Jihad summer camp: Sand, soccer and the Zionist enemy

"Most important, the children understand that the conflict with the Jews is not over land, but rather over religion."

Why will Rice and Bush and Olmert and everyone else never grasp that? From Haaretz, with thanks to all who sent this in:

GAZA - On Sheikh Ajlin Beach, dozens of Palestinian children are shouting and playing and splashing each other, like children anywhere. They are at summer camp. The lifeguard moves in between them, blowing his whistle and ordering them to stay within the marked-off swimming area. There are always a few who stray, deliberately or not. When that happens the teenaged girls who lead the various activities wade into the water in their long dresses and head coverings to make sure that the future generation of Islamic Jihad does not drown in the ocean. The organization runs the camp for disadvantaged children.

All the Palestinian factions have been talking about social welfare in the past several weeks, including Islamic Jihad. Hisham, one of the camp directors, volunteers to discuss the children's schedule. He prefaces his remarks with the opening chapter of the Koran, Al-Fatiha.

"Gaza suffers from shellings, terrible economic straits and threats to the life of each one of these children day and night," Hisham explains. "So we try to detach them from the bad feelings and the horrors they are exposed to. They come in the morning and have lessons in sports such as soccer or volleyball. Afterward they go to the beach, where they swim and run around, followed by lunch. We don't forget our martyrs, and we teach them about making sacrifices on behalf of the Palestinian people and tell them the truth about Islam."

When asked about this "truth," Hisham launches into a monologue on history from his perspective: "We teach the children the truth. How the Jews persecuted the prophets and tortured them. We stress that the Jews killed and slaughtered Arabs and Palestinians every chance they got. Most important, the children understand that the conflict with the Jews is not over land, but rather over religion. As long as Jews remain here, between the [Jordan] river and the sea, they will be our enemy and we will continue to pursue and kill them. When they leave we won't hurt them."

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"...We teach the children the truth. How the Jews persecuted the prophets and tortured them. We stress that the Jews killed and slaughtered Arabs and Palestinians every chance they got. Most important, the children understand that the conflict with the Jews is not over land, but rather over religion. As long as Jews remain here, between the [Jordan] river and the sea, they will be our enemy and we will continue to pursue and kill them. When they leave we won't hurt them."

Over religion eh? Who would've thought.

Now... as far as his previous moronic history- "...Gaza suffers from shellings, terrible economic straits and threats to the life of each one of these children day and night," Hisham explains. "So we try to detach them from the bad feelings and the horrors they are exposed to"

We should begin there. With the surrender of all the land there, there were 900 kassam rocket attacks, none of which were actually responded too for 10 months until a murder an kidnapping inside Israel by Gazastan. The place should have by rights been subjected to mutliple fuel air bombs, and capture of each and every homicidist and to hell with the arabs who are killed getting them.

That's what any nation would do in it's right mind. Of course the arabs teach their children, it's not about land, at all- it's about religion.

Meaning, the muslims stole most of what they have, Allah not being a creative one, and his prophet, the terrorist mohammed, a vengeful killer who announced that the jews who lived there 600 yrs prior to islam being invented in Arabia, were not to be tolerated anywhere on that peninsula- no room for two peoples or some such.

Now- we all can only hope that the talking heads might one day, bring all this down to some sober sense and talk such on their shows.

For instance- remember when your mom would say, 'what did you do with the money your father and I gave you?, What did you do with your allowance??

And you got chastised for spending it foolishly...? The way all good parents do, with honesty to teach their children the right way to spend.

Well.... anyone seen or heard even one, just one report anywhere by the media blabbermouths about what happened to all the lands the jews worked so marvelously, and fruitfully to the tune of 150 million dollars a year of export. And from which, exactly zero is produced now- even though the lands had new crops just planted on them two months prior to the jews being expelled, and the libs and lefties and ford foundation bought a majority of the fields and equipment for the arabs.

Where are the reporters and talking heads asking the disgusting 'freedom fighters' and homicidists


Now.... I'd like to see anyone actually do the nitty gritty on this and scold the homicidists of arabia and Islam but good. They will of course feel dishonored, and, and of course, they should.

When they are totally dishonorable, totally sociopathic, there is little shame on their parts.
That is the utter dispicable failure of Islam and arab culture that is so often ignored. Gush Katif was a self sufficient series of communities and lovely people, who got screwed by the world community, by the leftist Israeli appeasers for peace, and even now- with the reality staring us in the face- the media ignores all the obvious facts- such as the obvious one about the destruction of a land by the peoples republic of homicidistan who just declared the caliphate starting from there. From what.... the jizya of the infidels?

"Most important, the children understand that the conflict with the Jews is not over land, but rather over religion."

Robert Spencer asks: Why will Rice and Bush and Olmert and everyone else never grasp that?

They, and millions of other Westerners, will never grasp that because it is not part of the hardwired boilerplate of the PC Template. (Well, they will "never" grasp it until they abandon that template, which in this case will require dismantling the paradigm in which it functions.)

In terms of the psychology of epistemology, a template is the term I have coined to denote an interpretation that functions as an inert replacement for living thought, impervious to the possibility of changing one's mind when new data is noticed. The template is not an unusual thing; it is actually very common in human thought, and it has a good practical function insofar as it helps to put some order to our daily thinking process by setting up a way to assimilate portions of the total stream of data that, were we to try to attend to it all in its full complexity, would overwhelm and bewilder us. Most templates are mundane and relatively self-contained, not fused with larger paradigms, and can be relatively easily modified, or even dislodged and abandoned (if only because its "owner", the thinking human, does not consider his mundane template to be a matter of fervent belief tied to emotion and passion about high ideals, and therefore he can more easily decide consciously to simply "unplug" the template). When a template is a component of a larger paradigm, however, it becomes more difficult to modify, let alone to dislodge and abandon.

In the case of issues about the security and welfare of millions of people, the template can be a dangerously shortsighted tool, and we see it with the templates that constitute the PC Multiculturalist Paradigm. With a template, no amount of new data will change the mind of the person who has handed over his living thought process to the template's function of doing his thinking for him. The person has to consciously abandon the template before the new data can be integrated in such a way as to engender a modified opinion.

About that paradigm, see my blog essay:


There is another kind of camp that also furthers the Jihad, but not in quite so direct a way, indeed in a way that might not be recognized at all. That is the so-called "Peace Camp" filled with Arab (normally "Palestinian") and Jewish campers. These camps are not, of course, paid for equally by Arabs and Jews. They are entirely paid for by naive and sentimental of Jewish lovers of an abstraction called "peace" or "understanding," and who think that "bringing together" young Arabs and Jews will somehow cause some magical "understanding" that will transcend...oh, transcend something, but since that something, the belief-system of Islam that informs, and suffuses the minds, the beliefs, the attitudes, of those implacable Arab children, and leave those hopeful "all we want is peace" Jewish children left to be run roughshod over, as the Jewish children can offer not a clear sense of their own rights, their own legal, moral, and historic claims (how many of them know, for example, of the treatment of Jews under Musim Arab rule, from Yemen to Morocco, over 1300 years? how many of those Jewish children have any knowledge of what it is that really underlies the "grievances" of the "Palestinians" or how many of them even known when, and why, that "Palestinian people" was invented?)

So they go off somewhere, to a summer camp. The Arab children are happy to pocket the free vacation, and happy not to find "understanding" or -- what's that other idiotic phrase -- "common ground" -- but to press not only false symmetries (the Jewish children being susceptible to this idea of "we have both suffered" which then leads, by degrees, to "we, the Palestinians, have suffered so much at the hands of you Jews" and slowly, but surely, the whole thing turns into, for the Arabs, a way to press their claims, and for the unwary, and certainly unprepared Jewish children, who really came thinking that this would be a way to "share experiences" as they talk about peace, or play the flute, or somethjing, to "get to know each other" and from that, as the Camp Grant-Seekers will tell the Ford, the Soros, the Thousand Foundations, "to share their common humanity." It's all nonsense, nul, chepukha. These "Peace Camps" are always and everywhere so constructed, and cannot but be constructed, to further the Arab cause, and nowhere are the Jewish students able to mount a coherent and aggressive defense against the aggressiveness of the well-schooled Arab contingent, who of course will, at the very least, establish from the get-go a moral symmetry that betrays the astonishing asymmetry of power and of goals(Israel would like merely to exist, and does not desire to wipe out the twenty-two, richly-endowed Arab states, comprising about 1,000 times the land area of tiny Israel; the Arabs want, through FAst Jihad or Slow Jihad, through military or economic or democraphic conquest, or a mingling of the means, to destroy the possibility of a Jewish sovereign state, period).

The Arab students -- save possibly for one, or two -- always put their aggrieved faces, and grievances, on display, always go on the attack, always demonstrate a pathological inability to see things other than in the ingrained ways that Islam teaches them to see things. And even if they never mention the word "non-Muslim," never even mention Islam, they have no need to, for the effect on their absolutely unyielding world-view can be seen. The young Israelis, even more ignorant of Islam than their elders, and just as ignorant of their own country's history as, say, young Americans, so unable to cope with the constant rhetorical assault, offered in a framework where they feel -- as the Arab contingent does not -- that it would be against the spirit of the camp to present too stout a defense of the Jewish state, and of its claims which, to anyone not infused with either Islam or that pathological mental condition we call antisemitism -- are overwhelming and utterly convincing.

In what is assumed, in what is not taken into account, in the choice of topics and choice of what not to ever mention, in the way in which campers are selected and in the propagandizing atmosphere of these camps (see the description of the worst of these "Peace Camps" - the Edward-Said-Daniel Barenboim camp for young Jewish and Arab musicians -- that appeared a few days ago in the Times, a story whose author, Alan Riding, appeared not to have any idea of how morally offensive the whole operation, and even what he described (including the atmosphere of intimidation and propagandizing that had most of the Israeli students succumbing to their organized, carefully lead Guide and Indoctirnator -- Miriam Said was photographed doing her sweet and sinister best for the Lesser Jihad, that is for "Palestine" -- and voting for some kind of moral-equivalency (between the terrorists of Hezbollah and the IDF) Statement to be carefully placed in the programs for these camp-following concertizers. A half-dozen of the Israelis, and one lone Egyptian girl, out of 80 or so of the students, managed to withhold what must have been terrific pressure. It was disgusting, the whole description of this farcical effort at "getting to understand each other" that was, and is, and always will be, just one more element in the attempt to demoralize the Israelis (creating an atmosphere where those young Isralis were steadily assaulted verbally, and emotionally, and put in a position where they felt unable to withstand the pressure, disgusts).

The Arab contingent in any one of these phony Peace Camps, whether based on music, or some other pretense or moral cover, will never be able to get beyond their deep sense of grievance, a grievance that the Israeli children, like good Westerners everywhere, will endow with a justification that comes only from that sense of grievance. If they feel so aggrieved, if they cannot conceivably show the slightest understanding of the other, Israeli side, if they are completely unyielding, then that is taken, not as a sign of their moral obtuseness, and the deep fanatical miscomprehnesion that comes from viewing the universe through the prism of Islam (or through the related lense of islamochristianity, that hybrid belief that allows Christian Arabs to curry favor with the naturally dominant Muslim Arabs, and at the same time to maintain that loyalty to Uruba, to Arabness, that is entangled so tightly with Islam, that even many (not the Maronites, not always the Copts, but many) --Christian Arabs find it impossible to separate from Islam and from the Lesser Jihad against Israel.

On the one side, those earnest young Jewish musicians, or chess players, or would-be journalists, trying to find "common ground," trying to "get to know" the young "Palestinians" or other Arabs who show up for the all-expenses-paid-by-Jewish-donors summer camps, and of course trying to win over those Arab campers by showing the maximum degree of sweet reasonableness that the Arabs then require them to turn into self-abasement.

And on the other side, those determined young Arabs, at the same camp, seeing it as a place to have fun, to get some training, and of course not to find "common ground" or to "see the others just as young people like themselves" -- in the hopeful rhetoric, sometimes malevolent and fake, and semetimes merely the result of terminal naivete.

Those who find me too severe are invited to goolge the article on the Music Camp for Arabs and Jews, the one that Edward Said (malevolent and fake) and Daniel Barenboim (terminally naive) founded, and about which Alan Riding wrote, not making moral sense of what he reported on, in The New Duranty Times, a few days ago.

Yeah that old bastion of morality and civilty espoused by the Perfect Man ....the religion of Peace called ISLAM !!
Still it continues to dazzle and amaze the world with its contributions to humankind....

Take any European Town and watch how it decays when they obtain a majority.......they remind me of a flock of vultures forever scavenging and moving on.
They scavenge off our freedoms , our social security ,our health service and still whinge and whine.

They are intolerant of all other cultures around them and systematically drive all who are different away.

When they cannot scavenge off of us they bicker and prey among one and other.

I ask myself why do we allow this continued abasement of our Countries , Cities , Culture and Populace.....I really dont get it !!

They wont be satisfied with destroying Israel ...
nor with clearing the Middle East of all dhimmis
or with equality in the countries of their immigration..they want to pick our bones clean
till we are all converted , cowed or dead.

This crisis around the world is very simple in my
non machiavellian mind.....

It is simply a fight for the survival of what it intrinsically Good or Evil , right or wrong

If we believe our way of life is tolerant , altruistic and benevolent to all who try and obey the simple premise of the rule of law and civil liberties. We must at times be prepared to defend these at all costs.

We do not wish to trash their way of life but we should defend ours AT ANY COST otherwise what have we become ....I for one refuse to be carrion what about You ??

Well, these barbarians teach the kiddies something fun and give them a hot meal. Hence, in the minds of wooly-headed Western humanitarians, their "practical" help will outweigh any vicious ideology they may preach. We saw it before in the Black Panther Party in the USA, whose members went from being young revoutionary vanguards in the 1970's to being cop-killers, robbers, and dope dealers in the 1990's. Hence, years after the last Jew has been sent packing from the land between the Jordan and Med, the Falastin Arabs will be scratching their heads and wondering why their land is such a God-forsaken Hellhole in which nothing works, personal secutiry is nil, governments are changed more rapidly than underwear, and the only law is the that of vendetta. And guilt-ridden Western liberals will still be pouring their people's hard-earned tax dollars into the miserable Hellhole.