Mr. Bush, have you lost your way?

The fact that "the prime minister of Iraq, the country we liberated from dictatorship, is nothing more than an Iranian Muslim fundamentalist agent" is a result of the Administration's refusal to look squarely at the phenomenon of jihad, and call things by their right names. From "Pandora's Box Is Opened By Ineptitude," by Youssef Ibrahim in the New York Sun, with thanks to Andrew Bostom:

After his 2004 re-election, President Bush promised that America would stand behind the Arab world's pursuit of freedom and democracy, but he has retreated from this policy into nevernever land.

The sight of the American president standing next to Iraq's militant pro-Iranian Shiite prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, inside the White House last week was the depth of depravity in politics.

Nothing symbolizes a bargain with the devil more than those images, which shall live in infamy.

The prime minister of Iraq, the country we liberated from dictatorship, is nothing more than an Iranian Muslim fundamentalist agent. To honor a reactionary fundamentalist in the halls of Congress is to dishonor the great American enterprise to liberate the Arab world from reactionary fundamentalism.

Mr. Bush, have you lost your way?

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The presence of his new neighbor Cindy Sheehan has bubbled his brain.
Only Israel has shown the right stuff to be concerned with. The Arab world in its entirety has shown no hope for the ideals of a democratic society.
It is time for the US to stop trying to be a policeman. We should focus on being an ally of those who deserve to be an ally.


The problem is, even if you give them democracy, they vote for a theocratic regime. Democracy may not be the solution for members of the Islamic death cult.

idontslam: BINGO.

Let us not confuse democracy with liberty. Look at "Palestine."

Islam is the cancer.

At this point, what other choice did he have? If President Bush was to abandon Nouri al-Maliki then we might as well pull out of Iraq now...which might not be a bad idea.

Bennidict bush dont care how Americans see him,he cant run for re-election,so why care about America?

I don't want to blame this president, after all very few of us understood what Islam was truly all about.

We understood the threats thats where posed by the Saddam Hussein regime from the 17 violated UN resolutions to the continued threat of WMDS including UN resolution 1441 which the UN Security Council voted on 14 to nothing.

This president was willing to act against the threats by the Iraqi regime. We did not understand the muslim mindset, the violent militancy between sunnis' and sheits' and that Iran is predominatly a sheite country and we now have a mostly sheite goverment in place in Iraq.

And over the past few years it has become pretty clear that Islam is Islam and that they are all brothers under the skin when it comes to non- muslims and Zionists.

Attempts to bring democracy into the middle east have brought us Sheites in the Iraqi Government who will cozy up to Iran, democracy has brought us the legitimizing of Hamas in Palestine, democracy has given 24 seats in lebanon to Hizbollah, Democracy in Turkey has made the rest of the dhimmi world think that they should be allowed into the EU.

The effort where noble but under sharia and the Islamic model, dictators,and despots will always flourish in these backward countries.

I was one of those who believed democracy was an answer in the Middle East. Yes, I believed the "light onto Muslim lands" bit. I believed all people want a democratic, free system. However, I now see that was a mistaken asumption, Muslims will always vote for Islam and an Islamic government. They will literally vote democratically against democracy.

It's not easy to admit, but it was a mistake. I still support the President, but it's clear to me that, as I have, it's time to admit trying to bring democracy to those who want Islam isn't going to work.

Unfortunately for America, there have been too many presidents of the Bush variety, who fail to impress, who cause pain when they fail so obviously and miserably... so predictably and inevitably...

View countries can be proud of their leadership, but America was always held to a higher standard, a standard that no Bush, Clinton or even greater failures like the peanut farmer could ever meet...

His father was a man of platitudes and the son was never where its at: GWB just never gets it, its all over his head.

This at a time of war, when it matters, when the world is looking for leadership and a heavy hand, is nothing short of incompetence. But please don't get me started with that unbearable 'secretary of state' or those 'ME-advisors'...

Its late and I had a long day...

its just sad!

Bush's mind is too simple to grasp the realities of the global perspective. Ask him to spell JIHAD. I bet he can't. Ask him to spell Mohammed, I bet he can't. Ask him what century he was born in, he would have no clue. Ask him to find Israel on a map, I bet he would be lost. Ask him to find modern day Persia on the map, I bet he would not know where to point. Bush is simply in over his head. He just does not have the background to understand what he is supposed to be dealing with. As far as Rice and his other advisors, they are all to timid to tell Bush the truth. And educated at liberal universities, they are probably unable to discern the truth anyway. Their noses are so far into it, they can't see the forest through the trees.

Bush thinks everybody on the planet, regardless of their race or creed, is basically the same and they all need to be loved. The classic naive liberal line. Yet, ironically, the naive liberals hate Bush.

There is no question that current Bush Administration policy has had very unpleasant and unforeseen consequences. Nothing in life turns out the way we think it will (sometimes better-sometimes not so good-but not as planned) and the Administration did not adequately prepare for things not going as per schedule. As one Palestinian Arab journalist once noted, "Arab democracy is like a medicine which if taken all in one dose kills the patient and embarrasses the doctor". The medicine Doctor Bush and the hospital staff are prescribing is not working as planned. They must deal with that unpleasant reality and rethink things on the matter.

As for Hassan Nasrallah and Hezbollah, Israel must not allow them to win by merely surviving. They must be utterly destroyed, or else like Arnold the Terminator, they will be back. That too is unpleasant reality.

Someone should remind these idiots that the US and her allies killed more civilians LIBERATING Iraq than Israel has throughout her history. We have close to 3000 American soldiers killed to free this idiot! As far as I know he has yet to THANK the American people as the Kurds have in constant TV advertisements. This man should be grovelling before the American people like a lap dog, begging for forgiveness because his people are either too lazy or too stupid to run their own lives! I mean, as soon as the bombs stopped after the allies completely destroyed Germany, the Germans started rebuilding with their bare hands. Instead, we have some closet jihadist. I know, I know, they were humiliated by the West for centuries...yada yada yada. Great. These are the same people that expelled the Jews from Iraq, a community that was there 1000 years at least before islam. These are the same people that dance in the street after every attack in Israel. Shit. Back to work

I don't want to blame this president, after all very few of us understood what Islam was truly all about.

Posted by: Mackie at August 1, 2006 09:43 AM

I was under the impression that the position of the US presidency was supposed to be manned by someone with slightly higher responsibilities than the average JW poster.

The idea of US to stop being the world policeman is a big flaw. This is exactly what Russia and France would like to see. If anyone else plays the world policeman, All muslim nation will have their dream come through. By doing so, the US will be totally isolated.

Pay attention: Russia, China, and France contradict the US proposals from time to time; example, N. Korean Nuke, Iranian Nuke,etc.

Shy Guy:

Back the ship up a little, the effort was still noble and the threats where real as they are today with Iran. Islamic country, or no Islamic country, if they are a threat to our freedom than they have to be dealt with.

This is what you get when you dont identify the enemy.

Does the whole world whine and blame Bush???

If the muslim world wants a decent government, it must rid itself of the death cultists. No one can do this but muslims.

Let's face it, whomever becomes President is someone's sock-puppet (and it's not Jews that are the puppet masters).
GWB is a smart man, and a very different man than who we see on television. I scream at the TV for him to just be himself, answer the questions posed to him in his own words.
Do you remember how GWB went to Israel and remarked that some driveways in Texas are longer than the width of the State of Israel?
I saw the same thing happen with Ronald Reagan.

Does anyone really believe that if Pres. Bush came out after 9-11 and said “islam is the menace of the world; the world would just believe him? Well considering all of the 9-11 conspiracy theories, I can see it now. Right now islam would be the good guys while big bad Pres. Bush and the USA would be responsible for all the things that they do. On the other hand, what he has done is cleverly allowed islam to damn itself thereby removing much of the, it’s Pres. Bush and the Americans fault. Although we are still getting some of that anyway. As is said, he is giving them the rope with which they will hang themselves. Nothing is as simple as just calling a spade a spade.

I don't think Europe will ever wake up again,especially after 60 years of living in comfort, while Americans do all the fighting for them. Sleep..... sleep in oblivion.

Modern liberal democracies must include, as Abraham Lincoln put it, the idea that government is 'for the people', and this entails the recognition of principles that protect minority rights.

Rights to free speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of association, among others.

Any constitution, like Iraq's or Afghanistan's, that recognizes the authority of Sharia law must limit and outright reject many of these rights. Hence, these countries are not democracies in the modern sense.

If the Bush administration is going to commit hundreds of billions of dollars to a worldwide campaign to 'win the war on terror', the march of freedom and democracy and all that, they should at least know what democracy means.

But they don't. As many at JihadWatch have noted many times, they are idiots.

Hey, guys, please speak fairly.

There are good and bad points about Bush.

You need to give him credit for not agreeing to cease fire against Hizbullah.

His has a problem too, that is--his beliefs in democracy working in tendom with Islam.

You also need to notice: Nice is also a problem. She gave away Gaza's security to Egypt.

All in all, it's the in fighting that weaken the west. Both Republican and Democrate don't have a solution. The GOP can't explain, and all the Donkey cares is to tear Bush down at any cost, even if it sacrifies the entire country.

Why can you admit it that we are in deperate need of a strong leader.

ok, so much on all those different and enlightened angles of this US president and his administration, but this analysis only deals with the past so far, and the yanks seriously should start thinking about the future.
You should think about who´s gonna be next, and will he and his team be up to the job..
..with present internal & external politics there is a major load of very messy situations coming up. and it must be made sure the reins of this yankee stallion are not accidentally slipping
into the hands of none-yankee interests...

Liberalism is a mental disorder. It is a worthless ideology that divides people into minorities. Something our Constitution was not designed to do. Equal protection for all. If you so love this idea of liberal democracy try France, UK, Denmark or Germany.
Please tell me the liberal democracy you are speaking of? Has it stood the test of time? Liberalism is the main reason we cannot let our daughters go anywhere without worrying they will be hurt or worse, by some pervert. When you no longer have your country or your life you will not need any of the rights you speak of. Read some history! Rights ebb and flow with circumstances. Minorities have very little idea what freedom means. That is precisely why no minority group in the USA or otherwise has created any such country anywhere. We are in much better shape in the USA than many enemy propagandists would have us believe. Ignore the Chicken Littles and the Sky is Falling bologna.

The next general election may be the first in history in where the candidates run not to be elected. Then they can bad mouth the victor. The victor will indeed be in a bad light no matter what he does.

A bomb found in Germany? HMMMMM Just who is planting bombs these days??? I will wager more to come in the future. OK dhimmis of the world, Wake up, the alarm is being sounded. THis is a world war and you are involved.

I was no fan of GW Bush. I did not vote for him in 2000 and also not in 2004. However, in retrospect, perhaps is good that Kerry did not win in 2004. I was against the war in Iraq, not for the usual left wing reasons, rather because of the situation we now have with Iran. That being said, Bush is the first to understand what Israel needs and is willing to correct the horrible mistake Reagan made in 1983 (Israel-Hizb'allah war I) and Clinton's numerous mistakes over Israel (possibly well-meaning, possibly incredibly stupid) in the 1990s.

A lot of hatred has flown around Bush, some of it he has created by his own arrogance in the first three years of his presidency, an arrogance that he has tempered in his second term. But I have started to build a different image of the man over the last 18 months. I am also relatively certain that he sees Islam as the problem, cannot however, out of political expediency, voice it the way we can on this website.

A good friend of mine, a christian minister, told me a long time ago that I would find friends where I never expected them. Well, thanks to the christian right, we have an unprecedented support for the state of Israel, about to go through perhaps the most bloody era in it's short history.

Bush is willing to tackle immigration in a way that can be as fair as can be, albeit imperfect. I as a centrist an as a non-republican am willing to take a whole new look at GW Bush. Perhaps I was too hard on him in the past. And until the dems get a grip on themselves and return to reality I see no better options.

What the Bushies didn't realize is this: One of the choices that every democracy gives its people, is the choice to throw that democracy away and institute dictatorship (cf. the Weimar Republic in Germany). Even in America, in theory, the Constitution could be amended to repeal the Bill of Rights--if Americans ever got to that point. So in the final analysis, despite Constitutions and legal codes, democracy ultimately depends on one thing--the "consent of the governed." When the people stop believing in democracy, all the Constitutions and laws in the country won't save it. Our country remains a democracy because no matter how much Democrats and Republicans disagree, it's culturally unthinkable for either political party to tell its members to get guns and start killing the members of the opposition party. We have not had sectarian violence since 1865.

And right now, the Iraqi people still aren't sold on democracy. For centuries their culture has taught them that violence is the way to deal with opponents. When they feel strongly enough about an issue, they still pick up their AK-47s and bombs and settle it the old-fashioned way. At no time have Shi'a and Sunni joined together in peace, to destroy the marauders on both sides. Maybe that means that Shi'a and Sunni just can't live together in one country. And it's a mistake for America to keep forcing Shi'a, Sunni and Kurds to live together in one country. It's like using American military power to put Yugoslavia back together.

Bush has failed for two reasons....

Problem No. 1: Islam is not Communism

Bush keeps thinking that Islam can be beat the same way Communism was which is freedom and democracy. It worked becuase nobody except the party elite really wanted Communism. Islam however is supported by most in Iraq. Thus a Iraqi "democracy" will be Islamic. A real shocker!

Problem No. 2: Religion

Bush failed because he does not understand the concept of separation of religion and state. All of his actions are so related to his own personal religious beliefs. He has vetoed one bill that has passed his desk in 6 years and that was stem cells. He did not veto the multi- billion dollar highway bill with billions of dollars in pork even though he is a republican. He set aside millions for a faith based office within the department of Homeland Security for reasons that only he can understand because it is his "personal faith". He prayed and asked god should he invade Iraq when perhaps he should have listened to those who in the military who were against it for strategic reasons. He then proceeded to remove those military men and replaced them with men who agreed with his "personal faith". He really thinks religious people and men of faith should run countries. That is why he keeps calling Islam a "religion of peace" and even gives time to clerics because they are "men of god". To Bush democracy and religion are one and the same. His actions have not changed in six years. You notice I did not say his faith is Christianity. I really think Bush is some kind of "universalist" who thinks all religions (and sciences) are the same including Islam.

The key is electing a leader who can identify Islam as the enemy. He or she can be conservative or liberal but they must see Islam as danger number one. Let’s face it Hirsi Ali is a liberal and a feminist on most issues. She is pro-abortion and more BUT she can identify Islam as the enemy. Can you say the same about an American Republican Conservative (so called Christian Right) George W. Bush?

The people in a democracy can indeed rescind and change the Constitution until it is unrecognizable as a 'democratic Constitution', if they so wish; but there are, of course, protections against that in all modern democracies. Also, why would people want to do that? All true modern democracies accept fundamental limitations on state intrusion into private life; again, the principle that government is 'for the people' and must respect basic protections for minority rights. To rescind, or not recognize, these rights, like freedom of conscience, changes the very meaning of democracy as it has evolved from the Enlightenment until today. Besides the jihad that seeks to destroy our Constitution and democratic principles outright, Islam attacks our democracy in another more insidious way: Islam requires that democratic governments skillfully fashion protections that will limit minority rights protection: the Constitution must be interpreted in such a way, and laws must be enacted, to protect fundamental principles against an ideology that will exploit freedoms to destroy society. Principles of minority right protections must not be fatally compromised; and yet our laws must have teeth to defend the Constitution against the likes of Islam.

How is that to be done? That debate needs to be started at some point.

Newt Gingrige understood that Islam isn't Communism. He understood we are fighting a group of death cult loons.

His will be on the next presidential election. Perhaps, we would be a better president.


The solution is called the 1st Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

CAIR and Islamic organizations have stated it is their goal to establish Islamic Law in this country which is thus a "establishment of religion". You may express your faith but you must not push you religion to be a "state religion". Thus CAIR and Islamic organizations are declaring WAR against the U.S. constitution. They should be deported or held in prisons for attempting the (peaceful or otherwise) overthrow of the U.S. government and constitution.

You notice how CAIR and other Islamic organizations try to use the "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech" argument. However if you notice they want to violate everything else in the constitution in the process.

The 19th Admendment could also be a problem for them.

"The right of citizens in the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex."

I wonder what Islamic groups in America think of this one.


I think Newt might be a good choice too and is our best choice right now (no one else is as far down the road as he is on our war with Islam). He has a real plan for future energy needs and makes a great connection with out Islamic enemies. He has some speeches and radio addresses online right now and he does make some good points. Check out the two sites.

Bush thinks everybody on the planet, regardless of their race or creed, is basically the same and they all need to be loved. The classic naive liberal line. Yet, ironically, the naive liberals hate Bush.

Posted by: August22 at August 1, 2006 09:59 AM

When Bush was elected, I welcomed a breath of fresh air of honesty and sincerity, not knowing, Bush is nothing but a spoilt child of Wahabi riches and Mexican Nannies. Bush does not have an idea what an average, hard-working, tax-paying American has to go through to make ends meet. From the start, he was a wahabi puppet, with Barbara adopting Wahabi prince. Was only a matter of time before Wahabis planted record mosques, madrassas, Islamic Centers and attacked 'infidel US'. Wahabis know Bush can hardly get addition right. All they had to do was to paint a picture of 'Islamophobia' and Bush invites Cair, hires Karen Hughes and makes Condi see the 'benevolence-in-the-heart-of-Islam'. Any wonder Pakistani and Wahabi terorists are Dubya's 'ally against terror'? Any surprise Usama blows up Infidels while Bush warns against the minutmen? Finally, did you see how Dubya pushed Condi to Lebanon, as soon as he got off the ophone from Wahabi prince? What does that say about the integrity of America's President and COmmander-in-Chief? And this, after selling American citizenship for a few pesos?

Good Luck, America!

Does anyone really believe that if Pres. Bush came out after 9-11 and said “islam is the menace of the world; the world would just believe him?

Posted by: tgusa at August 1, 2006 11:42 AM

If the President of US can't say the truth, what future does America have under a puppet, which Dubya is.. of his Wahabi masters in Riyadh and his Mexican Nanny, Fox.

"Bush thinks everybody on the planet, regardless of their race or creed, is basically the same and they all need to be loved. The classic naive liberal line. Yet, ironically, the naive liberals hate Bush."

There is no irony here: aspects of the "liberal" worldview have, over the past 50-odd years, so pervaded and dominated the general cultural atmosphere of the West, including the USA, that even conservative politicians who normally should remain unpolluted by those aspects have become infected by them.

"Liberalism" (I would rather call it "PC Leftism") is larger and more amorphous than the simpler more concrete categories of Democrat/Republican, Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative would imply. PC Leftism is like a gas or a radioactive field that has been able to permeate across traditional political walls and boundaries.

This is a letter I recently sent to my Rep. There are other important issues like Energy independence I did not include.
It is very disappointing that with all that is going on in the world, you have decided that these issues are important. In the past you have informed me of the important debate on what you should call each other in congress among other things. I voted for Pres. Bush twice, for Gov. Schwarzenegger and for you. I am now coming to the conclusion that all three of you have no idea what is important to myself and my family. Terrorism. Every day I see more instances of Islamofacism right here in the USA. People are being gunned down from coast to coast. Our children cannot even attend college without fear of being run over during break. However, when an event occurs the authorities race to protect the perpetrators from backlash attacks that never seem to materialize. Multiculturalism has polluted law enforcement, education, media and politics to the point that we do not believe they are capable of helping the loyal taxpaying citizens of this great country. Many people I talk to actually are wondering if they are with the enemy. We want our women and children protected from the enemy that has been imported to the USA for 30+ years. Does it scare you that this recent Seattle gunman worked at the Hanford Nuclear Facility? It scares me! Illegal Immigration. Very few who cross the border for a job have any intention of learning any English or becoming loyal citizens as evidenced by the fact that many who have been here 20 + years do not know how to say “Yes or No” in English. Why do I as an American whose family came to this continent over 300 years ago have a better grip on Spanish than these workers have of English? I do not live and work in Mexico. Although in my youth I spent much time and money south of the border, due to corruption and extortion I would not take my family down there for all the gold in Ft Knox. Why is our country being sold down the river? Do we want to become more like our neighbors south of the border? There is another migration taking place silently. It is Californians moving to other states that they feel will look out for them before the non citizens and welfare abusers. We saw from New Orleans what can happen when a majority of people do not prepare for a disaster and expect the government to provide for their every need. If an event were to take place here the system would be overwhelmed, and even though I am mostly prepared would receive zero assistance. This in spite of the fact that taxes have been taken from my family for half a century and used for these very programs. I know my family would be left out in the cold. Need a flu shot? Wait your turn behind 100,000 illegal aliens. Maybe we will still have some left for your loved ones after they have been catered to. I wonder how they would feel in Mexico if I went down there and pushed my way to the front of the line? American citizenship is coveted throughout the world. It is not to be handed out like a napkin. Many people worldwide would give up everything they have for a shot at becoming a loyal American and those are the people we need to embrace. 2008 is going to be a rude awakening for both parties. In addition, in spite of what the media would have you believe, we know the democrats are openly against us and seeking to “Divide and conquer. They are not to be trusted with our future. We patriotic Americans are demanding an accounting from our elected leaders and we are willing more than ever to take a hard look at an independent candidate that represents our interests. I can assure you that unrestricted abortion and gay marriage are not important issues that we support. Neither are taxes for if we do not wake up soon we will not be collecting taxes because we will no longer have a country. Here is a list of those who pose a grave threat to America. Islamofacism, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, Mexico, China and the UN as well as NATO. Both are organizations who have outlived the threat they were created to oppose. It would be great to see a new alliance created based on the current makeup of the world. I tell you sir I have never seen this much of a disconnect between the people and our elected leaders, ever. Here is a link to a website that will help those in congress who misunderstand the rich history of America, .
I hope I have shed some light on a few of the problems we face and I look forward to hearing your voice in congress often.
Thank you for your time and service,
Concerned America Patriot
P.S. If you would like to know more about how myself and millions of other Americans feel, contact Mr. Tom Tancredo. He can explain things to you in greater detail.

The first amendment prohibits Congress from establishing religion through legislation, but does not prohibit religious groups from seeking to 'establish religion'; and, the very notion of 'establishing religion' would require a different interpretation when applied to a religious group, since religious groups cannot legislate.

One could argue that religious groups cannot 'establish religion' in ways that are unconstitutional. But in what ways may a religious group seek to 'establish religion' that are not constitional? In any case, the first amendment will not be relevant to the issue of how to protect against an ideology and religious groups who seek protections under the first admendment, and others, like six, seven, eight and fourteen, while ambiguously and clandestinely seeking the destruction of the Constitution itself.

But certainly people, as misguided as they may be, should be able to argue that their religion will prevail in the end, and they should be allowed to proselytize. Philosophers should be allowed to argue theory, like Alistair MacIntyre, that implies that a certain religion, like Catholicism, will prevail in the end, without saying that exactly. And folks should be allow to try to 'establish religion' in ways that do not infringe on fundamental rights of others; likewise, folks should be allow to try to 'de-establish religion'; Daniel Dennett seems to have initiated a project something like that; and so it goes in a free society.

But, of course, Islam goes further than all this, as we all know. The debate and subsequent legislative and/or policy efforts require clear thinking and skillful hands, that do not exist in the Bush administration. Who will see Islam for what it is and step forward with proposals that are well reasoned and well crafted?

One must see before one can think. And folks seem to have enough problem with the former.

Concerned America Patriot
P.S. If you would like to know more about how myself and millions of other Americans feel, contact Mr. Tom Tancredo. He can explain things to you in greater detail.

Posted by: tgusa at August 1, 2006 02:42 PM

How heart-felt and touching!! tgusa, this helps me formulate thoughts on communicating with my elected officials.


By the way, if there is one patriot among congressmen today, he is, I agree, TOM TANCREDO!!

Yes Bush is far from perfect, but he is onto the right road towards changing the middleast, he is the only president to give the boot to Arafrat and company, he has appointed Bolton to the UN with allthe back stabbing by the Dems. He has been the best friend to Israel. you need to stop harping on Bush, he is in for two more years, look to the future, and hopefully it will not be Madame clintoid.

Bush has definitely lost his way. And so has much of the western world. The challenge of our time is to turn this situation around. And, with the exception of Angela Merkel, Japan and a few others, we have damn few friends outside America with whom to accomplish this daunting task.

But then Bush never really WAS on the right path to begin with and I think Robert Spencer made this quite clear some time ago. I think the first thing we can say about President Bush is that the man knows little if anything about Islam and that IS truly his own fault. It is increasingly obvious that the man has never in his life opened a Kuran and is absolutely clueless about the malignancy inherent in Islamic ideology. The same can probably be said for more than 90% of the citizens of the western democracies (which is dangerous for the United States too as many of the western democracies continue to drift away from the USA and adopt increasingly antagonistic political viewpoints towards it as may be seen in the cases of France, Spain, Austria and elsewhere). Another challenge for Americans will be to find room in their hearts to forgive some of our former allies for their scurrilous, self-centered behavior at such a perilous time in world history. Many Americans probably won't ever forgive the likes of Chirac and Schroder. (I won't).

Bush's problem is symptomatic of that of the western nations in general--ignorance. I am not personally going to antagonize him but nor have I any desire to hold up him to the light as a good example (except as the president that failed to do his homework). Our political system is offering little help at this point as campaign contributers who are even more clueless than Bush and continue to back worthless (and even potentially dangerous)candidates like Kerry at the expense of our nation's future.

With regards to Iraq, even I was shocked to see in the Honest Reporting-sponsored documentary film "Obsession- Radical Islam's War Against the West" just how deeply Iraqis have fallen in with the militant Islamic vortex (I know, I know all Islam is inherently 'militant,' I use the term here as a figure of speech). The USA should dump Iraq like the hot potato that it in fact is. Although at this point in time all that will likely accomplish is a modest pecuniary savings for the US taxpayers.

From an email I got today:
Subject: AMERICA

In case we find ourselves starting to believe all the anti-American sentiment and negativity about our government and its policies, we should remember England's Prime Minister, Tony Blair's words to his own people.

During a recent interview, he was asked by one of his parliament members as to why he believes so much in America, and does he think America is on the right track?

Blair's reply -- "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in... and how many want out."

Because our dear president is decieved into beleiving that Islam is 'really' a "religion of peace'....please, the Q'uran and the Hadith clearly state the end shall not come and the Muslims will not be resurrected until Muslims kill all the Jews. It's pretty hard to take that 'out of context' as some 'peace loving' Islam apologist would have one believe in an effort to further decieve the silly 'infidels'...we (the US) better quite trying to be 'nice', nice never got one anything but dead in the sights of those who seek Western destruction.

moderationist: Islam is inherently a totalitarian system and is held together politically by armies and secret police-type militias and paramilitary death squads. This lethal political infrastructure of brutality and repression is backed up by the Kuran which gives Islamofascist regimes a legitimacy within Islam that non-violent Islamic proponents lack. Look at what happened to 'moderate' Indonesia's attempts to establish a moderate democratic Islamic state--Indonesia today is a nightmare of religious persecution and jihadist violence and is no one's idea of a moderate Islamic state. The ideology of the Kuran has taken the place over little by little and there seems little anyone can do to stop it from continuing. Megawati was eventually reduced to the role of a housewife jihadist and once upon a time she apparently tried to be a moderate Muslim...

With little Kuranic support for non-violence, Islamic moderates will never have the requisite political legitimacy and leverage in the Islamosphere to procure the sort of changes you see them as making.

Islam is inherently too fanatically violent to permit any degree of real sanity among its followers. Blood will tell.

But it was a lovely idea.

Imagine what Kerry might have done.....

JTF writes:

The people in a democracy can indeed rescind and change the Constitution until it is unrecognizable as a 'democratic Constitution', if they so wish; but there are, of course, protections against that in all modern democracies. Also, why would people want to do that?

Ask yourself why the German people freely threw away the democracy of the Weimar Republic in order to make Hitler their Fuehrer.
To rescind, or not recognize, these rights, like freedom of conscience, changes the very meaning of democracy as it has evolved from the Enlightenment until today.

The problem is, the Muslim world did not participate in that evolution. And that was my main point. Elections don't lead to democracy, as the Bushies mistakenly think. Rather, it's a culture of tolerance and peace that leads to elections rather than to bullets and civil wars. The Muslim world has yet to go through an Enlightenment, still less through a Reformation, in which they accept the ideas of pluralism and living in peace even with those of a different faith or creed.

JTF writes:

If the Bush administration is going to commit hundreds of billions of dollars to a worldwide campaign to 'win the war on terror', the march of freedom and democracy and all that, they should at least know what democracy means.

Actually, we could probably even live with a so-called Benevolent Dictatorship in some of these Muslim countries, comparable to Turkey under Ataturk. Note, however, that Ataturk was almost the antithesis of an Islamist--he tried to reduce the power of Islam in Turkey.

What Bush steadfastly refuses to acknowledge, is that what made America great, and perhaps unique, is that we don't have an official state religion. And what held back progress in Europe for centuries is what is holding back progress in the Muslim world now--the demand of the clerics to regulate every aspect of social and political life.

But to touch that topic is political dynamite--Israel is a "Jewish state," our ally Saudi Arabia is a "Muslim state," and so on. So Bush shies away from it.

The German people did not 'thow away' the Weimar Republic in an election; a complex set of circumstances influencing parties in the Reichstag, including Nazi intimidation, resulted in Hitler's appointment to Chancellor and the subsequent Gleichschaltung. Actually the Weimar Constitution was never abolished, but, of course, was rendered absolutely meaningless. The Nazi takeover is more analogous to a coup which proceeded with tacit approval from citizenry than failure of democratic principles per se; but the Weimar constitution required protections that it didn't have; and certain principles of the 1949 Constitution have been instituted in Germany to provide Germany with such protections. That's the whole point of the above posts: to raise the issue of democratic Constitutional protections required in the face of Islam.

Also, Israel is not a 'Jewish state' in any way analogous to Saudi Arabia being a 'Muslim state'. The Israel constitution guarentees freedom of religion, freedom of expression; and the foundational principles explicitly refer to a social contract as a founding methodology of Israeli law, among other things.

greatcometof1577 and ssa

I have been a fan of Newt since 1994 and the Contract with America, which incidentally, with the exception of Term Limits, was a success. However, there are two things that make me pause before supporting him:

  1. In his statements about WWIII, he has bunched North Korea with the rest of the Islamic enemy. Now, don't get me wrong, I totally oppose Kim-Jong-Ill, but while North Korea has been colluding with the world Mujahiddin, by bunching them with all the others, it obscures, rather than emphasizes the fact that we are on the receiving end of a Jihad.
  2. His personal favorability has always been low, and he has often served to attract negative attention towards himself. This is unfortunate, but symptomatic of a society that puts too much of an emphasis of style over substance. Just imagine 1990's Dems crawling out of the woodwork if he were to emerge as a frontrunner.
Given all that, I'd back Tancredo, who has stated that he'd run if none of the serious candidates (read Allen, McCain) adapt his positions. Since the latter is unlikely, I think he'd run. Reading the chapter in his book titled 'The Clash of Civilizations', I believe he gets it. And one of the things he states there:
While it's seldom mentioned in polite company, one of the facts understood in the halls of power is that this war is one against radical Islam.
I know a lot of people may pounce on the term 'radical' that Tancredo uses, and may be in no mood to give him a pass for not stating in no uncertain terms that Islam is the enemy. However, remember that the target audience of this book includes 'polite company', and that while he may be using the adjective 'radical', two things are worth noting:
  • Radical Islam is a partt of Islam, and therefore, unlike Islamo-fascism or Islamo-nazism, stating it does not pretend that all the negative aspects of Islam are un-Islamic;
  • Elsewhere in the chapter, he describes aspects of Islam, such as one-way conversions, which clearly indicate that unlike the President, he has no illusions as to what Islam is about.
Tom for 2008!

I thought this was Jihad Watch...didn't expect to wind up in whine country.

One last thought: the European reformation was based in part on the idea that religious authenticity must be justified on original canonical texts, which allowed for an individual relationhip with God and personal salavation: return to the source, Luther and others argued, rather than accept authority from an institution, its dogma, principles and traditions.

An that is precisely the main argument of the Jihadists: listen to the Qur'an and Sunnah. Follow the examples of the prophet.

For those who look for the Islamic reformation: Osama Bin Laden and his ilk are it.


I accept most of what you have said but let me put this forward.

I think we can agree that the 1st amendment is clear on the fact that government (Congress is where government laws are made) shall not establish a state religion. State governments cannot counter the constitution either (the civil war, civil rights). Islamic communities are the same. That is the problem becuase history tells us Islam cannot exist happily within a nation without a state religion setup. Christianity and other non-Muslim faiths do not have this stated in their holy works. In other words a Christian may wish for the Jew to convert but they cannot force the government to convert for them. Islam as a faith is different so it will fight to eliminate the U.S. Government and thus the 1st amendment. It is their goal and a duty of a good Muslims to do so.

Conclusion: Therefore Islam is against the 1st amendment. Muslims have formed groups that are trying to subvert the 1st amendment (CAIR). It is inherit in their faith.

Solution: Muslims must take an oath to the U.S. constitution before being allowed to stay. They must recite the 1st amendment. They must then recite and then reject the relevant Islamic doctrines that relate to Islamic domination by the state and accept the superiority of the 1st amendment to those teachings. They can still think they are superior but they must not make it a stated goal of conquest or organize in groups with that as their stated goal. At least not when we are at war with their fellow muslim brothers. In wartime things do change and we can accept that.

Now another approach is to view Islam as a political movement and not religious. Thus you could attack them by other means. Perhaps this would be a better approach but there does come a time when someone just has to accept that some religions have laws that go counter to modern civilization. If the people in the religion cannot change them to suite modern times then we will have to have an old fashioned religious war and somebody has to win. I prefer it not to be Islam and I think we both agree on that.

Infidel Pride

Ah yes a political battle...I will accept no quarter and expect none in return! I do disagree with a few statements you said.

(1) North Korea

Do you know right North Korean agents are in Lebanon right now and they helped Hezbollah set up a few of those missile sites that took out that Israeli ship. North Korea will continue to aid the Muslims because it hurts us. They also have nuclear technology they will give the Muslims just to get us. So yes they are part of the problem.

(2) Americans are sick of stupid pretty boy politics.

Most Americans are frightened and worried about the future. They want optimism and Newt has that. They want smarts and men who understand history like Newt. He says I will win this and here is why I am going to win and lays out a real plan to win not just words.

(3) Why Mr. Tancredo troubles me?

I really liked his "nuke Mecca plan" and if he would just keep repeating that I would vote for him however he does not. An example of my problem with him: He needs to stop harping on the illegal Mexican immigrants because we first must clean up all the legal Muslims who get into the country. How can you wack some poor fruit picking Mexican (Christian btw) when rich Muslim Arabs get into the country and get the legal status and proceed to go to flight school. Work on problem "A" before worrying about problem "M". He cannot go a day without screaming about Latins. We do have a labor shortage in this country so he needs to address that. Maybe change the immigration laws to let in Latins and not Muslims....hmmm etc. He also is negative as all get out sometimes. We need winners not screamers.

(4) Why I like Newt!

He has a game plan. We will defeat Islam by holding them back until we get off the oil based economy. Once that happens then Islam will have no money and without money Jihad is reduced to rock throwing Arabs. He dislikes the Saudis which is good. He is talking about how innovation, science, and home grown American capitalism will win the day. Yea!

Islam is weak and we are strong!
Reagan talk! TR talk! Yea!

He has Islam peg right:

“The Irreconcilable Wing of Islam believes in a strikingly different world then the one we believe. It is an uncivilized and barbaric world. This wing of Islam, and its adherents and recruits, are irreconcilable because they cannot peacefully coexist with the civilized world. Their views on the role of women, on the application of medieval religious law (the Sha’ria) and religious intolerance (prosecuting Christians) make them irreconcilable with civilization in the modern age.”

It’s not a war on terrorism! It’s Islam!

Robert and Hugh should run,if only to talk to all Americans about islam.

You can lead a horse to water, etc......

yeah,i know

Carolyn, you are correct. Who ever becomes president is somebodies sock puppet..

The first president to cut and run in the face of the Islamist onset was Ronald Reagan. (I prayed for his victory in 82 and donated all of my spare change to his election) and woke up after the election with a hangover, it didn't take him a month to betray me and the consitutency. The Irony is that Clinton was not a Liberal Democrat (discounting his words, as any smart person would do) by his actions he was a moderate Republican. Problem with people is that they pay attention to words, not deeds, and that is how the shill makes his living..

Bush thinks everybody on the planet, regardless of their race or creed, is basically the same and they all need to be loved. The classic naive liberal line. Yet, ironically, the naive liberals hate Bush. Posted by: August22

Flash, by your standards I'm a liberal, but I am not naive.. (I am only liberal because I am opposed to radical, self righteous, intolerant policies of those radicals who today call themselves Conservatives).

If the Right would call off the culture war, against fellow Americans (gay, female, black, brown) and refocus energies on the real culture war (between the west and Islam) then perhaps we might win the war and preserve our culture and freedoms.

One other thing, The right is insipidly stupid, taking the side of the corporations in the war against the middle class.. it is perverse and obscene to see people who will never have an estate large enough to worry about an Estate Tax, champion the corporate elite and wealthy by falling for the line that an Estate tax is a death tax and demanding that the program that was enacted as a safety net for the middle class, be done away with.. meaning Social Security.

If you think Stocks and investments are a good way to prepare for the future, I can scrape up some Worldcom and ENRON stock to sell you.

Walking into work this morning, a car pulled up with a young Somali man behind the wheel. He called out, “Excuse me sir! But could you help me find this address?” holding out a MapQuest sheet for me to look at.

I walked over to his car and looked at the address on the sheet. “Oh yes, I know where that is,” I said politely. An uncomfortable pause ensued as I stood there, silent. Looking a bit confused, the young Somali man said, “Well, are you going to tell me where?”

Looking down at his face, I said, “Maybe, but you have to answer me a question first.” He brightened and answered, “Oh yes sir, ask and I will answer.

And I did ask, “Are you a Moslem?”

He smiled with pride and answered, “Yes!”

"Well, then I can’t help you,” I said.

He looked stunned, and the cloaked Moslima riding shotgun groaned. Swiveling in his seat, he raised his voice in shock and anger and asked, “So you refuse to help me because I a Moslem?”


I turned to enter the building and he began screaming and honking the horn of his beater, “You can’t do this, I demand your assistance!”

I walked back over to him, bent down to his window and said, “I was watching the goings on in Israel before driving here. Find the place yourself, and while you're at it fuck off.”

He sat there stunned as I entered the building.

610 * 623 * 732* 1066* 1215 * 1453 * 1492 * 1683 * 1928 * 1938 * 1948 * 1996 * 2001

This Islamic War is a very personal matter for every good Moslem alive today.

To survive, it must be for us too.

I can't defend President Bush because I am thoroughly disgusted with him for many reasons. His globalist ambitions and surreptitious agenda to create a North American Union similar to the EU are at the top of my list of disappointments in Bush. He is arrogant, secretive, and intractable, but I do not believe that he is stupid. He's not an eloquent speaker but that does not make him a dullard.

I voted for him twice because there was no viable alternative. I truly believe Kerry would have done far more damage to this country than Bush has. It's really sad when you have to choose between bad and worse, but nothing else was on the menu in the last presidential election.

But I think it is silly to expect Bush or any other president to be an authority on every issue that affects America. That's why they have advisors, a cabinet, the military, and a huge staff of attorneys, experts, scholars, and diplomats. Every president that has tried to micromanage the country's business has been a dismal failure because it is impossible! Jimmy Carter was such a president, and he was the worst president of my lifetime. He hails from the state I have called home for almost forty years and he continues to be an embarrassment to Georgia and the United States.

Bush has relied too heavily on bad advisors and is guilty of excessive cronyism. He has focused on several key issues and placed unqualified bureaucrats in powerful positions, like the former head of FEMA, Brown. He has created another behemoth bureaucracy that was doomed from the beginning to be incompetent and ineffective because of its size, HLS.

I think Bush's pet project is America's merger with Mexico and Canada. He wants open borders now, tomorrow, and forever and for that reason alone, he lost all credibility in my eyes. Why would a sitting president set the wheels in motion to obliterate the sovereignty of the United States, and sign agreements that would not only allow every Mexican in Mexico to "move freely" across our borders, but would also obligate American taxpayers to infuse the Mexican economy with billions of dollars in aid? Mexico has tremendous oil wealth that goes into the pockets of a few, while the peons flock to America. America will have no economy, no rule of law, no quality of life, no middle class, and a chaotic, polluted society after fifty or a hundred million more Mexicans invade our country. I don't know who Bush is working for, but it's not America. Our elected officials in Congress are no better.

Bush has been a horrible president in most every conceivable way, but the Democrats will be even worse. The war on terror, meek as it is, will end entirely if Democrats are in power. Appeasement and concessions will be the name of the game. "Free" healthcare for everyone; more cooperation with the despicable UN and its global warming agenda, global tax schemes, and many other anti-American policies designed to weaken our power and economy; astronomical tax increases; bigger government than even Bush has grown; and more perks for the ever-expanding minority groups at our expense. Immigration from muslim and other third world countries will resume full force, if it hasn't already. The Democrats want open borders as much as Bush because every third worlder is a potential Democrat voter. The only way we're going to save this country is by electing people who will defend our borders and keep radical muslims and the rest of the third world out. That means changing the guard at the State Department too and if that can't be done, changing policy.

It is my view that Bush, as most presidents before him, are puppets of the Council on Foreign affairs who really establish US foreign policy. He must make up excuses for invading places like Iraq and Afghanistan in the disguise that he his spreading Democracy even though these populations have preferred to be nourished on the repression of Islamic law. To rejoice that tyrannical Northern Alliance puppets have established Democracy in Afghanistan is a slap in the face to the real lovers of freedom that exist in that country. These people live in horrible conditions because they have chosen to be slaves to a religion that demands surrender of spiritual individuality and creativty. So the same of the Shiite clown in Iraq and the madman in Iran. They have beneath them an element of real freedom lovers but the majority of the population are Islamics, sons and daughters of Mohammed, spiritual and mental slaves to repression. Bush and US policy has done very little to free the lovers of freedom, who are souls who believe in the Ideals that America was founded: i.e everyone allowed to practice the religion of their choice, seperation of church and state, equality of women, freedom of speech etc. These Ideals will only take place with overthrow of the governments which is contained in Islam. This is what Bush does not see.
I believe that the blood of the brave men and women of the Western armed forces were in no way wasted in these lands. By confronting the Taliban and the Islamic radicals of Iraq they are truly fighting the enemies of America and the Western world. However, what is left behind there is a slightly watered down version of the enemy taking over the government and the enemy seems to be killing itself in the battle between the Shiites and Sunni.
Everyone is clear here at JW that Islam represents a Global totalitarian idealogy that seeks to impose itself on the world. However, there is another Global idealogy in the form of economic totalitarianism as exemplified in the New World Order of corporate greed that also has no need for religion, idealism, patriotism and nationalism and the worth of the individual. We see what media moguls have given us as news, nothing more then propaganda that seeks to debase the nationalistic character of its people.
If we were to pick one country in the world that was opposite the principles of America, I think Saudi Arabia would come to mind. If the royal tyrants did not pay off their population with welfare from their oil gig, we would face the cruelist face of Islam yet, even worse than Iran. Lets not forget that most of the criminals that bombed us in 9/11 came from there and that most of the financial support for terrorism comes from there. Yet Bush calls them "friends". As a fellow Globalist, they are friends. But their idealogy of Islam can never exist in American democracy. It is totally opposite the ideals of American democracy and lovers of freedom everywhere. Bush acts the way he does because he is an economic prisoner, a junkie of oil for the corporate interests he represents. To peddle the notion that Islamic nations will display its own brand of Democracy is nonsense. That will only happen when Islam is overthrown and Bush has no notion for that, nor do i think he ever will.

The only way we're going to save this country is by electing people who will defend our borders and keep radical muslims and the rest of the third world out. That means changing the guard at the State Department too and if that can't be done, changing policy.

Posted by: Susanp at August 1, 2006 10:45 PM

.. and see, this is where Dubya has stabbed Americans int he back. Not only has he piled up record debt (which is not America's biggest problem at present), but he has practically sold American values, American citizenship, American heritage and American future to just about anyone who can cough up a few pesos (or Riyals). Right after 9/11, he talked touch (You are either with us or with the terrorists), but his actions were quite the opposite. He abused the office of presidency to:
- Stall 9/11 investigations/
- Escort Bin Ladens to safety.
- Blaken pages about Saudi Arabia's role in 9/11.
- ipen borders to appease his rich donors.
- increased US debt to record levels.
- Continue to dance to Saudi tune.
- Offer Amnesty to millions of alien criminals.
.. and finally, this is what confirmed Bush wants to destroy America.. he abused his office to threten the patriotic minutemen.

IS there a pattern of betryal and sell-out? Instead of protecting America from it's Mexican and muslim enemies, Dubya lays doen a red carpet.
His arrogant corruption knows no bounds. To plan and execute the North American Union, shows this man has no respect for USA or it's citizens. If this is not stabbing America in the back, what is?

Briars: capitalism is NOT an ideology. People choose to go into business of their own volition, believe it or not! Many people even aspire to become CEOs! In contrast, Communism (aka 'socialism') and Islam are state-imposed ideologies--you do not get any choices, you accept the state-owned faith or perish. So I take exception to your equating America and western economics with Islamic ideology. In fact, I have found your ignorance and bias patently offensive here.

Corporations usually (In the western nations anyway) have a broad-based ownership of thousands and thousands of shareholders who partake in corporate decision-making. Most people you know probably own corporate stocks. There is nothing inherently wrong with people trying to improve their livelihoods if that is what they choose for themselves. And they should be able to do so without people like you pointing fingers at them for trying.

Globalization has brought considerable economic progress to many formerly under-developed parts of the world and given them not only improved living conditions but increased say in global affairs. Such nations (including South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, and Brazil) are not sorry the USA invested corporate money in their countries (although there is some polarization over the issue). In fact, many developing nations actively court investment from first world corporations--which you do not seem to be aware of.

It is not in the interests of corporations to take over people's lives if only for the fact that there is greater profitability in freedom than a tightly controlled society. America is therefore not a totalitarian state despite assertions like the one you made.

As for Saudi Arabia, it is indivisible from the rest of the umma. All Islamic countries are really a single nation ruled by Islamic ideology. Egypt probably has as much clout as Saudi Arabia in the islamopshere. But yes, Bush needs to realize that American dependence on imported oil is dangerous for America and we need to make far-reaching changes ASAP. On that we agree.

Nariz the liberals of today are totally not honest with what they should stand for, as now their people are victims, blaming others instead of looking in the mirror, this "victimhood" plays into the muslim mind. l think blaming Bush for all things wrong is not logical, he is trying to correct so many things, that he inherited, yes l wished he would be more open about muslims, but in this PC environmnet Bush along with other Republicans get labelled racists, etc. Bush did label correct the "axis of evil" and is now blamed by the media as causing more terrorist. again l say that Bush has been Israel's best friend.

Bush, lost his way???

Bush never had an idea about what the correct way was........... Bush has continually refused to listen to the pleas of Americans. Bush will be remembered if not the worse then in the top three worse Presidents that have failed to serve America.

The next President needs to be Thomas Tancredo from Colorado. I meet with his staff in Washington DC last week and discussed Tom running for President and that there was a tremendous number of Americans that believe that Tom has what it takes to protect America and Americans from the invasion across our borders.

We need a man that listens to the people instead of to the PCness of the world............

Before it is to late, call and offer your assistance with his run for the Presidency.

Tom Tancredo offies and telephone numbers.

DC Office
1130 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515-0606

District Office
6099 South Quebec St., Suite 200
Centennial, Colorado 80111-4547

Castle Rock Office
240 Wilcox St.
Castle Rock, Colorado 80104

Littleton Office
1800 W. Littleton Blvd.
Littleton, Colorado 80120

The Texican.

Alarmed Pig Farmer

Something tells me you've made Haidon's day.

Another thing you could have told him, since he's Somali, would have been, once he proudly told you he's a Muslim, to return to the Jihadi paradise that is Mogadishu.

Speaking of politics, why are Republicans like Chuck Hagel, coming out of the woodwork in support of Hizbullah? APF, if you are an NE voter, get him out of there, and make him the ambassador to Lebanon or Syria

ZenaWarriorPrincess wrote,
Nariz the liberals of today are totally not honest with what they should stand for, as now their people are victims, blaming others instead of looking in the mirror, this "victimhood" plays into the muslim mind.

Nariz is a liberal muslim, if that is possible.
He thinks he is fooling us.

You are welcome.

great comet of 1577:
Read Tom Tacredo's latest book "In Mortal Danger", he spells out the "immigration" problem with Islamic border crossings. He knows whats up and I think he would be a great leader to stop the influx of our enemies.

Thanks for the link, I will definetly check it out.

"P.S. If you would like to know more about how myself and millions of other Americans feel, contact Mr. Tom Tancredo. He can explain things to you in greater detail."

Tom Tancredo needs to run for president, and we need to vote for him. Finally, a man who understands the threat. I support him all the way.

Bush never had a chance. Even if his religious upbringing fooled him into professing he is born again, it is obvious he hasn't a clue what this means. He is in the same boat with countless others who hang on to wishes instead of facts.
He never had a chance because like all presidents, he inherited the entrenched career weenies in the State dept, the FBI, CIA, and all the rest of the gang.
Over the years, big money from various sources has placed people in strategic positions, from polititans to trade commissions to whatever. They pull the strings. If a president rocks the boat, he will be gone in a few years, then it is business as usual. The American public doesn't care. Look what walks the halls of congress posing as polititians.
Some of them have been there for 30 years, taking environmental handouts and keeping us dependent on foreign oil, which draws us into the Middle East conflict, whether we want to or not.