Middle East conflict provokes surge of cyber attacks

Cyber Jihad Update from the TimesOnline, with thanks to Ana:

As the death toll in Lebanon and Israel mounts, the conflict has spilled onto the internet with sudden fury as gangs of computer hackers mount a withering cyber attack on thousands of Israeli and Western websites.

"This is definitely the biggest ever politically motivated cyber protest we’ve ever seen," Roberto Preatoni, a founder of Zone-H.org, a web-based crime observatory, told me. He said that as many as 10,000 web sites belonging to commercial, government and military web sites may have been caught in the crossfire.

Protest? That's not a protest, Preatoni. That's a war.

The daily tally of sites being sabotaged is nearly 4,000, twice the normal number, according to Mr Preatoni. About 80 per cent of the attacks involve hackers reacting to the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, and the overwhelming majority have been directed against Israeli, American and other Western sites, he said.
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well the IDF is more advanced, when the words went on Hezbollah's TV screen, "your days are numbered", seems the Muslims cannot take their own crap. the West will prevail!

"Protest? That's not a protest, Preatoni. That's a war."

Absolutely. In war the enemy must be paid back in his own coin. Israel (and the US) should develop teams of Cyber-Special Forces to strike back at the enemy and do to them what they do-but with more effect. It's war.

Absolutely correct. This is WAR. To fight war at less than the absolute greatest intensity is simply to prolong it and draw out the suffering and bloodshed. The most humane way to fight a war is to pursue it with the highest level of intensity and make the enemy sue for peace as quickly as possible.
Cry HAVOC! And let slip the dogs of war!

No more computer sales, computer parts and no more software to be sold to Islamic countries. period.

When there is a cyber war like this going on, it is a sign that the jihadi side is losing and is getting desperate.

I couldn't get the IDF website today, duh, suppose I had better support Hezbollah then!

Actually I will be looking very carefully at my shopping list and filtering out anything that has come from Muslim countries and/or may have profited Muslims.

We had better make a stand now. Remember the big thing about positive discrimination?

That means employing Muslims who are less suitable than non Muslims, well those companies should also be boycotted as they are effectively Muslim companies because sure as night follows day some of their wage packets will be converted into bombs and bullets.

Be assured that on both sides a number of very capable, very fast typing geeky types are trying to "outbinary" the other side. Normal in war. But I can't help but snicker when the IDF hacks into Hizb'allah TV :) :), which has no business being there, anyway. Just another piece of evidence in the long trail of evidence against a corrupt Lebanese government and a corrupt UN, both of which did not do their jobs. Why should we ever believe them again? I for one, do not.

"Actually I will be looking very carefully at my shopping list and filtering out anything that has come from Muslim countries and/or may have profited Muslims."
-- from a posting above

Make sure your local grocery store or chain understands your decision to withhold your purchases from them. Tell them about others who are so inclined, and that their numbers are growing. Find out what brand of humus, halvah, pita bread, is produced by large, American-owned firms, or by Armenians in Montreal, or by Lebanese Christians, or rather by Muslims who, one at this point should assume, accept the tenets of Islam that are so dangerous for all Infidels.

Don't stop with groceries. Furniture and rug stores -- find out more about their ownership. Restaurants -- such names as "Oasis" and "Jericho" and words which come as translations from the Arabic ("Noor" leading to ideas associated with light, light of the east, light of anything), and of course any restaurant that has recently appeared, offering "Mediterranean Food" or called the "Peace Restaurant" which is what a number of Arab restaurants have been hastily renamed. "Zeitoun" -- the olive-tree -- is another giveaway, and therefore so is "The Olive Tree" as a name. On the other hand, be careful not to assume that all such names of restaurants are suspect; think of "The Olive Garden" chain. Find out more. Go to Muslim websites, or see who is advertising in Arabic-language newspapers. And so on.

And don't stop there. Insurance companies, law firms, all the rest, may somehow get the message that those companies or enterprises that make the infiltration into America of large numbers of people whose belief-system makes them a threat, present or potential, to the rest of us, will suffer. Over time, if enough people act on this, it will have its effect.

What one has to overcome is the perfectly natural belief that somehow such an activity is, well -- mean, nasty, illegitimate, bad-day-at-black-rockish, vicious. It isn't. It is as legitimaite as boycotting Nazi goods in 1938, or Soviet goods in 1953, or those who ran a restaurant in 1938 and supported the aims of Hitler, and those who ran a bookstore in 1953 and supported the aims of the Politburo. Intelligent self-defense through selective use of goods and services is not merely not wicked, but completely justifiable.

I wonder if the interruption of cell phone service yesterday (I don't know how wide spread it was, but a lot of people were complaining) was related?

well the IDF is more advanced, when the words went on Hezbollah's TV screen, "your days are numbered", seems the Muslims cannot take their own crap. the West will prevail!

Posted by: ZenaWarriorPrincess at August 3, 2006 08:03 AM


I just hope that the IDF has similar plans to thwart Ahmadinejad's promise to "light up Jerusalem's skies" on Aug. 22/06.

Israel has been a leading light in all sorts of technology, so it's very possible that this will prove the case, and the hopelessly delusional Ahmadinejad will be thoroughly embarassed, but in the meantime, I'm pretty concerned.

"This is definitely the biggest ever politically motivated cyber protest we’ve ever seen," Roberto Preatoni, a founder of Zone-H.org, a web-based crime observatory

Assuming that Preatoni was quoted accurately, it is really mind-boggling that the founder of a "web-based crime observatory" would use the word "protest" to describe a common criminal act, regardless of the reasons for it.

exsgtbrown - also no student visas to students from Islamic countries to study Computer Science in the Universities of the West.

My solution is to cut off Internet and telephone access to all enemy countries in a time of war! Some people and nations wish to delude themselves that the values of Western civilization can coexist with Islam. That’s impossible, Islam is a fascist belief system where Muslims are now at war with the entire world to make global Jihad against all non-believers. Muslims don’t want democracy, they want a one world superior theocracy where the rule of law comes from the Quran. Where democracy is forced upon them, ultra-fascist Islamic parties are created for only one purpose, get enough votes to win and then destroy the democracy within that country and replace it with a Islamic theocracy. This plan mirrors exactly what the Nazi party did in German, they ran on an ultra-fascist nationalistic platform and when they got enough votes in 1933, Hitler dismantled the democracy.

As Hizbullah sees it, democracy was forced upon Lebanon so they like Hamas chose to play a game. They created a political party and their game plan was when they got enough votes, they would dismantle the democracy and create a theocratic Islamic state. It’s a joke when the entire world is being cynically manipulated by both the Western press and the Arab propagandized yellow journalistic media to cry for these poor Lebanese civilians. Well let me tell you something, the Lebanese got their comeuppance by allowing Hizbullah to become a legitimate political party. Because when you lay down with the Devil you better be prepared to be fucked in the ass! Post World War 1 Germany had democracy forced on it by the allies and what resulted was the Second World War. Germany allowed the Nazi party to run on an outlandish and highly anti-Semitic platform; most intellectuals at first made jokes about Hitler. Nobody ever expected the Nazi party to get many votes, the best minds of the time thought that if the average person was exposed to all political points of view, extremism would only attract the lunatic fringe of the population. Boy—were they ever wrong!

If people and nations don’t learn from history then they are doomed to repeat it! The only way to have a successful democracy is to ban those political that have no redeeming social value. As well, political platforms of fringe political parties must be measured against the ultimate yard stick which is, God forbid that the country hits the worst economic depression we can ever have in the future, what would be the results if this fringe political party ran the government. If the results would be disastrous not only to our country but the nations bordering us than we can’t allow this particular fringe political party to run in any elections—period!

Germany let the Nazi party run in the electoral process and that led to WW II. The Lebanese made a deal with the devil, they allowed Hizbullah to become a legitimate political party and now look at the mess the world is in now! As it’s a joke when the press keeps stating that Beirut is the Paris of the Middle East, it’s more like Berlin of the 1920’s. Like Berlin, Beirut (or a small section of it) caters to a very small elite group of the population. Germany in the 1920’s was struggling from the ruins of the worst global war mankind had ever known. The majority of the population were starving, working the land, working in factories (if you could find a job); in other words the majority of the population weren’t partying until dawn! Everyone automatically thinks of the 1930’s and the great depression but most of German was already economically depressed in the 1920’s. It was only a small percentage of the population that were the clientele of all these trendy bars and mini stage show cabarets. Plus word got out regarding Berlin only by expatriates from the Western world, one such person that epitomized this community of non-Germans was Josephine Baker. To say that post WW I Germany was a great place to live by just judging it by Berlin standards of a minority of eccentric artists who’s reputations were legendary and the night club life is so off the mark it’s not even funny. It’s like trying to sell Greenland as a resort destination based on the southern most tip of that Island when young people from all over the world come to party there during the hottest 2 weeks in July!

That’s the same way Lebanon is being marketed to the world, everyone is being told how wonderful a tiny section of Beirut is with all the nightlife and Westernized hangouts. Yes but that’s a very tiny portion of the population that indulges in that kind of lifestyle, the majority of not only Beirut but all of Lebanon is represented by repressive forms of Islam! Just as the Nazi’s despised the decadent lifestyle that was being portrayed in the international press regarding Berlin’s nightlife. Shortly after gaining power, Hitler closed all these cabarets, jailed the so-called degenerates and all those expatriates fled back home. This is no different to how Hizbullah views that part of Beirut, which is touted as the Paris of the Middle East. If Hizbullah gains enough power in Lebanon not only will they shut down these bars but they’ll create a mini Iranian style theocracy with the Iranian mullahs calling all the shots!

It’s a joke when I see on the TV, in the newspapers and on Internet all these Lebanese refugees fleeing from the southern part of Lebanon. All these women with material covering their bodies like an oversize poncho and covering their hair with scarfs, these are the true faces of Lebanon! These people represent the majority of Lebanon today; the Westernized Arabs that patronize the section of trendy Beirut are the true freaks in the minds of Hizbullah! Lebanon being marketed to the West by a small section of Beirut (the Paris of the Middle East) does more harm to us than it does to the Lebanese. We’ve come to delude ourselves in the West that most Lebanese are progressive and are religiously secular when in fact it’s the complete opposite! The French government separated Lebanon from Syria in order to create a country that had a Christian majority but those days are over, now most of those Westernized Arabs have fled Lebanon and the majority are Muslim. This is why it doesn’t do us any justice in believing that Beirut (the Paris of the Middle East) represents the majority of the Lebanese. This is an incredibly tiny remainder of Westernized Arabs that have decided to stay in Lebanon while the rest of the country is turning more hardcore Islamist by the day! That’s the reality and unless we in the West can understand this fact then we’re screwed!

Most Lebanese want more hardcore Islamic values in their lives, not less! So if that is the fact then we in the West can’t have a dialogue with them. We can’t be peace brokers and ask Israel to give into a never-ending round of cease-fires. Because Muslims deliberately lie to the Westerners only in the end to stock up on more weapons and ammunition which they’ll eventually use again in the future! The Western nations need to understand that the majority of Lebanese aren’t like them, they don’t keep their word and aren’t the patrons of the Westernized section of Beirut (the Paris of the Middle East). The majority of Lebanese are liars, hate the West, don’t want a Westernized democracy and are singled minded in thought when it comes to the destruction of Israel! These people aren’t like us and have nothing in common we with us, if we ram democracy down their throats they come to resent it. Thus when radical Islamists such as Hizbullah come along, most Lebanese welcome them and in the end vote for these types of parties in order to ultimately destroy the unwanted democratic process that was thrust on them by the Western powers!

So until we in the West stop deluding ourselves that Beirut (the Paris of the Middle East) represents the majority of the Lebanese and the sort of lifestyle to which they want to emulate, we’ll never understand that we’re actually at war! And when we’re at war that means that we don’t allow the enemy to pollute our media. Until we finally declare that we are at war with Islam, we’ll continue to be attacked—period! Once we stop deluding ourselves and say that Islam is the enemy, we can go on the attack!

If we declare we’re at war with Islam that means we need to cut off Internet access from specific countries! If Muslims are attacking Western computers we need to draft and enforce new Internet laws! Such as rerouting all computer and telecommunications traffic from enemy countries so that they will be unable to gain access to our Internet hubs. So for example, if we name Saudi Arabia and Iran as enemies, we need to draft laws that prevent all telephone and electronic communication both incoming and outgoing from being sent or received in the West. We can do it, people might scream and shout but we can do it if we finally understand that we’re at war!

But once again, if you want to delude yourself that the majority of Muslims are moderate (whatever the hell that means to you?) then you’re going to have to expect that your cities will be bombed every now and then. Also you’ll have to accept that your computers are going crash every once in a while due to Islamic based Internet attacks. So are you prepared for the status quo or are you ready to name names and fight? If we’re supposedly fighting a war on terrorism and all the terrorists are Muslims, are you ready to smell the coffee and finally wake-up? If you’re sending your country’s armed forces to fight against an Islamic insurgency in places like Iraq and Afghanistan but as soon as Israel joins the battle you demand Israel to cease and desist—what the hell are you doing? If you’re going to be two faced about it then why don’t you first cease and desist? Are you going to fight a phony war in that you can fight all the Islamic terrorists to your heart’s desire but as soon as Israel defends itself that puts you off?

Either we’re in this fight together or we’d better start converting to Islam! Why are the Islamic terrorists your country is fighting in far off lands any more important than who Israel is fighting across its border? This is not a time to be a hypocrite, this is war! Remember the Muslims state that Israel must stop fighting Hizbullah in Lebanon because the more this war goes on, the more people will become radicalized! That’s a lie because all Arab media are using this weapon to radicalized their own viewers, we’re not responsible for this, this is a case of pure double-talk. The Arab media love this war, they say they want the fighting to end but privately this is a ratings bonanza! Tell me, when have the Arab media ever stopped demonizing Israel—the answer is never! The Arab media cry crocodile tears for the poor Lebanese civilians but there’s no news! It’s 24 hours of Lebanese damage and Arabs screaming at the U.S. and cursing Israel all in close-up shots—that’s not news that’s propaganda! That’s the proof of the Arab lie, which states that the more this war goes on, the more radicalized people will get, Arabs are radicalized against Jews from the cradle, Lebanon as the battleground is all Hizbullah’s fault. And who exactly are the members of Hizbullah, they are the one’s that have already been radicalized, proof positive of the theme ‘what goes around comes around’.

If the Arabs truly want peace then the onus is on them to stop radicalizing their young. The Arabs could have taught their children differently 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago but nothing ever changes. The Arabs would have continued to become radicalized even if this war with Hizbullah never started this summer. It’s not our fault that you’re radicalized, it’s your own damn fault! And that sums up the war and our enemy. It doesn’t matter what we do, our enemy will always come up with another reason why they hate us. We can never change enough for them, we’ll never be able to please them enough and the enemy’s response is if you do this or that I’ll hate you even more!

We only have two choices, do nothing or declare Islam is our enemy and do everything in our power to defeat the enemy! Which choice will you choose?


Some reformer. He wants to replace traditional Islamic teaching on homosexuality with its traditional practice regarding that sin against nature.