Jihad in Michigan?

More Wal-Mart and cell phone jihad? "Arrests Prompt More Mich. Bridge Patrols," from AP, with thanks to all who sent this in:

CARO, Mich. (AP) -- The U.S. Coast Guard has increased patrols near the bridge connecting Michigan's upper and lower peninsulas after prosecutors said they believe three men jailed on terrorism charges were targeting the 5-mile-long span.

Tuscola County Prosecutor Mark E. Reene said investigators believe the men were targeting the Mackinac Bridge. He declined to say what led investigators to that belief.

"The additional patrols are being conducted to deter, detect and allow for a more timely response to any possible threats made to the bridge," the Coast Guard said in a statement Sunday.

The men were arrested Friday outside a Wal-Mart stores in Caro, about 80 miles north of Detroit, after purchasing 80 cell phones. Authorities say the men had about 1,000 cell phones in their van.

The men said they planned to sell the phones for profit in Texas.

Maruan Awad Muhareb and Louai Abdelhamied Othman, of Mesquite, Texas and Adham Abdelhamid Othman of Dallas were charged with collecting or providing materials for terrorist acts and surveillance of a vulnerable target for terrorist purposes.

Authorities have not said what they believe the men intended to do with the phones, most of which were prepaid TracFones. But Caro's police chief said cell phones can be used as detonators, and prosecutors in a similar case in Ohio have said that TracFones are often used by terrorists because they are not traceable.

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a) This was an isolated incident
b) Jews did it
c) Government did it
d) Poor oppressed Muslims

Take your pick.

I'm not a demo man but something is not right. You only need one source to start the blast, several for a daisy chain but to me 1000's mean multiple targets.

If they wanted multiple cell phones, couldn't they have simply visited every cell phone kiosk in every mall, and started from there? Or, if they wanted to avoid subscribing to the T-Mobiles, just shop at multiple Walmarts, Costcos, Targets, et al? They could have gotten all they needed, without arousing any suspicions.

I better stop here - lest I end up giving them any more ideas.

A caller to Hannity's radio show today offered an opinion as to why someone would target that particular bridge. She stated that on Labor Day the bridge was opened to pedestrian traffic and at one point during the day there would be several thousand people on it. She may have said one hundred thousand, but I'm not sure.


The men arrested made the statement that they bought the phones to resell them. If that is true, why did they have 1,000 phones in their posession? Why buy the phones from WalMart at retail cost? Why not get them diretly from the company at wholesale and make more profit? Did they think that people in Texas can't buy the same phones for the same price at WalMart? Something here stinks like month old hummus.

These cheap cell phones may need to be signed for , like say, over the counter cold and flu medicenes. Show I.D. , take the info, sign for it. And have a limit on how many can be purchased at one time and length of time.

I heard that they were taking the phones apart, and throwing away the chargers. That doesn't sound like they meant to resell the phones to ordinary people. This affair is very fishy indeed.

Reach out and touch someone
1 - Jews did it
2 - Bush made them do it
3 - Liberals drove me to do it
4 - Muslims needed to keep in touch with Mohammad
5 - Something smells
6 - All of the above

I pick 5

I could not be happier that ISLAM is a religion of Peace. If you believe this one, then let T. Kennedy drive you over a bridge.

I work for a bank. I was looking at an account with an address listed in Saudi Arabia and the only thing he was buying with his debit card was pre-paid cellphones. Holy... shit...

Posted by: RasoolalShaytan

Sounds like you need to flag that account, copy the data send it to the FBI (even if you don't live in the USA) and report it to your bank security. Send the FBI email first.

They're probably using them for IED's in Iraq. They take the chips out and implant in the bomb, then call the cell number and boooom. This has obviously been going on for some time and just now getting caught. Remember most of the civilized world still hasn't caught on to having a real problem here with islamic terrorists. Most of my friends are in denial, especially the liberals and the Europeans.

What's the connection between the cell phones
and that bridge?

I predict they'll be set free for lack of evidence.

2 Fox News journalists kidnapped in Gaza City
Network confirms Palestinian gunmen ambush car labeled ‘TV’

Updated: 1 hour, 45 minutes ago
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Palestinian gunmen ambushed a car carrying a Fox News crew in Gaza City on Monday and kidnapped two of the journalists inside, according to witnesses and Fox.
“We can confirm that two of our people were taken against their will in Gaza,” Fox News said in a statement.
The men, along with a bodyguard, were parked near the headquarters of the Palestinian security services when two trucks filled with gunmen pulled up and boxed them in, according to the employee. The gunmen took the two out of their sports utility vehicle, which was marked “TV,” and drove away, he said


Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer

Posted by: Catherine

Nope, FOX is the only MSM that comes close to blaming muslims for their own actions, this is blackmail. Expect a few apologies along the line of “we realize not all muslims yada yada yada” and then interviews after they are realized about how well kept they were.

Not sure if its 100,000 or not,but dam close.My sister walks it every year,the Governor leads the way.

Oh I forgot to say some brids died in MI from brid flu so said Tony Snow BUT then he said not to worry??

Well keeping the fat people happy with their cheep oil and screwing Israel we will have to just see??

OH yea and 1200 brids just drop dead from flu in asia they are now being watched but not to worry?

very strang picture?

Look at the one with the city then think about how the chinese embassator in the UN when to kiss the ass of the arabs??

China death toll from Typhoon Saomai hits 255



Dark clouds hang over the southeastern Chinese coastal city of Fuzhou 08 August 2006, as authorities wait for Typhoon Saomai to hit. The death toll in China from the recent tropical storm Prapiroon has risen to 80, with nine others missing and more than 800,000 people forced from their homes, as Prapiroon was southern China's sixth typhoon of the season, which started more than a month earlier than usual with Typhoon Chanchu in May. CHINA OUT
Updated: 4:08 a.m. ET August 9, 2006

I do see a face?

How about the jihad at NYT?


The NYT goes out of its way to emphasize mistakes and accidents in its articles on the photo doctoring fraud.

Despite some critics' wishes to read intent into every manipulation that slips past editors, these mistakes often occur by accident.

Accident, my foot.

hmmm more rockets just fired from lebanon, good thing they have peace.


I saw the headline about '2 FOX News Journalists Kidnapped By Palestinian Gunman in Gaza City', but when I went into that page, I found 'American and 3 Other Foreign Oil Workers Kidnapped in Nigeria'

In their home page, they don't mention any journalist abduction at all, so I'm more inclined to believe the Nigeria version. It was probably people who went off to gather their millions from the Bank of Africa, in response to some random e-mail they may have received.

From Bohemond_1069: "The men arrested made the statement that they bought the phones to resell them."

They bought them for $50 each and took the phones to Laredo, Texas and sold them for $50 each. On the way back to Michigan they realized that they hadn't made any profit. Omar immediately realized what the problem was. They needed to buy more phones.

cell phones easy we know the islamic terorist use and sell drugs well seems that cell phones have a dule use?

You can make cristial meth whith the battries and sell the phone chip so a quick throw away makes it harder to track??

And we have to remember these were Pallis and ??

Remember that a couple of weeks ago there was a factor in Mexico hit by a gang seems it made cold med??

BUT also remember that we know the islamic terrorist we have been fighting have been dopped up on speed?

Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer

I was not blaming the Fox gang I was blaming the islamic terrorist for the crap they do like kill children and no news about how the mulsums in Sri Lanka just blew up a bunch of school children??

I really do not give a sh-t about the supporters of monsters like these and see the MSM sending out the monsters message and making them look unbeatable instead of showing the monsters they are is sick. And really only help the enemy Like the MSM shows our guys getting blown up with no care about the familys at home yet fox has yet to report about their guys getting kidnapped which if it was our guys or the Israelis we would not hear them end of it??

This is a real war and the Press just doesn't get it they are stuck on stupid!!!

l know shortly after 9-11, many people were worried the muslim terrorist might try to bomb the Ambasdeur Bridge or the Detroit/Windsor tunnel, which l told some of my friends no way would they destroy the links between countries. how would terrorist from Dearborn, Mich get to Windsor and vice versa? the Mackinac Bridge is the most logical bride, no muslim terrorist in that area, just infidels going on holiday.

Sorry OT...Syria mouths off....a must read....“The US and Israeli intelligence agencies are unaware of the resistance’s real capabilities,” he said, adding that he had rejected “lucrative offers” presented to him on condition that he abandon Hizbullah and Hamas.

Assad said “there were those who believed that peace (with Israel) was the only option and they attempted to enforce it upon the Arab nation, but the resistance’s firm stand and the change we see in the Arab world, due to which we can see millions of youngsters waving the Hizbullah and resistance flags, have proven that this nation is on the brink of a new phase in its history

While we're talking "Wal-Mart jihad":


O/T- From the MSM still doesn't get it file: Some CAIR talking head was just speaking to O'Reilly about how fascism relates to islam. The guy tried to redirect the interview with usual moral e.q.(how about neo nazis?,etc,etc) O'Reilly
then asked: "What about Jihad?" The answer was,of course, it is a "defensive" concept in nature. Naturally, no rebuttal about it being a necessity after a)failed conversion,b)jizya, not even a point as simple as: was the Arab empire established then through "defensive" pretenses?

I think last years quota for walking the Mackinac bridge was around 65,000, with two lanes open to traffic. Fully equipped cell phones charged, with air time, provide three of the five requirements for an IED. The others are explosives, which now it seems are available at local pharmacies and hardware stores. The last component lest not to be forgotten, would involve a container. Such container should be full of HIV laiden nails, feces ridden BB's, and as many mildy radioactive fire alarm components as can be acquired freely by charity organizations. Oh, and the sixth component would be 500 martyrs ready to walk the plank, or just maybe some dumbass surogates with liberal signs and a free Palestine and Lebanon charity donation coffee canister. Never thought of reach out and touch someone coming to this.

A thousand cell phone chips for bomb triggers implies a thousand bombs. In the computer biz, this is what we call an order of magnitude scale-up.

Something's going on. Something big. We can only anticipate when Condi's 10,000 Wahabbi exchange students arrive on our shores to obey god's koranic commandments. That'll be great. Our taxpayer dollars at work big-time to subvert our interests.

Damn, Zoo, that's one very disturbing scenario you just painted there. I'm going to bed; I'll be sleeping with my head hidden under the pillow.

I fear a big attack is coming the hints are everywhere. I also fear it will finally start the shooting portion of WWIII. SOK, someone has to win for there ever to be peace.

Apparently, Muslims have the Scotland Yard infiltrated and cowed.


Three days before last week’s arrests, the highest-ranking Muslim police officer in Britain gave warning that profiling techniques based on physical appearance were already causing anger and mistrust among young Muslims. Tarique Ghaffur, an assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, said: “We must think long and hard about the causal factors of anger and resentment.

“There is a very real danger that the counter-terrorism label is also being used by other law-enforcement agencies to the effect that there is a real risk of criminalising minority communities.”

Last time I checked they were mad anyway, profile away.

Alarmed Pig Farmer, welcome to what Israel has dealt with for years, feces, HIV, and explosives come hand and hand, yet we imagine that it will never reach us. There are more effective programs to translate Arabic, not truly getting the whole message, but the jist of it through websites that take our government eons to de//scifer. Link up with a few codes and take some Chinese software and bam! Emril cooking at its finest. Ever wondered why when you click on Aljazeera.net, in English, the pictures change? Indians are realy good at this shit too!

Reselling the phones makes no sense. Even if they were planning to take them to the Mid East to use as mobile handsets, the devices would have to be:

1) GSM quad band phones. Most GSM prepaids are single, dual, or less commonly, tri-bands.

2) The handsets would have to be unlocked, that is, deprogrammed from working on just one network, i.e., T-mobile, etc.

3) Tha 1000 handsets would have to be shipped (expensive) and clear customs AND avoid duty taxes.

4) It's a whole lot of work for an enterprise, if this is what they had in mind, that would gain at best a marginal profit.

Well watching the rally in Washington, DC. turned my stomach. It was broadcast on C-Span. Muslims spewing hate, in our backyard. AND I saw no one stand up to them, unless I missed ProtestWarriors.com. No debate, just spewing hate. I also was there when Muslim's burned flags in the streets of Manhattan. Thank God for Bush! If I ever see that again, I should be awarded the greatest lawsuit ever awarded to man! Take away the commandments, burn our flag, incite hatred in our ranks. Wake up, or give it up. I have never seen the likes of quivering cowardice, supported by what the founding fathers thought we would hold dear. Makes me wonder why we fight, or don't. Sincerely, maybe your next Muslim.

then asked: "What about Jihad?" The answer was,of course, it is a "defensive" concept in nature.
Posted by: We need G.C. Scott at August 14, 2006 09:08 PM

AHHH but you don't see this mulsum from cair is not so swift you see he admitted it was an act of war?

Now normaly they say oh no it is an eternal fight you have us all wrong?

But Bill did point out they were following mulsum law.

Plus this new spokesman is not doing so good having such a heavy accsent and all loses the effect?

Yes Alarmed Pig Farmer better be well stocked for this is in our homeland and all around the world and they are planing evil!!

Does no one connect the egyption students to the islamic terrorist didn't #2 comeout with a tape talking about egyptions?

Then think about haveing to hand carry a recipe because of worry about being tracked?

Then think about dule use?

Remember we are a very big country.

Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer

Marathon Pundit, they're not reselling the phones. They're taking out the chips and throwing the phones away. I explained in my post above, the chips activate the IED's or bombs.

he writes:

Tarique Ghaffur, an assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, said: “We must think long and hard about the causal factors of anger and resentment.

I think free people should share the same concern when referring to Muslims, as it is the Muslims who thrive in anger and resentment.