Police: 3,050 rockets have hit Israel so far

Isn't it wonderful how Hizballah is so careful not to target civilians? From the Jerusalem Post, with thanks to Jeffrey Imm:

Since the fighting in the North began 28 days ago, 3,050 rockets have landed on Israeli soil, police summarized on Tuesday.

In total, 750 of the rockets landed within city boundaries, while the rest hit open areas.

In all, rockets have killed 49 people, and 75 of the wounded are still being hospitalized.

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Police: 3,050 rockets have hit Israel so far

EXCELLENT! They should keep cooking off their ammo. Many of these rockets are fired in blind desperation as the Israelis move in. A use it or lose it proposition

To say that Israel is, in any way, winning this war is to say that the US is winning the Iraqi war. Is Israel, is the US?

And how is Israel 'winning?' What constitutes winning? A cessation of rocket fire of over 100 a day on the North of its country? World opinion rushing to Israel for showing restraint? Wiping out Hezbollah out of villages a mile or two from the border? Demonstrating she is a valuable strategic asset in the war on terror to America? Demonstratic she has a powerful deterrent arm against her many foes? Demonstrating to the watching Palestinians in the West Bank that missles don't pay? Allowing her Northern residents to languish in hot shelters for over a month while Olmert, Peretz and Peres worry--in their nice suits--that each response is carefully calibrated, measured and impotent.

Just how is Israel winning? Perhaps by spokespeople who tell us, "We are winning. We are acting morally. We are using careful use of airpower." But the media--for all their innate stupidity and bias--knows Israel is not winning, and are kicking the Israeli dog down a notch.

One can make the same arguement(s) about the US in Iraq with powerful differences. US casualties have been limited(slightly--ever so slightly)in Iraq since the Shias and Sunnis started beheading one another. Second, we are a large country. Iraq is far away. We are realizing, slowly with kicks and scratches, Iraq is a mess, a civil war, and we will one day soon be getting out(one way or another). Israel cannot dither. Lebanon is not far away. She, Israel, should also realize she is in the direct line of fire of Jihad. That waiting 48 hours for the UN is of no help--or benifit--against Jihad.

Sharon was at the Litani in hours in '82 and at Beirut in three days. Their Lebanon war was stopped for political reasons: hitting W. Beiruit, a deal to leave if Arafat left, Sabra and Shatilla and their effect on the world opinion, and the killing of Bashir Gemayel. But there was no dickering about a response. Also, what is this constant telegraphing of Israeli opinion(s), internal debates in the internal cabinet. You could be sitting in an igloo in Alaska and know what Israel is going to do. Could the same be said for Hezbollah. Israel needs to get its act together. They need to realize what they face, what the implications are for failure.

The V-2 rockets that Wernher von Braun and the other war criminals at Peenemunde (including Arthur Rudolf, who had to rush back to West Germany from the United States to avoid prosecution here -- good thing he was never put on a stamp, the way von Braun horribly was) constructed for Hitler's war effort rained down on England from September 1944 to March 1945. In that period, a total of 1359 V-s landed in England. But already, in three weeks, the Israelis have had more than 3,000 missiles rained down on them, and the entire north of the country, and one-third of its population, now lives in constant anxiety, with many having moved away, others living, day and night, in cramped shelters.

What did the British do in response to those V-2s? Oh, Churchill had Bomber Harris attempt to bomb the sites in Holland from which those V-2s were launched. Shall we talk about civilian casualties? Shall we talk about "warnings"? In one raid alone, 500 Dutch civilians were killed. How many thousands, or rather hundreds of thousands, or possibly even millions, of the civilians killed during World War II were killed as a result of Allied action, as those Allies attempted to defend themselves and to make war on Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan and Fascist Germany? How many important historical sites were hit that were being used by the Nazis and the Allied troops deemed it necessary to fire on (the most regrettable, from an art-historical point of view, being the attack on Monte Cassino)? And how many have died in every war since? Surely there has never been a war in which such extraordinary care has been taken to warn away genuine civilians, as opposed to those who are fanatical supporters of Hezbollah, and perhaps even unidentified members of its fighting forces, given that the members of this group deliberately refuse to wear any identifying clothing, and deliberately move and fire from and within civilian areas, as a matter of policy.

There is nothing Israel can do but try to damage as many of those missiles, and to also inflict damage -- and make the point that further damage, a month or a year or five years later -- will be inflicted again, if Hezbollah is not disarmed, not reigned in. The government and people of Lebanon may not like to have their own responsibilites driven home to them in this way, but there is apparently no other way. Either Hezbollah will be disarmed, or given the nature of its members, it will continue to smuggle in arms, continue to build bunkers, continue to pose a threat, a threat which the Israelis, quite rightly, will not tolerate or endure. And that will leave the rebuilding of Lebanon in a state of alarm, a state of paralysis. The Shi'a are now said to constitute 40% of the population. Of those Shi'a, perhaps 40% are said to be supporters of hezbollah. Even if those numbers have increased to, say, 50%, that means that one-fifth of the popoulation in Lebanon supports Hezbollah, and 80% does not. If that 80% cannot control Hezbollah, but allows itself to be held hostage by it, then it has only itself to blame if rebuilding, and all that attendant gush about the Hariri-inspired "redevelopment" of Beirut of, by, and mostly for rich Saudis and their Lebanese courtiers, cannot take place -- well, that's up to that 80% of the Lebanese population to figure out how to deal with. It is not something that the immediate target of Hezbollah, Israel, should be expected ever again to endure.

The V-2 rockets that Wernher von Braun and the other war criminals at Peenemunde (including Arthur Rudolf, who had to rush back to West Germany from the United States to avoid prosecution here -- good thing he was never put on a stamp, the way von Braun horribly was) constructed for Hitler's war effort rained down on England from September 1944 to March 1945. In that period, a total of 1359 V-s landed in England. But already, in three weeks, the Israelis have had more than 3,000 missiles rained down on them, and the entire north of the country, and one-third of its population, now lives in constant anxiety, with many having moved away, others living, day and night, in cramped shelters.

What did the British do in response to those V-2s? Oh, Churchill had Bomber Harris attempt to bomb the sites in Holland from which those V-2s were launched. Shall we talk about civilian casualties? Shall we talk about "warnings"? In one raid alone, 500 Dutch civilians were killed. How many thousands, or rather hundreds of thousands, or possibly even millions, of the civilians killed during World War II were killed as a result of Allied action, as those Allies attempted to defend themselves and to make war on Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan and Fascist Germany? How many important historical sites were hit that were being used by the Nazis and the Allied troops deemed it necessary to fire on (the most regrettable, from an art-historical point of view, being the attack on Monte Cassino)? And how many have died in every war since? Surely there has never been a war in which such extraordinary care has been taken to warn away genuine civilians, as opposed to those who are fanatical supporters of Hezbollah, and perhaps even unidentified members of its fighting forces, given that the members of this group deliberately refuse to wear any identifying clothing, and deliberately move and fire from and within civilian areas, as a matter of policy.

There is nothing Israel can do but try to damage as many of those missiles, and to also inflict damage -- and make the point that further damage, a month or a year or five years later -- will be inflicted again, if Hezbollah is not disarmed, not reigned in. The government and people of Lebanon may not like to have their own responsibilites driven home to them in this way, but there is apparently no other way. Either Hezbollah will be disarmed, or given the nature of its members, it will continue to smuggle in arms, continue to build bunkers, continue to pose a threat, a threat which the Israelis, quite rightly, will not tolerate or endure. And that will leave the rebuilding of Lebanon in a state of alarm, a state of paralysis. The Shi'a are now said to constitute 40% of the population. Of those Shi'a, perhaps 40% are said to be supporters of hezbollah. Even if those numbers have increased to, say, 50%, that means that one-fifth of the popoulation in Lebanon supports Hezbollah, and 80% does not. If that 80% cannot control Hezbollah, but allows itself to be held hostage by it, then it has only itself to blame if rebuilding, and all that attendant gush about the Hariri-inspired "redevelopment" of Beirut of, by, and mostly for rich Saudis and their Lebanese courtiers, cannot take place -- well, that's up to that 80% of the Lebanese population to figure out how to deal with. It is not something that the immediate target of Hezbollah, Israel, should be expected ever again to endure.

Let's see. at this rate, 3050 missiles = 62 deaths, then of the estimated 12,000 missiles of Hezbollah could ultimately = about 248 deaths.
Hezbollah should sue Iran for such miserable inefficient weapons. Hezbollah killed 241 Marines in one day with one bomb. In Iraq, the car bomb has proven to be very effective. I am surprised that Hezbollah has not used car bombs. Or is it that only Iraq has Muslims stupid enough to be suicide bombers. Hmmmm, maybe these Hezbollah guys are smarter than Iraqi terrorists.

I agree, also , if they do return, it will take a long time to repair bridges, roads, and houses. In the meantime, they deserve to walk for supporting Hezbollah and/or being unwilling to kick the thugs out. I think the Lebanon government belongs to Hezbollah and turned a blind eye to their activities. You should never let your country be controlled by thugs and terrorists. The Lebanon government is weak and inefficient. I do not trust their troops in the neutral zone.

Israel needs to save the fuel for bombing runs. They are wasting to much on leaflet drops. Also..Koffi Annan needs to visit Kiriot Shiymon during an attack. Standing out on the street while the rockets are falling and get a different perspective on war crimes.

Biorabbi, interesting analysis today by Carolyn Glick:http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?apage=1&cid=1154525826363&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull

Didn't know where else to post this right now, but there was an anti-Israel demonstration in Helsinki (last night, I think), where the demonstrators chanted "death to Israel" in Arabic, waved Hezbollah flags, and attacked the counter-demonstrators, a small group called Finland for Jesus. The counter-demonstrators climbed on top of their bus and they had signs that quoted the bible, saying something about blessing Israel. Apparently they were soon bombarded with eggs, tomatoes, bottles, sticks and flower pots. About 20 police officers showed up and asked the bus to move, for some inexplicable reason.

At this point it would be asinine to claim that this was an isolated incident, since this is at least the third documented time that terrorist supporters have attacked counter-demonstrators, possibly the fourth or fifth. Finland's fifth column has revealed itself.

Source (in Finnish)


Link is busted. Again, JW needs a better system for comments, one that allows edits.


The thing that the Press continues to NOT clarify for the world stage is that the only reason more innocents are not dying in Israel is that the Israelis are groomed to live with the threat of attacks from the day they can walk. Israel has an intricate series of bomb shelters, bunkers, etc. that the Israelis use as much out of instinct as out of intellect.

Another thing is that the Hezbollah rockets are not overly accurate, but as they get better and better weapons, you can rest assured that they will target oil refineries, gas stations, natural gas holdings, schools, hospitals and anything else that is particularly vulnerable. Reuters and the AP are perfect propaganda tools for jihadists as the "Death by 1000 Cuts" continues against Israel....

We see here the slow but sure abolition of all international law and rules of war. Perhaps Israel gets targeted by the misnamed "Peace and Justice" crowd so much precisely because it DOES respect law, and attacks relatively surgically. Hezbollah, however, will attack with all it has.

I do not, however, believe that Islam will win this one. A more likely scenario is that the non-Muslim nations under attack will sweep away their PC shackles, and the world of Islam will be in for a ruinous retaliation along the lines of how Chinghiz Khan treated Khwarizm.

You're right Biorabbi. The Israelis march through Lebanon ought to have been like Sherman's march to the sea.

Elderlyzionist has brought up a number of very good points.

In 82, Hizb'allah did not have the rockets it has today.

In 96, Hizb'allah was not as prepared as today.

Today, with Zelzal-2 Rockets at extreme capacity (200 Km), Hizb'allah still can hit Israel from the turkish border to Lebanon. So, this war is harder than the last.

We in the USA could however bring a very quick end to this all by threatening Syria and Iran with utter destruction if they don't stop this sh%$, as Bush put it so directly (yes!), and then hold to our word. Wanna watch ugly rats scurry for cover? :)

English language link to the pro-Hizbollah demonstration in Helsinki:


For some reason, the violent aspects of the demo are completely ignored in the STT news item.

However, the pattern seems to be the same as in other demos around the world. Far left activists join forces with the muslims and "we are all Hezbollah".

anyone notice how Kofi condemned the Israel UN post incident?? Well now some Chinese have been hurt by a Hezbollah rocket---Where is the outrage? KOFI!!!

Kofi is quick to condemn Israel but not Hezbollah, so it seems.

Ultimate cowardice by Paul Miller

Cowardice is the rank odor of Islam.
Please, some leader of the west announce a retaliation and then follow through. Then, perhaps the ideology will go to ground for a few centuries.

Is Hezbollah winning? let's see.

Have they captured one inch of Israel---NOOOO
Have they recaptured any Israeli captured village--NOOO
Have they seriously slowed the Israeli onslaught--NOOOO
Have they convinced Israel that war is futile-NOOOO
Can they conduct any military operation that resembles a military operation--Nooooo
I am beginning to think they can kill but cannot win.

It's not that Hezbollah doesn't target Israelis, civilians or otherwise. They certainly do, but cynical b@stards that they are, they know what a high value Israelis place on life, where they are only too happy to see lots of dead Muslims and Christians as long as it isn't one of their leaders or "fighters" because it get's them the global sympathy vote and, better still, Israel rapped for a "disproportionate response" because Hezbollah sets up launch sites in residential areas etc..

Credulous Jan Eglund even managed to slap them for having the temerity to brag about the low ratio of fighters to Lebanese civilian losses. And even the MSM is questioning just how many Lebanese "civilians" were really Hezbollah combatants.

anyone notice how Kofi condemned the Israel UN post incident?? Well now some Chinese have been hurt by a Hezbollah rocket---Where is the outrage? KOFI!!!

Posted by: exsgtbrown at August 8, 2006 02:46 PM

It would certainly be a bit of rough justice if the Chinese observers were killed by missiles that were either bought from China directly by Iran or manufactured in Iran, using Chinese specs.

Mainstream Media could not tell the difference between a dead civilian and a dead Hezbollah terrorists. THe media is told what to say and how to act by Hezbollah. I, too, believe the civilian "casualty numbers" may include a large number of Hezbollah casualties. Hezbollah is taking a beating and that is why you see Arab countries and the Euroweenies clamoring for a ceasefire. Now that Israel is pushing deeper into Lebanon and has announced they intend to increase the number of troops participating in the fight, the clamor from the Arabs is getting louder. Syria is scared to death that they may be forced into a fight they can only loose. Iran is plotting something big which will happen soon. The rest of the Arab countries are talking big but are short on action at this time. Give Israel enough time and they will locate the Hezbollah fighters and rocket launchers. One by one they will be destroyed. Israel will march all the way to Beirut. Watch for Israel to move a large force along the Syrian border to really shut down the Hezbollah supply routes. Look for more Israeli commando style raids in which they capture Hezbollah leaders (or kill them). Israel may appear to be moving slow, but they are methodical. Let them pound away without regard for collaterial damage and this fight is over.

Last night I watched a TV special about the victims of these rockets, the truth was sickening , while non-Israelis or non-Jews make up a near 20% of the population it appears that they are 40% of these victims of Hezbollah and Hamas .

These sick bastards are murdering civilians in Israel that are Muslim,Arab,Christian,Palestinian workers , and Lebonese that fled prior to this phase of Defending Israel from Terrorists .
Lebanon now refused a cease-fire and here in Canada the rent-a-mob idiots held another "Peace" march demanding Canada insist on a cease-fire
which lebanon now refused, sounds like circular logic for a endless arguement , IT IS , Lebanon keeps wanting the opposite of what the UN and Israel request.

Another cheap ruse to let Hezbollah regroup
and move stored weapons to the South where human-shields protect them.

GO GO Israel , all the way and over the top.

Here's one scenario where Iran could nuke Israel on Aug 22. The events have been lined up rather well so far.

First Iran gets Israel to attack the Palestinians, then they prompt an attack on Lebanon.
Support: “On July 11, the day before Hezbollah launched its barrage and abducted two Israeli soldiers, Iran's nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, met EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana in Brussels and told him that Iran would not meet EU demands to stop its nuclear weapons program. Solana told Larijani the EU would therefore support the US in imposing sanctions on Iran. On his way home, Larijani stopped in Beirut and met senior Hezbollah leaders. At that meeting, Hezbollah was given its orders - attack Israel. The motive for this order is clear: to divert attention from Iran's conflict with the US and the EU over its nuclear weapons program.” Link: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,20049842-7583,00.html

They have used the propaganda from the killing of civilians to their advantage and have captured support from many of the countries in the Middle East. Currently, Israel has said that if Tel Aviv is attacked it will act as if it came from Iran. This has not happened yet but if it does happen, Iran will most likely respond.
Support: “In the most explicit threat yet from Israel to Iran, Dan Gillerman, the ambassador to the UN, said in an interview with the BBC that an attack by Hizbullah on Tel Aviv would be tantamount to an "act of war" and Hizbullah would not make such an attack without an explicit order from Iran. The implication of his words was that Israel would retaliate by attacking Tehran.”
Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/syria/story/0,,1838703,00.html

Iran’s spiritual leader has already said that a nuclear exchange with Israel is acceptable. Support: “Iran's "supreme leader", Ayatollah Khamenei, has said the casualties Iran would sustain in a nuclear exchange with Israel would be acceptable if it meant Israel could be "eliminated" at the same time.”
Link: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,20049842-7583,00.html

Additionally, Iran has said that it will respond with 100 times greater force to any attack by the US or Israel.
Support: “Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi said that Washington and Tel Aviv had been “defeated” in their battle with the Lebanese militia Hezbollah. “Undoubtedly, if these criminals try to take action and conduct mischief against Iran they will suffer blows 100 times more powerful”.”
Link: http://www.iranfocus.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=8182

Lastly, August 22 represents an important date for the history of Islam and may be an opportune moment for such an attack.
Support: “What is the significance of Aug. 22? ... This, by tradition, is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to “the farthest mosque,” usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back (c.f., Koran XVII.1). This might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world. It is far from certain that Mr. Ahmadinejad plans any such cataclysmic events precisely for Aug. 22. But it would be wise to bear the possibility in mind.”
Link: http://www.americanthinker.com/comments.php?comments_id=5795

So, if you think about it, keeping the above issues in mind, it is possible to see how Iran could have been planning this attack from before there was any conflict with Israel to begin with. Israel is drawn into fighting first with the Palestinians and then with Lebanon. All the while anger against Israel is increasing and uniting the Muslim world. With an attack on Iran (in response to Hesbola launching missles at Tel Aviv), Israel is portrayed as trying to attack everyone it can. Iran responds with nukes and is nuked in return. But the logic behind this, in the minds of the Iranian leaders, is that this conflict and destruction will unite the Muslim world and bring about the return of the 12th Imam.
Support: “In his [Ahmadinejad] own words, the Islamic "Revolution's main mission is to pave the way for the reappearance of the 12th imam, the Mahdi".
Link: http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/HH01Ak03.html
Last thing: The imposition of sanctions on Iran could be the turning of the tide and if Iran wanted to make a move, it might want to do so before a full unification of the western powers has coalesced against them. Furthermore, I think it is important to take Iran at its word when it says the destruction of Israel is soon. I have seen no evidence that Mr. Ahmadinejad is trying to lie to anyone about how he sees things.