Israelis detain Hamas deputy PM

It is good to see that Israel doesn't follow the Western nations' increasingly common tendency to treat the murderous thugs of Hamas as if they were statesmen. From the BBC, with thanks to JE:

Israeli forces have seized Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister Nasser al-Shaer in a raid on his home in the West Bank town of Ramallah.

He was held when troops burst into the house early on Saturday, his wife said.

The Israeli military confirmed the detention of Mr Shaer, who is a senior member of the governing Hamas movement, which does not recognise Israel.

Israel has detained about 30 MPs and a third of the cabinet since the capture of an Israeli soldier in June.

Mr Shaer's wife added that he had been in hiding since Israel began its crackdown in late June.

He was rarely home during that period, she said.

An unnamed Israeli army spokesman quoted by AFP news agency said the detention was "part of our fight against the radical Hamas movement".

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The Israelis are merely copying the time honored Muslim tactic of hostage taking and kidnapping. Either do that or die.
The Koran must have some passages about the usefulness of hostage taking. I don't know them offhand. So in an indirect way the Jews of Israel are emulating the pervy prophet

"When among wolves one must howl like a wolf" - V I Lenin

Now that this guy's incarcerated by Lil' Satan, who's going to get the summer home in Dearborn and the flat in Londonistan? I bet it's just tearing the family apart. What these Islamists need is some good estate and succession planning now that Israel is taking the hijab by the horns. I suggest that western financial firms head over to the West Bank and Gaza with some insurance agents and estate attorneys to cash in. I hear that market is blowing up!!!!

CNN described how Israel has been arresting "Palestinian lawmakers." A grossly inaccurate description since these guys don't "make" sharia law--which, as all true believers know is perfect and immutable--they merely enforce it.

Demand Gilad Shalit in exchange for him. Better still, they should have abducted Haniyeh himself, or made an attempt on Mashal.

Infidelpride, from your mouth to God's ear. Maybe you could send a short message about the desirability of taking Haniyah himself captive, to your nearest Israeli embassy or consulate. It might help.

Well done Israel, Keep up the good work