Nasrallah to Arab leaders: Promote ceasefire

Since Islamic law stipulates that Muslim forces should only agree to a truce in order to give them time to gather their strength to fight again more effectively, this likely means that Nasrallah realizes he's losing. "Hizbullah Secretary-General Nasrallah Calls on Arab Leaders to Promote Ceasefire in Meetings With U.S.," from MEMRITV, with thanks to all who sent this in:

The following are excerpts from an interview with Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, which aired on Al-Manar TV on August 3, 2006. It is noteworthy that Nasrallah is now approaching Arab leaders and imploring them to raise their voices to demand a ceasefire, in their private meetings with the Americans. In the last few weeks, he has been reviling these leaders, saying that he needs no help from them and that they should "get off his back."



"Go and prove your love to Lebanon over there. Raise your voice over there. Be real men, if only for a single day, over there, in order to save your thrones, and to save whatever is left of your honor. I'd like to say to the leaders of our Arab and Islamic countries that in the New Middle East there will be no place for your thrones. You have abandoned your moral and national responsibility, out of fear for your thrones. But in the New Middle East, you will have no thrones, and there is no certainty that you will even have countries. Your states will be divided, by the map of the New Middle East, into cantons and midget-states, on the basis of religion, sects, and race. That large country will not remain a large country, that rich country will not remain a rich country, thrones will not remain thrones, and seats will not remain seats. For your own sake, for the sake of your thrones, I say to you: Combine your humanity with your thrones, and act - even for a single day - to stop this aggression against Lebanon. From the first day, I said that I do not ask or call upon you to do anything. I still do not, but I want to protect you, our country, and our homeland. This is how those who want can help Lebanon."

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get a load of this

"whats an endangered animal?"

you can read it both ways - the way i read it, is that there's a pro-israel webmaster at the BBC...

It would be madness for the American administration to turn down Israel's willingness to deal forcefully with Hezbollah. And a little common sense would tell everyone that those who do not support Hezbollah in Lebanon, which is all those who took part in the demonstrations of that "Cedars Revolution" that perhaps built up expectations a bit too much (and ignored, of course, the unpleasant truth that a real democracy, rather than the confessional parcelling out of offices based on an agreement made many decades ago, itself reflecting a census in Lebanon last taken in the 1930s), simply cannot speak now, or if they speak, are likely to go through pro-forma criticism of Israel, because there is every reason to be afraid of criticising Hezbollah, and no price to be paid for criticising, as Hezbollah wants, those "disproportionate" Israelis. Of course Israel has not been "disproportionate" -- no, it has been, only it has been disproportionately restrained, disproportionately held back, inhibited, by its own compunction, from behaving as any Western country, as England or France without hesitation, would behave if 2,300 missiles had been lobbied into the major cities and countryside of either country, by a group that had seized independent power in another country, and was working furiously, digging bunkers, making emplacements for missile launchers, receiving anti-tank missiles and rockets and missiles that far outnumbered the armories of many European countries. And if a few of the Christians are surprised at the handful of attacks in what is regareded as Christian territory would think clearly, they would see that every target -- such as the bridge and highway to Syria just hit -- are directly related to weakening Hezbollah, and to preventing the replenishment of Hezbollah's supply of missiles and other weapons.

What else can Israel do? And why does anyone presume that any other country in the world would do less, or has the moral right to tell the Israelis when they must stop from defending themselves? That is intolerable. But a good many things that are now accepted, that are par for the course, in dealing with the country that has been the most obvious victim, but certainly not the only or last victim, of the renewed Jihad made possible by OPEC oil revenues and by the large-scale presence of Muslims in the West, and of Muslims and their collaborators burrowing into, and rising high in assorted bureacracies, including that of the U.N., and the E.U.

Let's hope it takes a very long time for this "ceasefire" that Hezbollah so desperately wants, and that the Americans would be fools to allow them to get (but the Americans in dealing with Islam so far have shown they are incoherent, they do not know where to put their feet and hands).

Hizbullah Secretary-General Nasrallah Calls on Arab Leaders to Promote Ceasefire in Meetings With U.S.

One question: Is this the same Nasrallah who calls often for "Death to America, Death to Israel"?
Is he then pleading with the enemy, at least exhorting his hosts, his benefactors in the Muslim world, to PLEAD with the enemy to please ceasefire, and allow us time to re-arm, in order to bring death to You?

Just wondering out loud, ROFL...

Or, Nasrallah could release the kidnapped Israeli soldiers, surrender his weapons and move his fighters out of South Lebanon. But he won't do that; it would besmirch his Arab sense of honor. Nasrallah seems to have backed himself into a corner; the only honorable way to get out of this is for Israel to stand down or for Hezbollah to die. Let's hope that the US doesn't screw it up by imposing a premature intermission.

Death to Noserallah is most likey very scary for him, as he was shown how his days are numbered, and now he whines for the good of Lebanon. Bush has been the more consistent with Israel than any other president, and even with the constant barrage coming from arab, EU, UN, he has held off his call for Israel to hold back. Hezbollah will be most difficult to stop their attack on Israel, and with the agreement brokered by the US and France, Israel still has rights to attack their attackers. so Israel its now to do the right thing!

The UN and EU wouldn't care if Isreal was losing and it's civilians were being killed.The dhimmi UN has been discredited as most know they only "care" because Isreal is winning. Hezbollah and their supporters are desperate for a hudna aka "immediate ceasefire" because they know they are losing.The good news is that both Hezbollah and the "government" of Lebanon have rejected the UN draft for "cessation of hostilities". Among other things US ambassador to the UN John Bolton said the US made sure the words "immediate ceasefire" were NOT included in the draft. Here's an excerpt from Jack Kelly latest column in which he points out that world opinion is overrated.The only opinion that matters is that of George W. Bush and he supports Isreal.

But world opinion is overrated. Intellectually and morally, it is no more valuable than Mel Gibson's opinion after he has consumed a bottle of tequila. But leave that aside.

The only non-Israeli whose opinion matters much to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is President Bush, who remains steadfast in his support.

The propaganda war matters more than ever before, but still matters less than what happens on the battlefield, where Hezbollah is getting its clock cleaned, though that's difficult to tell from the news coverage.

The news media emphasize that Israel has been unable to prevent Hezbollah from shooting rockets into Israel. But those rockets have done little damage. It has taken, on average, 100 rockets to produce a single Israeli fatality.

In the fire fights in Lebanon, Hezbollah has been losing more than 9 fighters for each Israeli soldier killed, a lousy exchange ratio for a numerically inferior force.

Hezbollah's supply lines from Syria largely have been interdicted, and the raid Tuesday (August 1) on Hezbollah's "capital" of Baalbek in the Bekaa valley indicates the Israelis can strike wherever they want, whenever they want.

If President Bush doesn't succumb to world opinion, Israel will win, soon, a decisive victory. And then world opinion will change.

If he releases the two Isareli soldiers, that would be the equivalent of "say Uncle." But even if he does -- and he may, with a great show of phony magnanimity that is supposed to win the world's approval (oh, it will, it will, nothing is too obvious to not fool those who are so eager and willing to be fooled)-- the Israelis should ignore the hollow gesture. The only thing that counts are those missiles, and getting the remaining ones turned in to a U.N. Force. For otherwise, in six months or a year, or in two years, or in five years, those missiles will be used. And Israel, one assumes, will be working full-time trying to find, and to destroy, those missiles -- and will if it must bomb again. And it should.

So the decision will now be up to that peacekeeping force. Is it going to find and destroy the missiles that Israel, if it accepts the ceasefire, will have surrendered its own hard-won chance to find and destroy them in the next month or so?

If nothing else comes out of this, Israelis must come to their senses, look at Lebanon, look at Gaza, then look carefully at the "West Bank" and realize that never, never, never must a single inch or dunam of that territory be relinquished. Even for the successive stupid governments of Israel, and its semi-idiotized elites, there are limits to the suicidal denial, or there should be. And Infidels everywhere have a stake in forcing the Israelis to realize what is up, the nature of that unassuagable Jihad, and in so doing, to help themselves to realize as well what they, especailly in Western Europe, face -- though with less emphasis on the instrument of violence, and more on that of Da'wa and demographic conquest. It's the same Jihad, waged for the exact same goals, prompted by the exact same texts and attitudes, against both Israel and against the peoples and nations of Europe.

semi-idiotized elites, well said Hugh, my feelings exactly. earlier posts l read that the much loved Hizbollah killed by firing squad Christian and Druze Lebanese for their informing Israeli military of their hideouts. we here from different sources many other Lebanese are hoping and wishing perhaps might help, that the Israelis destroy Hizbollah, but you never hear of that point of view on the "old media".

Naziallah seems to be talking with forked tongue. On one hand he's speaking for the global nation of Islam and on the other hand he's speaking as a patriotic Lebanese. You can't be both. The finger seems to point to him using the Lebanese people as pawns in his attempt to establish a Lebanese Islamic state but in the meantime inflict injury on Israel. Now that his game is about up he's looking for his big brothers (while doubting their manhood) to call off the Infidels.

Hopefully Condi Rice will take a vacation in Antartica and of course the UN bureacrats will agrue for weeks without coming to a decision. This will give Isreal more than enough time to do this coward in along with his band of gangsters.

"Since Islamic law stipulates that Muslim forces should only agree to a truce in order to give them time to gather their strength to fight again more effectively, this likely means that Nasrallah realizes he's losing."

From the Article above

Doesn't this follows the principle of Muhammad after the battle of Badr, where Muhammad was weak and made a treaty with the Jews and then he gained strength and attacked them? Same as Bin Laden's "Truce" to the American people, while Star Jones played dhimmi on The View and said we should consider it. Just curious if I got my Islamic facts staright.

Someone sounds afraid. lol

It has finally dawned on Nasrallah and the rest of the islamic vomit ie umma that there was one key ingredient lacking to successfully prosecute this latest gamble...BRAINS!!! I have only one wish and that is for this big piece of muslim dog shit to stew in his own piss a little longer before the Israelis finally put him out of his misery.

Im informed by relaible sources in lebanon that since the little raid by 200 israeli commandos in the bekaa that the majority of his people are suffering sleep deprivation since they are all pissing themselves with worry about when the next entebe styled raid is comming...they are all scared shitless and beginning to see the benfits of being at home watching the Simpsons rather than all dressed up in camo gear waiting for a bomb to rip them a new crack.

Let him beg now, see how much help he will get from the Syrians or Iranians...does he really think that any leader in the arab world is going to get involved to "pressure" the west to call a cease fire. Who the fuck does he think he is? first he belittles these same arab rulers by calling them eunuchs then less than two weeks later asks for their help?!?!? He will be sucking salt for sure when he realises they aint comin...What a joker...All we need now is for our inept, spineless power hungry politicians to finally grow a pair and make the announcment that all lebanese are still waiting to hear..."YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR THE LEBANESE PEOPLE WE THEREFORE DEMAND THAT YOU LAY DOWN ARMS FOR THE SAKE OF THE SAME PEOPLE ON WHOS BEHALF YOU PROFESS TO HAVE STARTED A MINI WAR. YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!(emphasis mine)"

The end is near and he will be called to account. There are a lot of book-keepers who want to "talk" to him.

Bye bye Nassi..


"The Israelis are tanning my hide. Halp !"

If Israel stops now, next time there will be 100,000 rockets to reckon with.

when Hezbollah has been destroyed militarily by Israel, now it is Lebanese time to root out Hezbollah completely from their country.

Go Israel !!!

Hizbullah's Nasrallah ignored reality when he did not heed months of warnings from Israel, warnings that she would respond to any attack, that Israel's response would be "very painful" to Hizbullah, to Hizbullah's allies. Now Hizbullah and Iran dream that Israel will be moved to a cease fire by tricks and propaganda. But Israel will not (must not) stop until Hizbullah is utterly destroyed. If Israel does not destroy Hizbullah, Hizbullah will be back, and Israel will face a catastrophic war in the future in which guided missiles from Iran will replace aimless Hizbullah rockets. For Hizbullah, for Iran-this is a rehearsal.

If Israel desires peace she must use the terrible swift sword on Hizbullah to completion and then turn the sword to Iran -for if Israel does not do that, it will eventually mean the destruction of the Jewish state. I hope Israel will choose peace now by doing what is necessary to have peace later.

Great to hear Nosey squealing like a pig.

There's plenty of time for a cease fire - about two months from now when every last Hesbo is either killed or captured.

Ole Nasarallah had better watch his back, Muslims do not like people who "negotiate".Just look at the numerous Muslim leaders who have been assinated by Muslims (i.e. Sadat) or terrorists who have been assinated because they became ineffective or just in the way (i.e. Abu Nidal).
Nasarallah belongs to a victory or death organization , and he is losing.