Israel, US foil Iran arms transfer

Ceasefire Update from the Jerusalem Post:

Israeli and American intelligence agencies alerted Turkish authorities last Friday that several Lebanon-bound Iranian planes, loaded with military hardware meant for the Hizbullah, were making their way through Turkish airspace, The Jerusalem Post has learned.
According to information obtained by the Post, the intelligence agencies were tracking several suspicious Iranian aircraft as they were taking off from an Iranian airfield.
Turkey was then warned about the planes and their cargo which were to fly over Turkish airspace. Shortly after Turkey was tipped off, Iranian officials ordered the planes to return to their point of departure, where, according to unconfirmed Turkish reports, the arms were removed from the Iranian planes.

But who tipped off the Iranian officials to call back the planes before they were intercepted?

After offloading the arms, the planes took off again and were forced to land in Turkey for inspection by the airport authorities. Turkish aviation officials told the Post that no weapons were found on the planes.
Since the war with Hizbullah erupted last month, and especially since the ceasefire, Turkey has intercepted several Iranian and Syrian Lebanon-bound ships in the Eastern Mediterranean sea, as well as two transit trucks from Syria, the Post has learned.
Meanwhile, the London-based Arab daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat reported on Monday that large amounts of rockets have been transferred from Iran to Syria en route to the Hizbullah in Lebanon.
According to the report, the Iranian Revolutionary Commands have set up a special body in Damascus whose aim is to supply all of Hizbullah's needs.
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That's easy -- there are probably some Islamist true-believers in the ranks of the Turkish Army. The Iranians do have fans in some sections of Turkish society, and Iranian diplomats have been known to speak out in Turkish domestic political debates, to the delight of local Islamists.

On a philosphical note -- Is Italy's Romano Prodi about to become another version of Pontius Pilot?

The reason I say this is because he's sending Italian soldiers to guard the peace between Israel and Hezbollah. But this time it's the Jews who are in danger of being crucified, and it's the Hezbollah who are baying for their blood.

When the shit hits the fan, what choice will he make?

Will he save the Jewish entity from the surrounding hostile mob, or will he give in to calls from that crowd to expunge the alien presence from their midst?

Yes, this is not the first incident like this where cargo planes have been diverted. And as far as Turkey is concerned, if they are "moderate" than their poll data about terrorists and the man on the street attitudes are not encouraging.

Interesting post from Doug Farah site about real estate being bought up by Brotherhood and related organizations in Europe and US:

As far as the wishy washy leadership, both militarily and politically from Israel, this is BAD:

The underpinning mechanics of hegemonic politics is to apply pain where and when required. In the most severe sense, that would bring ordnance to Qom, Tehran, and Damascus. In the more indirect sense, it's high time to put the clamps on the dumbasses shitting their pants in Beijing and Moscow.

Do the people of Iran actually agree with this Madman or are they against him and have no say?

Any chance US will bomb the bastards ASAP? Or they are waiting until the hell brakes loose, Hezbollah takes over Lebanon, Russia supplies both Syria and Lebanon with most advanced weaponry in abundance, Iran builds or buys nukes and supplies them to everyone including Cuba...


Is there any data or factual information on how most of the Iranian arms are getting to Syria? What mechanisms are they using? I've heard of ships and aircraft, both things that could be blockaded. Is there any other method, other than carting them across Iraq?

So we just "alerted" the Turks? ooooooooo... the Iran-o-bots must have been quaking under their hijabs. This just proves what a joke the war on terror is. It is tantamount to fighting a "war on blitzkrieg" in 1944 during which American troops came ashore at Normandy with fresh baked goods and Clay Aiken albums. Where was Mossad or US spec ops guys with shoulder fired SAM's? Where were the low flying fighters coming out of Baghdad or Israel to pluck these out of the sky in the remotest deserts of Turkey? Oh, that's right, we're trying to win hearts and minds. We're so concerned with trying to make these vermin love us that we're willing to fight limited warfare in all theaters. No IED or WMD can compare to the lameness of fighting restricted warfare against an enemy who subscribes to the Goebbels school of total warfare.

Who tipped off the Iranians? Could it be one of the many Muslims within Turkey's government and (no doubt) intelligence services? No, surely not them.

I have never spoken with a Turk who was not anti-semite.. anti-American.. to the extreme. Turkey is not our friend.

Who tipped them off? Probably spies within the Muslim organizations. On the other hand I would suspect that every plane or ship or truck leaving Iran would have weapons cargoes. Outside of oil, weapons and terrorists are the only items of export from Iran.

It does not take a lot of intelligence to know that Islam is exporting terror and the tools of death. Every person or vehicle leaving a Muslim country should be inspected, returned, or destroyed. Immigration bans should be placed into effect NOW. Bans on real estate purchaes by foreigners should be placed into effect NOW. Visa violaters should be located and deported NOW. Muslim criminals convicted in court should be deported NOW. Profiling at all avenues of transportation should be placed in effect NOW. Anyone who openly protests and displays loyalty to a terrorist or terror organization should be deported NOW.

It is foolish to continue to allow the enemy to operate in your terrority and to allow the enemy to become armed in your backyard. One day you will have to fight him. His goal in life is to kill you.

I urge all people to observe any Muslim in your neighborhood, to observe the activities in and around mosques and to be prepared to act immediately in defense of you life when the Muslims attack, and they will attack.

Do no be deceived by the words that Islam is peaceful and will do you no harm. Do not be deceived when Muslims talk in a rambling rhetoric that appears to be so sugary and so apparently anti war/hate. Muslims love to talk and to deceive.Know in your heart, Muslims wish to kill you (no matter what they say).

Go to any Muslim neighborhood you can find. You will find you are not welcome. You will find high crime rates, hate mongers and terrorist subversives. You will be treated as a sub human (yes, even in your own country), you will be abused, cursed at and lied to. Just think what will happen if they are ever in control of your life. (and your life will be miserable and short lived).

You must support the war on terror in any way your can. I regret to say there are those with us who cannot or will not admit we have an enemy in Islam.

Once great countries have become weak and risk annihilation by allowing the Muslims to enter and take over.

A civil war is brewing and it may occur in your own backyard.

Iran resumes gas transfer to Turkey
06:16:10 È.Ù
The Islamic Republic of Iran resumed transfer of gas to Turkey after the reconstruction of gas pipeline was completed on Tuesday.

The gas pipeline from Tashley Chai county of Oghri province, eastern Turkey was sabotaged by some people affiliated to PKK Saturday night, the Vatan internet network announced.