Malaysian Foreign Minister: Muslim countries should arm Hizballah

From Kyodo News: "Malaysia calls for end to Israel 'dictating to the world'"

(Kyodo) - Israel should not be allowed to dictate to the world or Islamic countries would be driven to consider supplying arms to Hezbollah to fight the Jewish state, Malaysia's foreign minister warned Tuesday.
Syed Hamid Albar said he is "unhappy" with the U.N. Security Council draft resolution to end fighting in Lebanon that has entered its fourth week.
There have been calls for Muslim countries to act, including supplying arms to Hezbollah.
The latest one to make that call is former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.
"If Israel is receiving weapons aid from the U.S., the OIC should therefore give arms to Hezbollah," he was quoted as saying by the daily Utusan Malaysia in its Tuesday edition.
The OIC is the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the world's largest Muslim bloc, which is currently chaired by Malaysia.
Syed Hamid said sentiments as expressed by Mahathir should be heeded as a warning the Muslim world is clearly frustrated.

In other words, don't make us angry. You won't like us when we're angry.

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In other words, don't make us angry. You won't like us when we're angry..................

Well, they can get happy in the same shoes they get angry in.

Its sad and shameful that the leaders of a supposedly progressive country would make such remarks. How about arming Thailand next so that the Thais can take care of the trouble mongers Malaysia sends there ?

In other words, don't make us angry. You won't like us when we're angry..................

Well, they can get happy in the same shoes they get angry in.

whenever speaking of Malaysia, let's bear in mind the ethnic and religious discrimination [or oppression] practiced there, what they call bumiputra.

Malaysia like Iran supports Islamic supremacy, so if the Jews or anyone else challenges that supremacy, they get angry at the offender.

Sure, let them arm Hezbollah –openly. All of them. Let’s acknowledge who’s on what side so that we know for sure who our true enemies are. And when it’s the OIC who’s arming our enemies, our government can pull its sleepy head out of its own ass and declare to the free, modern countries around the world that Islam is the enemy …Islam is anti-democracy, anti-humanitarian, anti-progress, and a cancer to the world at large.

It’s far past time to begin naming the enemy –the enemy has been doing so all along! Every time they chant ‘Death to America, Death to Israel, Death to Britain’ …we should collectively chant ‘Death to Islam’ in return.

A couple of slightly OT points:

1. The following is another great posting by VDH on the real issue that troubles muslim countries in general and arab countries in particular about Israel. It is a couple of days old but I only just saw it.

2. It's about 10:30 am, Eastern time. Is anyone else having trouble gaining access to this site? It's taking me a long time to download the homepage, and I have dsl.

A couple of slightly OT points:

1. The following is another great posting by VDH on the real issue that troubles muslim countries in general and arab countries in particular about Israel. It is a couple of days old but I only just saw it.

2. It's about 10:30 am, Eastern time. Is anyone else having trouble gaining access to this site? It's taking me a long time to download the homepage, and I have dsl.

Hi folks. Does anyone know how I can email Robert when I see something newsworthy?

I posted a link yesterday about a flight being turned back to London due to someone being on that flight (headed to Boston) that was on the no-fly list.

Today, I was sent this link from the LA Times. It allowed me to view the story once and then asks you to subscribe so I am copying the information from the email here and including the link for anyone who wants to try to get there. Suddenly, there seems to be a surge in muslims trying to get here or getting here and disappearing.

Makes you wonder...,1,2187960.story?coll=la-headlines-california

Iranian Professionals' U.S. Visas Revoked

Dozens en route to a reunion in California are turned back at American airports.
By Teresa Watanabe and Lee Romney, Times Staff Writers
August 5, 2006

Amid rising tensions with Iran, U.S. officials have abruptly revoked the visas of dozens of Iranian professionals headed to a university reunion in Northern California this weekend, refusing them entry as they landed at several U.S. airports.

The men and women had obtained 15-day visitor visas to attend the fourth global alumni reunion of Iran's Sharif University of Technology, a prestigious institution known as the "MIT of Iran."

Though a handful successfully entered the United States, by the time the association festivities began at the Santa Clara Hyatt Regency late Friday, it appeared that visas of the bulk of alumni from Iran had been revoked under a 2002 national security law.

Organizers said they knew of about 40 barred from entering the U.S. in recent days. About a dozen of the visitors, some traveling with spouses and children, were detained at San Francisco International Airport on Thursday, and some were held overnight in what one described to a friend in a brief phone call as "jail conditions."

A State Department spokeswoman said she could not discuss the cases because of confidentiality laws, but stressed that visa revocations in general are individual decisions and not politically motivated.

Individual revocations of visas have been common in the post-Sept. 11 era. But immigration and human rights attorneys condemned the apparent en masse crackdown on the Sharif alumni as a shortsighted political move inspired by recent tensions over Iran's nuclear program and links to Hezbollah.

"To punish Iranians who are potential allies of pro-democracy steps in order to somehow punish the Iranian government is just inane," said Peter Schey, a Los Angeles-based human rights and constitutional law attorney.

Conference organizers and immigration attorneys who scrambled unsuccessfully to gain access to the detainees said it was not clear how many had been stopped and turned back.

An indication of trouble came 10 days ago when Kourosh Elahidoost, a 49-year-old electrical engineer, was turned back at LAX. Organizers first believed his case to be isolated, but as dozens more alumni were turned away in Chicago, New York, Toronto, San Francisco and in Europe, they realized it was systematic.

In a telephone interview Friday from Tehran, Elahidoost said he was told by consular officials in Vienna that his visa was revoked under a U.S. law that bars the issuance of visas to nationals of Iran and four other countries regarded as "state sponsors of terrorism," unless the person is deemed to be no threat to national security.

Elahidoost said he was depressed and befuddled over why he was barred from what was to be his first visit to the United States. He was held overnight at a detention center in Santa Ana.

"I have never been a political person in my whole life," said Elahidoost, a board member of Parstableau, an Iranian firm that manufactures electrical switchboards. "I have never joined any political organization or the government. Never."

Reunion organizers in California blasted the U.S. actions, saying they were targeting Iran's best and brightest technocrats, many of them Western-educated, who could help ease volatile relations between the countries. About 120 Iranians had received visas to attend the reunion, according to Fredun Hojabri, a San Diego retired professor and conference organizer who founded the alumni association in 2000.

"These are not revolutionaries or crazies; these are among the most educated elite in Iran," said Najmedin Meshkati, a USC engineering professor who was planning to attend the reunion. "If these guys posed a security risk, they shouldn't have been issued a visa in the first place.

"This is not the way to win Iranian hearts and minds," Meshkati said.

As reports of visa revocations grew, Hojabri sent an SOS to his colleagues in Iran on Thursday, advising those who had not yet left to cancel their travel plans.

Hojabri said he was mystified as to why a few Iranians were admitted and others were not when all of them were issued valid U.S. visas as recently as a week ago. He and other association members speculated that the actions were tied to rising U.S. tensions with Iran over the nuclear issue and the conflict in Lebanon between Israel and Hezbollah.

But the State Department spokeswoman dismissed any link. In general, she said, any decision to revoke a visa is made on an individual basis for very specific reasons outlined in the law. These include a criminal background, ties to terrorism and failure to present evidence of an intention to return to the home country, she said.

Elahidoost emphatically denied having any reasons for U.S. suspicion. Asked if he supported Hezbollah, the Iran-backed militia currently battling Israel in Lebanon, he said: "Never."

continued on link above...

Hi folks. Does anyone know how I can email Robert when I see something newsworthy?

I posted a link yesterday about a flight being turned back to London due to someone being on that flight (headed to Boston) that was on the no-fly list.

Today, I was sent this link from the LA Times. It allowed me to view the story once and then asks you to subscribe so I am copying the information from the email here and including the link for anyone who wants to try to get there. Suddenly, there seems to be a surge in muslims trying to get here or getting here and disappearing.

Makes you wonder...,1,2187960.story?coll=la-headlines-california

Iranian Professionals' U.S. Visas Revoked

Dozens en route to a reunion in California are turned back at American airports.
By Teresa Watanabe and Lee Romney, Times Staff Writers
August 5, 2006

Amid rising tensions with Iran, U.S. officials have abruptly revoked the visas of dozens of Iranian professionals headed to a university reunion in Northern California this weekend, refusing them entry as they landed at several U.S. airports.

The men and women had obtained 15-day visitor visas to attend the fourth global alumni reunion of Iran's Sharif University of Technology, a prestigious institution known as the "MIT of Iran."

Though a handful successfully entered the United States, by the time the association festivities began at the Santa Clara Hyatt Regency late Friday, it appeared that visas of the bulk of alumni from Iran had been revoked under a 2002 national security law.

Organizers said they knew of about 40 barred from entering the U.S. in recent days. About a dozen of the visitors, some traveling with spouses and children, were detained at San Francisco International Airport on Thursday, and some were held overnight in what one described to a friend in a brief phone call as "jail conditions."

A State Department spokeswoman said she could not discuss the cases because of confidentiality laws, but stressed that visa revocations in general are individual decisions and not politically motivated.

Individual revocations of visas have been common in the post-Sept. 11 era. But immigration and human rights attorneys condemned the apparent en masse crackdown on the Sharif alumni as a shortsighted political move inspired by recent tensions over Iran's nuclear program and links to Hezbollah.

"To punish Iranians who are potential allies of pro-democracy steps in order to somehow punish the Iranian government is just inane," said Peter Schey, a Los Angeles-based human rights and constitutional law attorney.

Conference organizers and immigration attorneys who scrambled unsuccessfully to gain access to the detainees said it was not clear how many had been stopped and turned back.

An indication of trouble came 10 days ago when Kourosh Elahidoost, a 49-year-old electrical engineer, was turned back at LAX. Organizers first believed his case to be isolated, but as dozens more alumni were turned away in Chicago, New York, Toronto, San Francisco and in Europe, they realized it was systematic.

In a telephone interview Friday from Tehran, Elahidoost said he was told by consular officials in Vienna that his visa was revoked under a U.S. law that bars the issuance of visas to nationals of Iran and four other countries regarded as "state sponsors of terrorism," unless the person is deemed to be no threat to national security.

Elahidoost said he was depressed and befuddled over why he was barred from what was to be his first visit to the United States. He was held overnight at a detention center in Santa Ana.

"I have never been a political person in my whole life," said Elahidoost, a board member of Parstableau, an Iranian firm that manufactures electrical switchboards. "I have never joined any political organization or the government. Never."

Reunion organizers in California blasted the U.S. actions, saying they were targeting Iran's best and brightest technocrats, many of them Western-educated, who could help ease volatile relations between the countries. About 120 Iranians had received visas to attend the reunion, according to Fredun Hojabri, a San Diego retired professor and conference organizer who founded the alumni association in 2000.

"These are not revolutionaries or crazies; these are among the most educated elite in Iran," said Najmedin Meshkati, a USC engineering professor who was planning to attend the reunion. "If these guys posed a security risk, they shouldn't have been issued a visa in the first place.

"This is not the way to win Iranian hearts and minds," Meshkati said.

As reports of visa revocations grew, Hojabri sent an SOS to his colleagues in Iran on Thursday, advising those who had not yet left to cancel their travel plans.

Hojabri said he was mystified as to why a few Iranians were admitted and others were not when all of them were issued valid U.S. visas as recently as a week ago. He and other association members speculated that the actions were tied to rising U.S. tensions with Iran over the nuclear issue and the conflict in Lebanon between Israel and Hezbollah.

But the State Department spokeswoman dismissed any link. In general, she said, any decision to revoke a visa is made on an individual basis for very specific reasons outlined in the law. These include a criminal background, ties to terrorism and failure to present evidence of an intention to return to the home country, she said.

Elahidoost emphatically denied having any reasons for U.S. suspicion. Asked if he supported Hezbollah, the Iran-backed militia currently battling Israel in Lebanon, he said: "Never."

continued on link above...

Hi folks. Does anyone know how I can email Robert when I see something newsworthy?

I posted a link yesterday about a flight being turned back to London due to someone being on that flight (headed to Boston) that was on the no-fly list.

Today, I was sent this link from the LA Times. It allowed me to view the story once and then asks you to subscribe so I am copying the information from the email here and including the link for anyone who wants to try to get there. Suddenly, there seems to be a surge in muslims trying to get here or getting here and disappearing.

Makes you wonder...,1,2187960.story?coll=la-headlines-california

Iranian Professionals' U.S. Visas Revoked

Dozens en route to a reunion in California are turned back at American airports.
By Teresa Watanabe and Lee Romney, Times Staff Writers
August 5, 2006

Amid rising tensions with Iran, U.S. officials have abruptly revoked the visas of dozens of Iranian professionals headed to a university reunion in Northern California this weekend, refusing them entry as they landed at several U.S. airports.

The men and women had obtained 15-day visitor visas to attend the fourth global alumni reunion of Iran's Sharif University of Technology, a prestigious institution known as the "MIT of Iran."

Though a handful successfully entered the United States, by the time the association festivities began at the Santa Clara Hyatt Regency late Friday, it appeared that visas of the bulk of alumni from Iran had been revoked under a 2002 national security law.

Organizers said they knew of about 40 barred from entering the U.S. in recent days. About a dozen of the visitors, some traveling with spouses and children, were detained at San Francisco International Airport on Thursday, and some were held overnight in what one described to a friend in a brief phone call as "jail conditions."

A State Department spokeswoman said she could not discuss the cases because of confidentiality laws, but stressed that visa revocations in general are individual decisions and not politically motivated.

Individual revocations of visas have been common in the post-Sept. 11 era. But immigration and human rights attorneys condemned the apparent en masse crackdown on the Sharif alumni as a shortsighted political move inspired by recent tensions over Iran's nuclear program and links to Hezbollah.

"To punish Iranians who are potential allies of pro-democracy steps in order to somehow punish the Iranian government is just inane," said Peter Schey, a Los Angeles-based human rights and constitutional law attorney.

Conference organizers and immigration attorneys who scrambled unsuccessfully to gain access to the detainees said it was not clear how many had been stopped and turned back.

An indication of trouble came 10 days ago when Kourosh Elahidoost, a 49-year-old electrical engineer, was turned back at LAX. Organizers first believed his case to be isolated, but as dozens more alumni were turned away in Chicago, New York, Toronto, San Francisco and in Europe, they realized it was systematic.

In a telephone interview Friday from Tehran, Elahidoost said he was told by consular officials in Vienna that his visa was revoked under a U.S. law that bars the issuance of visas to nationals of Iran and four other countries regarded as "state sponsors of terrorism," unless the person is deemed to be no threat to national security.

Elahidoost said he was depressed and befuddled over why he was barred from what was to be his first visit to the United States. He was held overnight at a detention center in Santa Ana.

"I have never been a political person in my whole life," said Elahidoost, a board member of Parstableau, an Iranian firm that manufactures electrical switchboards. "I have never joined any political organization or the government. Never."

Reunion organizers in California blasted the U.S. actions, saying they were targeting Iran's best and brightest technocrats, many of them Western-educated, who could help ease volatile relations between the countries. About 120 Iranians had received visas to attend the reunion, according to Fredun Hojabri, a San Diego retired professor and conference organizer who founded the alumni association in 2000.

"These are not revolutionaries or crazies; these are among the most educated elite in Iran," said Najmedin Meshkati, a USC engineering professor who was planning to attend the reunion. "If these guys posed a security risk, they shouldn't have been issued a visa in the first place.

"This is not the way to win Iranian hearts and minds," Meshkati said.

As reports of visa revocations grew, Hojabri sent an SOS to his colleagues in Iran on Thursday, advising those who had not yet left to cancel their travel plans.

Hojabri said he was mystified as to why a few Iranians were admitted and others were not when all of them were issued valid U.S. visas as recently as a week ago. He and other association members speculated that the actions were tied to rising U.S. tensions with Iran over the nuclear issue and the conflict in Lebanon between Israel and Hezbollah.

But the State Department spokeswoman dismissed any link. In general, she said, any decision to revoke a visa is made on an individual basis for very specific reasons outlined in the law. These include a criminal background, ties to terrorism and failure to present evidence of an intention to return to the home country, she said.

Elahidoost emphatically denied having any reasons for U.S. suspicion. Asked if he supported Hezbollah, the Iran-backed militia currently battling Israel in Lebanon, he said: "Never."

continued on link above...

whenever speaking of Malaysia, let's bear in mind the ethnic and religious discrimination [or oppression] practiced there, what they call bumiputra.

Malaysia like Iran supports Islamic supremacy, so if the Jews or anyone else challenges that supremacy, they get angry at the offender.

Someone should inform the Malaysian backwoods ruler that Muslim countries are already supply Hezbollah and openly do so.

And it is good to see Muslims are being turned back. Let us keep up the good work.

many thanks, jwb

whenever speaking of Malaysia, let's bear in mind the ethnic and religious discrimination [or oppression] practiced there, what they call bumiputra.

Malaysia like Iran supports Islamic supremacy, so if the Jews or anyone else challenges that supremacy, they get angry at the offender.

whenever speaking of Malaysia, let's bear in mind the ethnic and religious discrimination [or oppression] practiced there, what they call bumiputra.

Malaysia like Iran supports Islamic supremacy, so if the Jews or anyone else challenges that supremacy, they get angry at the offender.

whenever speaking of Malaysia, let's bear in mind the ethnic and religious discrimination [or oppression] practiced there, what they call bumiputra.

Malaysia like Iran supports Islamic supremacy, so if the Jews or anyone else challenges that supremacy, they get angry at the offender.

whenever speaking of Malaysia, let's bear in mind the ethnic and religious discrimination [or oppression] practiced there, what they call bumiputra.

Malaysia like Iran supports Islamic supremacy, so if the Jews or anyone else challenges that supremacy, they get angry at the offender.

My Grandpappy had a saying: "If you are raised in a shithouse you will grow up to be a turd". These folks have nothing to live for and everything to die for.

My Grandpappy had a saying: "If you are raised in a shithouse you will grow up to be a turd". These folks have nothing to live for and everything to die for.

There are still those, even in Israel, who refuse to see that Islam is central to, Islam explains, the refusal of Muslim Arabs to ever accept the state of Israel. They can't. They can't because in Islam, no territory once conquered and controlled by Muslims -- it need not be a nation-state, but merely undifferentiated land -- belongs to Islam forever. That means that Israel, no matter what territories it possesses or surrenders, cannot be permitted to exist. It may take a long time, and those who have reluctantly concluded that the Long Jihad is the only jihad -- such as Abu Mazen of the PLO, Arafat's loyal collaborator recently given a makeover as a mild-mannered accountant (much praised by, inter alia, the ineffable Shimon Peres) that will work, a jihad to be conducted through steady demands on Israel being steadily met, the country whittled away, its already ludicrous dimensions made still more ludicrous, and Israelis themselves worn down, worn down until they give up, forced to live in a constant state of maximum imperilment and diplomatic isolation and economic boycott, forced to endure all this for long periods, just as the entire population of northern Israel now is forced to endure live in bomb shelters, day after day after day, and meanwhile, the pressure never stops.

And then there is the more obvious, or Fast Jihad. That is the Jihad of Hamas in the south, and Hezbollah to the north, and Al-Qaeda everywhere. But there is still a more impatient group: that group consists of the semi-demented (in our Infidel view) rulers of Iran, who believe in Instant Jihad, who are perfectly willing to destroy all of Israel (and that means all of Jerusalem, including the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque), and even kill the local Arabs -- why not? It's for a good cause -- and even willing to take retaliatory blows from whatever Israeli force, planes and missiles, still remain as the country itself is destroyed, but still able to inflict great damage on Iran.

The Instant Jihad must be dealt with first. There is no deterrent for such people. They must be deprived of their arms. It is silly to shake one's head and say "it can't be done" just because it may not yet be possible to destroy the entire nuclear weapons project. In 1981 Israel destroyed the Osirak reactor in Iraq. Iraq never managed to reconstruct its nuclear weapons project. In Iran, it is true that the project is spread out, with key elements hidden, like Hezbollah members, among civilians. But that does not mean that great destruction, sufficient to delay for a very long time, can not be delivered to the Iranian program. Appeasers, or those whose hatred of Israel is so profound that they keep insisting that the "only way" to deal with Iran is to force Israel itself to disarm, to give up its nuclear weapons, that is to commit certain suicide (a former general, William Odom, who was apparently the head of the NSA at a time when someone far keener was needed to recognize, and deal with Iran, deal with the transfer of wealth that OPEC's rise insured -- the fact that such people as Odom, Gary Sick, Brzezinski, and Scowcroft, were in the government, all of them utterly incapable, it seems, of understanding Islam, all of them incapable of grasping the menace of Khomeini's rise to power, about which they did absolutely nothing except not only to acquiesce, and to abandon the Shah, but still worse, to permit the idiocy of such things as Carter's fawning letter to Khomeini as a "fellow man of faith"). And finally, the fact that so many still, Yesterday's Men have yet to show that in their years out of office -- just look at Brzezinski, just listen to his naive propositions, and his complete failure to begin to take Islam into account, not only in the war against Israel, but in the war against India, the war in the southern Sudan and southern Philippines and southern Nigeria and southern Thailand, the demographic conquest, openly described by Muslims themselves, from Boumedienne down, of the countries of Western Europe.

These are Yesterday's Men. Anyone who form 1933 to 1939 steadily showed a lack of understanding of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, or of Imperial Japan, would not have been respectfully called upon to deliver his opinion on world events in 1940, or 1944. Anyone who sang the praises of the Soviet Union in 1945, and then continuted to sing the praises of this "great ally" of ours in 1947, and 1948, and 1950, would have earned scorn, contempt, hatred.

Why, then, do all those who proved to be such a disaster in office, who did nothing to alert people to the inevitable use to which tens of billions of those OPEC trillions (ten trillion dollars since 1973, in entirely unmerited wealth, the largest transfer of wealth in human history) would be put in promoting the Jihad to spread Islam everyhwere, why did those who failed to see the rise of Khomeini, and his worldview (don't forget Carter's toast to the Shah as that "pillar of stability" the same year that the Shah fell), and who did nothing to help the Shah at a time when Khomeini could have been prevented from coming to power, those who failed that is both to confront OPEC and figure out how, through intelligent self-taxation, we might have recovered or recaptured much of the oligopolistic rents that OPEC members managed to charge (how much did such people as Gary Sick and Zbigniew Brzezinski, with their bland indifference to what was happening in Iran, or such hirelings as James Akins, Raymond Close, Fred Dutton, and a whole list of assorted former diplomats and bighsots who became the agents, directly or indirectly, of Saudi Arabia, cost us all? How much might we have saved had an intelligent energy policy, recognizing the malevolence and permanent danger of Saudi Arabia, hardly our "staunch ally" and hardly the country to which we should have entrusted our energy policy, thinking that "Saudi moderates" would handle things on our behalf.

Was it three trillion dollars less that OPEC might have taken in had we properly taxed gasoline and oil, and used the proceeds to fund, not starting now, but in 1973, energy projects, mass transit, started then to build nuclear reactors, started then to subsidize the solar and wind energy, started not least by making sure that the jerking of the oil price up, and then down (see 1979 and then 1980), which of course scared off investments in other sources of energy, would never be permitted? Was it three trillion we all might have saved in the oil-consuming world? Or only two trillion? Or only one trillion?

Whatever it was, the hundred million or so the Saudis spent to buy up those agents, those traitors, everywhere, was money well spent. They didn't have to pay those, such as Brezezsinki and Odom, or for that matter Kristof and Friedman and the editorial board of The New Duranty Times, to keep everyone from understanding Islam -- no, that some people would do for free.

Now the Israelis, one hopes, will at long last understand that there is no moral, legal, or historic claim stronger than theirs to the "West Bank." There is no further surrender by them of their national rights that will win them anything. Islam does not say to "comrpromise" with Infidels. Islam does not say -- allow the Infidels to keep some land. Islam tells Believers that everywhere, first in the lands once part of Dar al-Islam, but in the end absolutely everywhere, Islam must triumph, all barriers to its dominance removed, and Muslims, as soon as they are capable (they hardly need be a majority, for everywhere that Islam conquered it took a long time for Muslims to become a majority, and in many places, such as India, they never needed to be more than 10-20% of the population, and during the initial conquest and for a long time after hardly amounted to more than 2-3%.

The biggest lesson of the campaign against Hezbollah is for Israelis to give up entirely the nonsense about a "two-state" solution, and to realize that, as a military matter (never mind their superior claim to the territory) they have to hold on to it. And they have to hold on to it not only through military outposts, but through civilians living throughout. Jewish villages and towns must be multiplied, the comedy over. It is the only way Israel will survive.

And what's more, in so acting, and in articulating their own problem, the Israelis will at long last help those Infidels elsewhere who could not recognize that the war against Israel was not about the "rights" of the recently-invented "Palestinian people," but rather about the inability of Muslims and Arabs to accept an Infidel state's existence. For decades the Israelis never spoke about Islam. Many, most, were as ignorant about it as Infidels in Paris, London, Washington. Furthermore, they were trying, as a matter of realpolitik, to make alliances with non-Arab Muslim states -- such as Iran under the Shah, who bought weapons from Israel and Turkey, or rather with the Kemalists of Turkey. Both efforts ended in failure, the former when the Shah fell and Khomeini came to power, the latter when Erdogan came to power and anti-Israel propoaganda began, more and more and more, to blacken Israel's image and Islamic views of Israel, ferociously hostile, overcame the years of Israeli goodwill (who remembers Israel's spectacular help after the Istanbul earthquake? Or for that matter how eager Israeli tourists are to find one Muslim country that will treat them decently, where they thought they could travel without fear -- and so Turkey became, after the United States, the favorite destination of Israeli tourists).

It may still be that the Israeli government will hesitate to explain urbi et orbi the Islamic basis of Arab opposition to Israel, the Islamic tenets which make any "treaty" Muslims sign with Israel virtually worthless, or hardly worth more than simple deterrence by the IDF, which is all that keeps the peace with treaty-signing Egypt as with non-treaty-signing Syria.

But others can. And others, especially in this much more powerful, much less threatened country, can certainly explain the relevance of Islam to the war against Israel, and the war against Infidels in western Europe, or India, or Thailand, or elsewhere. It is the same war, prompted by the same ideology, the same tenets, the same attitudes, the same sense of injustice and "humiliation" if Islam does not yet dominate, if Muslims are "forced" to adhere to non-Muslim legal and political institutuions, if Muslims are "forced" to endure not yet being able to rule, and to dominate those Infidels who, so foolishly, apparently think that the lands they live in belong to them, when we all know -- do we not? -- that the world belongs to Allah and to the Best of People, the Believers, the Muslims.

Proportionate Response

There can be little doubt that there is a whole lot of Jihad going on in the Middle East (among other places). This means that all Muslims are recruited to battle. (Citations are not provided as they are easy enough to find.) The supply of soldiers is the number of adherents to Islam in the world. We know that Muslims from other countries are already in Lebanon fighting the Jews of Israel.

Much has been written and said about the Israeli response in the current conflict. It is disproportionate.

Here is one way to analyze proportionality:

World Population Muslim Population Percentage
6313.78 1757.96 26.99 (sic)
27.84 (1757.96/6313.78)


World Population Jewish Population Percentage
6313.78 14.596 00.231


For every Jew, there are 120.44 Muslims. (1,757,960,000/14,596,000 = 120.44)

As of August 9, 2006, 1005 Lebanese deaths and 101 Israeli deaths have been reported. Let’s assume this is correct.

Casualties as of 08-09-06 Lebanese Israeli
1005 101


Number of Lebanese (Muslim) casualties to be proportionate: 12,164 (101 x 120.44 = 12,164)
Number of Lebanese (Muslim) casualties to go to be proportionate: 12,164 – 1005 = 11,159

Percentage Israeli deaths compared to Lebanese: 101/1005 = 10.05

This analysis is, of course, unfair. World Jewry is not fighting World Islam. The fight is being fought in Israel with World Islam against the Israeli Jews (although there have been higher volumes of Muslim calls to kill all Jews and their interests worldwide. Still, World Jewry is not calling for mobilization against World Islam.) So, let us assume the fight is overwhelmingly in Israel.

There are 6,276,883 Jews in Israel. For every Israeli Jew there are 280.07 Muslims.


Number of Lebanese (Muslim) casualties to be proportionate: 28,287 (101 x 280.07 = 12,164)
Number of Lebanese (Muslim) casualties to go to be proportionate: 28,287 – 1005 = 27,282

Some nuances have been excluded. For example, the World Islamic fighters of the Hezbollah have killed some Israeli Arabs. Whether such fine points tilt the numbers significantly is for someone else to show. I do not believe it will. Also, some Lebanese Christians have died. The responsibility for their deaths, though considered together with the Muslim deaths in Lebanon remain uncertain if one subscribes to the reports of Hezbollah using human shields.

Whatever the fine points, the Israeli response is without doubt disproportionate. (I realize that if you are dead or the caring family member of a dead person, the point is not so “fine.” The term was used analytically, not personally.)

Malaysia employed questionable methods to start an islamic goverment where 2/3 of the parliment is enough to control. They got rid of the non malays/muslim population & encouraged indonesian immigrants to fill the quota.

Now they say israel is bad.

dear Syed Hamid says the muslims are angry, but this guy have no clue how angry we, the non muslims are on their actions in the 1st place.

Eliyahu is right after all. The Non Malays/Muslims will have to work very hard for the Bumiputera (mainly malays & Muslims).

Well, it was these guys that changed Malaysia from a secular country to a Islamic country. & still have the cheek to say malaysia is a modal Islamic country. They rob the non malays to feed them.

Ok, so what will they achieve when hezbullah is armed? What next?

These clowns have no clue what comes after. They should be getting Hezbullah to come out from the residential & start fighting like a man.

There are even reports that Herzbullah prevented residents from leaving & used them as a shield, leaving them to die 15 mins later.

So, its official, Syed Hamid, UMNO, the largest political party of malaysia supports the terrorist.

A sad day for Malaysia.

Call me a skeptic, but I trust numbers from an organization named as little as I trust my eyes when they see an AP or Reuters photo.

The current Muslim world population is estimated at 1.3 billion out of 6 billion as far as I have been able to find.

What happened in Malaysia/Indonesia anyhow?

Weren't they once a peacful nation with all those statues of Buddhas? Obviouls muslims were there from the silk road and oil business, but why is it the most populous islamic nation now? Any books/history on this subject?

Isn't Malaysia the place where, in the countryside at least, they have implemented dhimmi economics?

I remember reading someplace, probably here, that if, for example, a dhimmi farmer trades 10 chickens for a 2 goats, he is obliged to throw in an extra chicken or two as jizya.

If the Dhimmi does not agree to these terms, he's in big trouble with the local Imam and his Moslem henchmen.

Taking a gander into the Malaysian jungles can help give one a peek into our collective future.

Malaysian PM states, "If Israel is receiving weapons aid from the US, the OIC should therefore give arms to Hezbollah."

He's basing this move to support Hez on the assumption that everything is equal between Israel and Lebanon, and they are NOT equal, because there is "NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY" between these two countries; and anyone with a clear, rational mind knows this.

Israel is very humane in fighting this war, while Hezbollah hides among civilians and uses "malicious terrorist acts".

Go Israel!


I agree with you. emet-veritas did a good analysis above, but treating the 1.7b claim of Muslims anything but skeptically is a major boo-boo. Even if one were to assume that all nominal-Muslims in all Muslim countries were Muslims, as opposed to Athiests or Agnostics, there is still the question of numbers. Here is a rough breakdown by country, and the total is no more than 1.3b, with the above assumptions.

Country Total Percentage Net
Indonesia 217.558 87% 189.275
Pakistan 152.061 98% 149.020
India 1079.721 13% 137.125
Bangladesh 140.494 83% 116.610
Nigeria 139.823 50% 69.912
Turkey 71.727 95% 68.141
Iran 66.928 98% 65.589
Egypt 68.738 94% 64.614
Algeria 32.373 100% 32.373
Morocco 30.586 100% 30.586
Afghanistan 30 99% 29.700
China 1296.500 2% 25.930
Iraq 25.261 100% 25.261
Saudi Arabia 23.215 100% 23.215
Uzbekistan 25.930 88% 22.818
Europe 0.000 100% 20.000
Yemen 19.763 100% 19.763
Sudan 34.356 50% 17.178
Syria 17.783 90% 16.005
Malaysia 25.209 51% 12.857
Mali 11.937 90% 10.743
Somalia 9.938 100% 9.938
Tunisia 10.012 98% 9.812
Niger 12.095 80% 9.676
Senegal 10.455 92% 9.619
Azerbaijan 8.280 94% 7.783
Russia 142.814 5% 7.141
Kazakhstan 14.958 47% 7.030
Guinea 8.073 85% 6.862
Ivory coast 17.142 40% 6.857
Burkina-Faso 12.387 50% 6.194
Palestine 6.000 100% 6.000
Libya 5.674 97% 5.504
Tajikistan 6.430 85% 5.466
Jordan 5.440 94% 5.114
Chad 8.823 55% 4.853
Eritrea 4.477 100% 4.477
Turkmenistan 4.931 89% 4.389
United Arab Emirates 4.284 96% 4.113
Kyrghyzstan 5.099 75% 3.824
Cameroon 16.400 20% 3.280
Sierra Leone 5.436 60% 3.262
Uganda 25.920 12% 3.110
United States 293.000 1% 2.930
Mauritania 2.906 100% 2.906
Lebanon 4.554 60% 2.732
Albania 3.188 70% 2.232
Oman 2.659 75% 1.994
Mozambique 19.129 10% 1.913
Kuwait 2.460 75% 1.845
Benin 6.890 20% 1.378
Gambia 1.449 90% 1.304
Togo 4.966 15% 0.745
Bahrain 0.725 100% 0.725
Guinea-Bissau 1.533 45% 0.690
Djibouti 0.716 94% 0.673
Qatar 0.637 95% 0.605
Comoros 0.614 98% 0.602
Maldives 0.300 100% 0.300
Brunei-Dar us Salam 0.361 67% 0.242
Guyana 0.772 15% 0.116
Suriname 0.443 20% 0.089
Gabon 1.374 1% 0.014
Equitorial Guinea 0.506 0% 0.000
Total 1305.049

From FoxNews: Iranian Fighters Found Among Hezbollah Dead, Israeli TV Reports

Howard, Fine & Howard

Thanks for the link to Victor Hansen. I saw a bit of this on FoxNews but missed most of it. How true!! If they spent their time on contructive things rather than finding new ways to kill people things would be very different.

The Goobs

Since no one has answered your post as yet this is the email I use if I find something interesting. (Hope Robert doesn't mind.)

"These are not revolutionaries or crazies; these are among the most educated elite in Iran," said Najmedin Meshkati, a USC engineering professor who was planning to attend the reunion. "If these guys posed a security risk, they shouldn't have been issued a visa in the first place.

"This is not the way to win Iranian hearts and minds," Meshkati said.

As reports of visa revocations grew, Hojabri sent an SOS to his colleagues in Iran on Thursday, advising those who had not yet left to cancel their travel plans.

Hojabri said he was mystified as to why a few Iranians were admitted and others were not when all of them were issued valid U.S. visas as recently as a week ago. He and other association members speculated that the actions were tied to rising U.S. tensions with Iran over the nuclear issue and the conflict in Lebanon between Israel and Hezbollah."
-- from a posting above

Too bad. No one from Iran should be admitted to this country. No effort need be made to win hearts and minds. Every effort should be made to keep all Iranians, issued visas to whatever Infidel country, are kept out. It's called collective punishment. It's called forcing Iranians not to think it is enough that they are not part of the regime or supporters of the regime. They will have to do more. And since we have no way of telling, in any case, who can be trusted to be unfeignedly against the regime, and who is not, who is simply a former supporter of the regime who has become, over time, a so-called "dissident" -- and how many of those "dissidents" still utter nonsense about the "extremists" who supposedly "misunderstand" Islam and who, in the end, give us their own far more dangerous, because less obvious, defenses of Islam -- see for example that so-called "brave dissident" Shirin Ebadi, and look at the denunciation of her at the Homa Darabi website by Amber Pawlik (or at and similar uncompromising sites).

No, there should be no attempt to win Muslim heartrs and minds, especially of those phony semi-reformers. They have to try to win our hearts, and our minds.

That it, if a modicum of common sense, and the instinct for self-preservation, rightly conceived (without any Bush-Rice messianic projects for a "new Middle East" that leaves untouched and unexamined the cause of all our woe -- Islam, its tenets, its attitudes, its atmospherics).

Less naivete, less innocence, less stupidity, especially by government officials. Please. Fais un petit effort.

So when is Malaysia going to stop ITS dictatations to the rest of the world??? Never? The real message here is: Israel can't dictate, but Malaysia and Islam CAN and with unlimited violence too! Hizbollah kills, and Malaysia too!! (Sounds like an old US political slogan).

Gee, it's no wonder that no one likes Muslims-- even when they aren't angry. If the Kuran permitted other folks to live, Muslims might have to face up to that reality.

Hugh writes:

... those who failed that is both to confront OPEC and figure out how, through intelligent self-taxation, we might have recovered or recaptured much of the oligopolistic rents that OPEC members managed to charge (how much did such people as Gary Sick and Zbigniew Brzezinski, with their bland indifference to what was happening in Iran, or such hirelings as James Akins, Raymond Close, Fred Dutton, and a whole list of assorted former diplomats and bighsots who became the agents, directly or indirectly, of Saudi Arabia, cost us all? How much might we have saved had an intelligent energy policy, recognizing the malevolence and permanent danger of Saudi Arabia, hardly our "staunch ally" and hardly the country to which we should have entrusted our energy policy, thinking that "Saudi moderates" would handle things on our behalf.

Of course, the party most responsible for dismantling our fledgling efforts towards freedom from oil (and fossil energy) is the Republicans.  They did this not once (Reagan), but twice (Bush II, signed legislation abolishing the PNGV mere months after taking office).

I'm strongly libertarian/conservative, but the only thing I can say about our current energy non-policy is that it's idiotic.  We still subsidize OIL, through depletion allowances and our refusal to move Middle East military financing from income taxes to fuel taxes.  Those subsidies get sent to Saudi Arabia and used to finance terrorism.

The permanent way to destroy Wahhabism is to bankrupt it.  We could give the Muslims the genocide they wish on us and then take the oil, at the cost of our society's soul; the alternative is to take some of the USA's 2 terawatts of wind power, 1.3 billion tons/year of biomass and our intelligence and re-engineer things to use something other than oil.  If we did this, other nations would be forced to follow suit; e.g. China would be at a terrible military disadvantage if it remained dependent on oil tankers and the USA was not.  The result would be low and sinking prices for a shrinking supply of oil, and economic collapse from Indonesia to Morocco.

It can't come too soon.

The Goobs question,
Hi folks. Does anyone know how I can email Robert when I see something newsworthy?

I've been wondering the same thing. Sometimes I post in the middle of unrelated threads. Please help.

I have long been troubled by the anti-semitic rhetoric of some of Malaysia's political and religious leaders. I can recall, for example, that the film Schindler's List was banned in that country because it was deemed to be "Jewish propaganda". Malaysia's former prime minister, the repellant Mahathir Mohammed, often made extremely nasty and distateful comments about Jews. Nik Aziz, Menteri Besar (i.e. chief minister) of the ultra-conservative Kelantan state, where Islamic shariah law has been implemented, often makes ignorant and inflamatory anti-Jewish and anti-Western remarks. Non Muslims are also affected by his Islamist stupidity. Playing pool and singing Karaoke songs (favourite pastimes of ethnic Chinese youth in Malaysia) have been banned in Kelantan state because they are "un-Islamic". The Islamists in Malaysia are trying to get more and more such laws implemeted throughout the country. Moreover, it is an offence in Malaysia to renounce Islam or to convert to another religion. Malaysia also has laws of "proximity" in which Muslims of the opposite sex who are neither related nor married face arrest by the religious police if they found alone together; this law does not, as yet, apply to non-Muslims in Malaysia.

The Malaysian Muslim political elite are also extrememly annoyed with neighbouring Singapore for having diplomatic relations with Israel. When Singaporean and Israel hold joint military training exercises together, Malaysia starts squawking loudly.

Malaysia is often touted as a modern Asian Tiger economy (Petronas towers etc.), but it is an open secret that this development has mainly been due to the industriousness and studiousness of Malaysia's non-Muslim population, especially the ethnic Chinese. The Chinese generally prefer that their children be equipped with more life skills than merely being able to recite the Koran in Arabic.

Malaysia essentially operates an unfair apartheid system where the bumi puteras (or sons of the earth, aka Malay Muslims) are given special privileges in the fields of education and business. The effect of Islam in Malaysia is to act as a force of retardation in all spheres of life, economic, social and political. Although Malaysia has been a relatively peaceful place over the past few decades, one just has to look over the border into southern Thailand to see what can happen once the Islamist rot really sets in.

It is well past time for Singapore and Thailand (with Military assistance from China) to invade and occupy Malaya, turning the government over to the local Chinese and Indians. It is they who keep Malaysia economically viable anyway. Similtaneously, Sarawak and Sabah would declare their independence as oil rich but non-Muslim nations.

Such a move is especially in Thailand's interests since Malaysia is the source of the Muslim terror war in Southern Thailand. Besides, Thailand has certain historical claims on Northern Malaya anyway.