Journalist arrested on Bombay train bombings

What? A journalist with ties to a jihad group? Say it ain't so, Edward R. Murrow! You mean to tell me that there is a journalist out there who isn't as pure as the driven snow, and who actually has joined up with the global jihad? Pshaw. Next you're going to try to convince me that the Qana massacre photos were faked with the willing participation of the assembled photojournalists -- why, that's just too much for me to believe.

From AP, with thanks to DFS:

Indian police on Monday arrested a journalist over his alleged ties to an outlawed Islamic group suspected of taking part in the Bombay train bombings.

However, investigator K.P. Raghuvanshi cautioned that the journalist, Danish Sheikh, who works as an editor for the Urdu Times, an Urdu language newspaper, is not suspected of playing any direct role in the July 11 bombings of Bombay's crowded commuter rail network, that killed at least 207 people.

Rather, Raghuvanshi said he is suspected of assisting Students Islamic Movement of India, a banned Islamic group that authorities say may have played a role in the series of seven bomb blasts, along with militants based in Pakistan.

Documents linking Sheikh with SIMI, as the group is known, were allegedly seized from his home, Raghuvanshi said.

Later Monday, when Sheikh appeared before a Bombay court, public prosecutor B.F. Heere told the court that the suspect had traveled to Iran earlier this year, and that "more than a hundred jihadi books were also found and seized from his residence."

Heere said the literature included 25 copies of a book by SIMI.

"We suspect he sold and distributed the books on jihad in Bombay," the prosecutor said. "He was an active SIMI member and was fluent in English, Hindi, Persian, Arabic and Urdu."

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I would like to hope they also found a list of names of the people he sold the products.
I would see if I could track his past movement and associations. I would be interested if he had a computer and to know what was on it.
An indirect role to mass killing is just as bad as a direct role. It is called being an accessory to the fact. It should be a crime if it can be shown he knew of the planned action and did not notify the authorities. He should never see another day of freedom

He won't.

He sure will walk scot free. This is Indi, and not USA. Hindus suffer from the Stockholm syndrome: they often tend to worship their oppressors, being afraid of the damage that may fall out afterwards.

Mohammed bin Kafir Abu Jahal

When has last ONE terrorist walked free. Oh, I forget, you still in there ?

Other than Muslims, are there large numbers of any Indian community that use Urdu (and I mean written as well - Arabic script instead of Devanagiri, not just the use of Urdu terms in Hindi)?

If not, time to crack down on the Urdu media, since it's more likely than not to be another vehicle for Islamic supremacy. Wanna wager that most of the people who work in the Urdu media are Jihad practitioners?

Infidel Pride,
You are correct. Who would want to speak a language that is not understood to get a decent job (except in a madrasa). This is where this language is taught, and learnt by masses of muslims who, if they learn to write it, can't pronounce it correctly, or, if they learn to pronounce it, can't write it. I pronounce better than most (not proud of the fact). What these zombies get is a hatred of anything infidel, and to kill and steal (like the great man did), and this is what they practice. I go to muslim hovels, and it does something to me each time. The stench is there, along with the shacks and the semi constructed houses, but what gets me is walking in very narrow streets with carcasses and large pieces of goats and sheeps hanging from the hooks in the shops. And the reproductive organs displayed along with the brains of these animals. (They are taken as aphrodisiacs, a special delicacy). IP, muslim hovels, along with the mosques (slaughter houses) are the stuff of my nightmares.

When has last ONE terrorist walked free. Oh, I forget, you still in there ?

Posted by: arjun.sevak at August 2, 2006 09:23 AM

:-). Typical ignorant Hindu coward-speak.

Jaish-e-Mohammed supremo Maulana Masood Azhar. Know him ? No ? Your mother probably would recall and recoil with horror about this terrorist being freed and escorted by former NDA External Affairs Minister, the erstwhile corward bureaucrat Jaswant Singh, to Kandahar for safe passage to Pakistan.

Mohammed bin Kafir Abu Jahal


What you choose to read here is obviously your choice, but do you read the threads other than the India-related ones? In every one of them, people of all countries - espcecially Israel, US, Australia not to mention France, Sweden, Britain, - bitch almost all the time about how dhimmified their governments are (just like we do about the GOI), and how they bend over backwards to appease Muslims, how the media in these countries are too PC, etc. All of these countries are democratic countries, just like India, and all of them have democratic governments, elected by people like those on this weblog, just like India.

So are the Israelis, Americans, Aussies, French, Swedes, Britons all cowards suffering from a Stockholm syndrome hangover, or is that a distinction that only Hindus enjoy? If you do have a good explanation as to why only Indians are dhimmis, and everyone else is intensely fighting the Jihad, I for one would love to hear it.

What Jaswant Singh did was undoubtedly disgraceful, and India's record in fighting terror prior to 9/11 was abysmal. But since then, there have been POTA, TADA and a whole deal of measures that had Muslims on edge. Also, the reason the NDA lost the last elections was that the regional non-Hindutva allies of the BJP - like the TDP, Akali Dal, AGP, Trinamul, et al - bit the dust. Except in UP, the BJP held its own.

I agree that the Congress led UPA regime is a bunch of losers, but how are they worse than Blair's New Labour Party, or Olmert's Kadima-Labor coalition, which, today, in the middle of the war in Lebanon, before Gilad Shallit has been freed, are planning further withdrawals from Judea and Samaria (like our Israeli friends, I refuse to call it the West Bank). Israel has leaders like Yossi Sarid and Yossi Beilin who'd consider withdrawing to Israel's untenable 1967 borders; in India, even the Left Front would balk before demanding that Azad Kashmir be recognized as a part of Pakistan.

In India, if one is openly anti-Muslim, one does not get ostracized by society at large. If I go around in the US proclaiming at random that I'm anti-Islamic, I'm more likely than not to be labelled a bigot, or an 'Islamophobe': most people are not like the average J/W poster. In India, a non-Muslim school wouldn't dare teach kids the Quran, or have them practise being Muslims for a week. There have been such cases in the US, and in the UK. In India, the Babri Masjid was demolished; in Israel, Jews aren't allowed near the Temple Mount. I'm not suggesting that any of these countries is farther down the hole than India, but do explain why India is a lost cause, and these other countries, such as the US, UK, Israel, or France aren't.

This nutjob won't be able to answer that. I think he has a condition. He sees everything through a prism, does not see that other countries are behaving in a similar manner, and somehow I think he is obsessed with the word 'coward'. He is perfectly able to quote examples from history of Indian dhimmis, but he will never acknowledge the campaigns. I have seen nutters that are uninformed, that is not a problem. This nutjob is somewhat informed, yet he seems to have a mental condition when India and Hindus are involved.

Infidel Pride,

Could'nt agree with you more.Well said.