New York man charged with relaying Hizballah TV

I don't know why Javed Iqbal felt he had to go to such lengths. Wasn't Reuters enough? "Man Charged With Relaying Hezbollah TV," from AP, with thanks to Jeffrey Imm:

NEW YORK (AP) - A businessman was charged with providing satellite broadcasts of a Hezbollah television station to New York-area customers, authorities said Thursday.

Javed Iqbal, 42, was arrested Wednesday on conspiracy charges of enabling the broadcasts of al Manar, which was designated by the U.S. government this spring as a global terrorist entity, U.S. Attorney Michael Garcia said in a statement.

Garcia said Iqbal used satellite dishes at his Staten Island home to distribute the broadcasts through a Brooklyn company called HDTV Limited.

Later on AP tells us that Hizballah is "sophisticated" (wearing white gloves as they launch terror attacks against civilians, I suppose) and sniffs at the U.S. designation of the group as a terrorist organization:

The U.S. government considers Hezbollah, Lebanon's most sophisticated Shiite group, to be a terrorist group.
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Not one muslim in the west has any loyalty to their country of residence. Deport them now, before they attack us with WMDs. Our politicians and government institutions have imported a society of serial killers into the west. When the next big attack comes and we begin to deal with the problem, those Americans, no matter what their title, found responsible need to be held accountable, preferably by having their citizenship revoked and being expelled from the country. I consider the policies of the last 25 years to be the worst breach of our security as a nation in the history of the USA. Evidently, we must give up our fundamental rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to accommodate the muslims.

He did this openly. There are many more terrorist activities going on in your communities covertly. Keep your eyes open and your mind alert.

"Sophisticated"? That's an odd description. Are we to assume that the AP thinks of them as "genteel" or "intellectual" also? Because they have such "European" habits? I imagine them sitting around coffee houses, sipping a little cap, and discussing the ramifications of Pluto being blackballed as a planet.

Does the AP think anyone in the world is evil?

Blogs, in my mind, have become an essential part of the news experience. Without blogs, I think we would have already perished - just from the constant assortment of crap we're fed from Antique Media.

And yours is an extremely important one Robert.

Thank you.

BBC also has it:

A US businessman has been charged with offering broadcasts of Hezbollah's al-Manar satellite television station to customers in the New York-area.

Javed Iqbal, originally from Pakistan, is accused by prosecutors of doing business with a terrorist entity.

Hey, he just liked Al Manure because it played reruns of Green Acres. Mr. Haney was so full of bull-shiite.

The Muslim screeners at AP really need to expand their library of adjectives. 'Sophisticated' sounds hokey. The AP must be a hive of Muslims and their dhimmi slaves.

"The U.S. government considers Hezbollah, Lebanon's most sophisticated Shiite group, "

Read that back a couple of times. Awesome piece of social commentry.

This doesn't surprise me. Actually, when I moved back to the US, I wanted to continue to receive some of the European news channels along with 'Football' (soccer) and Cricket matches.

Unfortunately, our local satellite stations did not offer much in the way of European networks. They 'claimed' that it was due to not having the ability to receive signals from the european satellites.

I was later informed that if I wanted to get canadian satellite (many canadians who have winter homes in the Florida, etc.) are permitted to receive canadian satellite channels via a special service to Canadian citizens. I could, if I wished, go through a particular person up in Canada, and receive Canadian channels, via a special satellite set up. It was no more expensive than the local providers!

If terrorists want to receive terrorist channels, it would be easy to get them in the US if they are permitted in Canada. I don't know this for a fact, but I'm guessing this is how he was able to receive the feed.

That means that nobody at Al-AP knows anybody at Al-AP who has been killed in a terrorist attack - and if they have been killed it was probably their fault anyhow because the good old USA ignored the illegitimate grievances of a terrorist organisation ...

"The U.S. government considers Hezbollah, Lebanon's most sophisticated Shiite group, to be a terrorist group."

that's because they are a terrorist group dummy .. *doh* ...

Yeah - sophisticated like "the Aristocrats".

Deport him! Can someone please explain to me why this man is still breathing American air. (Jail or not)

From article:

“…through a Brooklyn company called HDTV Limited.”

Just imagine, all those beheadings in HDTV!!! No, Reuters alone will not do. The bloodlust of these freaks creates a large demand for all the gory details in HDTV!!!


I don't know why Javed Iqbal felt he had to go to such lengths. Wasn't Reuters enough?
Two reasons:
  1. Reuters is not a TV station;
  2. Reuters doesn't put out their news in Arabic

he's not American, he's not a Newyorker. he's a creepy crawler that slithered his way out from under a rock. I'm sick of "beings" that get citizenship to this wonderful country, yet have no allegiance to Her. DEPORT,DEPORT,DEPORT! Or, if I was islamic, off with his head!

This creep, Iqbal, lives about a mile from my me. How depressing.

Tomorrow, I plan to go stand in front of his house with an American flag.

Nice to know somebody is watching them.

Well, to add insult to injury...the street this man lives on (Van Name Avenue) in Staten Island has an honorific name also. It's James Patrick Ladley, and is named after a victim of the 9/11 WTC attack that took almost 3,000 American lives. This man apparently grew up in the area Iqbal is living, and doing his dirty deeds, in.

How ironic, no?