On the Trail of the Fast-Food Jihadists

This article by Thomas Hüetlin and Britta Sandberg in Spiegel (thanks to DFS) about the recently arrested British jihadists has this tagline: "They came from successful immigrant families and their English neighbors described them as nice boys who seemed harmless. So what turned the British Muslim youth behind this month's massive terror plot into extremists?"

Hmmm. Could it be the jihad imperative as taught by the Qur'an and Sunnah, and emphasized as a Muslim duty by all the schools of Islamic law? Naaah.

Why didn't this Muslim convert, Stewart-Whyte, get instructed in the true, peaceful Islam we keep hearing so much about? Why can't its adherents manage to convince converts that theirs is the genuine article?

High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire is a quiet town 35 minutes from the hectic life of downtown London. Its residents can relax at a cricket match in their white outfits, tend to their roses and never feel the need to rush out onto their lawns in their pyjamas to lock up a forgetful child's bicycle -- which is almost always still there the next day.

About 100,000 people live in this idyllic commuter town, which seems to have preserved many of the more pleasant aspects of old England without ignoring the present. When the British Empire disintegrated, about 15,000 Pakistanis moved to High Wycombe, which would eventually boast one of the island's first ethnic Asian mayors. The town is widely seen as a "successfully integrated community."

But for at least one resident of High Wycombe, Jennifer Baker, the world is no longer what it once seemed. Baker lives at Number 17, Hepplewhite Close. Late in the night of August 10, several police cars stopped in front of a house down the street, Number 31, and dragged a man from a red Nissan Micra, a man Baker says was always a "particularly nice boy."

This particularly nice boy was named Don Stewart-Whyte until six months ago, when he converted to Islam and took the name Abdul Waheed. He and 23 accomplices were accused of having plotted to blow up 12 airliners en route from Britain to the United States. According to Home Secretary John Reid, the authorities had amassed "substantial evidence" against the would-be attackers. This evidence presumably includes intercepted emails and wiretapped phone conversations, but also large sums of money, weapons and bomb-making chemicals. A suitcase containing explosive chemicals was found in woods near High Wycombe on Thursday. Videos featuring the likely martyrs surfaced on Friday, and on the same day authorities in the Pakistani city of Bahawalpur arrested Matiur Rehman, a high-ranking al-Qaida terrorist believed to be behind the thwarted attack.

Read it all.

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"Nice Muslims" are only killers waiting to take action.

If you deal with Muslims, hate becomes apparent as they become incensed quickly.

Ban Muslim Immigration NOW!!

Prisons are filling up with Muslim convicts, charges include, rape, murder, arson, assault, money laundering,vandalism, and so on.

Let us not waste tax dollars supporting these people in our prison systems. DEPORT THEM NOW!!

Ban land ownership by all foreigners. Most countries in the world already do so.

IN neighborhoods where Muslims have taken over, the quality of life has deteriorated quickly. Just go to a Muslim neighborhood and see how you are treated.

Islam is a plague that desperately needs a vaccine. It destroys people and ruins the lands it occupies--just look at the countries where Islam thrives.

I hope Britain, the US, Austrailia, and the rest of the free world continues to seek out the terrorists. Do not allow them to win.

Why should anyome have to change their name when converting to Islam ? Are they made to feel ashamed of their Western identity ?

And are'nt all suicide bombers 'nice boys'? They follow the religion of Satan , and since even he is transformed to appear as 'an angel of light' (2 Corinthians 11:14 for you Biblical scholars)then why should not his followers do likewise ?

"Nice Muslims" are only killers waiting to take action.

If you deal with Muslims, hate becomes apparent as they become incensed quickly.

Ban Muslim Immigration NOW!!

Prisons are filling up with Muslim convicts, charges include, rape, murder, arson, assault, money laundering,vandalism, and so on.

Let us not waste tax dollars supporting these people in our prison systems. DEPORT THEM NOW!!

Ban land ownership by all foreigners. Most countries in the world already do so.

IN neighborhoods where Muslims have taken over, the quality of life has deteriorated quickly. Just go to a Muslim neighborhood and see how you are treated.

Islam is a plague that desperately needs a vaccine. It destroys people and ruins the lands it occupies--just look at the countries where Islam thrives.

I hope Britain, the US, Austrailia, and the rest of the free world continues to seek out the terrorists. Do not allow them to win.

Of course all the muslims are nice guys.

They have bought the western media and large part of the Western leadership, so the only BAD and UGLY guys are the Westerners who want to defend the West from the muslim invasion (MUSLIM INVASION = IMMIGRATION + TERRORISM + OIL BLACKMAIL).

I wonder if his parents still call him Don. I'll bet his parents aren't very proud of him.

Is there not an island somewhere in the Atlantic or Pacific that is uninhabited that we could send muslim immigrants to? They don't mesh with our society and they could have all the sharia they could stand. They could trash their neighborhoods, steal, rape and do what ever they want. On their own island. Civilized countries could give the applicants a choice. Stay where you are or go to this island. When this island gets overpopulated, find another.

The muslim problem would be much easier to control. And we would all be much safer.

"High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire is a quiet town..."
-- from the article above

High Wycombe has entered the consciousness of Americans through its assocation with T. S. Eliot, who taught school there. The toponym strikes Americans as delightfully, quintessentially, superabundantly quaintly English, the kind of place that should look like the town of Broadway actually does, but without that disturbing interference of an inapposite, Great-White-Way allusion in its name. Any placename that begins with a "High" or "Little" will do just fine. Eliot, the son of a St. Louis furrier, later acquired considerable fame as a writer, not least because both he, and his friend Ezra Pound, a village crank, were alive and. given the number of English poets in the line of Hardy -- Edward Thomas and Isaac Rosenberg come at once to mind -- who had died in the Great War, had so little competition. There were few around to see them, much less to raise them. And for a long time no one called their bluff.

That nice boy Don Stewart-Whyte more than likely operated with very little morale, and historic foundation which can make some young skulls of mush quite vulnerable. Fortunatley most young people develop a sence of what is right, and what is wrong at an early age. However there are those who are forever searching for what is right and what is wrong (some most of their lives)and I know people like that, and you probably do to.
They simply are not able to use the deductive reasoning that has established the foundations that where afforded them in the enviroment they grew up in. For that nice boy Don Stewart-Whyte to apparently make this giant leap of faith in the short period of 6 months demonstrates a person who was void of any established value system in his pyche. Some people cannot see the forest through the trees even when you point it out to them.

The British Muslim youth unfortunately is one of many sociopathic wasters who gleefully adhere to any false promise that will allow them to flaunt whatever grudge they hold against the society they live in.

Deluded,Aimless and weak willed they are easy prey
for seductive recruiters skilled in subversion tactics and false rhetorics honed over centuries.

After all isnt Islam the Mother of all Cults promising Paradise especially if the evils you commit are within its mores. Lets face it ...it appeals to the innate base instincts inherent in Man....lust ,
greed , power over women and lesser mortals etc etc

You know the vices that have been fought against and controlled since man formed social groups.

He's just another little inadequate psychopath who requires some justification to brutalise and suppress
his fellow beings for the gall of being different , not belonging etc etc

Islam has more than its fair share of these little

kelticman, you're a genius.


Of course, it'll go to waste, the Dhimmis will simply shove it under the carpet. HOWEVER, The truth will never lie.

A blue peter badge for you, whether you want it or not. So there.

"He's just another little inadequate psychopath"

A fitting definition for Muck Ham Head. Surely.

" little inadequate psychopath"

Why is that so ever so on target? All three words are needed and , all together, they add up to so much. My, what a scoop! What a wonderful carefree scoop!

A "little inadequate psychopath". It describes ever so perfectly, your next door neighbour AND, at the same time, Stalin. Who probably is your next door neighbour.

BOOM tish

" little inadequate psychopath"

Why is that so ever so on target? All three words are needed and , all together, they add up to so much. My, what a scoop! What a wonderful carefree scoop!

A "little inadequate psychopath". It describes ever so perfectly, your next door neighbour AND, at the same time, Stalin. Who probably is your next door neighbour.

BOOM tish

" little inadequate psychopath"

Why is that so ever so on target? All three words are needed and , all together, they add up to so much. My, what a scoop! What a wonderful carefree scoop!

A "little inadequate psychopath". It describes ever so perfectly, your next door neighbour AND, at the same time, Stalin. Who probably is your next door neighbour.

BOOM tish

" little inadequate psychopath"

Why is that so ever so on target? All three words are needed and , all together, they add up to so much. My, what a scoop! What a wonderful carefree scoop!

A "little inadequate psychopath". It describes ever so perfectly, your next door neighbour AND, at the same time, Stalin. Who probably is your next door neighbour.

BOOM tish

" little inadequate psychopath"

Why is that so ever so on target? All three words are needed and , all together, they add up to so much. My, what a scoop! What a wonderful carefree scoop!

A "little inadequate psychopath". It describes ever so perfectly, your next door neighbour AND, at the same time, Stalin. Who probably is your next door neighbour.

BOOM tish

Savage asked last week: "What is it about this religion Islam that makes it so easily misunderstood, so easily misinterpreted by its members, so they do violence to others?"

Yes, Muslims-tell us exactly what the Jack-the-Ripper Muslims (as in Seattle, e.g.) misinterpret and don't understand re Islam.

but here’s the question no-one seems able to answer: If a white (maybe middle-class) person can go from white-trash loser to active jihadist in 6 months, how do we stop that?
Deporting all Muslim’s won’t solve this problem
Banning the Koran and all forms of Islamic religious observance won’t solve this problem.

Here’s the rub, no-one on this site fully understands how a white person from an advantaged community could so totally turn against his kinfolk. And none of us know how to combat this particular issue.

but here’s the question no-one seems able to answer: If a white (maybe middle-class) person can go from white-trash loser to active jihadist in 6 months, how do we stop that?
Deporting all Muslim’s won’t solve this problem
Banning the Koran and all forms of Islamic religious observance won’t solve this problem.

Here’s the rub, no-one on this site fully understands how a white person from an advantaged community could so totally turn against his kinfolk. And none of us know how to combat this particular issue.

Here’s the rub, no-one on this site fully understands how a white person from an advantaged community could so totally turn against his kinfolk. And none of us know how to combat this particular issue.

I'm not a psychologist, but I'll throw out some ideas. My impression is that well-off white kids gone Jihadi (Stewart-Whyte, John Walker Lindh, etc) were susceptible to recruitment into radical Islam for reasons wholly unrelated to the tenets of the faith--they stumbled into a group that gave them goals and a sense of belonging that they didn't get growing up.

Materially, they've always had what they needed and there's no need to work to rise above their parents' socio-economic level. They've been pampered, and they don't appreciate it. Maybe they even unconsciously resent it--what do they have to look forward to as adults that they don't already have? Jihad has rewards...

Spiritually, maybe their parents took them to Sunday School once or twice so they'd know some people believe in God, but obviously there's a void in their spiritual lives that can be filled by submission to Allah.

Socially...maybe their parents didn't give them enough attention/support/unconditional love and they're still seeking some sort of validation. They weren't fulfilled by the usual adolescent crap--clothes, girls, sport, etc--either because they were smart enough to see that it's all superficial bullshit or because they just didn't fit into the social system.

I'm not going to leave out the possibility of undiagnosed mental illness, either.

They're bored, they're empty, they're nihilistic, they're not satisfied with Western culture. Those kids in Columbine could have been recruited by a radical mosque easy.

I don't know how to combat any of this; I'm pretty sure it can't be done with a government program or public school "self-esteem training"--that tommyrot's a cause, not a cure. Our society's crumbling from within; Islam isn't going to defeat us, we're defeating ourselves. Islam's just along for the ride (although I'm sure they'll take full credit--inadequate little psychopaths indeed!).

Losing your identity by changing your name when you become a muslim, is one of the signs that Islam is a cult! why does this not send "red flags" about Islam? l really do think that the lower the IQ the better convert you become.

l really do think that the lower the IQ the better convert you become.

Posted by: ZenaWarriorPrincess

I think you've hit the nail on the head. Good one Zena!

Zena and Freewoman ,

While I agree that there are many expendable Jihadists with low IQ's ...psychologically those with higher than average IQ's are more prone to a deeper insidious pathological conversion.......

recently it has been educated , miidle class turnips
who are plotting and scheming with the College campuses being the ideal recruiting ground ??

Anyone agree ??

Freewoman asks: "Is there not an island somewhere in the Atlantic or Pacific that is uninhabited that we could send muslim immigrants to? . . . They could trash their neighborhoods, steal, rape and do what ever they want."

It's not exactly uninhabited, but how about Cuba?
If not there, I would suggest a big iceberg.

Freewoman, no! Keep them out of the Pacific, it's bad enough that Indonesia is islam-mad!

There are plenty of islamic countries with nice strict sharia they could be deported to. I'd love to see the spoilt islamist kids from western or westernised families suddenly find themselves under full-blown sharia in a grotty islamist country.

Out of kindness, the young ones should perhaps be given a chance to leave islam and return to the west after a year or so, because quite a few of them would wake up in that environment.

It is without doubt that the muslim movement is nothing less than another "nazi" invasion preparing to conquer and destroy. For those who are aware of the islamic movement and objectives, it is our duty to not keep this information to ourselves, but rather to spread it to everybody. Our elected officials must be made aware of this danger. Our friends, our neighbors must be informed. To sit silent on this issue is dangerous. Stop and consider how the world could have been different if we moved to stop Hitler prior to him launching war on the world. It is not too late to begin demanding that muslims be removed from our countries NOW. By allowing them to remain, we are allowing the cancer of hatred, killing, and dictatorship to spread. If you truely believe in freedom, do what must be done now, rather than later.

Pass on this information now, and shine the light on the islamic threat while you still can.