiitelike issue over with. On second thought, I don't care what your church preference is nor do I care about your objections to mine. If you are not fond of strident posts, try reading and perhaps modifying your own.
Thanks for the Holy Spirit certainly comes out of your pores. I don't need the last word so just post on about Pismo I said what I meant to say and that will do...for now.

So Mr President, tell me again why we should support SCIRI, Da'wa Party, and the Shi'ite theocracy of al Maliki, al Sistani, Al Hakim.

What difference is there between the Shi'ite Mehdi Army of Mogtade al Sadr, and that of Shi'ite SCIRI and Da'wa Party?

Answer: Zilch, zero, nada, nothing, none..Not even two sides of the same coin, merely an illusion ..both are Shi'ites, both have the same agenda and if any hostility or diference it is only an internal power struggle.. personalities, principals are the same, the same as Iran and Hizbollah

Pismopal -
I'm sorry if I offended you and for misunderstanding your position on what Goobs had said. It appeared to me that you were attacking Goobs because of her faith, but obviously I was wrong -- please forgive me.

You are still the nice person I knew you to be.
Bon nuit!

Pismopal, I meant to offense to you and am sorry if you feel that I have deliberatly been mean or that I do not show evidence of the Holy Spirit.

I was answering an earlier question of William1215 (see above) as to why so-called 'christians' are marching and supporting Hezbollah.

It is not your religion that I am slamming. It is organizations/denominations in general. I have mentioned several above. All those mentioned above and many many more have been guilty of replacement theology, which as I said allows so-called Believers to profess Christianity whilst hating the Jews. Christians who adhere to Biblical Christianity love and support Israel.

When we put our trust in Jesus, allow HIM to lead us and trust and obey HIS Word, then we live in a peaceful way and have love in our hearts for not only fellow Believers but also the lost.

When we put our faith in men (their doctrines and interpretations of the scriptures)....when they get it wrong, we go in the ditch with them.

So then, the idea that true Believers can hate Israel is not scripturally sound. If they are not discouraged to hate and are not encouraged to love even their enemies by the denominations they claim membership to, then how on earth can we say that those denominations are teaching true Christianity? Such denominations are by their very lack of speaking up, promoting in the Holocaust.
