New proposal from Hizballah: We'll keep weapons, just not show them publicly

Yes, you read that right. From the Jerusalem Post: "Hizbullah likely to retain weapons"

Hizbullah will not hand over its weapons to the Lebanese government but rather refrain from exhibiting them publicly, according to a new compromise that is reportedly brewing between Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Seniora and Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah.
The UN cease-fire resolution specifically demands the demilitarization of the area south of the Litani river. The resolution was approved by the Lebanese cabinet.
In a televised address on Monday night, Nasrallah declared that now was not the time to debate the disarmament of his guerrilla fighters, saying the issue should be done in secret sessions of the government to avoid serving Israeli interests.

More sterling logic:

"This is immoral, incorrect and inappropriate," he said. "It is wrong timing on the psychological and moral level particularly before the cease-fire," he said in reference to calls from critics for the guerrillas to disarm.
According to Lebanon's defense minister, Elias Murr, "There will be no other weapons or military presence other than the army" after Lebanese troops move south of the Litani. However, he then contradicted himslef [sic] by saying the army would not ask Hizbullah to hand over its weapons.
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More and more it appears that the only distinction between the Lebanese Army and Hizebola is that one wears an official gov't issued uniform and the other does not.

He also said any countries that were involved in postponing a cease-fire should now PAY all the expenses of rebuilding Lebanon and their people.

Last night on the news I saw a report that Hezbollah insisted on rebuilding Lebanon and made a demand that outsiders not interfere.
It would seem to me that they have something to hide.

Well buddy, the truth is out , Lebanon is Hezbollah. We would be wise not to get involved with money or repairs without getting credit for it.

Just what is Hezbollah hiding? Weapons, plans, or the truth?

This morning I heard Shimon Peres saying something to the effect that the Arabs should not allow the Iranians to take over Arab lands and politics. That might be a theory to repeat more often and to exploit. I don't pretend to know the ins and outs in the ME, but that could help. The Lebanese Christians, Druze and others in Lebanon who do not want to live under the heel of Hizbollah better develop some plan of resistance and do it quickly. Hizbollah will not only have the majority of weapons; they will also control the social fabric of Lebanon, no nightclubs, no Egyptian soap operas, no Miss Lebanon in the Miss Universe pageant. It will be burqas for all the women, regardless of religion and Hizbollah television, preaching hate and their twisted morals all day, every day. Lebanon deserves better.

According to Lebanon's defense minister, Elias Murr, "There will be no other weapons or military presence other than the army" after Lebanese troops move south of the Litani. However, he then contradicted himslef [sic] by saying the army would not ask Hizbullah to hand over its weapons.

More from Lebanese Defense Minister Murr on Fox News this morning, where they quoted him as saying that disarming Hizb'allah was not Lebanon's job, but Israel's. (!)

Yes, and Canada is responsible for eradicating the Mafia in the US--and while they're at it, why hasn't Belgium done more about England's street crime?

Exsgtbrown wrote:

Last night on the news I saw a report that Hezbollah insisted on rebuilding Lebanon and made a demand that outsiders not interfere.
It would seem to me that they have something to hide.

I think there is even more to it than having something to hide, although I'm sure that this is a *big* part of it.

Many in Lebanon, even senior government officials, have claimed, insanely, that Hizb'allah had "liberated" Lebanon. I think Hizb'allah wants to take credit for rebuilding Lebanon after the "depredations" of the "Zionist Entity'.

In the report I saw, it sounded as though they were not only promising to offer aid, but were threatening ordinary Lebanese not to accept aid from elsewhere, such as international charities.

You also have to wonder where this aid will come from--is the Lebanese government letting Hizb'allah handle its own tax revenues? Or is the money going to come from Syria and Iran? Either way, deeply disturbing.

I believe the Muslims are trying to exert control over the people, dominate them, indoctrinate them and enslave them. Islam should not be allowed to control countries or people in the violent ways of Islam.

Let Hizballah get comfortable, then...........