Molotov cocktail against Christian activist’s home in Bethlehem

Death threats for Samir Qumsieh, after he denounced the persecution of Palestinian Christians. From AsiaNews, with thanks to Mark:

Bethlehem (AsiaNews) – Death threats are getting nastier for Samir Qumsieh. He is the director and owner of the only private Christian TV station in Palestine. Concerned about his family and his business, he has repeatedly called on the authorities to intervene to the little avail.

In 1996 Mr Qumsieh founded Al-Mahed (the Nativity) TV in Bethlehem. He told AsiaNews that he is forced to live with the constant threats against his life and might have to shut down his TV station, which has been well-receivfed by Christian leaders in the Holy Land. In the past, Mr Qumsieh denounced several times the violence inflicted on Christians in the Holy Land.

A few days ago he called on Bethlehem governor, Salah Al-Ta’mari, to investigate a serious incident. After midnight last Thursday unidentified people threw cocktail Molotov into the garden of his house.

“We avoided the worst by a miracle. One of the bottles fell on wet grass causing little damage; the other did not explode,” he said. Never the less, the incident is but the latest in a long string of similar episodes.

Qumsieh said that “in the past defamatory and indimidatory leaflets about him were circulated”. But what is worse is that “despite my pleas that something be done to find those responsible for these acts, the security forces have done nothing.”

In his letter to the governor, copies of which were also sent to the chiefs of local security forces and to Christian leaders, the TV station owner complained that the threats against him are “a serious and dangerous development that must be taken seriously”.

But it won't be.

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Hanan Ashrawi? Naim Ateek? Bishop Michel Sabbagh? That "Palestinian" Presbyterian minister down in Atlanta who helped create the atmosphere in the national bureaucracy that led to that anti-Israel resolution? Preening, holier-than-thou (for Peace! for Justice!)and supremely smug Bishop Thomas Shaw of Massachusetts, the one who shows up at every demonstraton outside the Israeli consulate in Boston to show his support for the "Palestinians" promoting the Lesser Jihad against Israel, which in the view of Episcopalian Bishop Thomas Shaw, of course, is not a Jihad at all, but a fight for the "legitimate rights of the 'Palestinian' people," one of the "two tiny peoples" (he's not much interested, however, Bishop Shaw, in that other "tiny people" the Jews -- after all, what have they ever had to worry about? And who's ever treated them badly?).

Not a word from Ashrawi, Ateek, Sabbagh, or assorted Presbyterians and Episcopalians, or from Anglican cleric Stephen Sizer, spreading his venom in Virginia Water. Not an indignant word from the World Council of Churches about the persecution of Christians by Muslims, especially not that in "Palestine" by "Palestinians." And not a word, of course, by that sinister Sabeel Center that promotes the Lesser Jihad wearing the disguise of Christian meek-and-mildness, more-sinned-against-than-sinning-ness, the place where that propagandist Naim Ateek hangs his hat. Sabeel, just as in "fi sabil Allah."

Samir Qumsieh is a true hero and fighter for the Truth. He is beholden to no one except the Lord. Recently, he and a truly moderate Muslim artist Jalal Kamel presented the Pope with a painting of the Holy Father himself with the Holy Sepulchre and the Church of the Nativity.

“These are the symbols of the birth and resurrection of the Lord” the painter said, adding “It is important to remind everyone that in the Holy Land Palestinian Christians and Muslims feel part of the same people... We can, with good will, become a model of coexistence for other countries”. “This way,” Jalal said, “I feel I can speak on behalf of moderate Muslims”.

However, according to Asia News, for paintings, Jalal has been insulted and threatened by Muslim extremists, but he has no intention of quitting.
“Many people appreciate what I do and for now I am not scared even though I don’t know what the reactions of my community will be after this meeting with the Pope”.

These men, not the self-promoting dhimmis that Hugh rightly criticizes above, are the ones that deserve our full support and admiration.

Firebomb a Christan in Bethlehem and it is only reported on Jihadwatch. Put pork on a Paki's doorstep and the whole world knows!

I hope that his letters will be available on the web with pics as evidence.

What's his attitude to Jews?

Too many Arab Christians are as viciously anti-Semitic as the Muslims. Instead of allying themselves with Israel, they side with the Muslims who hate them as much as the Jews. I'm sorry for the guy, but am long past the point of feeling much of anything for Arab Christians cuz they place Arabité over Christianity.

CaribPundit asked: "What's his attitude to Jews?"

An October 22 ,2004 Asia News profile called "Christian TV spreads the Gospel across the Holy Land" about Samir Qumsieh and al-Mahed TV states:
"Its morning show Morning Path, hosted by journalist Karim Asakra, has a reputation for letting both Palestinians and Israelis speak on any range of issues or news. “Sadly,” Asakra acknowledges, 'many of our viewers are unhappy to hear the other side, but we persevere and show both sides of the same coin anyway'."

and reveals that this isn't the first time that Qumsieh has been threatened:
"In 2000, PA President Yassir Arafat pulled the plug on the station for 20 days and Mr Qumsieh himself spent three days in jail for protesting against the closure of two TV station in Ramallah. Mr Qumsieh is the dean of the TV Private station Union. In fact, although in theory freedom of the press is guaranteed in Palestine, in practice editors and journalists cannot operate in total liberty. In 2003, al-Mahed condemned violence against civilians of all the groups (Palestinians and Israeli) strongly supporting peace in the region."

As for the station itself: "Al-Mahed (The Nativity) is unique in Palestinian media. Located near the Church of the Nativity, it is the only Private Christian TV station in Palestine and the Middle East. Every Sunday, it broadcasts the Catholic and Orthodox mass from different churches throughout Palestine. On Tuesday, it is Fr Peter Hanna Madrous’s Gospel and Life show. On Friday, it is the Muslim prayer."

Clearly Samir Qumsieh and his staff refuse to play the dhimmi but are still balanced and fair to all sides. That's enough to make him a threat of the Islamists.

Bethlehem should be annexed by Israel and the Muslims that have colonized it in the last two decades should be evicted and exchange in the vein the Benes Decree for Christians in other parts of the Palestinian territories.

Also Nial Atteck and the rest of the Islamo-Christians could do us all a favour and just take the damn shaddah already and stop sponging off the Churches with dubious enterprises like the Sabeel center. Any Middle Eastern Christian who believes in some sort of Pan-Arab unity with their Muslim brothers is damn fool of the first rate, that will get what they deserve for such idiocy.

Bethlehem should be annexed by Israel and the Muslims that have colonized it in the last two decades should be evicted and exchange in the vein the Benes Decree for Christians in other parts of the Palestinian territories.

Also Nial Atteck and the rest of the Islamo-Christians could do us all a favour and just take the damn shaddah already and stop sponging off the Churches with dubious enterprises like the Sabeel center. Any Middle Eastern Christian who believes in some sort of Pan-Arab unity with their Muslim brothers is damn fool of the first rate, that will get what they deserve for such idiocy.

"Bethlehem should be annexed by Israel and the Muslims that have colonized it in the last two decades should be evicted" wrote abdulalshirk above.

Amen! You've hit the nail right on the head. In 1967 Bethlehem, as well as Ramallah, were almost completely Christian cities. Today the Christians are fleeing Bethlehem and have been almost completely eliminated from Ramallah. Even Nazareth in Israel has become mostly Muslim. This genocide by demographics must be stopped and only the Israelis have the power to do it. If they don't, the fate of local Christians today will be the fate of Jews tommorow.

After the Six Day War, Bethlehem Mayor Elias Freij (a true Palestinian Christian nationalist) asked the Israelis to annex Bethlehem and the other Christian areas into Israel as autonomous Christian cantons. The US State Department objected and Israel refused to consider Freij's petition. Today we see the sad results of this US meddling.

If you look at Encyclopedias from the late 1800s, "Palestinian" is defined as a "Jew, Christian, or Samaritan, native to the Holy Land" while any Muslims there were simply known as Arabs or Turks. This definition was correct. The Muslims have no right to call themselves Palestinians and should be transferred across the Jordan. Then a Christian Palestine can be established in Judea and Samaria which will be in federation with Israel.

No security walls would divide the land since the the secure border would be the Jordan River. This would also give Jews their rightful ownership of the tomb of the Patriarchs as well as to Jericho. The Muslims can establish their state in East Palestine after determining the status of the Hashemites.

P.S. By "East Palestine" I mean the current Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

I hope that I would be as brave as he is. REligion of peace...blah, blah, blah, blah...
Wonder what the Episcopal Church has done to help this guy?