Pakistan: Muslim land-grabbers attack Christians

Islamic Tolerance Alert from our friend and ally: "Muslim Land-Grabbers Attack Christians: One believer missing, three severely injured; police file charges against victims," from Compass Direct:

August 18 (Compass Direct News) – In an attempted land-grab, Muslim attackers have terrorized a predominantly Christian village in Pakistan’s Punjab province over the past two weeks and demolished its church.

Three Christian men were hospitalized with serious hatchet wounds from an initial August 7 attack on Mominpura Thaiki village near Sharaqpur, 20 miles southwest of Lahore. The Muslim aggressors came from a neighboring village.

Another critically injured Christian, Bashir Masih, was abducted and remains missing since a second assault on the village on Saturday (August 12), when he tried to stop armed attackers from stealing his cattle.

Yaqoob Maher, a Muslim ex-convict and landowner from a neighboring village, has been accused under Pakistan’s anti-terrorist laws of masterminding and leading the two attacks.

After a six-year campaign to force the Christian villagers off their lands, Maher’s latest assaults left the village church in ruins. The marauders exploded several hand grenades inside the church, stole everything of value and desecrated Bibles and hymnbooks. They also destroyed two houses adjacent to the church, one by fire.

A number of Christian women were beaten and their clothes ripped and partially torn off, an especially painful public disgrace in Pakistani culture.

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Where's Human Rights Watch on this one??

Freakin hypocrites.

If this were Christians doing the same things to muslims in a mosque, the liberal media would be raising hell, and there would be riots throughout the muslim world. Why not here?

The HRW, AI, aye yeyeh aye have sold their soul to the devil. They keep thinking they can tame Islam once they are in control. It is they who will be tamed.

HRW, AI should be banned from operating in Infidel countries. We'll see how long they survive

If you google Pakistan Christian Hindu Ahmadiya you'l find that this is quite common in Pakistan.
Indeed, this particular incident is rather mild.
Kidnapping, rape, and "conversion" of young Christian girls (very young - Big Mo must be green with envy)is a particularly common practice.

I had a system crash a couple of weeks ago and lost all my files and references or I'd be able to give you specific links.

The Hindus in Pakistan get it far worse than the Christians. And as for the Ahmadiyas - poor sods, I really do feel for them. They get treated on a par with something that dropped out of the back end of a dog. They can't even get the toilet cleaner jobs that Christians are permitted to aspire to.

Pakis - don't I just love 'em.

Ther's one, a regular poster on the MPACUK web page who signs off all his posts with: "These chimps have no idea what they're dealing with".

With any luck I'll bump into him one day. Then he'll find out that whether or not "these chimps" know WHAT we're dealing with is irrelevant - some of us know HOW to deal with it.

That should be mpacuk, of course.

Go read what they say about us on a day by day basis. mpacuk = Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK.

Another common practice in Pakistan is the kidnap, rape and "conversion" of particularly attractive Christian married women. Of course, once a convert ... well, a moslem woman is not permitted to be married to a Christian. The marriage is automatically annulled in law.

I'm going to go and lie down for a while in a dark room. I'm getting a little hyped up. You will too if you research into the sort of stuff that happens in Pakistan. It really is the worst of all the moslem countries. They seem to make an effort to be more moslem than the moslems.

In the tribal N/West provinces, Christians are not even permitted to bury their dead - they have to transport the bodies hundreds of miles to the S/East of the country to do it.

Oh - and the Christians in this article will not be permitted to repair their church - that is forbidden under Sharia law (Law?).

Got to go lie down.

we should all go into the streets and riot,with placards calling for beheadings etc,whilst our vicars are spouting hatred in the churches and calling for a global uprising against islam!!
god save us all from this disease.

Clearly what is needed are some more anti-Israel resolutions from the Presbyterians and some more prayers for peace in the Middle East from the Pope. [sarcasm off]

I imagine they are not only grabbing Christian land, but those Christian villagers are likely producing something of value, like crop, livestock or some other commodity. Probably these muslim attackers cannot produce anything of worth themselves, so they take what is not theirs and what they are not capable of producing themselves.

Of course, this is all speculation on my part...

We know under Sharia law they will not be permitted to repair the church, so why were they permitted to build it in the first place? I thought new non-Islamic churches were also forbidden.

These are not new churches. These were built during the British colonial rule. Some population of Hindus remains in pakistan, as some remains of Christians. These are old places being destroyed. Nothing new. (pun unintended.)

All religions, cultures and nations are equal, therefore this could happen anywhere at all. The fact that we haven't heard of similiar incidents in, say, New York, only confirms what we already know: the media is only concentrating on Muslims!!

We need to find a way to arm these Christians and train them to fight back. Perhaps an international Christian brigade made up of ex-soldiers could be formed. Even better: a Christian Al-Qaida that will put the word out that for every Christian, Hindu, or Jew the Muslim kill... somewhere in the world we will 1000 Muslims. For ever Christian girl kidnapped, we will take 100 of yours.

It took over 300 years of oppression before Christians woke up, declared the First Crusade, and met force with force. Now it is clearly past time to meet terror with terror.

What is happening to Christians and Hindus in Pakistan is what's in store for all of us "infidel non-muslims" worldwide. So better get ready. After four centuries of quiet, they're on the move again. Here are some steps to be taken immediately:

1. Rewrite our anti-hate laws to include all islamic hate crimes against non-believers, which is all of us.

2. Stop granting new land for mosques, since these become breeding sites of hate. Close down each mosque where teachers of hate spew their poison.

3. Stop legal and illegal immigration to our lands from Sharia states, like Pakistan, Yemen, Algeria, Sudan, Somalia, Hezbuallahland, Hammassaland, and all countries where the migrants are a danger to our freedoms and way of life.

4. Severely restrict applicants from these lands for any kind of 'asylum', wish them 'salam aleikom' in their own lands.

5. Educate the media and academia of what islam is all about, so they stop making believe it's religion is on parity to other religions.

6. Demand equal rights for non-muslims in all muslim countries, with full protection under the law, to freely practice their religion. This applies especially to our 'allies' in the war against muslim jihad, such as Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, among others. (Iran is a special case to be dealt with later.)

7. Remove all muslims from our armed services and decommission their mosques on base, they are a security threat.

8. Make all muslims swear allegiance to the countries where they reside. If they fail to do this, whether legal or illegal, assume they are security threat, keep extensive dossiers on their activities, monitor all their communications.

9. Start deportations for all muslims who pose a risk to us.

10. Forbid female conversion to islam by our women who mary islamic men. To convert, they must leave our lands.

11. Close down every religious school of islamic studies.

12. Recall our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, and redeploy them to Iran. Iran is behind this latest round of 'hate the infidels', so it will be the next big war. If they want the reappearance of their hidden 12th imam mahdi, we'll give them the reason for it.

Once these policies are in place, redefine our freedoms so all us people who are non-muslim have an in-depth understanding of what our social and political culture is all about. Our laws apply to people who respect each other's right to live free of attacks from this savage primitive religion of hate. Close our borders to these barbaric invaders. Treat them as you would any social predator, the way we treat our sexual child molestors. Understand that the muslims who had not sworn allegiance to our way of life are hostile to it, and must be deemed a security threat. If they are a security threat, then treat them as potential spies, not guaranteed due process of law, and should be summarily expelled.

It will be war. But it already is war. We must do what war demands.

Perhaps Arjun,Sevak could respond to what I'm about to say. This is quite genuine and is for my own personal education.

I've been looking for months now at moslem history and behaviour all over the world, and recently started reading from a history web page sited in India. It's an academic site, so I assume it gives a better version of Indian history than anything I was taught all those years ago at school back home in Wales.

I was reading, in particular of the moslem invasion and occupation of India, and the way they behaved towards the Hindus, Sikhs. (Appalling behaviour incidentally - just like Pakistan and Bangladesh today).

I've met and worked with many Indians through my life, ditto Pakis (I was also married to a Sri Lankan woman for 24 years, so I've known quite a few Sri Lankans too - but that's bye-the-bye for present purposes, the moslems never got that far). It's always been my perception that the Pakis were hostile to the British, but the Indians have always been exceptionally friendly and I've rarely heard a hostile word about the British occupation of India. Same for Indians I've met here in UK - they seem genuinely fond of the place. That has always struck me as rather strange as I'm sure I would be hostile towards any country and people that had occupied my country for centuries. Even if it had been in the past. Just like Pakis are hostile.

But while reading these history pages it suddenly struck me - the moslem occupation and rule stopped with the British occupation and rule. It's almost as if Britain rescued, in effect, even if only as an unintentional by-product of empire, Hindus from moslem oppression.
Given the way moslems treat their subject conquests, the British occupation might almost feel like being rescued. Hence the lack of hostility from Hindus, and the maintained hostility from moslems?

Arjun, does this sound even remotely like sense to you?

Or am I talking out of my backside? Totally? Partly? Not at all?

What chance would Gandhi have had if the moslems had still been in charge?

Please, educate us. Ok...educate me.

Templar: from another thread - go to and have a thourough read over several days. Read everything. Follow every link. Subscribe to their weekly bulletins (you don't have to be a member - I subscribe to their economic and environmental bulletins). I think you'll end up with a different view of them from that put across by the MSM. I've just been there and note that on their letters link there are supportive letters from a Brit Sikh, and also a West Indian. They also have at least one Jewish elected County Councillor. You might try looting their archives too. I wouldn't mind betting that, like me, you'll shortcut it for future visits. Like you I consider myself a bit of a gentlish Leftie (I used to be a Labour Party member), and I was quite staggered by how different they were from what the MSM had been telling me for years (I only got a computer five months ago). Whatever else they are, they're not the thick Nazis they're made out to be. Sure there's the occasional headbanger in there, but what political party anywhere in the world is immune from that? I will be voting BNP at the next general election (My one and only child is half Asian and I love her to bits). Am I a racist?

Thank you for your patience (endurance?).

PS. Sobieski: are you the Sobieski who posts on the Guardian CiF pages? I supported you a couple of days ago - got my post deleted for my trouble, by the same bloke that got you deleted. I've pretty much given up on that bunch of Dhimmis and I've been reading that paper, and the Observer, since 1982. You just can not get through to them, can you.

We've all got to start co-ordinating our posts in various places - give each other covert support. HeiGou's good; agree? I certainly wouldn't want to get into an argument with him/her. A co-ordinated army of Dhimmis will always knock hell out of us while we remain just a fragmented bunch of individuals (that's my military history speaking).

Sir Henry Morgan,
This subject (muslim aggression and British colonisation) has been discussed in great detail from end April till July. I shall try and find the threads and post them for you to read.


Thank you. I'll start rooting through the archives. I'm genuinely interested in this. I think it might teach me much about the dangers of Islam and how to counter it without completely losing my own humanity.

That's the problem isn't it - how to counter it without losing our humanity. Maybe it's not possible ...

India has more experience of this than we in the West.

"The Hindus in Pakistan get it far worse than the Christians. And as for the Ahmadiyas - poor sods, I really do feel for them. They get treated on a par with something that dropped out of the back end of a dog. They can't even get the toilet cleaner jobs that Christians are permitted to aspire to."

Hmmm. I wonder what Naseem has to say about this.

Sir Henry Morgan,
If you are in the archives, I am there too. And yes, the points that you bring up, have all been discussed. The trouble is, in just 4 months, there is a lot of posts to go through. Think I'll be here for the next few days.

The attitude towards the Hindus has been repeated elsewhere. The Balinese who died in the bombings were not Muslim. They were either Hindu or Buddhist.

The behaviour towards the Pakistani Christians has also been repeated elsewhere. That is why these Islamists come to somewhere like Australia and think that they can rape our young women with impunity and not have to serve time in prison. Their excuse? Guess.
