Muslim doctor wants apology from U.S. airline

If he gets what he wants from United, it will send the signal that passenger concerns about Muslim passengers will not be tolerated. And our guard against genuine jihad terrorists will be that much lowered. From CBC News, with thanks to F.:

A Winnipeg doctor is demanding an official apology and compensation from United Airlines after being kicked off a flight in the U.S. this week, an incident he has characterized as "institutionalized discrimination." Dr. Ahmed Farooq, a Muslim, was escorted off an airplane in Denver on Tuesday. According to Farooq, reciting his evening prayers was interpreted by one passenger as an activity that was suspicious.

"The whole situation is just really frustrating," Farooq said. "It makes you uneasy, because you realize you have to essentially watch every single thing you say and do, and it's worse for people who are of colour, who are identifiable as a minority."

You do have to watch every single thing you say and do. So do we all when flying these days. My work involves the Qur'an and other Islamic texts, but I no longer do work while flying that would mean having out in plain view books that would make other passengers concerned. Flying is a serious business nowadays. But this "people of colour" remark is just a cheap attempt to make this out to be a racial problem. It isn't. Farooq was "reciting prayers" -- when he could have done it silently. I have been in the presence of Muslims who have done so, so please don't tell me that that is impossible. These are the same prayers that jihad terrorists have prayed, so a passenger was concerned. I am sorry he was inconvenienced, but we all have been in so many ways since 9/11, haven't we? He should seek an apology from Osama bin Laden for indirectly occasioning his being taken off this flight.

Farooq said the allegation came from a passenger who appeared drunk and had previously threatened him during the trip.

Oh really? Did he report the threat? What was its substance? Did he tell the airline officials about this threat when they approached him to take him off the plane?

When flight personnel were alerted, the 27-year-old radiology resident and two colleagues — a man and a woman — were taken off their flight. They had been returning from a conference in San Francisco.

Farooq said that even officials from the Transportation Security Administration soon realized the flight crew had overreacted, but by the time that conclusion had been reached the trio were forced to stay in Denver for the night and catch a flight the next day — at their own expense. "There's no recourse," Farooq said. "There's no way to really be able to talk to anybody to really be able to reason it out. The police officers who talked to me afterwards and subsequent officials within the first three to five minutes, they were like, 'You know what? The crew made a mistake. We apologize that they took you off. They overreacted.'"

So then why is he still seeking more?

Brandon Borrman of United Airlines told the Winnipeg Free Press this week that the airline is obliged to take any allegations threatening passenger safety seriously, particularly in the wake of last week's arrests in the alleged bomb plot on flights from Britain to the U.S.


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If I was on a plane and some muslim was praying out loud, that would freak me out. It would freak anybody out, including liberals, marxists, anti-racist demonstrators, and Hilliary Clinton.

Islam and the air transport system in the west are no longer compatable.

he says:
"The whole situation is just really frustrating," Farooq said. "It makes you uneasy, because you realize you have to essentially watch every single thing you say and do, and it's worse for people who are of colour, who are identifiable as a minority."

Now he understands how the passengers feel.
The Muslims are intent on forcinging Islam into your life.

Dr. Ahmad Farooqui was reciting verses from Koran and Koran itself is a death manual for the Kafirs. In such situation fellow(kafir)passangers were genuinly afraid of their lives, since everyone has right to defend his/her life and Airline must take every precaution to save the passangers, Dr Farooqui and others were taken off from that flight.

This Doctor is lucky that he has THE LIBERTY to be able to read such books. Places like Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations PROHIBIT any reading or be even in possession of a Bible.
Suggest that he conducts silent pray.
I also would have felt uneasy with someone disturbing my peace by chanting, especially when flying!! HELLO, look around you Doc.

muslims keep playing their game:
THEY are "MORE EQUAL" than the infidels: they can come here and spread propaganda against the infidels, their coreligionists can kill THOUSANDS of us - tens of thousands worldwide in the last few years - BUT we have to be quiet and calm and cool.

That's typical of the mind of the invaders.
They already see us as SLAVES.

Seems like the good "doctor" has an agenda - maybe he is not so innocent - he obviously knows what an effect reciting muslim prayers would have on passengers !! Someone should investigate him and his connections

Instead of deliberately behaving in ways that are considered strange by the Islamophobic majority, muslims should try blending in. But they prefer to tout their unique and weird "muslimness", hoping it will frighten the rest of us and cause a big stink. Then they will have an excuse to whine, play the aggrieved victim card, the race card, and if all goes well, they will have grounds for another lawsuit. Muslims are not worth the anxiety, expense, and overall commotion they create in our lives.

I truly believe they thoroughly enjoy the discomfort they generate; it makes them feel powerful. Next they will demand the right to spread their prayer rugs in the aisles of planes so they can insult us further by showing their islamic a#$ses up close and personal.

The doc owes the passengers on the airline an apology for putting them in the position of fear. Maybe the airline should sue him. Wouldn't this be like yelling fire in a theater?

What the muslims don't seem to understand, we don't care how pious ANYONE is. We don't need to hear other peoples prayers. And to say them to allah, in a plane during flight, is just idiocy.

OT: A recent BBC Newsnight documentary on the brainwashing of palestinian children into the death cult of Islamic terrorism, has been uploaded to youtube here:

How much would you be willing to pay extra to fly muslim-free?

Last minute check-ins? No problem!
Carry-on luggage? Anything you want!
Arriving 3 hours ahead on international flights? A thing of the past!
Meticulous baggage checks? No need for that!
Filling out forms while standing in an endless line and answering questions about who packed what and why? Forget it!
Airlines saving millions in security expenses and passing those savings on to you? You bet!

Come to think of it, flying was never so much fun and never so inexpensive.

Absurd. And disgusting. No apology needs to be made. Robert has spelled out exactly why someone might legimitately be alarmed, given what Muslim terrorists have done, are doing, promise to do in the future, on Western planes, to Infidels on them and on the ground. We know of the Egyptian co-pilot who grabbed the controls and aimed the plane downward, shrieking "allahu Akbar." We know of the similar shrieks on Flight 193 and during other terrorist attacks. Why should any Infidel passenger have to endure even greater alarm, with attendant nervousness (and for some that nervousness can cause cardiovascular and other problems not to be pooh-poohed, especially on a long flight, with someone on board who has terrified you by his chanting in Arabic).

As Robert wrote above, it is entirely possible not to chant aloud but to say one's prayers silently. Furthermore, there are circumstances when one simply does not say one's prayers. Does a Muslim surgeon, performing a six-hour operation, take time out to prostrate himself and chant? Does he expect to be allowed to? If the answer to either of those questions is yes, then there should be no employment of Muslim surgeons, or of Muslims in any profession -- including airline pilot of course -- that would require regular intervals of prostration and prayer to Allah.

Bring on a lawsuit. It is important that there be one, and that a case be clearly argued, to the end, with every detail -- including that business no doubt thought up after the fact. And airlines crews should have the last word, for it is they who have a responsibility for the lives, the safety, and the minimizing of high anxiety in an already highly-anxious flying public. If indeed any members of the TSA were apologetic, they had no right to be. They had no right to claim that the flight crew had "overreacted." They were not that crew, flying that plane, in the circumstances brought to that crew's attention. And the possible attempt to assuage this man's hysterical overreaction, based on his complete inability to see things from the point of view of his non-Muslim fellow passengers and what must, quite reasonably, have gone through at least some of their minds (how would you react, if a bearded fellow passenger on a flight to, say, Frankfurt, suddenly started chanting something in Arabic over and over again, or even prostrated himself in the aisle? Wouldn't you wonder if he was doing this to prepare himself for something that was going to happen on that flight? Should all Infidels be carefully instructed in classical Arabic, and have to memorize the Muslim prayers (and the ever-fixed Qibla) as part of their mental and emotional preparation, as part of those Have-
A-Happy-Flight! instructions.

Flight attendants, we all know, have a required marcel-marceau routine, in which they wordlessly point to the exits, and wordlessly point to the dotted lines along the central aisle, and then wordlessly affixes that drop-down mask over her or his face. Shall they now have added to their many duties, a little sesson on "Muslim prayers: A Guide for Unnecessarily Alarmed Infidels" in which they, this time not wordlessly, explain carefully that (and now the sound in this story has been turned on)

"at a certain time, and facing in a certain direction, Muslim passengers may simultaneously be leaving their seats, and prostrate themselves in the aisles (so please, don't think of going to the bathroom then) and, because the plane is flying in this or that direction, the qibla, or direction of Mecca in which they will attempt to orient themselves, will be such and such. Don't mind this. Don't be alarmed, even if all aisles are blocked. Oh, and on the cards provided for your convenience in the pouch on the back of the seat in front of you, you will be able to read a phonetic rendition of the Arabic prayers our Muslim passengers will be saying, and you might wish to thoroughly familiarize yourselves with them in advance. I have to say, that I've been reading them over and over, and I find those prayers truly inspiring, and thought-provoking, and I'm sure you will too. So sit back, relax, and don't be in the slightest alarmed, just think of this as a way to become culturally not only more sensitive, but to become, truly, a better citizen of the world."

If we do not change our attitudes, and stop the nonsense in its tracks, it will come to that.

Allah - Are they hung up on that pagan idol or what!

The man needs an apology, but as Robert said, it should come from bin laden and all the 9/11 terrorists (though they can't speak from hell) and every single muslim suicide bomber and insurgent and hezbollah and palestinian and all who cheered on 9/11 and the list goes on and on. THEY have created the atmosphere that the poor Dr. had to endure. And the fact that he BLAMES the airline is a good indication that he is a good muslim, for they always blame everybody else instead of accepting any kind of responsibility, don't they?

You have to love the Brits who walked off the plane yesterday when there were muslims on board. I am calling the airline today, making a reservation and then asking if they can guarantee that no muslims are on the flight. When they can't I will cancel the reservation. Muslims are no longer welcome to fly in the US or UK. They will have to find another method of transportation. I suggest the camel.

Just maybe he could have taken into account the SENSITIVITY of others on the plane. I flew recently in the ailse opposite were 4 mature muslim men. As it was dawn they were praying silently and with minimal gesturing ....still was a little unsettling
but not very obvious at all. And more importantly not noticed by the majority !!.

A little thought goes a long way especially in todays parnoid world of air travel. They reap as they sow....

"If we do not change our attitudes, and stop the nonsense in its tracks, it will come to that."

Hugh, that post is right on the money, including its logical conclusion.

What this incident shows is the ol' muslim religious supremacy thing, once again. A muslim can inconvenience, scare, or kill us Kufrs because their holy book says they can and must. And we're islamophobic if we don't agree.

BTW, I also loved this bit: "Does a Muslim surgeon, performing a six-hour operation, take time out to prostrate himself and chant?" I would say only if the patient is an Infidel.

I could swear I heard a top-of-the-hour news blurb yesterday that said Iran would have a "multi-faceted" answer to the UN demand to stop enriching uranium. The "multi-faceted" answer would be given on Tuesday........ August 22nd.

Dr. Ahmed Farooq - I say BS!

A YMM with a doctorate praying aloud in arabic indicates this was a deliberate provocation. . . and he knows it.

Ahmed Farooq would have us believe he has been in suspended animation since 9/11 to claim ignorance of the effect of his behavior ON a commercial airliner.

Did he enjoy getting a rise out of it, understanding full well how much emotion an arabic prayer said aloud would invoke with passengers?

Probably - at least until he and his friends were physically removed and realized they had to absorb the cost of this devotional prank.

That is known as consequences. Ahmed should learn to practice devotion privately while in public. It's called common courtesy.

The general public is no longer willing to put up with the fear of death in the name of allah. Provoke and reap the consequence.

Public safety/survival IS a NECESSARY form of institutionalized discrimination. . . make no apologies.

UNITED AIRLINES cannot apologize for making public safety a priority.

"...The police officers who talked to me afterwards and subsequent officials within the first three to five minutes, they were like, 'You know what? The crew made a mistake. We apologize that they took you off. They overreacted.'"

If this is a mistake, it may be the first record of pilot error resulting in saved lives.

Seriously, I believe that this Moslem doctor is very unlikely to have posed a direct threat to the flight. The real issue is one of desensitizing the non-Moslem public to the "needs" (read "prerogatives") of Moslems. By the example set in this incident, it would seem that a good Moslem is less interested in having a relationship with his god than he is in demonstrating to the world that he a relationship to his god. The most benign interpretation of such "piety" in my view is that it amounts to little more than pharisee-like exhibitionism. A less benign interpretation is that it is another step towards imposing this political/religious on the world.

a) There have been documented incidents of terrorists taking time to recite prayers before they blow shit up, so yeah, that's suspicious behavior. Kudos to the complaining passenger(s).

b) Christians in the U.S. aren't allowed to pray out loud in public because it's "offensive." Any outrage from the multi-cult crowd should be laughed off as "sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander."

The Muslim states of OPEC have taken in about ten trillion dollars in the past one-third of a century. They have spent much of that money on the wage-slaves, from Americans and Europeans at the top (doctors, oilfield engineers, and so on), then Koreans (construction of every kind) all the way down to those Filipino nurses, those chauffeurs from the subcontinent, those Thai and Indonesian house slaves (and slaves, some of them, in other obvious ways as well). But with what has been left over from their pleasure palaces, their guarantees of free everything to their own citizens and of nothing to anyone else, they have had hundreds of billions left over for the duty of Jihad. They have bought hundreds of billions of dollars worth of arms, the most up-to-date arms they can get, and some of those arms were put to use, as we all know, in the Iran-Iraq War (the best thing, for Infidels, to have happened, to promote division and confusion and alarm in the Muslim world in since 1967, but that earlier conflict took place before the OPEC bonanza appeared).

Surely the Saudis, who have paid for mosques all over the West, including mosques a mile from the Vatican, and in Paris, and London, and major cities in Italy and Holland and Germany, and all over North America, and who not only pay the tens of millions of dollars these mosques cost, but also for their upkeep, and pay furthermore large sums for madrasas, and for propaganda, and armies of Western hirelings, and magazines spouting their propaganda, and buy large, and obviously controlling, at times, interests in major media companies, have plenty left over. After all, they take in a billion or so every day or two -- and all without doing a thing, without lifting a finger, And so do does Kuwait, and the U.A.E. And so do another five or six or seven Muslim states.

Given that these Muslim countries are moving heaven and earth to promote the cause of Islam, and to make things as easy for Muslims in the West, making sure they can conduct their Muslim lives and establish themselves permanently deep behind what Muslims themselves are taught to consider enemy lines, the Dar al-Harb, should it be beyond the wit and pocketbook of these fabulously rich Arabs to pay for a world-wide Air Islam, if not a regular airline than a collection of charters that will be for Muslims only, and on which only halal food will be served, adn there will be no need to have any undue contact -- that toilet-seat, those faucets the "unclean" hands of "najis" Infidels have touched (if you are a Shi'a Muslim, anyway), no need to sit by someone who might just open his lunchback and pull out a ham-and-cheese sandwich, or a bucket of ribs barbecued North Carolina style. No need for a Muslim woman to sit next to, or perhaps between, two dangerous men (how would she gracefully go in and out without inadvertently having some part of her body perhaps touch some part of theirs, setting them all aflame?) and still worse, still more unappealing, still more intolerable it makes you, a good Muslim, want to scream in anguish, the possiblity that such men would be Infidels?

And now this: now the prayer, and the prostration, and the reaction of Infidels. Can't have it. Just as, in Denmark, we can't have the exercise of the right of free speech. Or in France, we can't have the French state, or its Ministry of Education, enforce the laic rules of that state, and we can't have that Ministry of Education assign topics -- the French kings, the French Revolution, World War II and the Holocaust, not to mention such writers as Voltaire with his blasphemous play "Mahomet" and Montaigne with is "Que scais-je?" skepticism, and so many others.

So why should we accept the Infidel nation-states and their ideas of what constitutes safety, or freedom from anxiety for Infidels? Why should Infidels be free from anxiety, if that anxiety gets in the way of the ability of Muslims to do what they want, when they want, where they want?

But wait. Remember, this is the United States. Our numbers are not yet great enough -- that, and that alone, explains the so-called difference between the position of Muslims in the United States and those in Europe which both The New Duranty Times and The Boston Globe, and so many other papers and radio and television programs have been devoted to -- "It Can't Happen Here" is the theme, but of course it can, and will happen (there is not a separate Qur'an and Hadith and Sira for Muslims in America, different from that available to them in Europe or in Iran, or Egypt, or Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan). So for the moment we will have to not press this point.

What to do?

Here's a solution. The rich Arabs should simply have a fleet of planes, modest at first, and supplemented by planes that can be chartered -- small or large. Call it Air Islam. Then suppose Dr. Ahmed Farooq, a very devout Muslim, with all that that implies (for all that that implies, please see Sura 9.29 and Sura 9.5 to begin with, then go from there), needs to get from Canada to California and back. He calls Air Islam, the totally-subsidized service of a consortium, funded by the governments of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Libya, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Oman, and by rich Pakistani zamindars and rich Muslims in Brazil, or in that dangerous "triangle" between Brazil, Agentina, and Paraguay, about which we do not hear nearly enough. Dr. Ahmed Farooq calls up Air Islam (Operators are standing by), tells them when he wishes to go and when he wishes to return, and if there are only Dr. Farooq himself, then a small plane is dispatched to take him -- but a plane nonetheless. If he doesn't like that small plane, then he is still free to travel, perhaps (we'll see about that) on an Infidel airline, with the saftey and freedom-from-anxiety that it attempts to offer its overwhelmingly Infidel clientele), or perhaps by train or bus. It's his choice.

After all, if I take a Muslim-owned airline in the Muslim world, and passengers prostrate themselves or pray in Arabic, I expect it, and I have assumed whatever risk or anxiety I, as an Infidel, might feel (actually, of course, on Royal Saudi Air one or Air Maroc or Pakistan Airlines, if such prayers are uttered and bodies prostrated, one would not be alarmed as one would be, for very good reason, if this were to take place on an Infidel airline, over Infidel air space).

That should satisfy everyone.

Or have I missed something?


Thanks for the BBC Newsnight links. I refuse to have a television, so hadn't seen it.

Back in the days of the indian wars on the American frontier, an American army - Cavalry(?) - officer - can't remember his name - made a statement I didn't, and still don't, like, about indian children:

"Nits grow into lice".

I still don't like that quote, but I do at least understand it.

These people are forcing us to abandon our humanity.

"There's no recourse," Farooq said. "There's no way to really be able to talk to anybody to really be able to reason it out.

Yes there is, Mr. Farooq. Just contact the local CAIR office so they can tell the major news media your sob story. Next, as you play the poor victim of racial intolerance, a mob of civil liberties attorneys will descend upon you to help you defeat the infidel airline. Most certainly, your case will be heard in a favorable court by a dhimmified judge and you will win. Then you will be free to voice your prayers onboard a plane while instilling fear in the general population. Luckily for you, but to the chagrin of most, that is how it works in a free society!

I demand an apology from Farooq for being so socially irresponsible as to create fear, delay and concern among innocent passengers who have legitimate reason to react in the way they did.

Totally inappropriate behavior on an airline today. Many in the West respect customs when traveling in Islamic lands, however foreign they may seem. Reciting Islamic prayers on a plane is inexcusably bad form in Western culture.

What is wrong with this guy?

Where is the outrage from the ACLU or from THE US Supreme Court? These are the people who cry foul when US children pray in school, cry foul when prayer is attempted at school sporting events, cry foul at displays of the ten commandments (which are far better than anything in the koran). etc.. where is the outrage.

Well, after emailing C-SPAN this morning, I thought I'd do a little more, so I emailed United Airlines to thank them for showing a commitment to their passengers' and crew members' safety by ejecting that doctor from the flight. If anyone else wants to email them, the online comment form may be found at,1451,2076,00.html?navSource=Customer+relations&linkTitle=Email+customer+relations

Unfortunately, I couldn't find one specfically for United Canada. (Sadly, I do have a United Plus membership card lying around somewhere but couldn't find it--if you have one, that would make the most impact, I'm sure!) Now I'm off to work (not via plane, or train, nor via any bridges, fortunately....).

The words "allah akbar" said aloud would freak anyone out. All of us know they shout that %#@* before they cause things to explode or crash into buildings....he has no apology coming. He should only fly .

Just a thought, maybe would consider creating an all muslim airline. Just think guys, you muslims could caterwall and prostrate yourselves all you want. You could segregate the women to the tail section...sounds great, huh?

The phrase "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time for any reason at our sole discretion" comes to mind.

All of the problems we see in the airports today would cease to exist with religious profiling.

I had to travel from Las Vegas the day the Pakistani women had the jar of vasoline a match and something else it was a nightmare.

I watched a TSA lady go ballistic on a white 15-17 year old girl because she forgot to pull her laptop out of its carrying case.

The TSA lady started screaming at this poor girl to get her laptop out of the bag and the girl complied by bypassing the metal detector she had already gone thru further enraging this TSA person. They had this poor girl melting down in tears and at that point I couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore and asked her if she was always so unprofessional.

I am a white male blonde hair and blue eyes that has surfed my entire life and look nothing like the threat profile they expect of a terrorist. She started attempting to take her obvious angst out on me simply because I asked her if it was customary to yell and scream at kids for being kids. It would be better to conduct herself in a calm professional manner At this point she asked me if I was attempting to interfere with her job duties a federal offense by the way. To which I laughed at her and said no just trying to help her do her job that my tax dollars paid for in a professional manner. She then asked me for ID and final destination as well as connecting flights.
Needless to say my connecting flight in Los Angeles was severly scrutinized everyone was patted down and essentially abused in a manner that I never thought I would see in the US airports and this whiny pissy Muslim thinks he has a right to complain?

Sorry for the misspelling of caterwaul, don't use it much.

To unfold Hugh's solution of a separate Islamic airline, the world should institute a basic global division of airlines:




(the former can have 72 stewardesses + a few pearly male stewards...)

CAIR plays off the fact that Western civilization is self-critical while revelling in the fact that Islam knows no shame. But this nauseating gambit is ceasing to work and a good thing too. CAIR is beginning to stink in the nostrils of any honest and decent person. Pretty soon the semi-housetrained polecats at CAIR will arouse nothing other than laughter.

Assalamau-Laikum all,

The muslim doctor has reached his position of trust of authority, skill and trust by the grace of Allah SWT and hard work.

Hugh says " There are circumstances when one simply does not say one's prayers".

Perhaps so, but in circumstances when you have time to kill ..saying prayers is almost fard.

There is nothing wrong with remembering Allah at those times.

Remember that this doctor will be providing treatment to many infedels...making them get better ...not the other way round.

I think he is well in his rights to claim Mr. Spencer says "flying is a serios business"...but I believe that reading the Koran is not (yet) against the law in an airport or elsewhere....this needs to be tested in a court of law.

Those who are fearful for losing their civil liberties ...must support the good doctor.

There is far too much sensitivity now shown by peoples who need fear nothing but fear itself.

A "doctor" that is causing fear and havoc, just what all of us need right now.

If he flys, somebody (or airline employees) on these flights will remember him from before. Is this the first time he has done this?

A few years before 9/11 I went to muslim doctor for a REALLY bad sore throat. Strep. Before he checked out my throat, he was wanting to do a pelvic exam!!! I told him I had a regular GYN for that. I was shocked! He did treat my Strep, finally. I never went back, and I will never go to another one.

So far we have some basic info from CBC News that consists mainly of quotes from "the victim". I'd like to hear what the airline personnel and (especially) the citizen who found fault with farooqu's obvious attempt to invoke reaction. Let's see, a 27 yr old male muslim vocally chanting arabic prayers on an airline - it's a no brainer that his actions were calculated. I feel that we'll be seeing a lot more of this childlike behavior in the near future - possibly to habituate us to intentionally odd behavior in order to cause distractions during their inevitable expulsion from the plane. Distractions from what, who knows, but I'll bet this non-treating doctor (just out of school @ 27 yrs old and very impressed with himself, no doubt) was certainly confident that he could pull this off without a problem - lots more giant egos where he came from.

And by the way, what is his familial background? Where was he trained? Did his family $$s pay for his education, or did "we"? What's his mosque teach? Etc., etc., etc....


my 2nd sentance should read: "I'd like to hear what the airline personnel and (especially) the citizen who found fault with farooqu's obvious attempt to invoke reaction have to say about the incident."

Sorry about the speed-typing typo!, and certainly NO appologies to any mulim who's had their "sensitive natures" bruised - as stated above, they can get their appologies from OBL.


If United Airlines apologizes, I'll never fly with them again.

To all who posted - except Naseem

My feelings exactly. However, I do disagree with Muslims having their own airlines - they can fly into buildings etc. - carry all manner of weapons and explosives - deliberately cause havoc at airports and in the sky etc.


After 9-11 a person told be if there was a Muslim on the same plane, that person would immediately get off. I couldn’t believe that person would say that. I am trying to use the utmost understanding of all the issues and take my time to make sure of the facts. Unfortunately the facts that I have observed from around the world cause me to have a very negative impression of Muslims. More and more I see where there is cases where they have forced themselves and their doctrine on citizens in every country they immigrate to. The result is exactly the reaction of this case, and many more. I try to look at the facts very carefully. Having done that, I must say Muslims should take action against those who are causing the problem. Seldom do we hear even a word. In view of that, it will continue to get worse until there is major disasters. So, I will not be flying on a plane when there is even ONE Muslim on board - you can bring on CAIR, ACLU, and even the “illustrious” Court of Law. You need to do more studying and analyzing the fact before you promote the fragrant bullying that is going on. Sad to say - it’s a fact.

"I think he is well in his rights to claim Mr. Spencer says "flying is a serios business"...but I believe that reading the Koran is not (yet) against the law in an airport or elsewhere....this needs to be tested in a court of law."

no stupid nasheem, he doesn't deserve any compensation, simply because there are RULES in public places and one of those rules is not to disturb other passengers. For example on a train you cannot speak loud on the phone or listening to music without headphones. This is in civilized countries, not your animal country like pakistan.

So it's the other passengers that should ask for high compensation because this useless muslim idiot ruined their trip.

Not only that. He surely caused alarm, and this is another crime. Someone in a crowded place screaming willingly "fire" knowing there's no danger around and causing a mess and injure people can be convicted for caused alarm.

So that's another thing the islamofascist should be charged with.

Where are the air guards with guns when you need them?

"I do disagree with Muslims having their own airlines - they can fly into buildings etc. -"

In a sane world, we would have a global division of airlines, undergirded by a global apartheid against Islam, denying all immigration into the Dar-al-Harb and expelling all Muslims from it.

Another muslim on a power trip knowing all too well the feelings he is provoking in others. If it ever happened to me I'd stare at him for the entire journey ready to pounce on his obnoxous ass...

Naseem, the good doctor learned his trade from Western (Christian, Jewish and Atheist) teachers. Islam did not advance medicine because of the prohibition from touching and disecting corpses. I believe he should be allowed to pray, but in public he should do so quilently, as any Jew, Christian or Buddhist would. I see however that he is trying to turn this into a racial issue and demanding monetary compensation, which makes me wonder if the whole thing might not ahve been planned. As for wanting more than an apology, people in Hell want ice water.

For people who are afraid of pigs, why do they spend a lot of their time squealing like pigs???

For people who are afraid of pigs, why do they spend a lot of their time squealing like pigs???

Security -- frisking of all passengers, x-raying and further search of all cargo, and so on -- would be handled by non-Muslims. Pilots would be vetted to make sure they have, for a long time, exhibited the characteristics of Muslim-for-identificdation-purposes-only Muslims. Orders to shoot down such a plane if it swerves from its course over an Infidel country would be executed without hesitation.

The "good doctor" can be a great doctor by moving to a Muslim country and treating people overthere. I am sure he would be happier than being aroung those nasty infidels.

The "good doctor" can be a great doctor by moving to a Muslim country and treating people overthere. I am sure he would be happier than being aroung those nasty infidels.

Naseem wrote:

" circumstances when you have time to kill ..saying prayers is almost fard."

Anyone else stop and re-read that phrase? Saying prayers "when you have time to kill"? In all seriousness, it took me a moment to realize he did not mean that literally but idiomatically.

Wow, with all these poor 'innocent' muslims being hassled on airlines, I think it might be time to tell their heartwrenching stories on a made-for-tv movie. They could call it something like, oh, I don't know...'Snakes on a Plane.'

"...or in that dangerous "triangle" between Brazil, Agentina, and Paraguay, about which we do not hear nearly enough." Hugh, I have to admit that I am ignorant of the significance of the area of which you speak. Could you kindly point me in the right direction to research this topic. It sounds interesting. I have noticed lurking in Muslim blogs recently, a number of Arabs posting from ip addresses which originate in Brazil and Venezuela. I had thought it interesting, but didn't really dwell on it. Of course I am well aware of the ultra-leftist rhetoric flowing from that part of the world, but I'm rather ignorant as to the extent and the ways in which Muslims are taking advantage of that sentiment. I'm also aware of the history of Hezbollah action in Argentina, as well as the post WWII Nazi presence there, but so far I havn't read about any connection between these groups in the region, although it would seem naive to believe that none exists, considering the common agendas, or at least common enemies shared by these groups.

There is, where the three countries meet, a a kind of no-man's-land wher smuggling, knock-off shops, counterfeit operations, and all the louche activites that you would expect to find in a place where there are a great many Muslims, either from Lebanon (but hardly "Lebanese") and of course "Palestinians" and no doubt the pictures of Arafat and then Bin Laden have now been traded in for pictures of Nasrallah.

And in other Latin American countries -- Brazil, even Chile -- there are "communities" of Arabs whose identity, whose loyalties, are perhaps not quite what some of their countrymen assumed they were, or even -- in the case of some Lebanese islamochristians who have forgotten their Habib Malik, their Charles Malik, their Antoine Fattal, their Walid Phares, their Franck Salameh, their Tom Harb -- have decided to suppoort, out of misguided and mythical Uruba, or Arabness, the Muslim cause, the cause of Jihad.

Perhaps someine in Homeland Security could look into some of the people who own companies involved in the off-seaon fresh-fruit trade in Chile? Think of the things you could smuggle into this country, if you had a mind to, in those large shipments of fruit? I think it might be worth looking into, but then I know Homeland Security has so much else to worry about).

Who's minding the store in those places? Who's in Paraguay? Who's in Argentina? Who's looking into that fruit business? Who's in Brazil? And what's going on in those strange isolated communities of unreconstructed Nazis, in Chile and Brazil -- of the kind we only very occasionally read about, where the leader of a cult of personality turns out to be, in addition to being a Nazi, the sexual molester of half the cult's children (we're all familiar with the type by now, aren't we?)?

I am made distinctly uneasy by what I take to be a failure on the part of the Adminstration to watch Latin American Arabs --and to enroll for this purpose the Catholic Church, and the evangelical churches, for that matter, for Islam threatens south of the border just as it threatens the Colossus of the North.

Farooq i am also from south asia..
and i have see your foto on

your and my looks are not too much different...
the only difference is that i am Hindu..

so you know, this whole stuff was islamophobia..
if you think you are Moderate muslim.. then why dont you stop those idiots killing innocents

who told you to speak satanic versus in Plane...
anyways if you calim its racist act to throw u out of plane.. then you are in more bigger problem, as you were playing with feelings of american citizens.. who lost many peoples close to them on sept-11 when a person like you was also chanting those satanic versus.

anyways i don't have any problem with travelling in flights.. and i also have south-asian looks... what you have done wrong.. that people became afraid of you.... it might be you have brough religion in between pointing others as infidals or takfirs...

The South American "triangle" is apparently known as the "Iguazu Triangle" or the "TBA" (Tri-Border Area). It seems that much of the Muslim insinuation down there is Hizbollah-related (there were two major suicide bombings of Jewish buildings in Argentina, one in 1992, one in 1994; I wonder what Robert Duvall thinks of all this? -- rhetorical question: I suspect the answer is nothing good about America and nothing bad about Islam).

Here's another one, but first Amy Goodman at Democracy Now eternally frustrates me.. I do not consider her and her fellow travelers to be malicious and evil hearted like the Muslims and the Pat Robertsons of the world...but I do consider her and others on the far left to be wilfully blind and ignorant.. (I need new definitions, in as much as I'm repulsed by the self proclaimed right today, but can find no succor or sympathy with the left).

Anyway this interview features a well spoken (in English) Raed Jarrar, a young pleasant sounding man with a small moustache and nicely trimmed goatee, probably to make him more appealing to westerners.

Iraqi Peace Activist Forced to Change T-Shirt Bearing Arabic Script Before Boarding Plane at JFK

When a muslim calls himself or is called a "peace activist" or Human Rights activist" take that with a grain of salt.. this character takes a leaf from the SCIRI/Iranian Revolution Council/Mogtada al Sadr playbook and blames the violence in Iraq on the occupation...subtext to all of this is that since" Iraqi's are intermarried and have always gotten along with each other, the violence (sucide bombings err martyrdom operations, sniping, beheadings kidnappings must somehow all be the work of the MOSSAD, CIA and MI6, that is indeed the inference and these are the people that the man who cannot say "I was wrong" or "I'm sorry", the man who could not say "Fool me twice SHAME on me" adamantly insists are freedom loving peeples, seeking something called democracy.

He and the rest of the Republican and most of the democratic party and all of the libertarian party just don't understand Islam or the mind of muslims...of liberty, of freedom they could care less, for they are voluntarily slaves to Allah (in reality to those who claim to be able to speak for Allah.. the mullahs, the Imam's, the scholars, the jurists).

The need for liberty, freedom, expression, conscience, freedom of travel, the good life, ownership of property just does not burn in the Muslim soul, and in fact is not only alien to it, but is forbidden "haram".

Somebody please inform and educate those tyrants, dictators and would be kings that have usurped power and consider themselves our "leaders".. the world has had enough of Fuhrers and the fuhrerprincip.

This kind of behavior is planned and is widespread among muslims. If you go to this website and scroll all the way down to where it says jihad in small town America, parts one through six,I believe it is in part one but read all six if you have the time.

This kind of behavior is planned and is widespread among muslims. If you go to this website and scroll all the way down to where it says jihad in small town America, parts one through six,I believe it is in part one but read all six if you have the time.

Hugh, remote_control- thanks. I was able to find several articles, mostly focusing on Cuidad del Este . Also, I found one of those vile Robert Fisk articles from 'informationclearinghouse' claiming that almost all of the South American Arabs are christians, and that they are well integrated in their communities and are some of the most successful and wealthiest people in South America because of their strong Arab work ethic, and that any problems they are causing now are a direct result of Bush's support for Israel.