Jail for man who tried to export sensors to Iran

One year in jail does not seem like much of a deterrent if one is determined to get contraband items to Iran. But what is truly unsettling about this article is the notion that dual US-Iranian citizenship could even exist in the first place. From Reuters (sans photography):

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - An American-Iranian man was sentenced to a year in prison on Monday for trying to export sensors to Iran that are normally used to detect liquid or gas pressure but could also be used to detonate explosives.

The fact that the sensors could be "used to detect liquid or gas pressure" suggests ample "dual uses" by itself.

Muhammad Fazeli, 27, pleaded guilty in May to the federal charges even though prosecutors acknowledged there was no evidence suggesting he intended the sensors to be used for military purposes.
Fazeli, who has dual American and Iranian citizenship, ordered 103 sensors from a U.S. Web site and agreed to ship the items to Iran as a favor for a family friend. His lawyers said they were typically used for medical applications.
Los Angeles-based Fazeli also apologized for his actions but U.S. District Judge George King said the devices could have fallen into the wrong hands with "very devastating consequences."
The United States has a trade embargo with Iran dating back to the 1970s that bars selling goods without U.S. authorization that could have an economic benefit to Iran.
King said he intended Fazeli's sentence to deter others who might be tempted to disregard U.S. export laws.
"The word has to get out that there's a penalty to be paid for not abiding by these restrictions," King said, not only for foreign policy reasons but also "to protect the public from potential harm."
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Will this be county jail, state prison or federal prison????

He should be sent to Arizona so he could work and pay for his jail time.

Obviously a one year sentence is absurd. If there is not a law, there should be a law. Anyone engaged in actions that can reasonably be interpreted as aiding the conduct of Jihad groups or a country that is bent on Jihad, as determined by the American Congress, should be stripped of his citizenship and expelled either to his country of origin, or to the place where those whom he was attempting to benefit are most closely associated.

A year in prison, and then permanent expulsion to the Islamic Republic of Iran, where he will no longer have to be monitored at great expense, and where one more such person will hardly make a difference. And his expulsion may make a difference in inhibiting others similarly situated in this country, not from continuing to harbor their hate for Infidels and Infdiel nation-states, but from acting in a manner that so obviously threatens.

It's an interesting story, but I fail to see why his dual-citizenship is highlighted? Iranians can never loose their iranian citizenship according to iranian law. Even women who marry an iranian man automatically receive iranian citizenship...

Trouble is, anything that can be used to kill infidels is used by muslims. This makes for a very wide spectrum. That was why this man got a light sentence. A farmer's son over here was bothered for his father had told him to turn on the water pumps twice a day for irrigating the fields. He had to walk a considerable distance since the water motors were located in the middle of the fields, far from his farmhouse. So he made a simple device. He hooked a cellphone with a circuit and attached it to the motor starter. When he called this cellphone from anywhere, the starter tripped and the motor started running. Another call turned off the motor. He thought it to be a simple idea, and shared it with all, even providing the circuit design to all that wanted it. Now the security agencies are worried since one arrested jihadi has revealed that they intend to detonate bombs using this simple technology. It is somewhat simple technology, made by a Tom Sawyer, but in the hands of a jihadi, it is a lethal weapon. They can detonate bombs anywhere using this.

But what is truly unsettling about this article is the notion that dual US-Iranian citizenship could even exist in the first place.

Some countries, such as Britain, recognize dual citizenship (they had so many citizens abroad during the heyday of the British Empire that this made sense).

The US, however, has had a very different history. With immigrants coming from so many different countries, some of which are overtly hostile to America, they had to be sure that new citizens left their old loyalties behind--so the US has *never* recognized dual citizenship. When anyone becomes a citizen, they must explicitly give up loyalties to the country of their birth and give allegiance to their new country. This, sadly, is why my mother has never become a US citizen, despite having lived here for almost 60 years.

Of course, some people just lie--they become citizens purely for the benefits, without having any loyalty to the US and its ideals at all.

But what is truly unsettling about this article is the notion that dual US-Iranian citizenship could even exist in the first place.

Some countries, such as Britain, recognize dual citizenship (they had so many citizens abroad during the heyday of the British Empire that this made sense).

The US, however, has had a very different history. With immigrants coming from so many different countries, some of which are overtly hostile to America, they had to be sure that new citizens left their old loyalties behind--so the US has *never* recognized dual citizenship. When anyone becomes a citizen, they must explicitly give up loyalties to the country of their birth and give allegiance to their new country. This, sadly, is why my mother has never become a US citizen, despite having lived here for almost 60 years.

Of course, some people just lie--they become citizens purely for the benefits, without having any loyalty to the US and its ideals at all.

Heres hoping it's a 1 year sentence due to the fact he has given intel for a reduced sentence.

From the above post, I meant almost 50 years, rather than almost 60 years.

From the above post, I meant almost 50 years, rather than almost 60 years.


It sounds like there's another nasty trend here in Southern Russia:

The imam was shot as he performed evening prayers today. The authorities assume he was killed by fundamentalists. Ashkat Teunayev, the city prosecutor, said that because the imam, Adulkerim Khadzhi-Bayramukov, performed healings, he offended Muslim purists.

"They insist that old imams stop healing. They say it's heathenism and a terrible sin in Islam," Teunayev said.

Local news states that this year, in six towns across the mountainous republic, healers have been shot.

What a thing to murder someone over! And I daresay shamanistic healing practices do work - for those who believe in them.

So the Islam that there has been there was not quite so unpleasant as full-blown Islam because it had been humanized by Pagan practices. Now syncretists will be murdered and Islam re-asserted in all its nastiness.

Here's the story:


I have said it many times, lets start deporting people in our country with expired visas. Our immigration policies need serious revamping and enforcement. If a foreigner in our country openly protests and shows support for any terrorist organization or government, deport him immediately. Already in this country, there are way too many foreigners willing to create havoc, death , and mayhem. It is time to start reducing their numbers and to start limiting their access to our country. We should be more closely monitoring their businesses, their contacts, their financial transactions, their travels, their purchases, and their movements. A lot of "Americans" quiver at the Patriot Act failing to realized that some action of this type may just be the action that saves their dhimmicrat lives. It is time to toughen up and to start acting like your life depended on you doing the right thing. In todays world defeating Islamic terrorists abroad and in this country should be a number one concern. It is sad to say but some "Americans" are so stupid they cannot see the forest because of the trees. Some "Americans" hate the war on terror so much that by their protest and actions they actually (inadvertly)give comfort and aid to the terrorists who are so willing to kill them. They are disgusting.

Note for the Indian contributors here.

It looks as though some jihadist, stirred up by the Green Helmet controversy broached by the EU Referendum website, has turned up and decided to slander your country. He's posing as an anti-jihadist but claiming that India is the US's biggest enemy, that it "has imperial ambitions" and that Hindus "dream of a world empire" in order to mislead Europeans who will obviously know little about indian politics.

Just a heads-up in case you think it worth intervening.

Here's the thread:


Muslims do not need a reason to kill, they love the sight of body parts and blood. Just look at at the murders they have committed and the reasons for the deaths. Such as tennis players wearing shorts, kids playing soccer, young lady telling Muslim clerics that it is wrong to kill, faith healers, people not moving fast enough, people buying groceries, people attending funerals, people attending weddings, people getting haircuts, people watching MTV, people watching soccer on TV, people riding busses and trains to go to or from work, people going to the post office, people attending job fairs looking for a job, women wearing jewelry, women not wearing the full burka, women who were raped, women wearing perfume or makeup, people not attending the call to prayer, people who do attend the call to prayer, and on and on and on.

Muslims just kill. It is time the world wakes up and takes action to stop this evil death cult. Otherwise the world will die.

The better penalty is deportation (expulsion) for him and his whole family to that offal hole Iran.

At some point the penalty will be a bullet.

Not worth it.

I received my Ubuntu cd yesterday thanks to your posting. Am learning fast. Thanks buddy :) .

The Muslim is more likely to die from a Muslim bullet than an Infidel bullet. no doubt about it.

"Fazeli, who has dual American and Iranian citizenship..."

Technically, the U.S. does not recognize dual nationality and, as Gravenimage stated, never has. There is a sort of exception but the chances are that Fazeli doesn't meet it. A person born abroad to an American citizen (who has met certain requirements of time as a citizen and time in the U.S.) and a non-American can actually have recognized dual nationality and in some very odd cases, triple nationality. The U.S. does not recognize dual nationality of a naturalized citizen (which Fazeli probably is). If he was born in the U.S. to Iranian parents he may be an Iranian national by birth, but as far as the U.S. is concerned he is a U.S. citizen until he renounces it (as did the Saudi Gitmo inmate who was born in Louisiana). If Fazeli was naturalized his citizenship should be revoked and he should be deported to the Iranian Islamic "paradise."

When anyone becomes a citizen, they must explicitly give up loyalties to the country of their birth and give allegiance to their new country. This, sadly, is why my mother has never become a US citizen, despite having lived here for almost 60 years.Posted by gravenimage

What alternate universe do you live in. Jews have always been able to hold dual citizenship as Israelis and Americans, this status has recently been extended to citizens of other countries.

For most of the country's history, dual citizenship was considered the civic equivalent of bigamy. In Teddy Roosevelt's words: We must unsparingly condemn any man who holds any other allegiance. To which many Americans would now say: Not any more we don't. This shift in the culture and in attitudes toward what Roosevelt called Americanism could be dated to 1967, when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a law that forced people to relinquish their American citizenship if they acquired another citizenship
Pledging Muliple Allegiances Impossible a man cannot serve two hostile and mutually exclusive masters, like claiming to be a Christian Muslim or a Jew for Allah or Jew for Jesus.

In any event no Muslim can be a citizen of any nation other than Islam.. the meaning of citizen or nationhood today is nonsense..as we see "Belgian, German, English, Danish" Jihadis and suicide bombers whose names are Ali Mohammad, Abi or Abu or Ibn this or that.

I watched footage of all those "Americans", French and Germans being taken out of Lebanon.. 75% of the women wore hijab or chador, and I bet none of those hijab wearers could speak anything more than rudimentary English, French, German or Danish...

Those people aren't American or French or German or Danish, regardless what their passport says, for their hearts, minds, loyalty are not with those countries only with the ummah.