"Islam will dominate thw world"

Today's Hate Mail Bag brings us this gem from a UK email address. Subject line: "I feel sorry for you people":

I hope allah forgives your wicked souls, in this temporary life attain what you wish, lie as much as you like, that is why allah is all mercyful, all forgivinf to his sincere servents, repent and he may forgive, commit to evil and you will receive your just rewards, although Islam will dominate thw world, because the Quran says, there will be suffering but we will always be here, even supporting your econmoy as it seems, ask your government, cough cough, and say what you like because you have hurt the rights of mankind, and rights of allah and you will be questioned, whether you live to 70 or 100 you will die, it is inevitable, so your answers await in your grave! YOU WILL THEN SEE WHETHER MUSLIMS WERE WRONG OR RIGHT! GOODLUCK!!!!!!!!


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islam is wrong,thats a no-brainer

Yeah I can see already that Islam is wrong. I dislike poor spelling too...

Is "Islam will dominate the world", why is it that the Christian faith is spreading faster and is dominating the global south?

These morons are obsessed with domination.
Are they suffering "small man" syndrome?
Do they know the words "peace", "harmony", "humanity"?

As you say Patriot - no brainer!

Why do Muslims find it so hard to write coherent English?

You cannot kill in the name of God. Regardless if you are a true Christian, Jew or Muslim...you will know that. Kill in the name of whatever you want, your country, your village, your cat...but you cannot kill in the name of God. Don't tell ME whom God wants killed.

-- FreeCyprus

Why do Muslims find it so hard to write coherent English?

Posted by: Jesus Christ Supercop at August 2, 2006 07:26 AM


Ever read any of the translations of the fanatics' thoughts on memri.org? Their spewings in their first language are rife with bald and ahistoric assertions that are passed off as facts, non-sequitors, and the most inane conspiracy theories. you name it. So how could you possibly say or write something coherent in a second language when you can't do the same in your first language?

Why do Muslims find it so hard to write coherent English?

Posted by: Jesus Christ Supercop at August 2, 2006 07:26 AM


Ever read any of the translations of the fanatics' thoughts on memri.org? Such spewings in their first language are generally rife with ahistoric bold assertions that they pass off as facts, magical thinking, non-sequitors, and the most inane conspiracy theories.

If you can't say or write something coherent in your first language, how could you do any better in a second or third language?

I like your answer: "Thanks."

Islam will never dominate the world, they may well lead to its destruction. Death and Destruction are Islam's claim to fame. It is true, we will all die. If I die , it is Gods will and not because of the will of some pervert called MO or Allah. I will die a free man. Islam can go pound sand up its ***, Lets all fight Islamic Terror.


Nobody, even I, despises war. But also at the same time, we are have to be realistic. Have you ever heard of the "just war theory", as taught by St. Augustine? I really think it is time to rediscover it.


Nobody, even I, despises war. But also at the same time, we are have to be realistic. Have you ever heard of the "just war theory", as taught by St. Augustine? I really think it is time to rediscover it.

He assumes that the world must be dominated. Can’t the world just be inhabited and enjoyed? Why all the need for hate, pain, and oppression?

Speaking of morons, let us refer to the expert:

Mohammed said, “It is a bad thing some of you say,'I have forgotten such-and-such verse of the Koran.' For truly, I have been caused by Allah to forget it. So you must keep on reciting the Koran because it escapes faster than a runaway camel.”
--- Bukhari V6.B61.N550

Runaway camels, that's what these mujahadin are. Good luck to those scrambling for their very survival down there in south Thai. In Ossetia and the Phillipines, too.


Obsession: What The War on Terror Is Really About



Hmmm...so he wants us ALL to become stupid morons like him.

No thanks.

"Islam will dominate thw world"
Wait, I'm confused. I thought it was the jooooooooos that were bent on world domination, and the "brave mujahideen" are just trying to save us all from being enslaved to the masonic jewish illuminati conspiracy? You could call it a struggle for liberation, and call the combatants "freedom fighters". Now this guy is openly telling us that they are not fighting for any type of freedom, but for world domination. Thanks for the heads up, fella!

This degenerate actually reminds me of someone. For anyone interested, go take a look at this idiots blog:


He professes to be British and proud of it which I find to be a laughable statement given the vehemence of his verbal attacks.

The sons of Ishmael are speaking with their guns.
So far, God has allowed this. Why?

This battle is over God's truth....period. It is a severe test for the whole world to see who "gets it", and who doesn't (islam). If islam is defeated, the world will continue. If they are not, God will likely have to put an end to His creation.

We can stand up for our beliefs now, or wait and stand up for them during the judgement.

What a line; "commit to evil and you will receive your just rewards."


Luck has little to do with my choice, but I'll bet you an eternity of separation that Allah is wrong and YaHWeH is right. As Mohammed said, "War is Deceit", you have likewise been deceived.

The foundation of your faith is full of holes and is built on bloodshed and lies. I'm building my future elsewhere, thanks.

I do not have any desire to go to the islamic "heaven"to be with your evil allah.
You will find that you have followed the wrong entity.

From my typekey profile:
Isaiah 5:20 says: Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Greetings to Robert spencer and contributors to this creative forum.

I would like to propose following explanations based on behaviour/response conditioning (remember Ivan Pavlov's dog experiment)

1) A group of people(believers) have been able to enjoy the fruits of other creative civilization without contributing for advancement.
2) Infidels are conditioned to expect certain behaviour and response from believers. Average human psyche sees something as abnormal only if there is deviation from the conditioned behaviour/response.

Let me explain (1). I will defer the (2) for later.
Persia, India, China, Indonesia and eastern europe were advanced civilizations of that era. Believers, just by employing savagery beyond belief!!!, had been able to conquer persia, India, Xinjiang, Indonesia .... Thus they reaped and plundered the wealth(including slaves, woment, children) of these civilization. To cherish the fruits of the civilization they didn't spend effort to cultivate a creative civilization of their own, but reaped the benefits of other civilizations.

If you look at it differently, believers found treasures and hit jackpots beyond belief!!!. All of this was possible by just following what was prescribed in holy text. By steadfastly sticking to what is prescribed in holy book, believers over the centuries have been able to enjoy fruits of other civilizations. Thus the civilization of the believers is conditioned to behave in ways that has brought them success over centuries.

The same story continues to this date in Europe, US, Australia, India, Israel .... "Freedom of speech" and "Minority rights" are guaranteed. Belivers are able to enjoy once again fruits of the civilization by just sticking to prescriptions in holy book(though not fully today).

This will continue as long as believers find success by sticking to prescription in holy book. If unbelivers can demonstrate to believers that this won't be tolerated any longer, then belivers may change their ways.

I will defer (2)for later.

What do you think about that???


First off, Allah is nothing more than a myth and Islam, modern Arabic mythology. Islam is a faith of fables based upon a non-existant "creator", authored by a feeble minded desert thug.

Stupid jihad robot - the joke is on you.

My apologies. Had to run a spell check.

Greetings to Robert Spencer and contributors to this creative forum.
I would like to propose following explanations based on behavior/response conditioning (remember Ivan Pavlov's dog experiment)
1) A group of people (believers) have been able to enjoy the fruits of other creative civilization without contributing for advancement.
2) Infidels are conditioned to expect certain behavior and response from believers. Average human psyche sees something as abnormal only if there is deviation from the conditioned behavior/response.
Let me explain (1). I will defer the (2) for later.
Persia, India, China, Indonesia and Eastern Europe were advanced civilizations of that era. Believers, just by employing savagery beyond belief!!!, had been able to conquer Persia, India, Xingjian, Indonesia .... Thus they reaped and plundered the wealth(including slaves, women, and children) of this civilization. To cherish the fruits of the civilization they didn't spend effort to cultivate a creative civilization of their own, but reaped the benefits of other civilizations.
If you look at it differently, believers found treasures and hit jackpots beyond belief!!!. All of this was possible by just following what was prescribed in holy text. By steadfastly sticking to what is prescribed in holy book, believers over the centuries have been able to enjoy fruits of other civilizations. Thus the civilization of the believers is conditioned to behave in ways that has brought them success over centuries.
The same story continues to this date in Europe, US, Australia, India, Israel .... "Freedom of speech" and "Minority rights" is guaranteed. Believers are able to enjoy once again fruits of the civilization by just sticking to prescriptions in holy book(though not fully today).
This will continue as long as believers find success by sticking to prescription in holy book. If unbelievers can demonstrate to believers that this won't be tolerated any longer, then believers may change their ways.
I will defer (2)for later.
What do you think about that???


The suspense is killing me -- where's # 2?

Ok - question Desi - what "prescriptions" in the "holy book" are you referring to? What are the exact prescriptions, and which holy book are you speaking of?

The misspelling and poor grammar and punctuation are amusing enough. Does Islam so fuddle a man's brain (somehow I feel this is a man, though some of the women seem bad enough) that he can't work out how to use a spellchecker?

But it is the confusion and inhorence of these missives that impresses more than anything.

... that is why allah is all mercyful, all forgivinf to his sincere servents, repent and he may forgive, commit to evil and you will receive your just rewards, although Islam will dominate thw world, because the Quran says

It's phrases that have gone in through the ears and are now falling out, almost of their own accord, through the fingers without their having having been reflected on in any substantial way in the meantime.

The current belief among Islamic scholars, and it seems pretty unanimous, is that God disposes as he will and to say otherwise is to limit him. But this clown, while shouting about his enthusiasm for Islam, wants to say that God will forgive people who "repent" - which is actually Christian doctrine:

"1": In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea,

"2": And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

I believe the Greek word signifies "a turning around". Of course, at the same time he says God "may" forgive - and here I suppose he reverts in his confusion to the rather more morbid Muslim viewpoint. He also throws in a notion of "just rewards". Now, this is certainly not Christian, because to the Christians salvation is not earned - it is a free gift. But I'm not sure this notion of "rewards and punishments" - even though, so far as I can tell, the average Muslim obsesses about it - wouldn't be a heretical notion from an Islamic point of view. For we already established that for orthodox Islam God disposes how he wills. The claim is that there will be rewards and punishments - laughably and unbelievably concrete ones - but they have nothing to do with what is "just" but with what Islam's capricious deity decides in his unfathomability.

The writer might be said to be offering reasons in the block I quote above - albeit the reasoning is confused and erratic and the premises doubtful, (and in critiquing them above I hardly began to scratch the surface). But in the last bit I quote he falls back on an argument from authority and says, "Islam will dominate [the] world, because the Quran says." I've got many,many books and I've read many many more in my lifetime. They say many things. So what? I'd recommend our correspondent to enlarge his reading background before offering opinions to others.

In particular, before making rash statements about the course of "history" one should read, and reflect on, Sir Karl Popper's The Poverty of Historicism. That would be a good start, and of far more value than reading the Koran.

It truly hurts to read this idiot’s ranting. Apparently Jews aren’t the only creatures who were created from pigs and apes because this guy hasn’t come down out of the tree and even managed to stand upright and drag his knuckles along the ground, yet.

Typical rantings from the peaceful and tolerant religion.

Why r u muslims so godamned OBSESSED about dominating the world??? Let someone else dominate for a change. You morons think u can win? We infidels RULE the world!!!! YOu cant win. Not in this life or the hereafter.

Unbelievers - Kafirs/infidels
Holy book/text - Quran/Sunnah/Hadith.


Oh no, I hope I am "forgivinf" by Allah before it's too late. I just have one question; What religion was Muhammad before he became a Muslim?


If by Islamic theory everyone is born Muslim, I think it's safe to say that he was born a Muslim, forgot Islam, and some 40 (?) years later, he made it up. The possibilities are fascinating and limitless.

I wonder whether Robert will touch upon that in his upcoming book?

Desi - You wrote a lot of words, but none of it made any sense. Try again.

Somebody must be turning up the heat across the pond for such a spiteful representation of the so called "Religion of Peace." As usual, projection in the form of accusing others of being liars and the violation of the "rights of mankind" is a direct reference to people not bowing down to Islamic domination in all its forms.

I follow these stories to be informed, but am truthfully unafraid folks. We already know the outcome in the New Testament/Revelations.


The email is quite entertaining; otherwise, there won't be these many of us in the discussion.

I don't think the guy who send it ever asked himself whether he would wake up in the next live finding himself at the wrong place.

Yeah, it's possible that Islam will dominate, especially seeing how Europe being infested with such pest. Whether the dominion be modern or primitive is another story.

Funny how these "chosen" people, be it Muslim or the End-Of-Days Evangelical nuts, sort of gloat over the fact that everyone else will suffer beyond all horrors during Judgement Day, and in the meantime do absolutely nothing to alleviate the suffering of others during their stay here.

I guess it doesn't hurt to do a hit-and-run hate mail along the way to remind everyone else of it.

Are you sure that isn't a troll? He capitalizes "Quran" but not "allah". Seems like a grave sin for a Muslim.

Not to mention that silly "(swt)" they always put after any mention of their little sock puppet.

The writer of this letter has about as much intelligence as one of the Kuran's infamous talking rocks and talking trees.

Anyway, we already know that there are no talking trees and no talking rocks and that the world is NOT flat and the Kuran has everything wrong (VERY, VERY, VERY WRONG!). But--Muslims don't know right from wrong anyway so it really doesn't make an iota of difference. All Muslims know is how to pick up a sword or bomb and kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!!! Which is all their object of adoration, Satan, ever intended for them to do anyway.

Pelayo -- thank God I'm not alone! I thought I was the only one who didn't "get" what Desi was trying to say with his mind-bender post.

I think Desi's thesis is perfectly understandable. He/She is saying something along the lines of: Islam spread by conquest and flourished by exploiting the advances and resources of those it conquered and subjugated. Islam takes from the pot, but puts very little back in return. This mode of behaviour was seen to be very successful and is thus being continued today. Western/Hindu/Buddhist freedoms, tolerance and technology are now being exploited by the Islamists in their quest for world domination.

I hope Desi is not deterred from making further posts.

Desi - You wrote a lot of words, but none of it made any sense. Try again.

Posted by: Pelayo at August 2, 2006 05:32 PM

I thought it made plenty of sense! Desi said, in so many words, that muslims have been pillaging and plundering the wealth of more advanced civilizations for about 1300 years and it has worked out so well for them, they plan to continue the program. And he's absolutely right!

Why bother to be a productive member of humanity when you can launch a holy war and seize the wealth of more civilized, advanced, intelligent people. Islam is a parasite that sucks the life blood out of everything it touches. After it reduces a modern, advanced society to desolation and ruin, it moves on to the next victim. Islam has created far too many barren wastelands populated by mindless zombies.

an Invitation to read and examine this text below
is it a holly book or a playboy Magazine????

Or is it a holly book or a manual of how to becmoe a terrorist????

SHIT!!! are you teaching your kids this shit!!
no wonder why all of you are fucked up!!

1- "Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, as a long hind and a graceful doe, let her breasts satisfy you at all times."
Proverbs 5:18-19

2-"Your stature is like a palm tree, and your breasts are like its clusters. I said, 'I will climb the palm tree. I will take hold of its fruit stalks.' Oh may your breasts be like clusters of the vine and the fragrance of your breath like apples."
Song of Solomon 7:7-8

3-"Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter; and they called to Lot and said to him, 'Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have intercourse with them.' But Lot went out to them at the doorway, and shut the door behind him, and said, 'Please, my brothers, do not act wickedly. Now behold, I have two daughters who have not had relations with a man; please let me bring them out to you, and do to them whatever you like...'"
Genesis 19:4-8

4-And I will set My jealousy against you, that they may deal with you in wrath. They will remove your nose and your ears; and your survivors will fall by the sword. They will take your sons and your daughters; and your survivors will be consumed by the fire."
Ezekiel 23:25

5- "And behold, one of those where were with Jesus reached and drew out his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest, and cut off his ear."
Matthew 26:51

6-"And they dressed Him up in purple and after weaving a crown of thorns, they put it on Him....And they kept beating His head with a reed, and spitting at Him.... And they led Him out to crucify Him."
Mark 15:16-17