Khamenei: 'There is No Way to Confront... the Zionists... and the 'Great Satan' Except Through Martyrdom'

Well, Khamenei, if that's what you really want...

Note his attempts to keep Middle Eastern Christians firmly in the dhimmi camp. "Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei: 'America Can Expect a Resounding Slap and a Devastating Fist-Blow From the Muslim Nation'; Hizbullah is the Muslim Nation's 'Front Line of Defense'; 'There is No Way to Confront... the Zionists... and the 'Great Satan' Except Through Martyrdom,'" from MEMRI, with thanks to David:

On August 2, 2006, Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei issued a communiqué to the Islamic nation, which was published by the conservative Iranian news agency Fars.

The following are excerpts: [1]


"Today, everyone realizes that the attack on Lebanon was planned in advance, and was a Zionist-American operation - a first step towards taking control over the Middle East and over the [entire] Muslim world.


"Today more than ever, the Muslim peoples are disgusted and furious with the Americans. The Muslim governments, including those governments whose political statements stem from restrictions [that are placed upon them], are disgusted by the insolent and arrogant oppression and are opposed to it. The American regime can expect a resounding slap and a devastating fist-blow from the Muslim nation for its support of the Zionist crimes and criminals, after it has so brazenly violated the rights of the Muslim peoples.


"America's and Israel's aggressive character and conduct revives the spirit of resistance in the Islamic world, [now] more than ever, and make the value of jihad clearer than ever."

"There is No Way to Confrontthe Barbaric Zionist Wolves and the Aggression of the 'Great Satan' Except Through Martyrdom"

"The Islamic world, and the Muslim youth in all the Islamic countries know that there is no way to confront the barbaric Zionist wolves and the aggression of the 'Great Satan' [i.e. America] except through martyrdom. Capitulation and obedience to the American politicians, and to those who instigate quarrels and internal strife [in the Muslim world], only increase their avarice and insolence, making their actions against the [Muslim] peoples more severe.


"Today, Hizbullah is the front line of defense for the Muslim nation and for all the peoples of the region, regardless of religion and faith. As far as the Zionist enemy is concerned, there is no difference between a mosque and a church, or between Shiites and Sunnis. It is a racist, aggressive and bloodthirsty regime. If it encounters no obstacle, it will not refrain from [perpetrating] any crime against any sector or people. The peoples of the region, the [various] Islamic sectors, and the followers of the various religions in Lebanon and in all Muslim countries should unite and [stand] shoulder to shoulder, rather than allow internal disputes to bolster the enemy's strength.

"The Islamic [Republic of] Iran knows its role in resisting the aggression and belligerence of America and the evil of the Zionist regime - it will stand by any oppressed nation, and especially by the beloved Lebanese people and the fighting Palestinian people....

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I am so sick of these guys. Why don't we just go in, smack them down and shut them up? They're just like..ankle biting dogs. They are so aggravating.

We need to tell them to put their money where their mouth is and then the minute they put a missle in place, we take them out. Along with the black rock.

It's a good thing for him that his nose didn't grow with every lie he told. I suspect that Iran, thanks to North Korea has nukes which they intend to use Aug.22 or is the 21st the big day? In any case it's bad news for the world.

If Iran has nukes and uses them it'll be because they think it'll bring the Mahdi back. What a mess.

"Iranian news agency Fars"

"Fars" is "minced meat" in Danish. Anybody know if minced mullah is halal or haram?

The American regime can expect a resounding slap and a devastating fist-blow from the Muslim nation for its support of the Zionist crimes and criminals, after it has so brazenly violated the rights of the Muslim peoples.
The rights of the Muslim peoples should only be extended as far as they’ve extended the rights of others …and we’re talking very little, here. Though the Muslims may be furious with America now, it’s nothing compared to how they’ll feel should they keep pushing and pushing the west. America has been extremely gracious and tried and tried to broker deals between the Israelis and her neighbors for decades only to have them, time and time again, shot down by the Islamic buffoons who feel that no one has any right to that land besides them. Stupid. Childish. Deadly.

"There is No Way to Confront the Barbaric Zionist Wolves and the Aggression of the 'Great Satan' Except Through Martyrdom"
Yeah …okay. Well, you just go right ahead and kill yourselves. The more you open your mouths, the more we wish you’d die, believe me.

"Today, Hizbullah is the front line of defense for the Muslim nation
Sorry to hear about that. So you’re screwed, in other words, right?

"The Islamic [Republic of] Iran knows its role in resisting the aggression and belligerence of America and the evil of the Zionist regime - it will stand by any oppressed nation, and especially by the beloved Lebanese people and the fighting Palestinian people....
Let’s see what ol’ Armadinejad has planned for the west. Has he got a bomb? Maybe 2 or 3? Hey, feel free to use those suckers up …and then we’ll count how many we have, too…

Visit my blog where I poke fun at Islamic fundamantalists:

Welcome to Torontonistan!

I notice Khamenei doesn't seem too eager to martyr himself. At the sight of a seagull let alone a nuclear-tipped cruise missile, he'd dive head first into a nuclear shelter. But our media, as Melanie Phillips wrote in this article is openly playing into the hands of fiends like Ahmadinejad and Khamenei. When confronted over their antisemitic outpourings, they'll be able to point to news articles agreeing with their virulent Israeli-hating expletives in the best part of eight or nine mainstream newspapers in the UK, the WAPO, New York Slimes and five hundred other mainstream newspapers in the West, not to mention news channels like the BBC, CNN, Sky etc as their main defence, and say "If the Western media can churn out all of this invective about Israel, then why shouldn't I be able to?"

Khamenei is correct and right....

Muslims must achieve martyrdom!!!!!
All them! Just tell us and we can start pushing buttons so we can get this over with.

My response to the mullahs of Iran?? Bring It On, fellas!
I am so sick and tired of seeing the statements of these pontificating pillowbutts, these misguided, unfortunate followers of the Moon goddess that I am at my wits end!!
Lord (Jehovah) knows, I do not comment here all that much, waiting, biding my time until I have seen enough. When will the Prime Misister of Israel or GWB, make some potentially threatening statement, to put Iran and the other nose-ring-led Muslim puppet states, Syria, Lebannon, and Saudia Arabia, into their place, namely, SHUT YOUR PIEHOLES with your raging, genocidal threats against Israel, or you will see our response.
We Only Wait For Your First Mis-Step, Adolph!

"Zionist Wolves" and "Great Satan, America"

Yes -- but how do you REALLY feel about us?

If i were a person who had little or no understanding of the Bible all these events would mean very little.The word Zion is used in the Bible many times.Its a geographic location.Its a historical ideal.Indeed its elements are somewhat essoteric.But if one does a bit of study of the elements of Zion its hard to come to any other conclusion then Zion is of another world.Indeed in Jewish thought Zion is a city of God.Of another world.Of another time.Its the city Abraham longed for.A city,a exesitence in and on a whole other level then we exsist now.In the Christian thought its the very essense of the redemtion by the messiah.A place a way that in somewhat essoteric ways is being built now and will be incorperated into this planets nature.Its best described briefly here as THE FORTRESS of GOD.Sound silly? Maybe but its at the center of the ongoing and gathering global conflict.So when one speaks of destroying Zion one is implisetly saying he or she is at war with this FORTRESS of GOD.Now if Zion is not what its understood as,then heck the Radicals of Islam and fellow travlers are in for a victory.But if Zion is of GOD,then i tremble for myself and every soul on this planet.Becouse if Zion is to be destroyed if its what its said to be then the peaple who claim resadence to this citadel will clearly have to be ilimetnated.If thats the case the bottom line is thus:The ideal of Zion will be destroyed by its own falseness:Or it will be defended by its own Truth.Hitler was at war with Zion,as was many others.At the end of the 2nd world war europe was ablaze the globe reeling from warfare.At the center of the conflict was the battle against Zion(ism).Now in the modern day weapons are more deadly stronger more earth ending in desighn.So why does this current battle seem to invoke so much anti Zion(ism).Again its not settled either Zion is true or its false.The current challengers seek much the same mantle as Hitler.Given history what are the chances Zion will fall this time around.The world is in for a heck of a ride.

In every recent war against Muslim extremists and nationalists, including against Sadaam Hussein, Bin Ladin, the Nasrah guy from Lebanon, Al Zaquari in Iraq, the press reports about how it takes forever to track these guys down to eventually capture or kill them. In some cases, like Bin Ladin, the US is still looking for them. And yet, when they gather, as at the current Muslim conference in Malaysia, the US and Israel knows exactly where they all are, like ducks in a shooting gallery. They are a thorn in the side of freedom everywhere, so why wait until the US or Israel has to nuke Tehran to solve the problem.
Whenever Hamas or Hezballah gathers in the street en masse, shouting slogans and burning flags, it is obvious where they are. Why then doesn't Israel or the US just end their misery all at once with a surprise attack that wipes out all these sympathizers, these Muslim ghazis, these leaders, these fake spiritual leaders, when they know exactly where they are. there are never any children or women present in these marches. Problem solved.
Why doesn't the US just send a stealth fighter into the night sky and take out the plane that did or will fly Chavez back to Venezuela and do it over the Pacific or Atlantic. That problem solved. There would be no witnesses, no survivors. This is a war against these evil people. Why not take them out when we can, before they go into hiding as mentioned above and become impossible to stop. Why, I wonder?

Khameini is indeed right,

he is preparing a percentage of muslim ME people to not worry when they are wiped out by one or several nuclear blasts, Allah will count it as martyrdom, and so if it takes a million or more of their own people to get at Israel then that is a good thing for everyone who was within radius of the blast(s)and dies, for Allah expects them in paradise, even without plastic keys...

'There is No Way to Confront... the Zionists... and the 'Great Satan' Except Through Martyrdom'

So, what do you have to say about this, Kofi? Nothing? I didn't think your sorry dhimmi ass did!

There is no way to COMFORT ...the Zionists and the great Satan; expect through martyrdom.

Yeah, Comfort!

02:07 Chavez: Recall of envoy from Tel Aviv is protest of Israeli `genocide` in Lebanon (AP)
01:53 Venezuelan Pres. Chavez recalls ambassador from Tel Aviv (Sky News)
Funny timing Hugo...Recall of envoy from Tel Aviv
I think Hugo knows whats coming next.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Orwell could have taken lessons from this guy.


Zionophobism at it's agpogee!

The Islamists seem to be very desperate at this very moment!

Go, Israel, GO!


What a nutjob

Title: Ahmadinejad: Destroy Israel, end crisis

What a NUTJOB -

Ok, sorry to speculate, but, at what time were they not disgusted with America? Like when they killed over 200 peace keeping Marines. Just curious, but I keep seeing America Die, Great Satan, and all. So at what point did we realy piss them off?

Let me get this straight, Muslims, who are upset at Islam being portrayed as a violent religion, are threatening death and beheadings to those who say Islam is religion of violence?

We should we put forth the Muslim Anger Level Alerts..Angry, Angrier, Angry, beginning to Rage, Raging, Raging, beginning to Seethe, Seething, Seething, calling for bloodlust, >> Ululululululul, >> Shooting live rounds in the air, Whirling Dervish Crazy Seething, Spoldeydope

In 27 countries throughout the world, Muslims are engaged in Jihad, or “holy war”. In this supposed “holy war”, non-believers are butchered by the millions… and this is supposed to be the will of Allah?

Hey, good news Muslims and Arabs! Your proctologist called...he found your heads!

And If I was Chavez, those F16's would be looking pretty tasty right now. His purchase of inferior Russian era products is a joke. Ooh now we shake cause Chavez buys junk from a junk seller. When will they learn, and when will Israel trade in the Merkur for the well founded M1 Abrams? And funny to say yet talk about the F-22 raptor and the Joint Strike Fighter. If I where a dictator, I would want the best weapons, not some junk, that makes you look stupid. God awful waste of space.

All of this muslim outrage is only showing the world the true face of islam. It's not just a "few" islamic extremists we are seeing, it's the majority of the muslim world encouraging violence and murder.

The world needs Islam and its' followers like a dead fish needs a broken 21-speed bicycle...

It therefore stands to reason that anyone who calls themselves a Muslim is announcing their concurrence and complicity with the millions of atrocities being committed in the name of Islam. They are saying, “I am an enemy of peace.” To most people, it is now a plain fact… there are NO PEACEFUL MUSLIMS

Calling all jihadis,
calling all jihadis,
allah wants your bodies,
it is time for the madhi,
time to deliver a blow
to the great satan
for the nation of islam.

You'll have virgins, houris,
wine and sweet perfumes,
rivers of crystal clear water.
You will never have a hangover
and your manhood will pulse
forever in the whore house of heaven.
All this is yours, just sacrifice your life.
Calling all jihadis.

Prays Muslim men meet a girl like Lorena Bobbitt, Tonya Harding and Hillary Clinton. His penis was gone, his knee was broken, and he had no health insurance. /insallah

Well I would counter with, If Muslim's truly wanted to better there own civilization, they would side with Egypt, and Pakistan. Think about it geopoliticaly. Every time a malicious dictator pops up, he gets smacked down. So I would say, make politcal ways. Serve your venue through jurisdiction and abandon the thought of a caliphate. Who in their right minds would let that happen? After Hitler and the third Reich's connection to Palestine and the Caliphate? Muslim's could be a powerful peoples if they only gave way to their own accords, and limited their own proxy's of their own religion. United Emirates, United States, United Nations, Squabling Muslim nations that have no rule, seeking rule. Maybe education, and not Madrasses, might suite Muslim's well.

I would like like to start a new dance called the Dhimmi Shake, It goes like this

President Pervez Musharraf :
"Islamic civilization is the most illiterate, most backward, most unhealthy, most unenlightened, most deprived and weakest of all the human race." No amount of intellectual acrobatics performed by Muslim apologists can justify the intolerant and ruthlessness of Muhammad's religion.

Bring it on. What's keeping you?

Add my name to the list of those fed up with the mullahs shooting their mouths off. As long as the U.S. is going to be the Great Satan anyway, we might as well unleash Hell, all nine levels. Call it Operation Cerberus, named after the giant three headed dog that was the guardian of of the underworld in Greek Mythology (wouldn't that tick them off!). Then the national slogan of the "muslim nation" can be "Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here." If they want a holy war, the the holy hell with them.


The drivel coming from Khamenei's mouth is typical of what everyone has come to expect from Islam. Iran, and indeed Lebanon, were once prosperous, friendly nations before being hijacked by the hateful Islamist cult. It is criminal that the free nations of the West have allowed the scourge of Islam to grow around the world. Where are our leaders when now is the time to stand up and do what needs to be done? Islam is an intolerant, evil system that needs to be eradicated completely before it destroys mankind.

Every freedom-loving Judeo-Christian should read Amil Imani's article about the destructive nature of Islam. This should be front page news . . . and everyone should be worried . . .

Once again, Iran is telling us that it is about to strike, and not just Israel, but at America, too.

The comment about martyrdom is there to prime the Iranian people for a major US counterattack.

I believe more and more as each day approaches August 22, that a major Iranian attack on Israel, and quite possibly the US, will take place. Most likely with WMD. All the signs point to it. All the rhetoric points to it.

The world as we know it, has 19 days left.

Golda Meir said “We will have peace with the Arabs and Muslims when they love their children more than they hate us” So true!!

You had me worried there for a moment. For the computer engineer.

arjun.sevak ROFLMFAO...good one..

Tehran, 14 April (AKI) - Iran's hardline president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has apparently been incensed by an anonymous text message suggesting he does not wash enough. Ahmadinejad has taken legal action over the offending text, has fired the president of a phone company and has had four people arrested and accused of colluding with the Israeli foreign intelligence service, Mossad, the anti-government website Rooz Online reports.

Poking fun at the president, the regime's senior figures and its policies, has reportedly become a national pastime in Iran. The Iranian authorities are paying particular attention to jokes comparing Iran's nuclear programme with sex.

At the rate this asshole - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - scream out destuction of anything I forsee his time on this planet very short lived! Mahmoud, you better keep looking over your shoulder - your a dead man

By all menas stand by them. Stand close by them so the colateral damage will get both you and them.

muslims are all threats, but no action. if mohamed was a repressed homosexual and child rapists pedophile and allah is a whore of satan, if these statements are not true then iran you need to attack Israel and America today to show the strength of islam and the muslims instead of making fecal matter with the utterances of your mouths.

Thanks to Spirit of 1683 for posting the link to Melanie Phillips' article at

I think that Melanie Phillips has managed to express how the current hysterical anti-Israeli anti-semitic zeitgeist is being aided by most of the mainstream media. Although it is a truly depressing spectacle to behold, it must finally put to rest the oft-repeated lie that Jews somehow control most of the world media.

There are now times when I simply cannot stomache watching BBC news. Its tendentiousness and its deliberate reversal of chronology are just to much to bear. For example, it reported a few days ago that Israel broke its self-imposed 48-hour ceasefire and Hezbollah fired more rockets, rather than stating that Israel resumed hostilities because Hezbollah had fired more rockets. Moreover, its selective emphasizing and de-emphasizing has now reached crass proportions.

Notice that all this works only ONE way: Americans are making Muslims unhappy!!!! Well, boo hoo hoo!

I don't ever remember Muslims doing ANYTHING to make non-Muslims happy (Well, gee--isn't that funny?). And I doubt anyone else remembers them doing so either. But that doesn't count for anything with them. In fact, the Kuran, their pipeline from the alleged creator, al-lah, says to KILL ALL non-Muslims. But so what.

Muslims want to die in the name of al-lah so as to become martyrs! In fact, they want to go to their valhalla! Well...Great!!!

Let's send these bug-eyed zombies on their way!!!! I'll even pack their bags!!!!!

Two Muslims are chatting. One of them has his wallet out and is flipping through pictures. Proudly, he pulls two out to show his friend. "This is my oldest son. He's a martyr. And here is my second son. He's a martyr, too." There's a pause, and the second Muslim says wistfully, "Ah, they blow up so fast, don't they?

Islam's 20-year plan for U.S.

Arab-American author outlines secret 20-year strategy to undermine country

We feeling the love yet? Geez

From this website, one can glean that the following is going to happen. Iran has already obtained nukes from N. Korea. We don't know when they got them, but it could have been even prior to 9/11, before our guard went up, or maybe recently. Also, from Iran, Chavez and his military have also gotten a nuke or some, and passed them into the US throught the mexican border or buried in the hull of one of their oil tankers. Note that Chavez says he's going not only to pull his ambassador out of Israel, but also going to stop delivering oil to the US. He doesn't want any of his people/assets here when this happens.
This delivery of nukes went undetected, using either donkeys through China, then into Afghanistan, then to Iran, or on submarines or under millions of gallons of oil on an oil tanker, or under a lead sheild on an empty returning oil tanker.
Then, August 22, or there abouts, these nukes will be used to destroy Israel and to give the US a black eye. All hell will break lose. As usual, the good guys will have waited to be first attacked, then will be unable to retaliate due to the worry of injuring innocent civilians. And, even if the US used nukes, the leaders will all be hidden, as usual.
Bush called it. You are either for us or against, and they are willing, the bad guys, to do it, to meet like two western gunfighters in the street and shoot it out. But, the guys with the black hat on are going to get the first shot off, then play the oil card, the prejudice against muslim card, the innocent civilian card etc ad naseum.
This is what is being said here, on the Michael Savage show, on Fox news. It is known. And now the question. What will happen on that day? Is it really going to happen, in just two weeks from now? Shouldn't we be, like, storing up food and stuff like that?
If this is real, shouldn't somebody be sounding the alarm. Is someone going to raise the national security warning? What if the old 'fable' of Russian nukes is true and on that day 50 nukes go off, all at once. OUch.
In the Bible, it says the great Babylon will be destroyed in one hour and all the rest of the world will mourn. Has anybody ever thought that despite our Christian population, that the US is really the great satan, possibly the babylon of Revelation? That what we consider great advances are really just bad for the world, that which all the nations got drunk, possibly as in rich and lazy with places like Las Vegas and Amsterdam blah blah blah. Maybe there will be a rapture and maybe it will occur within two weeks from today. Are you ready?.\

I was looking for some info for CGW and came across an old site I used before. They had this article, which falls in line with this subject matter.

Warlords of the West
8/3/2006 - Political - Article Ref: IV0608-3063
Number of comments: 5
Opinion Summary: Agree:5 Disagree:0 Neutral:0
By: Dr. Habib Siddiqui
Iviews* -

Inna lillahi wainna ilayhi rajiaaoona
"To God we belong, and to Him is our return"

It should be quite obvious by now that Israel's latest invasion of Gaza and Lebanon had very little to do with rescuing her fallen soldiers. As I write, the rogue state, run by some of the worst war-criminals of our time, has killed some 750 unarmed Lebanese civilians - mostly women and children, destroyed mosques, bridges, roads, houses, schools, hospitals and much of the infra-structure of southern half of Lebanon. As in 1996, the terrorist state has massacred scores of civilians in Qana this past weekend (July 30, 2006).

Israel has bombed Red Cross center and ambulances, and a UN observation post killing 4 observers. She has displaced a million people inside the country, some of whom are forced to take shelters in even prisons. Infants have been forcibly separated from their parents, and the elderly from their care-taking children. Relief supplies are difficult to get to the internally displaced refugees. Nothing is immune from Israel's bombing campaign.

If a small fraction of these crimes were to be committed by any invading state, in contravention to international laws, Christ-loving Bush and Blair and their European friends in the NATO would be screaming aloud demanding cease-fire, failing which they would threaten the invading nation with all kinds of actions - UN sanctions, embargo and war. But when it comes to crimes of Israel, these western warlords are her greatest cheer-leaders and are insanely, as if demon-possessed, unperturbed by gruesome killings and massive destruction, wreaked by the pariah state. Like psychopathic and megalomaniac serial killers, they want to see more Muslim blood, more destruction, literally hell on earth and not cease-fire, because to them Muslim lives and properties are cheap and expendable. What a display of compassionate conservatism by Bush and Blair!

As Michael Schure, an ex-CIA analyst and the foremost expert on al-Qaeda, has said, Bush and Blair through their both overt and covert supports of such monumental crimes against Muslims have repeatedly shown that they are the worst enemies of Muslims. They have given credence to everything that their adversaries -- conveniently depicted in the West as the 'bad' guys, the so-called terrorists -- have been saying about the West. No bones about it. Truly, it is not OBL and al-Zawahiri that is radicalizing Muslims throughout the world, but these two white-collar warlords that epitomize evil and hypocrisy. With world leaders like these, who needs OBL to bring the Armageddon on earth?

Exchange of prisoners between contending parties is not new. It takes place all the time. Even Israel has, in the past, negotiated such exchanges. Moreover, the demand of Hizbullah and Hamas to exchange captured Israeli soldiers for Muslims prisoners held by Israel is justified given the fact that it is Israel that for decades has been holding thousands of Palestinian prisoners and hundreds of Lebanese citizens -- many of whom are women, children and (even) infants -- some literally kidnapped.

Remember that although Israel was forced to withdraw from southern Lebanon in 2000, some 22 years after its invasion, she continued to hold onto the Sheba Farms in defiance of UN Security Council resolution 425, and refused the release of 300 Lebanese prisoners including a number of Hizbullah leaders. Israel also refused to handover to the Lebanese government the map of land mines planted in south Lebanon. She continued to violate the air, water and land sovereignty of Lebanon. Even the plea of Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora with the Bush Administration to pressure Israel did not produce any result. So, when all the options for a peaceful resolution of these legitimate concerns were balked at by the Zionist regime, Hizbullah captured two Israeli soldiers when they violated Lebanese sovereignty on July 12.

Like any honest dealer, Hizbullah promptly called for the exchange of prisoners. Unfortunately, Israel does not care about the fate of those soldiers. She used the event as a pretext for something more sinister, something that remained unfulfilled from the Zionist blueprint for six-decade long history of annexation and annihilation, massacre and manipulation Ð all sanctioned as 'kosher' acts by her goy western patrons. The current murderous campaign of Israel inside Lebanon cannot, therefore, be grasped without an understanding of statements of its founding fathers -- all conniving individuals, if not homicidal terrorists, some later to be honored as ministers and presidents in the pariah state of Israel.

In 1919, the World Zionist Organization submitted to the Versailles Peace Conference, held near Paris its official plan for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. The submitted map included the southern part of Lebanon to the Litani River, the Syrian Golan Heights, and the West and East banks of the Jordan River. -

Theodore Herzl, the father of modern Zionism, said of his negotiation with the German Chancellor: "He asked what territory we wanted to have, whether as far north as Beirut or even beyond that. I said: We will ask for what we need - more immigrants, the more land." (The Complete Diaries of Theodore Herzl, p. 701) That was probably in late 19th or early 20th century, before his death. Now let us see what the founder of Zionist state of Israel, David Ben Gurion, wrote in his diary on May 21, 1947: "The Achilles heel of the Arab coalition is the Lebanon. Muslim supremacy in this country is artificial and can be easily overthrown. A Christian state ought to be set up there, with its southern frontier on the river Litani. We would sign a treaty of alliance with the state. Thus, when we have broken the strength of the Arab legion and bombed Amman, we could wipe out Trans-Jordan; after that Syria could fall. And if Egypt still dared to make war on us, we would bomb Port Said, Alexandria and Cairo. We should thus end the war and would have paid to Egypt, Assyria and Chaldea on behalf of our ancestors."1 He also said, "The present map of Palestine was drawn by the British mandate. The Jewish people have another map which our youth and adults should strive to fulfill -- From the Nile to the Euphrates."

Moshe Dayan told the Times of London (June 25, 1969) that, "Our fathers had reached the frontiers which were recognized in Partition Plan. Our generation reached the frontiers of 1949. Now the Six-day generation (referring to those who participated in 1967 war) has managed to reach Suez, Jordan and the Golan Heights. This is not the end. After the present cease-fire lines, there will be new ones. They will extend beyond Jordan - perhaps to Lebanon and perhaps to Central Syria as well."

From the sample of statements of Zionist leaders, shared above, it is not difficult to fathom why Israeli Prime Minister Olmert preferred invasion of Lebanon over negotiation to exchange prisoners. Israel has always been a colonial enterprise that thrives on opportunities for practicing state-run terrorism and colonization against Arabs.2 The capture of Israeli soldiers provides that criminal justification to destroy and slaughter, let alone an opportunity to set up a client state in the plundered territory that would safeguard Israel's so-called inalienable rights to intervene. Invasion comes rather easy with Israeli warlords. To these hawks, Barak's 2000 pullout from the 'Security zone' was a mistake and needed to be corrected. They want a 'Buffer zone.'

Taking advantage of civil war inside Lebanon, arisen out of power struggle between various Lebanese factions and foreign meddling, Israel occupied south Lebanon in March 1978. She withdrew in June after transferring control of the territories to her surrogate Christian South Lebanese Army (SLA). In 1981, fight broke out between Israeli-supported Christians and Syrian forces, and Beirut was heavily bombed by Israel. In June 1982 in a genocidal mood, Ariel Sharon's Israel Defense Forces (IDF) invaded Lebanon to eliminate the PLO. According to western analysts nearly 18,000 Muslims were killed, about a million rendered homeless, another half-a-million awaiting death in Israeli seized territories of southern Lebanon.

After destroying much of Beirut and southern Lebanon, and aiding in the massacre of thousands of refugees in the Sabra and Chatila refugee camps, the IDF partially evacuated from occupied Lebanon (holding onto what it described as the 'southern security zone' that ran along Israel's northern border and extended 18 miles deep into Lebanese territories in the south) and let multi-national forces from U.S., Britain, France and Italy to enter into the arena. These so-called "peace keepers", instead of really preserving and working for peace as neutral arbiters, took the side of Israel and her surrogate forces among the Falangists. Worse still, the U.S. Sixth Fleet fired mortars that killed hundreds of Muslim civilians, destroyed villages, towns and mountains that were lived by the Shi'a and Druze.

Such atrocities and betrayals brought about the emergence of resistance fighters of Hizbullah, born in families of the Shi'ite victims and out of the ashes of south Lebanon. As the USA and France acted more like proxies to pro-Israel forces in the region, the U.S. Embassy (April 1983), and French and U.S. Army barracks (October 23, 1983) were attacked by these resistance fighters killing nearly 300. By the time the Civil War ended, Hizbullah, with its militia, refused to disarm in fighting the Israeli presence in the security zone. The Lebanese government with a weak military was in no position to contest IDF and found it prudent to overlook Hizbullah's efforts to securing the southern border. Thus, the latter had a de facto approval from its constituency. (A poll conducted by the Arab-American Institute as recently as April of 2006 showed widespread support for Hizbullah. Only 6% of Lebanese people agreed to a disarmament of the group.)3

Hizbullah also did a superb job building clinics, hospitals and schools, paving roads and constructing homes, and rebuilding houses and other infrastructure in war-torn Lebanon. These activities earned them immense popularity in the south and made them a major political and social force to be reckoned with.

The presence of the IDF and its surrogate SLA in the south was a source of constant irritation for Lebanon and her people, and led to hostilities with Hizbullah and the Lebanese forces. In April 1996, during Israeli "Grapes of Wrath" campaign to destroy Hizbullah guerrillas, Israeli artillery gunners shelled a United Nations base in Qana, east of the port city of Tyre, killing more than 100 civilians sheltering there. That massacre at Qana galvanized the western leaders to arrange a ceasefire.

Fighting between the Hizbullah and the IDF resumed again in June of 1999. In May 2000, under the new Prime Minister Ehud Barak, the IDF started to gradually withdraw from southern Lebanon turning over its positions to its ally - the SLA. However, amidst incessant pressure from the Hizbullah, SLA collapsed, leading Israel to accelerate its withdrawal, which it accomplished by late May. Nonetheless, she held on to the Sheba Farms.

On Sunday, July 30, 2006, under new Prime Minister Olmert, the IDF repeated the war crimes of 1996 through missile strikes in the village of Qana. Villagers had gathered in a shelter in one of Qana's buildings, probably thinking that the massacre of 1996 would not be repeated by savage Israelis. But they were wrong. Lebanese Red Cross officials said that 58 people died in the Israeli assault on the village, including 34 children. Rescuers dug through the debris to remove dozens of bodies. (See for pictures of war from Lebanon)

In 1996, Qana was the price Lebanon had to pay for world leaders to end the killing. But this time, with the US and its neoconservative, pro-Likud, Bible-thumping leadership (with members in the Senate and Congress, with rare exceptions) firmly behind Israel's war-crimes, no such ceasefire is in the making. So, when the rest of the world cries foul and is saddened with savagery of Israel, and demonstrates for ceasefire, leaders like Bush, Blair and Condi Rice show how evil western leadership has become. Their behavior is immoral, demented, sadistic and criminal. Truly, if we are looking for a modern-day Nero, we have it in these people.

In their delirious mindset, these warlords have forgotten that when the doors of negotiation, seeking fairness and justice, are shut down, radical elements -- prone to seek alternative ways to redress their grievances -- always emerge. If that happens, don't mumble 'why they hate us?' It is events like Qana that produces recruits for 9/11, 7/11 and 7/7.

The current events in the Occupied Palestine and Lebanon once again have shown the utter moral bankruptcy of the West and its leadership, especially of the USA and the UK. Hypocrisy is its hallmark. The West can preach equality, liberty, democracy and human rights, but they truly don't mean them when it comes to vast majority of non-whites. So, when Israel commits monumental crimes against Arabs, violating scores of international laws and UN charters, the USA and her western allies have consistently cheered and supported her criminal activities.

It is a high time for conscientious human beings around the world to demand a trial of President Bush of USA and Prime Minister Blair of UK in the International Court of Justice for aiding in the massacre of hundreds of civilians in Lebanon and the Gaza strip (let alone causing deaths and destruction in Iraq), failing which, I am afraid, the UN and its agencies will increasingly be viewed, and justifiably so, only as a club to inflict pain on victims and never to redress their grievances.

It is said that when criminals and demons rule our world, it is better for human beings to be dead than alive. How long will humanity let these modern-day Neroes rule our world?

Dr. Habib Siddiqui lives in suburban Philadelphia, PA, and is the author of the book Islamic Wisdom. He can be reached at



See also: Ben-Gurion, A Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.

Vladimir Jabotinsky, considered the spiritual godfather of many Likudniks, said, "Zionist colonization must either be terminated or carried out against the wishes of the native population. This colonization can, therefore, be continued and make progress only under the protection of a power independent of the native population - an iron wall, which will be in a position to resist the pressure to the native population. This is our policy towards the Arabs. É A voluntary reconciliation with the Arabs is out of the question either now or in the future. If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison for the land, or find some rich man or benefactor who will provide a garrison on your behalf. Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempt to destroy or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not difficult, not dangerous, but IMPOSSIBLE!... Zionism is a colonization adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force. It is important... to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot - or else I am through with playing at colonizing." (The Iron Wall, 1923)

What must be done in Lebanon by Dr. James Zogby, Arab American Institute, Washington D.C.

I shouldn't be, but sometimes still am suprised by the distortion of facts. But, check the site out. It's a clear view of the Muslim mindset and more than a little disturbing.

I say we circumvent their "20-year strategy" with one BIG BOOM!!

the world..wake up
this is a bigger fight than the cold war. The war has been in hibernation. Its waking up. freedom loving people like us need to do everything against this mad enemy known as Islam.
It is a fight against an evil ideology and sadly the leaders of the people under attack are unable even to say the name of the enemy.
We must quickly replace such leaders with ones who can utter the name of the enemy or we are losing time.

the world..wake up
this is a bigger fight than the cold war. The war has been in hibernation. Its waking up. freedom loving people need to do everything against this mad enemy known as Islam.
It is a fight against an evil ideology and sadly the leaders of the people under attack are unable even to say the name of the enemy.
We must quickly replace such leaders with ones who can utter the name of the enemy or we are losing time.

the world..wake up
this is a bigger fight than the cold war. The war has been in hibernation. Its waking up. freedom loving people need to do everything against this mad enemy known as Islam.
It is a fight against an evil ideology and sadly the leaders of the people under attack are unable even to say the name of the enemy.
We must quickly replace such leaders with ones who can utter the name of the enemy or we are losing time.

One more point, August 15 is the feast, in the Catholic Church, of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who the Church believes was assumed into Heaven, without dying. She was and is full of Grace, the Mother of God, of our lord, Jesus Christ. Perhaps this day will be a great day for Christians to be assumed, also, into heaven, thus raptured. This is less hard to believe, that Mary was assumed into heaven, as it is to believe that muhammed was.

"Today, everyone realizes that the attack on Lebanon was planned in advance, and was a Zionist-American operation - a first step towards taking control over the Middle East and over the [entire] Muslim world."

Call me crazy...but I thought it was started by an Iranian backed terrorist group that crossed into another country and committed murder and kidnaping.

I.S.L.A.M. = I see life as meaningless

Need I say more!

I.S.L.A.M. = Is Satan Laughing At Me?

I.S.L.A.M - I/Sleep/Live/Allah/Martyrdom


Islams Spiritual Leaders Advocate Murder

I.S.L.A.M. =In satens Layer Allah Masterbates

Patriot -- I'm blushing!

Must Organize Hate And Mass Murder Every Day

Seriously! LOL

"The attack on Lebanon was planned in advance, and was a Zionist-American operation"

Once again Muslims are twisting the true historical facts around to serve their own interests.

Fact # 1: Hizballah first launched rockets into N. Israel and then kidnapped Israeli soldiers.

Fact # 2: The Hizballah supporting Leabanese government also failed to enforce a U.N. mandate from 1 year ago to disarm Hizballah in S. Leabanon and was warned in advance to rid southern Lebanon of Hizballah terrorists who shoot unguided missles into Israeli communities.

And yet ignorant Muslims in the Middle East such as Khamenei make absurd claims that Israel and the U.S. planned this war in advance.

What a bunch of crap!

Ignorant people such as Khamenei mislead millions of Muslims and cause immeasurable damage to Iranian society.

Islam = International Society of Liars And Murderers

I.S.L.A.M. = Iran Schemes Late August Murder

August -

Good one! Ok - so why do you think that Iran has something planned on the 22nd? Anything to do with the Mahdi?

Insidious Satanic Losers Against Mankind

Making Overtly Heinous Accusations Madly - Making Everyone Dead

I.S.L.A.M. = Inferior Soldiers Lose Against Marines

I.S.L.A.M. = Israel Should Lambast All Muslims

I.S.L.A.M. = I Smell Lousy And Much

champ, have you not read the articles about August 22 on this site?

I.S.L.A.M. = Iran Syria Lebanon Altogether Mad

"'There is No Way to Confront... the Zionists... and the 'Great Satan' Except Through Martyrdom,' -- Khamenei

I would love to see HIS martyrdom with a 2000 lbs bunker buster on his hiding place, the silly little girl. Okay to send off others to their martyrdom? Well how about to his own?

I.S.L.A.M. = Irrefutably Satan Leads All Muslims

I.S.L.A.M. = Israel Should Level Arabia's Mecca

I.S.L.A.M. = I Sexually Lust All Men

August -

No, I couldn't find the articles; but I'll keep looking. Thanks for the tip.


Most Understand Satanic Lies Incite Massacre

I.S.L.A.M. = Israeli Soldiers "Loved" Ahmadinejad's Mother

I.S.L.A.M. = Israeli Soldiers "Loved" Ahmadinejad's Mother

Absolutely not!!!!!
Our soldiers are tall and handsome guys.

Most likely some arabian Leisure Suit Larry did it.

Vlad- Sorry for the poorly worded post...didn't mean to blame Ahmadinejad on Israelis...just was going for the Ahmadinejad's-mother-is-a-tramp angle. No slam on any Israeli soldier intended. =)

Wow - read above about that british theme park, and "Muslim fun day" they wanted to make.

Banning music, gambling, alcohol and any attractions they find vulgare - sounds fun indeed!

I wish I could see this - bunch of ghost-like dressed dudes and dames marching those alleys back and forth, and citing Quran....

I Seethe, Loony And Murderous

Allah = A Lying Leader At Hell.

Assalamau-Laikum all,

I have a few points to make.

1)I am so disappointed by the peoples running Iran. Instead of running the conutry they are running their mouths....mostly rhetoric and bluster....most of their fighting will be done by Hizb.

2) You Amerekins also talk too much.... particularily about the weapons you have and what you will do with them. Nobody doubts that the Amerekie is leading the way like Islam was leading between 700 to 1300 AD. I have little doubut that part of the reason that you are hated is your weapons superiority...but that is not always enough and may change like it has throughout history.

3) Very unfortunately, within a decade I predicit that there will be a low intensity war of sorts going on all over the world...spiced up with a heavy war here and there (read ME).

The truth of the matter is that you are now hated so much that you may run out of bombs before the sunni/shia run out of peoples.

Parts of cities will be ablaze ...but all that will happen is that more followers of the faith will live there than ever before. Already you can see that Hizb has been a much more able foe than Israel expected in that environment.

This may even put Islamic demographic domination for a short period of time...Allah SWT does indeed work in mysterious ways.

4) In countries like France you will start to see (by peoples choice) regional Islamic courts springing up...paving the way for regional sharia laws. All your bombs and laws will not be able to prevent this.

5) Tony Blair is right when he says a new strategy to win this war is required...but he does not know what the strategy is...he has understood now that all the weapons in the world are not gonna win this war, neither are sunglass wearing lobster red faced infedels from California writing hate mail on JW ...

there is ONLY one way.

"Worm your way into Islam and change it from the inside" ...and you have the ideal platform already there....the Ahmadi...promote them...tell the world that there is peace within Islam...that the Ahmadi way is the correct version of Islam.

Print our version of events...our bias of Islam...get our leader to move in the correct circles ...meeting DuBiya, and Blair.

Build some of our masjids in the US, get some of you to convert and get the stories in the Washington Post ..about how "Ahmadiship" is the best thing since sliced bread. One of these people for example could be a former president Bill Clinton for example.

Peoples with Islam will start to recognise the truth and you may start to see hugh shift towards peace in Islam and your world too.

Naseem, get this into your concrete skull. We DON'T want our countries to succumb to Islam. And the only reason why you're so disappointed with the likes of Ahmadinejad and Khamenei is because he's laying out on the table what Islam is all about, its tenets, and what it will mean for all of us if we succumb to it, right out into the open for all to see. We want to keep our pubs, nightclubs and wine bars, pop and classical music, miniskirts and tight jeans, statues and paintings, museums and culture, sports and pastimes. We want our computers and TV, and to see the wonders that should come during the next century or two - for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren. We want to listen to songbirds and church bells, rather than the wailing of muezzins calling the faithful to prayer. We don't want to see our societies degenerate into a barbaric and primitive orgy of beatings, stonings, amputations, burkas, unsmiling killjoy mullahs, clerics and ayatollahs, lashings for breaking Ramadan fasts and seeing 16-year-old girls hanged for defending their decency. We are fed up to the back teeth of the honour killings, intimidations and the crime wave that Muslims have brought into our once-decent societies, and incandescent with rage at Muslims murdering their way around the infidel world at will and without any mercy whatsoever. Our patience will eventually run out, and once the MSM, the loony Left, the so-called human rights activists and the academics who offer Islam so much protection get discredited here in the West, as they surely will, the gloves will come off in a big way, and you'll see what we're really like when we've had our fill of terrorism, taqiyya and kitman.

Assalamau_laikum Spirit,

Why do you keep saying the same thing again and again...full of rhetoric & hate.

You haven't read a things that I wrote....I am offering you a way out of this mess....which you too had a very large part to arming Saddam and the Taliban, like creating Israel in the wrong not allowing Palastine to exist...sheesh!

But put that to one side now...look at what the Ahmadi have to offer...peaceful that again....peaceful Islam.

You guys better get onboard...your way only spells ultimate destruction for all.

Hi Naseem,

Im sure that the West would flock to the Islamic states if they were the utopia Islam claims they are. Instead, virtually all these states (with the possible exception of Malaysia and Guyana) have strong violent streaks running through them, extreme differences of wealth and general abuse of the population in various forms.

Is this what we want the West to become?

Why is it then that, just like Eastern Europeans for the last 50 years, Muslims have come to the Western world? Is it for the work, the freedom of expression (that they dont always get in their native countries) or is it just for the jihad?

As Robert points out in his PIG guide to Islam, Muslims historically gravitated towards the Crusader states for protection from other Muslims. Now there are no Crusader states left in the Mideast they come to the West. If the west falls to Islam (and then turn it into a reflection of the Middle East mess) where will all those poor persecuted muslims go then? No dhimmi nations to flee to! And where are they going to get their welfare cheques from?

No, Naseem, Islam is a failed human ideology like Communism, spreading failure and hatred and fear wherever it goes.

Naseem, what you offer is Jihad..
you offer us to join Islam, what does it matter were all kuffirs to you people anyway, I dont wan't to join a religion or way of life that tell's me to kill to do my "gods" work, Im a Catholic, and trust me, we might not be many but we as well are getting enough, it seems to me that your islamic leaders want war...

By god you shall have war...
why.. not because I think my god wants it.. but because I am starting to hate Islam, am I scared, yes, Im scared, but Naseem, what you dont understand is.. I will fight for my life, my families life, my Values, and If I must die for my beliefs, so be it, I am not gonna be trampled upon by Islam, were the so called civilized west, I can only say, were to damn civilized, and its time to do something about this problem.

(if you asked me 10 years ago about what I think of islam, I would not have had the views I have today, but seeing how, brutal and primitive it is.. I cannot ignore it anymore)

No I am not american, Im european..
and trust me a lot of us had enough, and no im not member of some obscure political party I used to be a socialist..a commy bastard...

Beware Muhammed, beware Islam.. your waking up the sleeping Lion

( Sorry to all you levelheaded folks out there, I just had enough of this crap, and Im not gonna take more of it... god save us all )

From what I have read in the above article posted by Robert, from what I have read, looks more like an act of desperation then of confidence because in truth, the leadership in Iran knows that Hezbollah is on the ropes and Isreal is cleaning house bigtime. Also the truth of the matter is that people around the world are seeing Islam for what it is, a system that promotes violence and oppression. Thankfully there are those Muslims that have seen the light and are leaving Islam.

Big difference, Jerusalem, is that the Communists could be reasoned with. Naseem is a fanatic who can compose more-or-less cogent sentences. Fanatics are not amenable to reason, only firepower. The firepower she denigrates only because the ummah has been the recipient of more restraint than any enemy in history.

Just like the Holocaust has faded just far enough back in history that many of the present generations feel detached from it, so too will the whole PC/Western Guilt paradigm. Self-righteousness and elitest enlightened attitudes will give way to indignation and the instinct for self-defence. In that not-too-distant future, the fruits of military research, plucked from the tree growing in the fertile soil of Infidel science and technology will have a billion mohammedan posteriors pointing skyward as they pray to Big Al to take them away from the horrors to be unleashed.

Mohammedans have a problem understanding that the so-called "Enlightenment" and its attendant tolerance is a mere hiccough in the history of Western (and Far Eastern) culture. Never before has there been such a gulf between the military power, in terms of armaments technology and training, of the Infidel and the mohammedan. Islamist terrorists illustrate this. However, terrorists can only operate when the presence of those whom they say they represent is tolerated.

Naz, when you start hearing about mosques burning in Infidel nations, be afraid. That will be a signal that there's been a shift in attitude outside ummahland. After that, the armies will be coming to your neighborhood. They won't be there to win hearts and minds. They won't be there to build schools and roads. They will be there for blood. And all the taqiyya and kitman in the world, all your hubris and confidence in your false god won't save you.

Think William Tecumseh Sherman. But instead of the "March to the Sea", think the "March through the Dar al-Islam".

Your house will fall and, if you're still around, all the wailing for which your people are renowned will not draw one tear of pity from one eye in the world.

Islam will not be missed.

Re: Khamenei: 'There is No Way to Confront... the Zionists... and the 'Great Satan' Except Through Martyrdom'

Deep down too many Muslims in the Mideast want death because they suspect (somewhat like the people in the former USSR) that Submission is dysfunctional in the 21st century. The clerics (somewhat like Jim Jones) will lead the people of the Mideast to mass suicide unless the people there demand an end to clerical madness.

In a related matter: Hezbollah and Nasralla must be destroyed or else the terminator will be back. Ahmadinejad must be terminated. Savage has suggested that his plane be shot down; I agree that he will have to be eliminated at some point because he is a dangerous killer. Make no mistake of it, this guy is the death-devil dressed as a homeless clown.

when I die, I will die a free man. As an American, I am free to determine how I wish to live, I can select and pursue my education, I can participate in any religion of my choice, I can choose my clothes, my friends, my place of residence; Through a healthy lifestyle and hard work, I can raise a family (and do not feel the need to be honored to have my children sacrificed in the of some lunatics rantings of jihad and death is honor and victory), I am not submissive to anyone and as an individual I can freely praise and honor my politicians as well as I can critisize them. I can help vote them into office or out of office. I have access to government records and am free to determine for myself if the government is acting in my best interests. THe list of benefits of being a Free American is long and you would do well to study and compare the differences between being free or being a slave of Allah and MO. You are a fool and blind to your potential of being a contribution to society by adhering to the guidelines of the Qu'ran. Trying to force your desires of blind submission and slavery to a false god will only result in your death and the will of Allah will fail.
You will find the cost of freedom buried in the ground. I am willing to pay the price. Stay out of my neighborhood.

Simply put, Islam is on its OUT.

from the site of Islam, The Religion of Peace?

8/3/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 21 13 A Shaheed martyr murders twenty-one innocents at a market by detonating explosives strapped to his body.
8/3/06 Israel Acre 5 92 Five Israeli civilians, including a father and daughter, are killed during a 90-minute rocket barrage on their town from Hezbollah.
8/3/06 Iraq Bahgdad 10 32 Allah's butchers detonate a bomb in a rubbish pile, killing at least ten bystanders.
8/3/06 Iraq Wajihiya 4 0 Muslim radicals invade a home, killing three women and a man.
8/3/06 Iraq Mussayab 3 22 Jihad gunmen attack a wedding party, killing three members.
8/3/06 Israel Ma'a lot 3 0 Three Arab Israelis are killed by a Hezbollah rocket attack.
8/2/06 Thailand Songkhla 3 1 Thai Islamists kill three policeman with a bomb planted along a railroad track.
8/2/06 Iraq Suwayra 11 0 Eleven bound and tortured bodies, victims of sectarian violence, are pulled from a river.
8/2/06 Iraq Diwaniya 1 0 Radical Muslims murder an employee of a human rights group outside his home.
8/2/06 Israel Nahariya 1 0 An Israeli man is killed by a Hezbollah rocket while riding his bike.
8/2/06 Iraq Baghdad 12 14 Children as young as 11 are blown apart when Sunnis deliberately target a soccer match with a bomb hidden in a gym bag.

Now let see the ways of martyrdom as recently displayed by Muslims,kill marketgoers, kill civilians, kill people going through garbage,kill people in their homes not bothering anyone,abduct,torture and kill anyone they find,kill human rights activists (who are probably on their side),kill an innocent person just riding a bike,kill children playing in a field, and the list goes on and on.

It would appear Muslims just kill just to kill. The people they kill for the most part are other Muslims. The people they kill are posing absolutely no threat to them and are often their own supporters. The sight of blood and body parts must be a sexual turn on for them. This dealth cult know as Islam must be stopped. If destroying the followers is the only way to do it, then let us be prompt and procure the "war on terrorism" as a war.
Islam is fighting a war for world conquest, it intends to vanquish the infidel and to make slaves of all who survive and submit.
Now is the time to be watching all mosques and Muslims in your neighborhood, it will be helpful to know who your enemy is. The time may come and you will have to kill them,, they certainly will not hesitate to kill you. In fact, they are already planning to do just that.
Arm yourselves and be ready, the time is closer than you think.

god bless israel for its mega tough no messing about stance against little satan,irans advance army. They are an inspiration to all.
show your support for are jewish brothers and sisters by wearing an idf or star of david t shirt......a big two fingers up to your local mohammedans!!! try for a good range of all things jewish. tell albert jason from england sent you!! shalom....

If I was in charge I would just escalate a war of words with those idiots in Iran. Everytime they make a threatening statement to the U.S. and/or Israel, I would call them on it, mention it to the press and escalate the war of words: something loike, "If Iran continues to make threatening statements to the United States and calling for "slaps" and "Jihad" then we have no choice but to be on full military alert. More threats by the terrorist regime will result in a military solution to shut them up".

Hey Blue Eyes,

Great rant! Reminds me of a saying that goes something like this: Don't try to confuse me with facts. My mind is made up.

Naseem -

As usual, your ideas towards a peaceful solution S T I N K S because it's a plan of lies!! You want me to lie to become a Muslim, and then you want me to lie to the world about Islam. Beautiful!

Converting to Islam isn't even an option for me because that means I would be selling my soul to the devil himself. Thanks, but no thanks.

Allah is satan, and the true God wouldn't like it if I converted to your religion of hate and lies; and the reason you're upset with Iran is because that's what a TRUE Muslim does -- he hates, and he needs to murder anyone who isn't Muslim, or dominate them into becoming one. Gee, what an attractive offer.

I would rather lose my head than lose my soul; but that isn't going to happen, because God is going to squish this evil religion like a bug one day, and then you'll remember this conversation as you will have an eternity to think about it.

Directly from California! :)


I'm sure you are very concerned about the Arab extermination of the Negro Africans in Darfur. "It's a clear view of the Muslim mindset and more than a little disturbing."


Thank-you for your comments. Like you, I will live and die a Christian, because I will not betray the one true God, the most Holy Trinity. God Bless you.

Right on bigcatgirl!!!

The devil can have my head, but Jesus Christ will always have my heart!


Thank-you for making my day.


In your Qu'ran, in Surah 9:5 it tells you to kill me and all the other unrepentant infidels, those who are unbelievers to islam. Nice try to try to convert us, but, unfortunately, it is not us who need to reform islam, it is you who need to undertake that task. For islam's actions and antics will eventually find the limit of our self-control and patience and it is you and your muslim hordes who will suffer the consequences of such irresponsible actions and antics, not us! Yes, we will get hit, but you and your people will be annhilated. This is the direction that you are forcing.

So, come, muslim, come iran, come hezbollah, come palestinian, come sunni, come Shiite, come to the Valley of Decision. You have hooks in your jaws and are being led to this place; but it is not by allah, who doesn't exist, it is by the true God of Israel Who is bringing you to such a valley to implement your deserved judgement and destruction. You had better open up a Bible pretty and learn how to have your hateful, rotten soul saved from such a certain fate. I pity you and your deceived, murdering islamic society. You will be shown the same mercy that you extend; bummer for you on that.

And,finally, as for your idea that it is in America's best interest to work with islam for reform, PLEASE understand that WE DON'T CARE to work with you. WE ARE NOT INTERESTED in working with you. WE DON'T CARE if you, or the world, for that matter hates us. WE DO WHAT IS RIGHT regardless of its popularity. And when unleashing horrific wrath on deserving mulsim enemies who have already started a war against us is the right thing to do, kiss your camel goodbye because never before will a people suffer the kind of disaster that will be visited upon your heads.

-Also Directly from California.


Yoo Hoo, Naseem!!

The teachings of the Kuran make most people want to puke their insides out!!!!

The ONLY reason Muslims don't feel the same way is because they have absolutely NOTHING else to compare it with....Islam is the only thing they know!

Gnaw on that if you will. And while you are at it....say hello to the Kuran's talking trees and talking rocks for us, would you please?


Pythagoras remember to blow your nose 3 times each morning for the devil is in your says your great prophet Mo in the Hadith