Once accused of bridge plot, Texas men released on bond


This is the Mackinac Bridge. Yes, it's very pretty, isn't it? So their photos could have been tourist shots. But with the phones and everything else, suspicions linger.

From The Detroit News, with thanks to Jeffrey Imm:

DEARBORN HEIGHTS -- Three Texas men once suspected in a possible plot to blow up the Mackinac Bridge were released from jail today after more than 10 days in custody.

Terrorism-related charges against Maruan Muhareb, 18; Adham Othman, 21; and Louai Othman, 23, were withdrawn by the Tuscola County prosecutor last Wednesday after the FBI and Michigan State Police said there was no evidence linking the men to terrorism.

They were arrested in Caro in Michigan's Thumb on Aug. 11 after police found about 1,000 cell phones and photos of the Mackinac Bridge inside their van.

Nabih Ayad, the Dearborn Heights lawyer representing the men, said the photos were tourist shots and the men are entrepreneurs who bought the phones to sell for a profit. They are victims of ethnic profiling, Ayad said.

But the same day the state charges were dropped, the federal government brought charges of conspiracy to traffic in counterfeit goods and money-laundering. The federal charges relate to an alleged plot to alter the phones software and defraud cell phone companies and consumers through their resale.

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Did they have a merchants license to resell 1000 cell phones?

Do they report income from bootleg phone sales to the IRS?

I just wish these muslims punks would do something. Because it seems without them actually doing something, our society has its hands tied. It is very frustrating to see plot after plot (fast jihad)not come to fruition, while more and more muslims come into the country (slow jihad). We if are successful in foiling the fast jihad, that means the slow jihad will win out, and that is the worst of all possible scenarios for that is the only way they can truly turn us into an islamic state.

Criminal justice is not able to fight terrorism.

Let's hope someone else keeps an eye on the "gentlemen" (talk about REASONABLE CAUSE !!!).

I'm not quite speechless. But, what I would like to say would get me thrown off this site. And everyone would realize how I don't have compassion for these wingnuts any more. And I would be accused of being a Sailor.

These muslim males fell through the cracks.

Whether terrorist or criminals, they need to be on the next boat to sandland.

You're right Job. These or any muslims don't DESERVE to be in our country. They only deserve to be with their like minded cultists in the middle east.

It stated in the article the families were hard pressed to raise $30k for bond money. Anyone know how many cell phones would have to be re-sold to raise that much money?

Once again, I am dismayed by the raving Islamophobia evident on this site. Our leaders and our elite establishment (education, media, etc.) have decided that this country will become even more a rich mosaic of many different, mostly non-Western cultures. To bring about this transformation, tens of millions of Muslims will settle here in the near future. You redneck nativists may rant and rave all you want - the decision has been made and you have nothing to say about it.

Don't worry, be happy!

One, two, many Dearborns!

Viva El Presidente Jorge bin Jorge al-Bush!

Allahu akbar!

This circus is just a distraction. Everybody knows that the real threat is the fanatical Christians who want to impose a theocratic government on the United States.

Fight the real enemy!

Islam is a religion of peace!

Viva El Presidente Jorge bin Jorge al-Bush!

Allahu akbar!

These muslims come here not to enjoy our land, but to take it away from us. They are shock troops. So there is a very good reason for their presence. According to islamic doctrine, there can be no people on earth who are not muslim and free. If one of us breathes, that is an insult to their god. They must come after us, where ever we are. I can assure you that once we are islamicized here in the west, they would go to the arctic and do the same to the eskimos and inuit. They would go to Greenland, they would go to ends of the earth to make sure that not one non-muslim continues to breath a free man. For that one man would be an insult to allah.

There are hundreds of people in antarctica at any given moment in those research stations. They would not be safe either. Somehow, muslims would come for them there, if they could take the cold, and kill them on the spot. Even in Antarctica.

So yes, it makes perfect sense that the muslims come to America and Canada. In order to get to those suckers in antarctica, they have to go through us first.

Ultimately, however, this koranic doctrine does not just apply to the earth. It is univeral. It applies to the universe. What this means is that infidels in the space station would also be an insult to allah. Perhaps, in the muslim mind, an even greater insult since space is where that rock they worship come from. So what would happen, is that they would make every effort to get a space shuttle up to that space station to convert or kill those astronauts.

Allah can not insulted in space.

Now, hypothetically speaking, if there were infidels on the moon, they would not be left in peace, either. Allah can not be mocked, especially from the moon. The moon is the holiest of all places in the islamic mind. For an infidel to breathe on the moon, even if just bottled oxygen, is such an affront to Islam, that muslims would go crazy at the thought that when they look up to the moon, there is an infidel walking all over allah's face.

The lunar attack would come shortly thereafter.

Somehow, with their primitive brains, islamics would have to get to the moon, perhaps hijacking an airliner and demanding that it be flown to the moon under threat of detonation. But since there would be no infidels left, there would be no functioning airliners, so that would not be possible. What they would do is stand on each other's shoulders, like a Chinese circus act, until the top guy could get his hands on the lunar surface. A simple calculation shows that it would take no more than 217,523,143 muslims standing on each others shoulders, end to end, to span the distance from the earth to the mooon. That is how they would do it. And once there, those lunar colonists would be doomed.

Allah must not be insulted. Not here, not in space, and certainly not on the moon.

So yes, Virginia, there is a devil. And that devil has already conquered the middle east, parts of indochina, parts of Africa, into China proper, they are making inroads into parts of the balkans and even parts of south america. The stain is spreading.

Now they are in North American and Europe. From here it will be to the arctic for the pig ape inuit, and down to the antarctive for the pig ape researchers, who as we know, are wasting their time if they are not studying the Koran.

From there, they will look up at the heavens and see the tiny flickering light of the international space station. That would set up them off into a fury.

So onto each others shoulders they will climb.

Allah must not be insulted.

Norseman - Naseem's going to be needing a husband soon, since she has to be owned by a man, so why not you? You get to push around a kindred spirit, she gets to come to your country and continue her da'wa and the free world gets an unstoppable, loving couple who know what they want out of life. We need more couples such as the two of you since we seem to have lost our way. You two definitely know how you'd like the future to look!

Please hook up with Naseem and bring her to the United States. I'm concerned about her health. She posts in the early morning hours, local Paki time, so much that I'm worried about her. And you know the single most stressful event in a person's life is the death of the spouse. And it won't be a sacrifice, I'm sure she's a looker.

thanks and good luck. You should have no problem marrying and bringing in wild slutty womens from a staunch ally like Pakistan.

Please keep us posted if you decide to take my advice. It was so good to hear from you again. I've missed your contribution to this site.

Allahu akbhar

Though I'm aging myself a bit, I can clearly remember camping on the southeast side of the Mackinac bridge while it was under construction in the summer of 1955. The two 550 foot towers where already standing and they where just beginning to lay the tower cables. It was the bridge that almost never got built except for the continous determination of its chief designer Dr. David B. Steinman. Before completion of the bridge in 1957,everything was transported by ship and ferry to the northern peninsula of Michigan and another gateway to Canada. This bridge remain as a testament to mans great imagination as it confronts some of the most severe weather on the planet for a suspension bridge. Nearly 4,000 workers toiled to make this bridge a reality over a 4 year period

As in the destruction of the twin towers by a bunch of Islamicfascists in about 45 minutes, the thought of it angers me almost beyond comprehension. It like the rest of the American infrustructure represents the strength and the foundations that have made America great.

This is the Mackinac Bridge. Yes, it's very pretty, isn't it? So their photos could have been tourist shots.

I don't really think so, since everything infidels do is an insult to islam. Remember how infidels are not supposed to build a house taller than a muslim's house. Also remember how Mohammad Atta talked about our tall buildings insulting islam. It is their duty to undo what we build.

It's a BRIDGE TOO FAR if you ask me,


"They are victims of ethnic profiling, Ayad said."

No, they probably weren't. But they should have been.

Hey Allah, the bottom of my shoe to you.

We are at war and the enemy is Islam and the evil text the Qur'an.

I suspect the Muslims located in the US, Britain, Australia and other countries will be called to attack soon. They will die.

Many Islamic "cells" have been located and the information we are gathering spells doom for the Muslims.

We cannot trust Muslims and the Muslims cannot trust Muslims, (you never know who is a mole).

Islam seeks to destroy all that is beautiful or free. Islam has destroyed any land it occupied, and has destroyed all who refuse to submit.

I refuse to submit and I await for the call to action. Death to Islam!!

I just wish these muslims punks would do something.

I presume that you personally don't want to be around when they do?

Because it seems without them actually doing something, our society has its hands tied.

Even if they flew aircraft into the world trade center; most people would light candles and assure one another that it was work of just a few individuals who want to hijack the religon of peace -- and would do nothing.

It is very frustrating to see plot after plot (fast jihad)not come to fruition, while more and more muslims come into the country (slow jihad).

It might be more frustration to see plot after plot actually come to fruition. I'm content with the status quo; but I don't like Bush's pals flooding the country to displace American citizens.

We if are successful in foiling the fast jihad, that means the slow jihad will win out,

George likes it that way! So does Congress! It displaces American workers; and we certainly don't want to employ Americans do we? It's inflationary you know!

and that is the worst of all possible scenarios for that is the only way they can truly turn us into an islamic state.

That's why George allows his Saudi pals to pay for building all those mosques that are popping up like musshrooms all over the US.

Not only do I think the man is high on crack most of the time (how else can his suicidal foreign policies be explained ?) but I wouldn't be surprised if he Is a closet muslim himself -- or perhaps he's just on the Saudi dole.

I'll wager that after he leaves the presidency of the United States, that George becomes a consultant to the Saudi Royal family just like former Sec. of State Kissinger!

Making a fast buck -- hath no pride or particular loyalty.

Like most globalists, George is kind of like Daffy Duck "it's mine! mine! mine! all mine! Yah hear? mine! I'm rich! rich! Filthy rich! I may be a coward, but I'm a greedy coward!"

Everybody knows that the real threat is the fanatical Christians who want to impose a theocratic government on the United States.

Uhhhh, right! Here, I'll pour you another drink -- a double or triple? Follow it with a Vodka chaser.

Now, what was that about these jokers being released?



Actually, it appears to be not an Either/Or situation: it appears that a certain degree of "hot jihad", below a certain threshhold, actually helps to facilitate the "slow jihad".

We have seen this paradoxical process working, most markedly, since 911 and the post-911 repercussions:

After each major attack (Bali, Madrid, London, plus all the successfully aborted attacks), and after each medium attack (Casablanca, Cairo, Mumbai), and after each smaller incident (the "solo jihads"), and after each major event that displays the Islamic temper (the cartoon riots, etc.) -- after each one of these, we have seen the prejudicial premise of the PC Multiculturalist template, become stronger, not weaker; more entrenched, not flimsier.

This PC Multiculturalist template is a sociopolitical machine that dominates our politics and our society. This machine is a vast filter of all the data that emanates out of the Muslim world, a filtering system by which Islam itself remains protected as blameless and the evil becomes isolated as "a tiny minority of extremists" who, moreover, have grievances to a great extent caused by the West.

All the incidents of "hot jihad" noted above (an incomplete list) have seemed to have actually facilitated the PC Multiculturalist machine's process of disengaging Islam itself from the evil deeds of Muslims.

However, there is probably a certain threshhold -- both in quantity & dispersal of attacks, as well as in quality (i.e., numbers killed, infrastructure destroyed) -- beyond which the PC Multiculturalist machine would not be able to assimilate the data and regurgitate its interpretations according to its template. I don't know what that threshhold is, but I am far less optimistic than most Jihadwatchers that it would be one of which both the quantity and quality were not colossally horrific.

And, of course, the moral of this story is that the paradoxical process of the "hot jihad" actually helping to facilitate the "slow jihad" -- this paradoxical process would not be able to work at all, if it were not for the dominance of PC Multiculturalism in the West; and that dominance is not merely the dastardly doings of our "elites", but flourishes by the collusion -- willing and witless and somewhere in between -- of the vast majority of our ordinary people.

I'm sure you think that Billy Bob Clinton or Jean Francois Kerry would do much better at foreign policy(foreign policy being a very nuanced feild of study and all). Like maybe we would already be part of the Umma.
I don't like everything the George Bush does, but at least he has shown some backbone and let our fighting boys fight. Just not in enough places(yet).

the Dearborn Heights lawyer representing the men, said the photos were tourist shots

I would like to see the photos that they took of the bridge. Was it photos like the one above, showing the graceful curves and the carefree sailboats floating underneath? Or was it closeups of the anchor points on either end of the bridge? Was it photos of the concrete bases for the support columns?

Not that it's any crime to have 1000's of cellphones, tens of thousands of dollars of cash, drums of fuel oil and fertilizer, medical radiological devices, or whatever these particular "youths" were carrying, and closeup photos of the rivet pattern of the bridge span, but I'd just like to know, that's all. And I don't trust our officials or our media to tell us.

By the way, if cellphone components can be used as bomb detonators, then why do we allow financial incentives to collect 1000's of cellphones? We should be discouraging anyone from getting more than one or two, not encouraging them with thousands of dollars to collect them, and then rely on Walmart store policy to stop them. Tell me again, what is the purpose of the "Patriot Act" if it is not focused on stopping jihadists from preparing for attacks?


A Northwestern aircraft flying from Schiphol to India abruptly returned to Amsterdam this evening.

As the flight was on its way, passengers and crew became alarmed from 12 suspicious looking individuals. According to some reports, one of the passengers had received a phone call in flight. While in German airspace, the pilot informed traffic control he was bringing the plane back to Amsterdam.

The plane landed safely, and the 12 dubious passengers were apprehended by Royal Dutch security officers for questioning.

You can listen to the cockpit communication of the pilot with air traffic control on the link below.

Select onderschepte radioverkeer


the only reason why these muslim men were let go, is that they did not have enough evidence on them. l hope the federal government puts them in jail for doing illegal commerce,etc. throw the book at them!

I'm sure you think that Billy Bob Clinton or Jean Francois Kerry would do much better at foreign policy(foreign policy being a very nuanced feild of study and all).

I'm sure if you read my other posts over the last couple of years, you would not have this impression.

In summary, I think George, Clinton, Kerry, and most of the people in government are globalist traitors -- who to my way of thinking -- should be hanged. I also realize that such a thing will never happen for a number of reasons.

I think George is too soft on islamics; and I thinking it is insulting for American combat forces to be put in harms way -- and then tried for war crimes.

I've got many other grips too -- like how the VA mistreats combat vets; just to name a few issues.

Like maybe we would already be part of the Umma.

It wouldn't surprise me to find out that George is a closet muslim and is strung out on crack and parties with his pot smokin (I didn't inhale) buddy Clinton in the Oval Office.

I hope it isn't the case; but I wouldn't be shocked if it were the case.

I don't like everything the George Bush does, but at least he has shown some backbone and let our fighting boys fight.

Very little back bone as far as I am concerned -- and why did he have Rice call off the Israelies? Because he wants to appease his Saudi pals.

George doesn't care about our "fighting boys" neither does Clinton nor does Kerry.

Just not in enough places(yet).

I agree with this point at least.

After each major attack (Bali, Madrid, London, plus all the successfully aborted attacks), and after each medium attack (Casablanca, Cairo, Mumbai), and after each smaller incident (the "solo jihads"), and after each major event that displays the Islamic temper (the cartoon riots, etc.) -- after each one of these, we have seen the prejudicial premise of the PC Multiculturalist template, become stronger, not weaker; more entrenched, not flimsier. Posted by: Television

After 9/11 itself, that didn't happen; if anything, it made people look at Islam more suspiciously than they ever conceived of looking. After the foiled plots of 2 weeks ago, the suspicions seem to have re-surfaced, with a lot of talk radio, which had been totally oblivious to this aspect of the problem for the last 4 years, suddenly sitting up and taking notice of 'islamo-fascism', which is still way short of where they need to be.

I think that the US media, in particular, has tended to look at all these foreign Jihadist incidents through different templates - London and Madrid as protests against these countries allying with the US in Iraq, while Casablanca and Mumbai as local disputes. But if a major attack like 9/11 happened again, I doubt that the PC mindset is going to survive: you might even see bi-partisam moves to impeach the president on the basis of his ROP statements.

LMAO at norseman. There will be no more Dearborns for you and your ilk. If Islam is the religion of peace, prove it.

"After 9/11 itself, that didn't happen; if anything, it made people look at Islam more suspiciously than they ever conceived of looking."

This only happened for a very, very tiny minority of Westerners. The majority consensus has been, all along, that Islam itself has nothing to do with those who have "hijacked" it, just as a David Koresh "hijacked" Christianity, etc.

he first problem is that they are called Texas men, they aren't they are Muslims, not Texans.

Second problem lies in the lap of Michael Chertoff and George W. Bush.. it is on their watch, under their supervision and guidance, under their authority that these characters were released.

And we are suppose to believe that Dubya and the Repugnicans take the WoT seriously? They hand over our ports to muslim control, have wealthy Arabs as business partners and friends, sell weapons to Muslims..and will pull out and frisk an 80 year old Christian Grandmother and wave right on through an obvious bearded Imam at airports.

Here comes the classic rage of angels after this release: the ACLU will be retained to publicize their plight, their attorneys (minus Nancy Graceless) will begin filing suits against every public service agency involved, and the media will hold this up as an example of the eeevvvilllsss of profiling. Just when we think it's gotten over-the-top-of-the-hijab ridiculous, academics will start using this in case studies at law schools and in undergrad phil classes. Then it will become summer reading for elementary school students. By the time the whole story unwinds new laws will have been passed to ensure universal jihadi rights to, well, commit jihad. And finally we'll need to punish severely those who are caught reading the Bible in Dearborn. "I pledge allegiance to the black flag of jihad and to the crescent for which it stands, one umma, under Allah with burkas and beheadings for all."

Televison I disagree that terror attacks help the islamic cause in the west.

Everytime islam gets into the news, more people are radicalized against them. The cartoon riots themselves caused a lot of normally liberal people to open their eyes to the intolerance of islam. Those people are now forever in our camp. Once you join our side, Television, there is no going back to the days of sunshine and lollipops.

Everytime some islamic terrorist commits a deed, another small segment of the general population gets that lightbulb over their head and says" Gee, islam again. What is it with these people?" Some of them do some research, and a few of them end up at sites like this.

The ranks of the naive are huge, I admit. Way too huge. But the point is that their ranks shrink with every attack, they do not increase. Even failed attacks generate bad PR for islam. This latest airliner plot has put the spot light again on the muslims and when that happens a few more people come over to this side of the fence.

Unfortunately, major attacks are rare, unfortunate because it is the major attacks that really get the polls moving in our favor. The disapproval rating of muslims is very high in Europe as recent polls show. That is do primarily due to the reaction from the violence, not so much the presence of halal meat stores.

Unfortunately, the muslims are not very good at keeping their plots secret. Every Abdullah and Mohammad in the community knows about it and the authorites are on to them. When you got 50 people directly involved with a plot, you have, by extension, another 200, relatives and friends who are privy to the crime in planning, and with all the chatter on cell phones and the internet, it is almost impossible for them to get to the execution stage of a plot without the authorities finding out.

Thus, we see plot after plot foiled. Which is good for the people they would have killed. But bad for society in general, which is not stirred like it would be had such a murderous deed been committed.

Every time a plot is foiled, it is a reminder that muslims conspire against us. Which is good. But had the plot succeeded, it would be a reminder of not only how muslims conspire against us, but a reminder of how brutal and barbaric they are. And it is the brutal and barbaric part of that revelation that does the most to educate the ignorant liberal masses about the threat that islam represents.

The problem I see is that the authorites are not fighting the battle we are fighting. The are fighting only the fast jihad. The attacks. They have no interest in fighting the real threat - the slow jihad, the slow erosion of our liberties, our culture, our heritage, and our way of life. For that, there is no police investigation. For that there is no intelligence force. For that, there are no commandos. And the longer we go along the route of blind PC tolerance, which we have been for several decades, the longer the PC forces have effective control of our laws and law enforcement agencies, the closer islam comes to gaining an irreversible foothold in our society. Once that happens, demographic conquest will finish us off. It is only a matter of birth rates at that point. Then it is a mathematical certainty that the western world is doomed.

That is the real fight. Not the fight against terrorist violence. If only more people understood that. And in that fight, we are all there is. The concerned citizens in the blogosphere. We are the only thing standing in the way between Saudia Arabia and the West. We are the only thing standing in the way between freedom and Sharia.

So the only way to win this is for our ranks to swell. And the best way, the only way, for our ranks to swell, is for more people to become radicalized against islam, for more people to become disgusted with the ideology behind the violence. And nothing does that better than visceral imagery. Blood, gore, the dead and dying. Twisted wreckage, ash and rubble, falling bodies.

Ah, there is the elixir for what ails the suicidally tolerant amongst us.

Sam Houston is surely turning over in his grave to hear that these Muslims are being referred to as 'Texans'.

They are not Texans!!!!!! As a 7th generation 'Texican' and descendant of those who fought for a Texas Republic and descendant of Texans who fought and died for American freedom, I can proudly call myself a Texan and a proud American.

The author of that piece does not realize how he offends when calling would-be Muslim men Texans.

"In summary, I think George, Clinton, Kerry, and most of the people in government are globalist traitors -- who to my way of thinking -- should be hanged. I also realize that such a thing will never happen for a number of reasons."

so what do you suggest? gave up voting? that's stupid. Historically the left always protected bad immigration and blamed the west for everything so among the 2 options, leftist should never be in power.

so what do you suggest? gave up voting? that's stupid.

Vote for the globalist of your choice if it makes you feel better; they all have the same goals the only real difference is in implementation and timing.

My suggestion? Do what the Saudi's do; fund both sides! It won't matter to you who loses because you win.

While the wee folks write letters that will never be read; you'll be on the golf course with the elected whoever it is telling them what legislation you want passed.

That's business -- and money is the mother's milk of politics. Always has been; always will be.