Jihadists crowing about victory over Israel

Hamas understands very well what the stationing of Lebanese troops under UN auspices on the Lebanese/Israeli border means: a victory for Hizballah (and even more so for its jihadist allies) and a defeat for Israel -- by the design of its best friend and ally. "Hamas Columnist: Hizbullah's Victory in Lebanon Opens the Door for a Third Intifada," from MEMRI:

In his August 7, 2006 column in the Hamas semiweekly Al-Risala, under the title "Victory in Lebanon – Towards a Third Intifada," Ibrahim Abu Heija' encourages Hamas to use what he sees as Hizbullah's victory as a springboard for a third Palestinian intifada.

The following are excerpts from the article:(1)

"The Greatest Beneficiary [of the Victory in Lebanon] Will Ultimately Be the Palestinian Resistance"

"What has become evident from the ongoing battles in the proud and resistant south of Lebanon is the confirmation of Israel's failure in achieving its goals and the confirmation of the decline in its deterrence capability in comparison with what it was before it got embroiled in the Lebanese quagmire – despite the bloody slaughters that Israel committed against unarmed civilians...

"What is noteworthy here is not only the collapse of the Israeli defense doctrine in the face of a well-organized community possessed of faith and will, such as Hizbullah, but what is more important in the Israeli loss is to examine the consequences of the victory and its implications on additional levels.

"Hizbullah, which achieved the victory, will be the least of those who benefit from this victory, due to certain considerations relevant to the Lebanese arena, which is based on sectarian division. This does not mean that it will not gain greater strength and legitimacy than it had before, particularly since the Israeli aggression, as is evident, proceeds without direction and without any reckoning of consequences, and therefore gets itself entangled in guerilla warfare, in which Hizbullah is unsurpassed in its skill, and has a Syrian and Iranian backing that denies it nothing in terms of arms, money, support, and protection.

"It detracts nothing from Hizbullah's standing that it should benefit from the honor of victory and that it should be a shield protecting Syria and Lebanon from breaking apart, and should be a shield for Iran against an attack on its nuclear reactor.

"However, the greatest beneficiary will ultimately be the Palestinian resistance, because all of the Arab, regional, and international equations, whether they are at variance or in agreement, revolve around the Palestinian cause, either in order to liquidate it or to defend it."

Read it all.

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I can't believe that it is real... Seriously, I am speechless.

I wonder if AJ found out about the power that blogs have to bust liars when Charles from LGF caught Reuters red-handed. It's definitely a small world.

I felt tempted in leaving a comment asking why Iran executes 16 year old girls that were raped, but I don't think that's his cup of tea...

ROFLMFAO - They think they won..omg in tears laughing my ass off..omg..ROFLMFAO

Jihadists should indeed be crowing. Not only because of their victory over the Olmert (Kadima) government, but because of their Syrian / Iranian victory over the Bush /Rice government. Mr. Bush has prostrated himself (figurative speaking) before President Ahmadinejad , the Iranian strong-man. President Bush is weak, politically. Ahmadinejad is strong. This is a craven admission by President Bush that we are defenseless before jihadist violence. An act of unmitigated appeasement. Shame on the Bush administration. Shame.

re "Hizbullah's Victory in Lebanon Opens the Door for a Third Intifada"

Over at LGF


there is a thread to "Age of Hooper's" video of the Washington DC Hezbollah rally. In the video you will see/hear the rally cry "LONG LIVE INTIFADA, INTIFADA INTIFADA!" at the 6:37 marker.


Monk - Your TOO FUNNY!!! If you actually believe that!!!

Ahmadinejad is a mental midget

Goodbye Hizbollah

Hizbollah and Ahmadinejad - Both mental cases - the world laughts at you losers!

WildandCrzyGuy wrote: ROFLMFAO - They think they won..omg in tears laughing my ass off..omg..ROFLMFAO"

Why are little children allowed to post on this list? Babies?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran (piss be upon him).
Madman ArmageddonJihad
Madmouth I'm-a-damn-nutjob

Hizbollah are a bunch of little sissy's that fire rockets, then run and hide behind their womens burkas and behind children

Hizbollah's women have larger balls then the men do - cowards. Real breave men, that hide behind women and children..ROFLMFAO unbelieveable..they actually believe they are winning..omg in tears laughing so hard!

WildandCrzyGuy, you are a little boy looking for attention. Grow up little one. Please go away. You are so immature. You are a boy.

Just curious who's gonna rebuild Lebanon "when" Hizzy wins... I'll take up crack first.

he who crows last crows best.

the fat lady has not sung yet.

Israel is kicking your asses. Its so funny that you have to alter photo's to make it appear that you dream of ever winning a war.

Takes a brave muslim to hide behind the kids - you make me laugh. Then kill the kids and point the finger at ISRAEL. ROFLMFAO too funny

Now the real question is: "Is it real, or is it Reuters"

I find it funny how you actually believe you think your winning. Can I sell you an EDSEL?

Islam and Allah has and never won anything! Remember that!


OMG are you serious? The Lebanese and Hezbollah just refused to implement the ceasefire.They couldn't even go through with a sham disarmament. Now they can no longer play the UN card or whine about not getting a "cease fire".Since they are the one's who have rejected the ceasefire that Isreal accepted.Soon the Isreali's will have free hand to mop up Hezbollah as Isreal has placed her troops in position to do just that. Meanwhile in Syria the country is being overrun with Lebanese refugees further distabilizing that country's government and economy.You actually think Syria, Lebanon and Hezbollah are winners...lol.

ISRAEL own's Lebanon's ass right now and you think your winning..ROFLMFAO omg...Monk - you slay me

Hizballah has lost over 600 of their brown eyed mullets since this war began. Hizballah's strongholds and infrastructure have been severely crippled. Israel has been pushing Hizballah north for the last 2 weeks. If this is a win for Hizballah, then Israel should hand this type of victory to them daily, mates.


I sware the Muslims should be comedians - they are so funny! They even believe the shit they spill!

As for my age, lets just say your a little boy and a dreamer who believes in fairytails. Now change the diaper on your head then go to bed and suck you thumb!

I've done my time in the US Air Force and I would think of nothing better then drop a bomb on your shit of a world the Middle East and turning Iran, Syria, Lebanon into a giant piece of GLASS. Its just a damm shame that ISRAEL is in the middle of you knuckleheads, or else you would of been encased in glass a long long time ago.

When the day comes that the Muslim man treats his wife and children with respect and some love, thats the day there will be lesss hatred throught the world and we will have piece instead of tools used for distruction. Until then you and ISLAM will die! Maybe not from me but hopefully from another Muslim.


You may want to reread Monk's posting; it's not pro-jihad.

A little verbal decorum is also appreciated.

The brave Hisbollah fighters, (who mask their faces, and hide among civilian women and children while targeting civilian areas) claim "glorious victory" against the Zionists (who dropped warning leaflets to save civilian lives, and as policy, do not target civilians).

How can Hizbollah command dignity and respect when they fight like primitive, immoral, cowards? Their rockets, for the most part, only exploded into the sand, and the body count and destruction in Lebannon was far worse than on the Israeli side. No other Arab country intervened on their behalf and the terms of the latest UN resolution specify their disarming.

Glorious Victory? Not.

In Islam's frenzied rush towards self-destruction, this is indeed a decisive victory.

Suicide by cop is a win-win strategy. If you die you'll be hailed a martyr by Amnesty and Human Rights Watch, and if you survive you can sue the police for assault.

If Hezbollah was formed, at least in part, to "help" the people of Lebanon, how can they claim victory after what has happened there? They didn't help the people of Lebanon build adequate bomb shelters. They didn't help the people when they kidnapped Israeli soldiers. They didn't help the people evacuate after Israel warned them of imminent attack. They didn't help the people move weapons out of civilian areas and as a result are at least partially if not entirely responsible for the civilian deaths in the conflict. By accepting help from Iran and Syria they are throwing gas on already raging political fires. They aren't helping the situation with their hundreds of daily rocket launches and they certainly aren't helping anyone with their radical militant world view and their inability or unwillingness to compromise. If they won or are winning, I think it's a pretty poor way to do so.