Malkin: Welcome to theater of jihad absurd

A terrific Michelle Malkin column on the Qana jihad propaganda:

Welcome to the marquee performance of "Qana: The Fraud and the Furious," brought to you by the Acting Guild of the Religion of Perpetual Outrage.

The drama unfolded over last weekend with mob scenes across the Muslim world, ostensibly -- ostensibly -- in response to civilian deaths in Qana, Lebanon. Angry Muslims from Beirut to Gaza to Lahore set fire to American and Israeli flags. They burned effigies of Western leaders. They raised their voices in chants of "Death to America" and "Death to Israel."

The nervous nellies sitting in the world's balcony seats exclaimed that the tragedy in Qana will make the Muslims hate us more. But if the uproar over the accident in Qana -- an Israeli exception to the Hezbollah rule -- sounds like a tired old re-run to you, well, it is.

This ongoing production utilizes the same talented field of Jew-haters and West-haters and flag-burners and machete-wielders who brought you worldwide months of manufactured rage over the Mohammed cartoons, crazed riots in Nigeria over the Miss World pageant, sharia-approved murders in Somalia of World Cup soccer fans, the fictional Jenin "massacre," the fable of Mohammed al-Dura, and ululating protests over the corrupting influences of "The Satanic Verses," Theo van Gogh, Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonald's, the sacrilegious Burger King ice-cream swirl, Valentine's Day and Piglet from "Winnie the Pooh."

The truth about Muslim outrage over Qana is that it's not really about the tragic deaths at Qana -- just like the Mohammed cartoon jihad was not really about the cartoons. It's a pretext for much grander goals to defeat the infidels -- be they Israeli, Danish, Dutch or American.

Remember: Muslim riots over the Mohammed cartoons printed by the Danish Jyllands-Posten newspaper last fall were manufactured amid attempts to bully Denmark over the International Atomic Energy Agency's decision to report Iran to the United Nations Security Council for continuing with its nuclear research program. Iran blamed Israel for the cartoons in a speech marking the 27th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

Now, the Qana jihad, gleefully stoked by Iran, is unfolding amid mounting U.N. Security Council pressure on Tehran to suspend its nuclear program. What better way to distract from Hezbollah's atrocities and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's annihilate-the-Jews plans than to start screaming about Israel's "war crimes" and Western crimes against humanity?

Read it all.

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"Tell us what you really think Michelle." She doesn't sugar coat anything. I love her for that honesty.

She used the phrase 'the religion of perpetual outrage' on the O'Reilly factor the other day.

Pretty catchy.

And as Hugh might ask, what do those journalists do all day?

I just saw a news report on Fox concerning an Israeli special ops raid in Lebanon. At the very end of the report, and without comment, Mr. Green Helmet (I believe) walked through the camera shot.

Let's call him Lebanon Larry.

muslims love their role in life as the victims of the "West", their co-horts, "leftist media" are their enablers. The Jews have too much self respect to lower themselves in the gutter to where the muslims placed themselves.

Michelle Malkin's column is a brilliant summary of the hypocrisy, fraud and exploitation of Qana by the United-Umma-Cartoon Rage Co. It is true that any deliberate damage or death done by Israel to innocent civilians is exceptional, unlike the typical Muslim rule of mass murder as demonstrated by the systematic extermination of Negro African civilians in Darfur. I am not a religious man (not in any organized way), but I sometimes think that an angry Almighty God may be using Israel as a terrible swift sword of vengeance for the crimes of Arab Muslims in Darfur, and the silence of the Muslim umma that encourages it.

What I find mystifying is that, given the obvious inconsistencies in the facts over the Qana incident, the various media organisations seem completely unwilling to admit that something doesn't quite add up and therefore make some attempt at investigation. As far as I know, as Ms Malkin points out in her article, there has so far only been Richard Engel willing to pose the slightest question of foul play.

Let's say, for example, a well known politician, pick any you like, whilst professing to affect a clean and wholesome lifestyle was rumoured to have been, instead, secretly living a life of debauchery and excess. How long do you believe it would take for the newshounds of the press to be all over that personages private life like a particularly nasty rash?.

In these sad days where news mainly consists of the sport of exposing celebrities' hypocrisy before their peers and the juicier the story, the juicier the wages of journalistic credit in the eyes of fellow paparazzi, does anyone else find it strange that not one correspondent of integrity has stepped forward to investigate even the slightest possibility that things in Qana may not be what they appear to be?.

Gone are the days where that cry, "The people have a right to know!", was a clarion call in the crusade for truth, the truth that the common man had a right to know in order to form his judgements and base his actions accordingly.

These now are the days whereby the ignorant, the unquestioning, the fools, follow like sheep the Pied Pipers of the media, blindly following and only hearing what the unscrupulous media decides it wants them to hear.

'When war is declared, truth is the first casualty'

I have been searching for days on some news from Africa. There is very little. The media is just plain ignoring it. I found this link.

You get 'em, Michelle!!


Thanks for the link. I don't dare speak for God, but the thought has run through my mind (so I speak for myself)that there is a connection between Darfur and Israel with the Almighty. It's a wonder.

The link below is to a Brit Blogger's analysis of the "Qana massacre". Terrific stuff.

Qana - the director's cut(Great title too)

I have called this post, "the director's cut", as that is what it is. The narrative here is of how the combination of Hezbollah's media management and modern photo-journalism has turned the recording of a tragic event into theatre, in the best tradition of Michael Moore.

As best we can, we have pieced together the jumble of photographs which surrounded the production of the iconic photographs which were published around the world, and put them in perspective. Many of the photographs have been used before, some are new to this site and others are video "grabs". But it is not the pictures, per se, that tell the story, so much as their ordering and analysis. Make of it what you will, but I can assure you that you are not supposed to see them in this light.

This whole Qana "massacre" business is unravelling.

There are a couple of other points worth mentioning

1. When a building collapses, the rescuers count and tag the bodies as they are found. One then adds up as the search continues. Reporters then add the a further comment, that as the search continues, the death toll will most likely increase.

In the case of the Qana episode, the body count went down from 57 to 24. This is absurd.

2. The man in the white shirt in the link above runs forward with the body of the little girl, his face thrown in anguish and lifted to the heavens. This is very much in the vein of that iconic picture of the little girl in Vietnam, running away from the napalm attacks on her village. The picture in Qana gives the impression that he is the father or a close relative of the dead girl.

And yet, he then hands over the body to the ambulance, and walks away. This is absurd. This same man was in the building and room where the body was found. He displayed no emotion there. A father or mother do not react that way at all.

Once the pictures are in question, then it is fair to ask if the running man in the white shirt was deliberately made to run, as it evoked the picture of the little girl in Viernam. Any case, why was he running? The girl was dead, there was no rush to get to the ambulance.

Wishbone posted: What I find mystifying is that, given the obvious inconsistencies in the facts over the Qana incident, the various media organisations seem completely unwilling to admit that something doesn't quite add up and therefore make some attempt at investigation.

I'm waiting for the "Fake but accurate" statement from the MSM and news organisations.


By: mr_muslim_man
Date: 08/05/06 09:21 am

They have killed many infidels.
After killing the Jews we muslims urge hisb'allah to finish off the Christian swine now defiling Muslim land in Lebanon.

Allah Akbar!

re Malkin: if ONLY it were just the foreign media that is absurd; American media is far worse and likely to bring this nation down in time.

re americaningermany: arabs, even before islam, were known for their duplicity, in trading, and deal making and warfare. Study the history of the cretans (now palestinians). They are not welcome anywhere because of their detestable behavior.

Except Isreal now has to live next to them.

We all know that the worldwide islamic propaganda complex (commonly known as the msm) is the sworn enemy of the USA and her allies. I have permanently deleted those channels from my lineup. These fifth columnists are doing their best to get us all killed.
They really do come from a broad strata of society. Hollywood, do they believe there will be a job in the muslim movie industry for them in the end? Music, it is outlawed in mo’s world dummies. Sports, sorry there are no games allowed in Islam (the exceptions are child molestation and wife beating, which they consider sport). Newspapers and books, nope not around here they say, too many words and stuff, it is very confusing and sometimes makes my head hurt. How about simple hand holding, sorry no disgusting displays of love or kindness either. Beach parties anyone, forget it unless they are segregated. Have your own religious beliefs, they will beat those thoughts out of you and if that does not work they will hang a couple of your family members to drive the point home. Who wants to be the first to sign up for their vision of hell on Earth? No thanks. Or more to the point **** you mo.
I posted the following on another thread but it seems so appropriate here it is again, substitute nazism for islamism.

Any man or State who fights against Nazism will have our aid. Any man or State who marches with Hitler is our foe. This applies not only to organized States but to all representatives of that vile race of Quislings who make themselves the tools and agents of the Nazi regime against their fellow-countrymen and against the lands of their births. These Quislings, like the Nazi leaders themselves, if not disposed of by their fellow-countrymen, which would save trouble, will be delivered by us on the morrow of victory to the justice of the Allied tribunals. That is our policy and that is our declaration.

The Islamists learned a valuable lesson from Saddam on how to get world wide sympathy by exploiting pictures of dead babies. If anyone has forgotten, he kept the bodies of babies that had died from various causes, stored them in refrigarators and then brought them out to display to the news media, stating that this was a direct result of the sanctions from the U.S.

We now see the full truth of what happened in the "Oil for Food" program.

But, since then there have been many staged performances by terror groups for the media, which most refuse to question. The media in general is more than happy to take things at face value.

Examples below:

Massacres, non-massacres, and fake burials in Jenin
May 05, 2002


1. "IDF films Palestinians staging fake burials" (Ha'aretz, May 4, 2002)
2. "The real war crime" (New York Post, May 3, 2002)
3. President Katsav to Vatican: Church of Nativity cannot serve as refuge for terrorists and murderers (May 2, 2002)


[Note by Tom Gross]

Please note the underwhelming lack of press coverage and interest by the European Union in the brutal massacre last Wednesday evening of 34 civilians in their nearby Moslem neighbor, Algeria. The massacre took place in Teyart, 240 km southwest of the capital Algiers.

Below are three articles. Here is a summary for those who don't have time to read them:

(1) A report from Ha'aretz about how the IDF filmed Palestinians staging fake burials in Jenin on April 28 as part of an effort in advance of the now-canceled UN fact-finding mission to suggest that a massacre occurred there. Although, as Ha'aretz points out, the IDF presented copies of the film to the foreign media, you will be hard pressed to find international television networks that broadcast this footage, or reporters that wrote on it.


(2) An article by retired military officer Ralph Peters in The New York Post about how a "terrible war crime" in violation of international law has been committed in the West Bank – the occupation of the Church of the Nativity by armed gunmen. Peters says that this move was "planned well in advance, as any veteran would recognize". He adds that the failure of the international community to condemn the taking of hostages in a church will have "far-reaching and heartbreaking consequences."

"We" as "Christians" should care not only because of the lack of "respect for the sanctity of the shrine" but because the Palestinian Authority "just set a precedent" and "got away with it." The result, he says, "will be future occupations of churches and synagogues" elsewhere.


(3) An Israel government press release: President Moshe Katsav told Pope John Paul II's special emissary that "the break-in to the Church of the Nativity by armed terrorists is both a war crime and a violation of international law." Archbishop Pietro Sambi did not comment on this, but did praise the IDF for supplying food and aid to the residents of the area. "You have soldiers who exhibit the highest human values", the papal envoy told the president.

-- Tom Gross



IDF films Palestinians staging fake burials
By Amos Harel, Ha'aretz Defense Correspondent
May 4, 2002

The Israel Defense Forces has documented Palestinians staging fake burials in Jenin, with the army charging they were part of a Palestinian propaganda effort in advance of the now-canceled UN fact-finding mission to the refugee camp. The fake burials, the IDF says, were an attempt to "prove" that there were many more Palestinians killed than actually were in the fighting there last month.

Yesterday, Colonel Miri Eisen, head of field intelligence for land forces in the IDF, presented a film shot from a military drone on April 28 and showing a group of Palestinians carrying a man on a stretcher. The man was covered with a shroud, as if he was a corpse, and among the group accompanying him was a cameraman.

But the film shown to the foreign press clearly shows how the stretcher falls and the "corpse" gets up on his own, and then gets back on the stretcher as it advances. After the second fall, the "corpse," apparently disgusted with the incompetence of the stretcher bearers, walks off in a huff.

"The film speaks for itself," Eisen said. "They tried to fabricate evidence of funerals to inflate the number of their dead."

Eisen said the "funeral" had taken place in the area between the destroyed section of the Jenin refugee camp and the local cemetery. She said that even before the drone had captured the staged funeral on film, the IDF had been certain that the Palestinians were staging funerals. "But nobody believed us," she said. "Now we have the proof."

According to Eisen, during the fighting, the IDF destroyed 130 buildings in Jenin, some 10 percent of the buildings in the camp, or an area slightly larger than a soccer field


The real war crime
By Ralph Peters
The New York Post
May 3, 2002

A terrible war crime has been committed in the West Bank. It will have far-reaching and heartbreaking consequences. But it has nothing to do with lies about an imaginary massacre in Jenin. The war crime - committed brazenly before a global audience - is the occupation of the Church of the Nativity, in Bethlehem, by Palestinian terrorists.

Where is the outcry? International law forbids the parties to armed conflict from using churches, as well as hospitals, museums and monuments, for military activities. The Laws of Land Warfare are even stricter.

The United Nations, which is ever quick to condemn Israel, has been silent about this violation, even though the Palestinian actions violate the UN's own rules. The church is even under UNESCO designation as a protected site.

Even the ancient tradition of murderers, thieves and other criminals seeking sanctuary on holy ground denies them the right to take weapons into the sacred precincts. Under every single applicable code of law, as well as the custom of nations, every Palestinian who carried a gun into the Church of the Nativity, turning it into a fortress, is a war criminal.

Not one voice has been raised to condemn them.

Why? The fact is that, beyond Europe's reflexive anti-Semitism, liberal racism plays a role. Despite widespread criticism of Israel as inhumane, the world holds Israel to a much higher standard than it does any of Israel's mortal enemies.

Bluntly put, this is just a left-wing version of the pathetic old notion that "our little brown brothers" aren't really as capable or as responsible as "we" are. The motivations of Israel's critics are as disgraceful as their one-sided condemnations are unjust.

The Palestinians did not decide spontaneously, by telepathy, to gather in the Church of the Nativity as the Israelis approached. The action was planned well in advance, as any veteran would recognize. The church had been predesignated as a rallying point for hard-core terrorists and others who feared Israeli retaliation - doubtless with Yasser Arafat's blessing.

The immediate and well-organized occupation of one of Christianity's holiest shrines was an illegal, cynical gambit.

The Palestinians knew they could count on several things:

* First, the Israelis do observe international law, and they respect religious and cultural monuments. Unless savagely provoked, they would not even fire in the direction of the church, so the terrorists were safe from immediate capture.

* Second, despite the level of provocation from inside, any Israeli action could be portrayed as an attack on a Christian shrine.

* Third, any damage to that shrine would be blamed on the Israelis, on their tanks and firepower, by those portions of the world anxious to paint Israel as a land of devilish aggressors. In that regard, we should be prepared for an orgy of destruction on the part of the church's occupiers.

The Palestinians stole a lesson from, of all people, Gandhi, though they corrupted it hideously. Despite his litany of complaints about British inhumanity, Gandhi knew the British courts in India would never hang him, and he turned London's sense of decency and fair play - as well as the rule of law - against the British themselves. So, too, the Palestinian terrorists count on Israel's sense of decency and morality, as well as its laws, to save them from the justice they deserve.

Why does this matter to us? Apart from our emotional and spiritual ties to the site, if we are Christians? And our respect for the sanctity of the shrine, no matter our religion?

It matters because the Palestinian terrorists in Bethlehem just set a precedent. They broke all the laws and rules - and got away with it. Instead of condemning them, the world "community" has shown a tragic, nearsighted tolerance for their deed. By turning the Church of the Nativity into a gangsters' hide-out, the Palestinians placed themselves on the same level as the Taliban savages who destroyed the Bamiyan Buddhas. Instead of expressing its outrage, this time the world showered the criminals with sympathy.

The result will be future occupations of churches and synagogues, the military use of hospitals, the betrayal of symbols such as the red cross and red crescent, and the inevitable destruction of cultural monuments in the name of one deluded cause or murderous movement after another. The Church of the Nativity has just been turned into the Golgotha of the remaining rules of armed conflict.

Welcome to war in the 21st century.

Ralph Peters is a retired military officer and the author of the soon-to-be-released "Beyond Terror: Strategy in a Changing World" (Stackpole).


President Katsav to Vatican emissary: Church of Nativity cannot serve as refuge for terrorists and murderers
Israel Government press release
May 2, 2002

(Communicated by the President's Spokeswoman)

President Moshe Katsav met Thursday, 2.5.2002, at his Jerusalem Residence with special Papal emissary Roger Cardinal Etchegaray, who has come to the region on a special mission regarding the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem; Vatican Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Pietro Sambi also attended the meeting.

President Katsav told his interlocutors that the holy places and houses of worship must not become part of the struggle between Israel and the Palestinians, and added the break-in to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem by armed terrorists is both a war crime and a violation of international law. The President said that the terrorists must leave the Church since nobody has the right to exploit it as a refuge or place for blackmail. Terrorists who flee into houses of worship cannot be immune from the law. While Israel has no interest in remaining in Bethlehem, it cannot allow Palestinian terrorists to go free.

President Katsav criticized the Christian world for criticizing the Israeli position regarding the Church and added that such criticism should be directed at the Palestinian Authority.

President Katsav said that he saw two possible solutions. The first would be for the Palestinians to leave the Church of the Nativity. Following short checks, they would all be released except for those terrorists who are known to have taken shelter in, seized control of, and looted it, and turned the clergy and innocent Palestinian civilians inside into hostages. The second would be for the terrorists to concentrate in one area of the church while all the other Palestinians and clergy would be released; this is so that the hostages – clergy and innocent civilians – who have been in the church under harsh conditions, will be released first.

Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Pietro Sambi equated with a miracle the fact that the Israeli soldiers positioned around the Church of the Nativity have supplied food and aid to the residents of the area, and mainly to children. "You have soldiers who exhibit the highest human values", the Archbishop said.

At the end of the meeting President Katsav asked Cardinal Etchegaray to convey to Pope John Paul II his concern over the dramatic increase in anti-Semitism throughout the world in general, and in Europe specifically.

President Katsav expressed the wish that the Pope will act against expressions of anti-Semitism with great determination, and warned him that whereas we know how anti-Semitism begins, we do not know how it ends.

All notes and summaries copyright © Tom Gross. All rights reserved.


You asked me in a different posting if I was "concerned about Dufar", my name is actually SusanB, I've been with this site for well over 2 years, and most of the posters here know me well.

I started writing about Dufar over 2 years ago and you can look at that on Co-Jet.

My concern is great. What I don't understand is why you try to link the Sudan with Isreal.

I suggest you start at this site:

Get some background, read about the slave trade, look at the mineral, water resources of Sudan and then you'll get a better understanding of what this genocide is really about.

Welcome to theater of jihad absurd


More like theater of of depraved

ATt least we know how green helmet is he has also had leading roles in other sick Hezballywood features


It is very appauling what I read in this article and the comments posted , I'm not going to talk of all the nonsence about how the Qana massacre was staged .

I just would like Robert Spencer to tell me how he can clame that he is friend to all PEACEFUL muslims and only enemy to those who terrorize the innocent and at the same time allow such offensive comments and faulse claims made about muslims while he himself claims to know Islam in depth?!

for example ( and I qoute ) :
" **** you mo " by tgusa.

By: mr_muslim_man
Date: 08/05/06 09:21 am

They have killed many infidels.
After killing the Jews we muslims urge hisb'allah to finish off the Christian swine now defiling Muslim land in Lebanon.

Allah Akbar!
" by sheik yer'mami , and so on and so forth.

well , as low as this site is and the people who have written such things , I won't get down to thier level , and I leave the judgment up to you.

Note that whatever you say could potentially feed hate against innocent muslims even if you claim your talking about terrorists.

I notice you only took offense at my **** you mo. So you evidently found the other things I said to be correct. Believe me I could have gone on forever but I do not want to hog bandwidth here. In addition, could you describe these elusive, peaceful, anti jihad supporting muslims? I have searched everywhere and I cannot find them.
To speak to the other references you use, sheik yer'mami is great! mr_muslim_man, I think that name speaks for itself.

And why do you assume the worst? **** could stand for "love" after all.


The genocide of Christians and Animists in Sudan has been going on a whole lot longer - since the eighties in fact. I have written about this on LGF and here at JW since its inception. Some two million Christians and Animists are thought to have lost their lives due to starvation - a consequence of deliberate policy by the fundamentalist Islamist government of Sudan.


Your right, the killing has been going alot longer than 2 years. The point I was making, was , what does it have to do with Israel?

In several posts that Frank has made there has been the comparison and this statement: "I am not a religious man (not in any organized way), but I sometimes think that an angry Almighty God may be using Israel as a terrible swift sword of vengeance for the crimes of Arab Muslims in Darfur, and the silence of the Muslim umma that encourages it."

And I'm sitting here, thinking "what???" Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking Frank, just trying to understand what his thinking is.

The Jerusalem Post says Qana may have been totally staged.

It is also a story about bloggers.

Bloggers get results

See also the A.J. Strata link at the above post. We may know where the bodies came from.

The Mohammedan poster above "Sallorme" objects to me posting the rants of another post picked up from a Yahoo message board last night which I cut & pasted here:

By: mr_muslim_man
Date: 08/05/06 09:21 am

They have killed many infidels.
After killing the Jews we muslims urge hisb'allah to finish off the Christian swine now defiling Muslim land in Lebanon.

Allah Akbar!

Sallorme sez:


Please note that I did not even comment on the posting by "Muslim-man" and that I merely posted it here.

'Sallorme' doesn't seem concerned about the intentions of her Mohammedan brother 'muslim-man' who advocates genocide against Christians in Lebanon, she is merely 'concerned' that
posting Mohammedan intentions and widely held beliefs here
'could fed hate against innocent muslims...'

I for one have no reservations to hurt the tender feelings of Mohammedans like 'Sallorme'- I am much more concerned about our treasonous media and the enemy we treat like a friend, which is ISLAM,-
and should be properly named as such, instead of "WoT'...

We should be concerned that in our society we treat 7th century savages as equals, that we stoop to their level and that we don't expose them, we don't ridicule them and we don't wage the propaganda war against them which should be in overdrive by now...

Neither should we be above hate:

No matter how hard we try: We will never be able to hate them like they hate us, since their whole world is build around hating the infidel and every Mohammedan sucks in the hatred with the mothers milk...

Wonder if muslims are just natural-born actors and actresses, or if they are trained in that kind of thing.

Posted by: americaningermany at August 5, 2006 06:28 AM

Given how well Arafat staged condemnation of terror (which was a signal to Bhargouti to step up terror attacks), given how well Saddam operated 'Oil for Food' program, given how Usama user infidel aid against Russia, given how the same thankless bastard has shown his real monstrous goals, given how well muslims disguised their cult as a 'Religion of Peace', given, to put it in ISlamic terms' 'War is deciet', like you say, muslims are natural-born cheats, liars and murderering terrorists.

Muslims kidnap and kill athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims are involved, on one side or the other, in almost every one of the 125+ shooting wars around the world. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims cut off the heads of three teenaged girls on their way to school in Indonesia. A Christian school. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims murder over 80 tourists with car bombs outside cafes and hotels in Egypt. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims slaughter hundreds of children and teachers in Beslan, Russia. Muslims shoot children in the back. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims fire rocket-propelled grenades into schools full of children in Israel. No Muslim outrage.

Doesn't take much to get these guys dancing in the streets, chopping off heads, burning cars, burning flags...can only imagine what it would be like to be married to these neanderthals. The women cover themselves so the bruises won't show.

All of this muslim outrage is only showing the world the true face of islam. It's not just a "few" islamic extremists we are seeing, it's the majority of the muslim world encouraging violence and murder. Moderate Muslims are just as guily letting these neanderthals kill there religion ISLAM. Keep up the good work! ISLAM is dead...

Note that whatever you say could potentially feed hate against innocent muslims even if you claim your talking about terrorists.

Posted by: sailorme at August 5, 2006 05:36 PM

My goodness, we would never intentionally "feed" hate against "innocent" muslims. We're still trying to come to grips with the fact that muslims are universally afflicted with a pernicious hate level that transcends our cultural and moral conditioning. Hate is not an integral element of our ethos and our mastery of this destructive disposition remains woefully inferior to muslims. Don't worry, muslims still hold the world championship for indiscriminate, maniacal, unbridled hate of the "other."

While we may not relate to the muslim propensity for hate, we are neither blind nor stupid. In addition to being the world's most fervent haters, muslims are also the world's biggest liars and hypocrites, and masters of deceit. The Hizbollah savages staged another Israeli massacre--are you surprised? They have been using innocent civilians as human shields since this war began, and they are despicable cowards who have no regard whatsoever for human life.