Lodhi sentenced to minimum 15 years, 20 max, for Sydney bomb plot

Faheem Khalid Lodhi Update from the Hizballah News Agency, aka Reuters: "Architect jailed for 20 years for Sydney terror plot"

SYDNEY (Reuters) - A Pakistan-born Australian architect was jailed for 20 years on Wednesday for planning bomb attacks in Sydney, a court official said.
Pakistan-born Faheem Khalid Lodhi had planned to detonate home-made bombs in Australia's largest city as part of a "holy war," the New South Wales Supreme Court was told during his trial.
Prosecutors told the court police had found what amounted to a terrorism manual when they raided his home in October 2003.
Supreme Court Judge Anthony Whealy on Wednesday sentenced 36-year-old Lodhi to a maximum 20 years jail, with a minimum of 15 years to be served, a court official told Reuters.

While it is good that Lodhi didn't get less than 15 years, he will still only be between 51 and 56 when he gets out, and equally, if not more dangerous, to society than he is now. In the meantime, his contact with other prisoners should be restricted as to eliminate any opportunity for da'wa, or proselytizing.

A Supreme Court jury found Lodhi guilty in June on three charges -- collecting maps of Sydney's electricity grid, acting in preparation for a terrorist act by gathering information about bomb-making and possessing documents with information about how to manufacture poisons.
Lodhi was acquitted on a fourth charge of downloading aerial photographs of defense facilities from the Internet.
Lodhi told the court during his trial that he was not a violent religious fanatic and his lawyers said he had the defense photographs because he had worked as an architect at the sites.
Lodhi, who emigrated to Australia in 1996, was charged under tough new anti-terrorism laws introduced soon after the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.
Australia is a staunch U.S. ally with troops in Iraq and Afghanistan but has never suffered a major peacetime attack on home soil.
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This case has received a fair bit of publicity here in Australia. I think the penny is starting to drop about the dangers posed by the followers of Mohammed even in good old relaxed Oz. Alan Jones has a daily comment on Channel 9 and often refers to the issues discussed on Jihadwatch and Andrew Bolt a Heraldsun columnist is on to it too. Janet Albrechtston of 'The Australian' newspaper is another who is not afraid to discuss Islamic issues in a 'politically incorrect' way.

This is a pre-determined intent to commit murder against Australians.
He should be :
1) Sentenced to serve Life(25 years) in prison
2) Stripped of his Australian passport;afterwich
3) Sent back to roam the mountains where he came from

Just feed him to a crocodile. If Allah loves him so much, the croc won't be hungry.

SandMonkey well said

you are an Aussie I suppose.

As i said i say it again "Its time to put the SUCKERS under the SPANNER"

by the way why the hell you people dont push for legislation to just hang these fellows. (remember the good old saying--Prevention is better than cure)


I am not violent!


Deny everything!

We are learning and watching. We are at war and Muslims subversives are everywhere. Seek them out always!!

We need to designate some Pacific island the new 'Devil's Island' and send this devil and the rest to the place. We don't need to watch them or cage them... just ensure that they don't get off the island.

Arm them with guns, knives and swords and have hidden cameras everywhere.

Broadcast 24 x 7 x 365 as pay-per-view.

Solve problems: clean neighborhoods: make obscene amounts of money on royalties.

Call it 'Allah in the Family'

We always seem to hand out gentle sentences in Australia compared to other countries.

Though in the media tonight (Thursday night) the journalists complained that the sentence is probably not tooo long, but the special conditions he will be kept in, being separate from other prisoners, under 24 hour watch, limited exercise time, no work or entertainment, will turn his mind into "mush"

So I dont know.. Im not as blood thirsty as some of the people posting on here.. Just leave him in gaol and forget him...

A_Plague, brilliant idea, this would make a high rating reality TV show.

Hugh, I have heard that the state of NSW (where this creature will be incarcerated) has a policy of segregating Muslims from other prisoners. This fellow will have fine company at pray time.

Sand Monkey, agreed, ship him back to wherever he came from after serving his sentence.

Three cheers for Supreme Court Judge Anthony Whealy, the sentence is appropriate and fitting.It's good to see the judiciary acquiring testicles.