Muslim students deny airline mutiny was a set-up

Sohail Ashraf and Khurram Zeb were removed from a flight from Malaga to Manchester recently when other passengers refused to fly with them. In the full version of this story, they deny that they were staging their odd behavior in order to provoke the passengers' reaction. But there are plenty of unanswered questions about their behavior. "Asian students forced to deny airline mutiny was a set-up," from The Independent, with thanks to Nicolei:

Mr Ashraf and Mr Zeb were removed from the late-night Airbus A320 by order of the captain, who had been contacted by several passengers worried by their appearance and behaviour after they boarded the plane. They were said to have been talking loudly in Urdu, and wearing suspiciously heavy clothes. When the airline looked into details of their itinerary, the pair were detained pending further security checks....

Industry sources revealed they booked their flights after the recent security scare began on 10 August, paying £166 each for the day-trip to Malaga. Although they have claimed that the purpose of the visit was to carry out research for a holiday in September, the pair decided to take an evening flight to the resort. It touched down at 7.25pm, leaving them just a few hours in Malaga before they had to check in for the 3am return journey.

The story goes on to point out that if they were really carrying out "research for a holiday," would they choose a flight that enabled them to see the resort only in the dark? Also, they say they're students at the the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), and have claimed that they can't do any more interviews because they have exams, but the university is closed and this is not an exam period. University officials wouldn't even confirm that they are really students there.

Daniel Pipes details other incidents of profiling.

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Yeah, these guys were students alright but... not of UMIST.

They must think we're made of money.

Possible reasons:

1) A desire to soak the Infidels by bringing lawsuits, after authorities -- the plane captain, crew, or others -- remove them from the plane, or hold them -- behave as authorities should, given their behavior.

2) A desire to behave in an ostatentiously disturbing fashion, merely to entertain themselves by following Muhammad's advice to "strike terror" into the "Unbelievers." So for the price of a round-trip Manchester-to-Malaga (holiendo a azahar, not that there will be much of a scent on the tarmac which is almost all they would have had time to visit), you get to frighten those Infidels, perhaps even in a retiree or two with a heart conditioin, frighten someone unto death. What fun!

3) A desire to hevae in on ostentatiously distrubing fashion, as part of a sustained campaign by Muslims to do so here, and there, in order to unsettle everyone, and also to see if over time, with many false alarms, the Infidel authorities will simply not know what to do, for fear of lawsuits and other kinds of trouble. Just keep behaving badly, but always with some kind of plausible explanation (well, we made a mistake -- "we thought the plane returned not at 3 a.m. but 3 p.m. the next day" and "of course we spoke in Urdu, it is our language even if we do know English" and "we were bundled up because we thought the plane might be cold" and...)

1, 2, and 3 are all possible, singly or together.

A put up job? I wouldn't be surprised. That way these "students" get some moolah and the Ummah gets to brow beat Brits about their supposed "intolerance"

It seems these Muhammadan "students" cannot properly answer questions and will get nothing!

I think, you all know the old tale of the boy who was to watch out for wolves outside the town walls. As there were no wolves at all his days were boring and lonely. So he decided to scream "wolves, wolves" and all citizens came, there was a big spectacle, he took center stage and his day was no longer boring but exciting and fine. From time to time he replayed the game and finally the citizens didn't listen to his screams anymore. And some day the wolves really came...

Of course the boy was killed and this is a simple didactic play not to fool around with serious menaces.

This tale came to my mind at first when I heard about the two young Muslims and their "odd behaviour".

Perhaps it was "only" some abnormal sort of Muslim humor. But for students £166 is a lot of money just for a joke. Perhaps they do not resemble the boy in the old tale ... perhaps they WANT the citizens to get incautious and to be attacked by the "wolves" ...?

I have seen those two lads heckling from the front row of the Manchester comedy store, while drinking beer.

I seriously doubt they had any Islamist motives, they are wind-up merchants however. I think the press is being a little over zealous on this one.

Questionable behaviour on public transportation modes such as bused, trains and planes will get immediate attention.

Muslims or Arabic looking people bobbing their heads and speaking or praying aloud is exactly what the 9/11 airplane hijackers did. This type of behaviour is not to be tolerated. The men could pray silently and no one cares. By dressing unusally or antics such as tossing cell phones around should not be tolerated.
I believe Muslims and bad behaviour go hand in hand. They are irrational and have no regard to common sense or concerns of those who surround them. THeir behaviour is intentional and provacative. Failure to monitor such behaviour could be detrimental to your life.

This type of behaviour is not to be tolerated. The men could pray silently and no one cares

I fear, the real terrorists WILL behave inconspicuously in future.

One of the two Asian students has a conviction for credit card fraud as an adult and undisclosed convictions as a juvenile.

Daily Mail

Assign funny fellows like this to a period of work in a prison farm system. Pick the one which tends hogs... the west and the free world in general can come up with punishments that aren't lethal, but which are comical and will exact a heavy psychological cost on the True Believers.

Sleepy Cat

Good catch. Their photo shows them to be stupid party animals rather than Jihadists

Testing, testing..............

Their allah is dumbing down her followers.

"Assign funny fellows like this to a period of work in a prison farm system. Pick the one which tends hogs"

Great idea


I prefer a slaughter house where they have to slit the little piggies throats and get covered in swine blood! That'll sort out those raving jihadi'

Re: Muslim students deny airline mutiny was a set-up

It was a set-up; they are liars. My hunch is that the UK police, and many other ordinary folks of good-will have been set-up and lied to by Muslims many times before in the UK and elsewhere, and have apologized for being victims of Muslims, and are laughed at behind their backs for their apologies, mocked for their tolerance. No doubt the victims are called fools for being so gullible. No doubt, such Muslims feel empty pride at fooling their victims.

The deceiving-hypocritical "students" are not acting alone on this. Their act is part of a well prepared script, written by others, a script meant to hurt people of good will, people blind to their ill-will.

Hello everyone.

I am a new visitor.

M - I like your idea even better...

while the young comedians are slaughtering hogs, why not film it occassionally and have kuffar women in bikinis beating these fellows over their heads with high-heeled shoes? Post things like this all over the internet and send copies to al-jazeera. Film Moussaui and folks from Gitmo doing same.



Welcome. I hope you are a truth seeker. This is a good site. This is a good place to come to learn from Hugh Fitz how to write, to sharpen any writig skills one might have. Welcome.

Christopher Hitchens had a childish performance on the Bill Maher program, but they both agreed that it is time to start profiling people and stop the asinine screening for methods and means.

I know El Al is more focused on not allowing the PERSON to get on the plane, rather than being fixated on OBJECTS.

The Jihadists will always be one step ahead in the game since they know exactly what is allowed on a plane since the authorities broadcast it to everyone.

This is jihad. Muslims who get on airlines pretending to be terrorists, just to frighten the hell out of infidels around them, are sowing fear amongst the enemy. That's jihad. You don't have to actually kill somebody to be engaging in jihad, you don't have to actually be on a suicide mission to frighten Westerners. They're frightening people, they're enjoying it, they're savouring it, and they're really getting off on it.

Fjordman has written us telling of police reports in Scandinavia where gangs of "youths" taunt those around them, getting off on the fear, the intimidation, the dread, the visible anxiety.

This is all jihad. And ordinary Western men can't go up and knock the snot out of them, lest they be locked, sued in civil court for damages. So we're in a surreal world where muslims get away with sowing dread around them, and Western men who are just longing to pound jihadi out of them with their fists, have to sit still for it.

But with these mutinies, with the great brawls in Australia at Coruna beach, people are slowly but surely taking matters into their own hands. Despite the castigation from the minions of political correctness.

Thank you for your kindness.
Yes, it's a good writing workshop.
I will especially read yours.

No Engles, senior.
Me no spoke Engles, amigo.

The time has come I believe that the transportation industry, and especially the airlines, need to institute a "code of conduct" rules for passenger's.The rules would be made a part of the ticket and should additionally be posted throughout terminals, train, and bus stations. Anyone violating the rules can be ejected. That way puts an end to any claim of "profiling". Doesn't matter if you're white,brown, black, green,pink, or purple.Violate the rules and you're outta there. That would pretty much put an end to claims of discrimination and lawsuits.

I was just wondering about all the other plane "incidents" the past 3-4 days. It seems as many as 10 planes involved.

Yet, I have only seen these two NAMED and the idiot that brought the TnT souvenir who has an Anglo-Saxon name.

Is it deliberate to NOT name the culprits?

What's in the name?

Yeah, these guys are students at Jihad University West (JUW) with majors in 'Detonation' and minors in 'Retaliation'.


Are the names of an origin, which the authorities might feel will cause an undo alarm amongst travelers.

Will the release of their names cause fellow flyers to fear that some descendents of desert nomads might take a peculiar delight in seeing the looks on the faces of hundreds of infidels as they go down in flames?

(Does the name you use here have a particular meaning I would not understand, or are you using your given-name)? Not to be hostile, just curious.

Since his name came up (re: Hugh):
I am new to this site as well (some of the funniest and wisest stuff I have ever read, just brillante minds here). I have to agree Hugh has a way with words, but, I couldn't tell what was being said in "Fitzgerald: It is the arrival, not the journey, that matters |until I read it 3-4 times with a dictionary/thesaurus open in another tab! (lol)

Not a complaint - just wish I could think on that kind of level, let alone express it.


Welcome. Here you will find people of many nationalities and religions, united in thought and revulsion at the threat to freedom and self determination that is Jihad.

And yes, Hugh is a great thinker and writer, but often depends too heavily on the comma. Nevertheless, he's one of the reasons I'm here many times a day (that, and to benefit from Hugh's vocabulary)

Enjoy your visit...

That is too funny! Hit in the head by infidel women's shoes? What could be worse? Throw in some flip-flops, or open toe sandals, and you got yourself a winner. Plague, I throw shoes at you!

Thank you guys, you are very kind people.

Talking about Hugh's writing, in which it contains too many commas, it reminds me of professors who use difficult-to-read sentences to disguise their ignorance. Often, the more confusing they make it; the more the readers believe perhaps they are not smart enough to understand the subject. At the end of their reading, despite gaining nothing, they conclude that the writer can not be wrong and that the writer must be and expert.

Reagan and Lincoln were good communicators; they didn't use difficult sentences. They know how to use word economically.

Rober Spencer and Fizgerald write well, simple to understand sentences. As to Hugh, Eh....

Live is short, there isn't time to waste to analyze Hugh's intension.

Simplicity is beauty, Hugh.

I think Hugh's intentions are quite clear, regardless of his comma usage. I, for one, share his intent.

What is his intent?

Well, I am smart enought to understand.

No comprehende, senior.

Well, I am NOT smart enought to understand.

No comprehende, senior.


Your command of the English language seems to improve or degenerate, depending on the intent of your comments. "Noble Servant of allah" (Abdullah Karim,) has got to be the fakest choice imaginable for a phony islamopath name. You shouldn't have used a Spanish phrase. Even though you deliberately misspelled "comprende," it was a dead giveaway. Americans use that phrase mockingly, not muslims.

You're obviously just a leftist troll trying to provoke a juicy quote from a "right-winger" that you can post on some moonbat blog.

Here's some for the record; Death to islam! Muslims suck! Nuke 'em! Force 'em to bathe! muhammed was a Monkey buggerer who fellated Pigs!

Or how about these:
Q: Why don't muslims like blow-jobs?

A: Because camels bite.

Q; What do you call 800 million muslims buried up to their necks in desert sand?

A: Not enough sand.

Q: Whats the most popular brand of toilet paper in the muslim world?

A: The left hand.

Q: Why do muslims hate pigs?

A: They cant stand the competition.

Jeff Barqholz, you are full of

Item I doubt that Abdullah is a "leftist"
Comprende was not mispelled it's meanings include understand and comprehend.

What was mispelled was the word Señor, he spelled it senior.

Get a clue, not all leftists are dhimmi's or Islamophiles, in fact it is my experience especially on Liberty Forum That the overwhelming majority of Islamophiles and antisemites are actually on the religious right.. starting with the Catholics (who make up the majority of converts to Islam) and add in the Presbyterians, Muslims and Episcopalians...

In the lexicon of the day (thanks to the religious rights culture war) the enemy of an enemy is a friend (but not mine). Even Anne Coulter and Pat Buchanan (and neither are "liberal" or left) embrace warmly muslims as allies in the culture war.

In fact on that website, you will find that the vast majority of Islamophiles are leftist hating, liberal hating, misogynistic, anti gay, anti choice, anti feminist, antisemitic right wingers.


You tell Jeff he is full of excrement, fair enough.
You then unload an equally steamy pile onto the page.
You lose the moral high ground and credibility by doing so.
(at least Jeff brought crude jokes to the table with him)


You tell Jeff he is full of excrement, fair enough.
You then unload an equally steamy pile onto the page.
You lose the moral high ground and credibility by doing so.
(at least Jeff brought crude jokes to the table with him)



Abdullah the troll misspelled "comprende" as "comprehende." Comprende?

Yes, he was undoubtedly a member of the religious right. You can probably trace his IP address to the Crystal Cathedral. Conservative Christians are well known fans of islam.

Nobody opposes jihad more stoutly than the left. Thank God for college professors, the New York Times and Cindy Sheehan.

Thanks for letting me know that islamophiles include Catholics, Presbyterians and....muslims.

I guess I missed Ann Coulter and Pat Buchanan hugging muslims. Did you see that on "The Daily Show," or in a Reuters photograph?

Is the "religious right's culture war" the one that prevents Christians from exercising their freedom of religion? Is the religious right responsible for prohibiting people from saying "Merry Christmas" on Christmas day--a Christian holiday? No doubt they're the ones who banned all religious symbols (except for islamic ones,) from the public forum, sued the federal government over the Pledge Of Allegiance and the Ten Commandments, banned students from wearing crucifixes to school, defended the the Oregon University cartoons blaspheming Christianity, protested the cartoons that depicted muhammed accurately, burned down all those Churches and teach "natural selection" to our students as a fact.

I'm a leftist-hating, anti-infanticide, anti-female supremacist gentleman. Does that make me an islamophile? Should I stop bathing and convert to islam?

Thank God for all those moderate/conservative hating, illiberal, misandrist, anti-marriage, anti-life, female supremacist, anti-Semitic leftists. Without their fathomless hatred, how would we ever defend ourselves from the jihadis?

Now, if only we could get them to hate jihadis instead of mainstream America and Western culture.

-Jeff Bargholz,

Pay no attention to Nariz. He's just a poisonous little toad looking for attention and a hypocrite of such monumental proportions that you'd think he was trying to be satirical. He seldoms posts anything about the topic of the page and growls and yaps like a maladjusted chihuahua that would rather shred the pants' cuffs of what he sees as the vast Christian/Republican/Conservative conspiracy than attack the mohammedan burglar/rapist/murderer climbing in through the window.
He's not worth your, or anyone else's, time.

This monstrosity of the proliferating Islamic Bomb should be stopped cold.

Just last week, on August 25th, 2006, five executives of a precision instruments maker in Japan were arrested on suspicion of illegally exporting equipment to Malaysia that could be used in making nuclear weapons.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police arrested the president and four other executives of Mitutoyo for allegedly exporting advanced measuring devices without government permission to an unspecified recipient in Malaysia, a police spokesman said.

While the police provided few details, reports in the Japanese news media said the devices were sold to Scomi Precision Engineering, a company that was part of the network used by Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani nuclear scientist. Scomi Precision's parent, the Scomi Group, was principally owned by Kaspadu, a holding company linked to a Sri Lankan businessman, B.S.A. Tahir, now in custody in Malaysia. Tahir has been accused of helping Khan to distribute controlled nuclear technology to Iran.

The sophisticated machines produced by Mitutoyo, normally used in the precision manufacture of parts for commercial products like automobiles, can also be used in making the centrifuges that enrich uranium for weapons production.