Israel alarm at UN force members

"Difficult if not inconceivable" is putting it quite delicately. From the BBC, with thanks to John:

Israel says it would be "difficult if not inconceivable" to accept nations which do not recognise its right to exist as part of a UN force in Lebanon.

Israeli UN envoy Dan Gillerman was speaking after Indonesia and Malaysia, which do not recognise Israel, pledged troops for the UN deployment.

Malaysia said Israel should have no say in the make-up of the force.

The UN has expressed cautious optimism that it can deploy an initial 3,500-strong force within two weeks.

UN deputy chief Mark Malloch Brown warned earlier that delay could threaten the ceasefire....

France, which agreed to lead the force once its mandate had been set, said it would send only 200 extra troops immediately, far fewer than expected.

The UN had hoped for a larger European contingent and was disappointed by France's offer.

But French Defence Minister Michele Alliot-Marie defended the decision. "You can't send in men telling them: Look what's going on but you don't have the right to defend yourself or to shoot," she told RTL radio.

Italy's government has approved the deployment of troops, saying it would decide how many in the coming days. Officials said as many as 3,000 troops could be sent.

Bangladesh and Nepal have also pledged troops, while Germany has offered a maritime task force. The UK and the US say they will provide logistical support.


As the UN's efforts to build the force continued, Mr Gillerman made clear Israel's unhappiness with some of the contributors.

"It would be very difficult if not inconceivable for Israel to accept troops from countries who do not recognise Israel, who have no diplomatic relations with Israel," he told the BBC.

He said they would be "very happy" to accept troops from Muslim countries they have friendly relations with.

"But to expect countries who don't even recognise Israel to guard Israel's safety I think would be a bit naive," he said.

Naive, or something.

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If you like to know what Shia Iran and Iraq really believe about the Mahdi............Imam Sadiq relates: "When the Master of the Age appears, the young among his followers (shi'a), without any prior appointment, will rouse themselves and reach Mecca that very night."[1]

At that time the Mahdi will call upon the entire world to join his movement. Those who have suffered and lost all hope that their situation could improve will rally around him and will pay allegiance to him. In a short time a vast army made up of courageous, sacrificing, and reform-seeking peoples of the world will be prepared to be led by him. Imams Baqir and Sadiq (peace be upon them), have described the Qa'im's helpers thus:

They will occupy the east and the west of the world, will bring everything under his command. Each one of these soldiers will have the power of forty strong men. Their hearts will be harder than iron pieces so much so that in their march to the goal should they encounter mountains made of iron they will overcome them with their inner strength. They will continue their struggle until God's pleasure is acquired. [2]

At that time, the imperious, sinful rulers, lacking any conscience yet sensing the threat, would come out in defense, calling out the oppositional forces made up of their own followers. But the soldiers of justice and reform, having been disgusted with the injustice and persecution of those evil forces, will take the ultimate decision of attacking them in unison and with total effort. With God's help and sanction they will wipe them out. Awe and fear will descend upon the survivors who will finally surrender to the rightful, just government. On seeing the fulfillment of many of the signs promised in the traditions, a large number of unbelievers will turn towards Islam. Those who persist in their disbelief and wickedness shall be killed by the soldiers of the Mahdi. The only victorious government in the entire world will be that of Islam and people will devotedly endeavor to protect it. Islam will be the religion of everyone, and will enter all the nations of the world

I heard on the radio that teh muslim nation of Bangladesh had promised 2,000 troops. Wonder whose side they will be on?

Troops from Nepal should be put in on the Israeli side in Galilee - way south of the Litani. Hindu Gorkhas shouldn't be made to guard Hizbullah in Lebanon. (Doesn't Nepal have a Maoist insurgency to take care of?)

Not just Indonesia and Malaysia, but Bangladesh too is a worrysome prospect on Israel's borders - just look at the record of Bangladesh Rifles on their border with India. If Israel has to have Muslim troops south of the Litani, how about troops from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan - countries that are friendly to Israel, using it to have good relationship with the US?

In a short time a vast army made up of courageous, sacrificing, and reform-seeking peoples of the world will be prepared to be led by him.

Wow and I thought the mahdi would have wanted muslims.

In a short time a vast army made up of courageous, sacrificing, and reform-seeking peoples of the world will be prepared to be led by him.

Wow and I thought the mahdi would have wanted muslims.

Posted by: Ronin.............Since Islam Believes only Muslims are people....that is what he meant....Non-Believers are just cattle...beast to used or killed.

In a short time a vast army made up of courageous, sacrificing, and reform-seeking peoples of the world will be prepared to be led by him.

Wow and I thought the mahdi would have wanted muslims.

Posted by: Ronin................skip to the end.................
On seeing the fulfillment of many of the signs promised in the traditions, a large number of unbelievers will turn towards Islam. Those who persist in their disbelief and wickedness shall be killed by the soldiers of the Mahdi. The only victorious government in the entire world will be that of Islam and people will devotedly endeavor to protect it. Islam will be the religion of everyone, and will enter all the nations of the world

You can't spell "unsuccessful" without the "UN".

Isn't there a basic children's story about the fox guarding the hen house?

Why should Israel complain? It doesn't take a PhD in Islamic Studies to realize the UN will not act in Israel's favor. Israel's only complaint should be aimed at its bankrupt leadership. Their shock at Bangledesh et al wanting to contribute troops is bs. The only positive here is the shelf life of this UN resolution will be short.

I don't usually join the "France bashing" team, but this is just too incredible to let it pass. They will send only 200 troops (initially they wanted to send just 12 specialists!) and yet they have the nerve to demand the leadership of the mission?

This reminds me of an old joke. A guy walks in to a store to buy a pet - a parrot - and they all have diferent prices. The cheaper parrot costed 100 bucks and it knew up to 1000 words in English. The second parrot costed 200 bucks and it spoke English, French and Spanish. The third parrot costed 400 bucks and it spoke English, French, Spanish and it could type up to 200 words a minute. The fourth parrot costed 1000 bucks. What could he do? Nothing - he was the boss.

And from the looks of things, he was French.

Peacekeeping troops from only Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia ? Why are Pakistan, Syria, Iran missing from this list ?

One hopes India and Nepal deploys its UN forces on the Israeli side of the border (if Israel wishes and permits so). Otherwise, they had better stay at home

Israel is paying the price for having elected a liberal PM! they need someone from the military that will not cowtie to the UN.

AS I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, can you believe that they are actually thinking of making the U seless N itwit force to be made up of indonesian and Bangladeshian troops? These cou ntries don't even recognize Israel's right to exist.

I can just imagine when the next fracas starts they'll probably try and hold Israel back while Hamas and Hizbulla get better armed. DREK!

Uh, ZenaWarriorPrincess? I think you meant "kowtow".

Don't worry for a second, folks, I am totally confident that Israel will cave.