Philippine security forces foil jihad attack

A planned attack in Manila foiled. "Philippines: Security Forces Foiled Terror Attack," from AKI, with thanks to Cindy:

Cotabato City, 28 August (AKI) - Security forces in the Philippines have foiled a major terror attack as three suspected members of the home grown terrorist group, Abu Sayyaf, were arrested while boarding a Super Ferry in Parang, Maguindanao (Mindanao), bound for the capital Manila. The Filipino army's Lt. Col. Julieto Ando, Army's Sixth Infantry Division spokesperson, told reporters on Monday that the three were carrying explosives and that the attack was to be carried out in Manila.

"They were about to board the Superferry on Sunday when we arrested them. Our informer knew them as the bombers. Their initial plan was to board the ferry and carry out the bombings in Manila in exchange for moneyā€¯, he told reporters.

"Two improvised explosive devices were found on them," he added.

The arrest of the three came as a report said the police fear bombings during the upcoming fifth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

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A few people still believe the US government manipulated the 9/11 events. Sadly, some of these people are Americans and even some are dhimmicrat politicians in the US government.

This despite Osama's boastful claims he organized and ordered the "hit". This despite the volumes of evidence to substantiate the Muslims involvement. This despite the recorded cell phone calls from people on the doomed airplanes. This despite the cheering Muslim crowds celebrating the event.

Now we see Muslims celebrating the 9/11 event by attempting more violence and killing more people.

Muslims honor the 9/11 hijackers for becoming martyrs and killing Americans.

Once again some sunlight is seen in the war on terrorism. The capture of potential terrorist bombers before they carry out the deed is a victory. I am happy to see other goverenments and agencies actively trying to locate and eliminate the terrorists consumed by the Islamic plague.

As each day goes by the terrorists are discovering that people across the globe are waking up and are beginning to become more pro-active in seeking them out.

Islam continues to be its own worst enemy. The more violence it carries out, the more it becomes apparent to the people of the world that Islam must be destroyed.

The conflict will not be small and isolated, or regional and territorial, rather it will be global and quite horrific.

The Phillipinos are to be congratulated. Their efforts undoubtely saved several lives. A life saved could be someone who finds a cure for AIDS, or has an invention that is revolutionary, or becomes the parent of a future leader.

Such a person is unlikely to be a Muslim, as they continue to kill their own leaving only warriors and martyrs who have no goals save death and destruction.

The world is just beginning to recognize Islam for what it really is. It a a scourge of Mankind, an insult to humanity, and plague on the earth.

"The arrest of the three came as a report said the police fear bombings during the upcoming fifth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks."

- Nothing makes my blood boil more than the slap in the face of people celebrating September 11. Look how Islam celebrates death, more murders on the anniversary of murders to celebrate murder. WOO HOO! My father in law works in a factory which employs around 30% muslims, on 9/11 he said they all stood up and cheered when the news got around. One word....DEPORT! If someone in your house cheered when seeing you in great pain would you keep them for dinner?

Hmmm. I wonder if there were any religious motivations behind these planned attacks...

Weekendhammerman, that factory story is appalling. I'm not sure I'd be able to control my rage if I saw people cheering for 9/11 at my workplace. I'd at least make it hell to work there for the muslims. I'd start with bacon in the microwave every day--preferably during prayer. I'm not a religious man myself, but I'd start proselytizing these muslims just to piss 'em off.

Muslims in Phillipine have fought and exist since before American military arrival.

weekendhammerman says "Nothing makes my blood boil more than the slap in the face of people celebrating September 11. Look how Islam celebrates death, more murders on the anniversary of murders to celebrate murder. WOO HOO! My father in law works in a factory which employs around 30% muslims, on 9/11 he said they all stood up and cheered when the news got around. One word....DEPORT! If someone in your house cheered when seeing you in great pain would you keep them for dinner?"

That was just the tip of the iceberg. There was far worse as shown below:

A Palestinian woman celebrates the death of 3000 American Kafirs. A victory for Islam

Palestinians celebrate in the streets after hearing about the destruction of Sep 11.

British Muslims celebrate and rejoice over the attacks of 9/11

Muslim fanatics sparked anger today after plastering Birmingham bus stops with sickening posters showing the destruction of the Twin Towers. The radical Al Muhajiroun group, headed by the controversial London-based Sheik Omar Bakri Mohammed, has put up the posters in the Saltley area. They show a graphic image of one of the World Trade Centre towers on fire with a jet about to smash into the second tower. [...]

Fundamental Muslim leader Abu Khadeejah, who last week staged the Salafi Islamic event in Birmingham, said: "The Al Muhajiroun conference will be about rejoicing and praising what took place on September 11.

British Muslims also celebrated and rejoiced on September 11, 2001; our media completely failed to inform us about any of this: The 'British' Muslim. Whilst the civilised west mourned with horror of the events of Sep11, Muslims in Britain celebrated.

Finsbury Park mosque. Pro-terror demonstrations, graffiti and anti-white posters. at Abu Hamsa's terror camp

Forest Gate, East London. Local residents sickened by sounds of cheering and celebrations coming from Romford Road mosque on the evening of the slaughter. Muslims leaving the mosque drove off hooting their horns, shouting and waving.

Slough. Letter in Daily Telegraph to express disgust at having witnessed a class of 15-year-old British-born Pakistanis cheering, punching the air and mocking the tearful singing of the American national anthem.

Solihull, Land Rover Plant. Three workers suspended after mocking the three minute silence. Security staff had to escort them from the building to prevent them from being attacked.

Harrow. Fireworks let off during the three minutes silence on Friday.

Cardiff. Young Muslims celebrate in city centre with flags on the evening of the attack.

Birmingham, Small Heath. Celebrations inside and outside local mosque.

Birmingham, Aston. Serious tension in main Royal Mail sorting office after Muslim workers applaud the attacks.

Derby. Local residents disgusted as celebrations in a mosque spill out onto the street with flag waving and chants of triumph.

Oldham. Cheering inside and outside mosques.

White workers in Littlewoods Call Centre appalled when Muslim co-workers respond to news of the attack by "jumping up and down with joy."

Schoolchildren celebrate at Grange School with further celebrations along Waterloo Street.

Park Cake Bakery. 4 Muslims sacked after cheering during 3 minute silence.

Waterloo Street. "Cheering and dancing in the street" after news of the attack broke.

Burnley. A would-be customer in a major shop in the town centre couldn't find any staff to serve him on the afternoon of the attack. Walking through the shop he found the eight shop assistants - all of them obviously Muslims - crowded around a TV set at the back of the shop, laughing and shaking hands as they watched the footage of the mayhem.

Fireworks let off on the evening of the attack in Stoneyholme.

It goes on and on.