Nasrallah sheds crocodile tears

I think it actually is likely that he didn't expect Israel to make any serious response. "Nasrallah sorry for scale of war," from the BBC, with thanks to all who sent this in:

Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah has said he would not have ordered the capture of two Israeli soldiers if he had known it would lead to such a war.

"Had we known that the kidnapping of the soldiers would have led to this, we would definitely not have done it," he said in an interview on Lebanese TV.

He added that neither side was "heading towards a second round" of fighting....

This could mean that Hizballah is in worse shape than his crowing about a great victory might lead one to believe.

Speaking in Brussels on Friday, Mr Annan said the plan would only work if the enlarged UN force, called Unifil 2, was "strong, credible and robust".
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Lies. Posturing. Attemping to manipulate the media and public opinion. We know who they really are: they hide behind children.

Sorry, we don't buy the testimony.

Why is the UN deafeningly silent about the safe return of the two Israelis captured? No follow up there at all.

"This could mean that Hizballah is in worse shape than his crowing about a great victory"

I really hope so.Also if they were victorious why whine and beg for aid? Along with the Israeli Soldiers the entire aid money donated should be returned.

Nobody looks forward to coexisting with viruses and germs let alone providing them with nourishment.The day these parasites are wiped out totally extinct,lasting Peace would follow.

Nasrallah must have woken up from his "victory" hangover to realise:

His "brave" soldiers, not wearing a uniform, except to mask their faces, hid in civilian areas, using locals for human shields.

There were many more casualties and destruction on his side than for his adversary.

The world witnessed his ragtag army of hate-filled, fanatical, automatons, haphazardly fire THOUSANDS of rockets, mostly landing into the sand. One rocket killed Arab children playing in the street.

No Muslims were released from Israeli prisons, in fact, many more have been incarcerated, including political figures and other Muslim "leaders".

So, Mr Nasrallah, how DO you spell VICTORY?

"I wouldn't have started a war if I thought I was going to lose!" what a phony, or maybe he just thought Israel would cave in and negotiate?

Typical of egoistical leaders through the ages, they are so full pride and arrogance in there own ability that they have little understanding in fine tuning the reaction to, or the consequences of there actions. Hitler when he invaded Poland, Nasser when he nationalised the canal. The Japanese when they invaded Pearl Harbour and Sadam Hussain when he invaded Kuwait. The same will happen when the mad diner jacket gets his atom bomb. The world will be dragged into an terrible world war in a fit of hubris, and we have the audacity to call ourselves intelligent.

Sadly the chances of UNIFIL 2 being "strong, credible and robust" are just about zero.

Kofi Annan has made it clear that the UN will have no part of disarming Hezbollah terrorists, and the French now have permission to use rubber bullets.

This is all a very bad joke.

I know that many people have problems with DEBKAfile, but when they are not forecasting, they are pretty good. Take a look at this;

Hezbollah lost the most recent round, but the UN and the international "forces" are going to ensure that such an outcome does not recurr.


I don't know whether anyone realized it, but this admission by Nasrallah should snuff out any future objections by any Peace Now, or any other appeasers, not to go to war.

Will Nasrallah follow up by releasing the 2 soldiers Hizbullah captured, that lead to this war?

He was expecting negotiations, read appeasement, and now freaked out because he got a heavy military reaction instead, incomplete yet forceful nonetheless. We have it here from Nasrallah himself that abandoning the way of appeasement pays dividends.

(Ah, IP - great minds...)

"The UN Secretary General will go ahead with raising more international soldiers from Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh, despite their refusal to maintain diplomatic relations with Jerusalem. He said he would take the best peacekeepers “wherever he can find them “– even if Israel does not accept this."
Debka File

This sounds like a better plan than any kidnapping.

He should try to sell it as an "extensive urban renewal project" since Hezbollah's HQ was said to be in southern Beruit, a "mostly slum area" in first news reports on the Israeli response.

I suspect Hezbollah was devastated by Israel and if left alone, Israel would have cleared southern Lebanon of Hezbollah.

As in the Past , outsiders coerced Israel to back off. This has cost Israel dearly before and it will do so again.

The proper way to attack is to keep the attack ongoing. Do not stop for a minute until the enemy is destroyed. By stopping, you are condeming your soldiers to fight even harder the next time.

Once again Israel escapes victory by being forced to enter the jaws of death.

I suspect the two "missing soldiers" were dead the day they were taken.

If Israel is attacked again (and it will be), Israel should be allowed a no holds barred fight.

Victory in war demands total committment to the death and destruction of the enemy. This can be accomplished militarily or economically.

The Islamic terrorists are using the economical aspect of warfare more than the military aspect when dealing with America. People are more concerned with their money than their lives.

Sam Adams wrote:
If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."


MUSLIMIC REMORSE??? I can't believe my ears.

Now he is whining about the devastation he called down upon his own by provoking Israel and not backing down?

Now he is whining after he threatened to blow up Tel Aviv?

Is this a feigned show of "gee, I'm sorry" to get everyone to lighten up on them? Or get more help?

WHAT??? Running the Pitiful Pete act?

Disgusting. Foul. Just as disgusting and foul as the arrogance and hatefulness displayed by the Islamos.

Yes... Nasrallah is pitiful. So now, all the Hizbollah are supposed to be "sorry"?


Someday Nasrallah will go outside to get some fresh air. Certain people will be waiting for that moment in the sunshine.

Zionist Youngster said: "He was expecting negotiations, read appeasement, and now freaked out because he got a heavy military reaction instead, incomplete yet forceful nonetheless. We have it here from Nasrallah himself that abandoning the way of appeasement pays dividends."

Comment: That goes for domestic responses, too. One big difference between Islam's spread before it was stopped at the Gates of Vienna and its spread now is that the former was due to military action whereas the latter is due to cowardice--otherwise known as loss of belief in one's own religion, culture, and right to national identity. That cowardice hides behind multiculturalism and (in the U.S.) a miscontruction of the First Amendment. If we reject those suicidal policies, Muslims pursuing policies of imperialism, infiltration, and demographic conquest would recoil in astonishment, as Nasrallah seems to be doing in response to Israel's unexpected (by him) response to the cross-border raid. We might then force them to retreat from our own "Gates of Vienna."

I don't know why the Jews got so upset,i only violated international law by digging a tunnel to the other side of the border and came up and killed 8 Israeli soldiers and kidnapped 2 others that have not been seen since.


excellent post.

Thank You.

Especially for the Sam Adams quote!

"Had we known that the kidnapping would have led to this, we would definitely not have done it"

"Had I known that killing my neighbor would have led me to death row, I would definitely not have done it, your honor"

A snake shedding crocodile tears. Interesting. Wonder if he too will die of AIDS from buggering one of his bodyguards like Arafat did?

Robust ?
Maybe CoffeeOnan needs some viagra himself.

Stop kidding yourselves, he's not at all intimating he considers this a defeat. This is a Terrorist to Statesman Transformation Alert. Showing the more sensitive, introspective side.

Translation: "Don't blame me for the destruction of Lebanon's infrastructure, it was just those evil Jews over-reacting to my little game with the soldiers. Those Jews just don't have any sense of humor"

One must ask oneself what Nasrallah gets from saying this. I'm not sure, but it looks to me like he's trying to placate any Lebanese that may be madder than hell at him for getting their country bombed to smithereens by Israel.

Concerned Citizen: interesting take on the terrorist-to-statesman thing. I observed that with Hamas'Ismail Haniyeh this past weekend in regards to the Fox journalists release. (Though he is seen as a "moderate"; whatever that can possibly mean in the context of a terrorist organization.)

Sargeant Brown: did Sam Adams really say that? Well, I'll have to go home and hoist one to him tonight, then. Great quote; thanks.

I was thinking that America should just pull out of the U.N. given that it is worthless and overrun by Muslims and (fearful and greedy dhimmi's).

However, We Are a permanent member of the Security Council with a veto that enables us to strike down any U.N. Action (like invading Israel) that the Muslims could concoct..

Therefore the only useful purpose for us staying in the U.N. is our ability to cast a negative vote in the Security Council, otherwise the muslims would use the U.N. as a weapon against us and Israel.

More Lebanon News

Nasrallah Says He Regrets Soldier Captures Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has admitted he would not have ordered last month’s capture of two Israeli soldiers had he known Israel would have responded as it did. In an interview with Lebanese TV, Nasrallah said: "We did not think, even one percent, that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude… Had we known that the kidnapping of the soldiers would have led to this, we would definitely not have done it."

Reports: Prisoner Swap Imminent, Italy Offers Help
Nasrallah’s comments come amid increased speculation of an imminent prisoner exchange with Israel. The Hezbollah leader says Italy and the United Nations have made overtures to help negotiate a deal. Meanwhile, the Egyptian state newspaper Al-Ahram is reporting the German government has brokered a deal between Israel and Hizbullah for a prisoner exchange within two or three weeks. Hezbollah officials did not confirm or deny the report but Israel says it’s untrue. Israel has acknowledged it holds 13 Hezbollah prisoners and the bodies of dozens of guerrillas that it could swap for the two captive soldiers.

Rev. Jackson: Syria To Assist Negotiations
Meanwhile, the US civil rights leader Reverend Jesse Jackson is in the Middle East as part of ongoing talks for a hostage exchange. In Damascus Sunday, Reverend Jackson said Syria was prepared take part in a negotiated solution.

* Rev. Jesse Jackson: “(Syrian President Bashar Assad) supports the finding of their status and their release -- the Israelis, Lebanese, and Syrians -- but they are not in his direct control. He uses influence and appeal. At the end we find out what their status is and ultimately their release. And his influence, we think, is positive and substantial."

In Lebanon, British MP Galloway Praises “Great and Historic Victory”
The British Parliamentarian George Galloway is also in Lebanon this week. Speaking in Beirut Saturday, Galloway hailed what he called Hezbollah’s “great and historic victory.”

* British MP George Galloway: "I came here to extend my congratulations to the Lebanese people on a great and historic victory against this aggression... And in particular, I want to congratulate the Lebanese resistance and their leading edge, Hizbollah, whose martyrs and whose heroes have achieved this great victory… Tony Blair did everything he could to extend, to prolong, to intensify the suffering of the people of Lebanon. The blood of these thousands is on his hands."

EU Pledges 7,000 Troops for Lebanon Force
The European Union has pledged up to seven thousands troops for an expanded UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon. The decision came out of an international conference in Brussells.

* Lebanese Foreign Minister Fawzi Salloukh: “We are happy here in Lebanon because the Brussels conference yielded positive results. The decision taken by sending about 7000 to 8000 European soldiers to join the UNIFIL is of great assistance and help the Lebanese army which has already started to deploy in the south of Lebanon."

I saw George Galloway speak, and George now looks certifiably 100% Muslim. He is growing a beard and mustache in the Muslim style.

Nariz, don't you see that poor George has a problem? He praises the "insurgents" in Iraq who are slaughtering Shi`ites. Then he goes to Beirut and praises a Shi`ite party that wants to slaughter Jews. He can't make up his mind which side to support in the REAL struggle, that between the followers of the Sunna and the kulab al-Rafidiyin.

By the way, how come all those very righteous preachers of the sanctity of international law, when it comes to Israel, have not noticed that the heroic, victorious Hizbullah [whose leader, Nasrullah, is still in concealment like the last imam] has not allowed the Red Cross to visit the Israeli prisoners it holds as required by international law?

Unifil 2 is destined to fail because Annan has already admitted that they are not going to try to disarm Hezbollah. Annan has amazingly admitted that the UN is leaving it to the Lebanese government to disarm the Hezzbos. This is ludicrous, given that the entire country of Lebanon is practically run by Hezzbollah.

So what we will see is a new and stronger Hezzbollah who will plot and wait till the time is right, or they get orders from Tehran, to attack Israel again. As soon as the Mullahs in Iran need another diversion, they will give the orders. Given the security council resolution, which has already been violated by Iran, comes due in 2 days, I see another conflict not far off. This one with more regional ramifications.

It might be part of Israel's bigger plan - to prove how inept the UN actually is.