Protesters attack Iran's British embassy

Perhaps they got together and were reminiscing about the good old days of the Ayatollah Khomeini. From AP, with thanks to Twostellas:

TEHRAN, Iran - About 100 demonstrators threw stones and firebombs at the British Embassy in Tehran on Friday, damaging the building but not harming anyone as they accused Britain and the United States of being accomplices in Israel's fight against Hezbollah.

Demonstrators also smashed some of the building's windows as they called for its closure and the expulsion of the British ambassador.

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Muslims love to trash embassies, and it could be prevented by the government, who refuses to do so. Would this be allowed to happen to any embassy in the west? I seriously doubt it.

So, the opening scirmish.

I would not put it past the despots of Tehran to arrange another hostage taking extravaganza....The Brits being the victims this time.

Turbinehead, my thoughts exactly. The Brits had better get out while they can.

And yesterday Charles Rangel said we should open up dialogue, (including another embassy?) with Iran.....

At least Iran's sponsorship of terrorism is out in the open, funny how those who denied Saddam was sponsorsing terrorism are still the one's poo-pooing confronting Iran. Makes you think they were being dishonest about their "concern" for Saddam's terror ties......nah, not them.

The conflict with Iran is coming. It may be now or it may be after Iran goes nuclear. The conflict of machines will be quick and decisive. The Iranians will parade their dead children in front of the cameras and the shooting will stop. People will call for peace.

This time we need to be smarter:

1. Declare war ahead of time. By doing this, a peace treaty follows.
2. The peace treaty needs to include a ‘peacekeeping zone’ bordering Iraq on the northern end of the Persian Gulf, extending past the town of Ahwaz, and including Iran’s oil fields of Ahwaz-Bangestan (a massive reserve).
3. The peace treaty includes the construction of large masonry walls with barbed wire around the peacekeeping zone.
4. The peace treaty provides for nice shiny apartment community with free food outside of the 'peacekeeping' zone, paid for with oil revenues from the fields. Give existing residents an option (incentive) to move there.
5. This 'peacekeeping' zone, sustaining itself by the oil it would provide to the federal government, would be an island where power could be projected and the region kept in check for the foreseeable future.

There would be bad PR, people would say its all about the oil, and Muslims would be incensed. But aren’t all of these the case already? Winners of wars have always taken territory from the vanquished, this time it should be no different.

Am I the only one here who does not get this 'news' by the BBC ? The title is

"US, France agree UN Lebanon text"

Only, I get lots of snippets of odd events in the past week. Very little on 'agreement'. No wonder they manage to confuse people. Also a snippet from this 'news'.

"US envoy David Welch held talks in Beirut with Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and Lebanese parliament speaker Nabih Berri, the leader of the Shia Amal movement and a possible conduit to Hezbollah"

Conduit to a terrorist organization ? And we talk to a 'conduit' ?

Maybe I am just more confused than usual.

I must be confused. Here's the link.

"UN deal on resolution to halt bloodshed"

Where DO they get these headlines ?

Bloodshed indeed.

And nobody wants to talk about this bloodshed.

They make them up of course! Have you noticed the world today appears to be a blending of George Orwell’s books, 1984 and Animal Farm? Insanity runs rampant.

The Highlight for next week will be the bombing of Telaviv. Irsrael detroys most of lebanon. The week after...British Embassy detroyed by truck bomb. Then the next week....Nuclear explosion rocks Israel from a truck bomb that came out of the West Bank.

I'd like to point out the selective rage by Muslims claiming islam will bring Justice&Peace by refering to the reactions in Canada shortly after the 19 Muslim hijackers slaughtered 3000+ civilians on 9/11/01 .

The very first response by one Islamic leader was 'O god,please don't let it be by Muslims' and then the general collective words were of the usual Denial and demands for calm to not assume any minority group is linked to the event , but when the truth came out it was on 9/12/01 that these men weren't 'True' Muslims and the Quran forbids violence and suicide ( not much of a comfort to the victims) .

Lets fast-forward to the recent 'Rent-A-Mob'
idiots that burn flags and protest of the slightest negative bias towards islam or Arabs, plus we now see in canada that a Pro-Hezbollah wing of Islam freely rules our streets in marches for Peace while the tax-funded Police provide security in case of 'backlash' from their 'Right'
of Religion and association .

So where's my beef ?

Well , for one , very few Muslim and Arab org.'s see 9/11 as a global threat even though
close to 65 Nationalities were among the dead
AND I may include many fellow Muslims ( martyr's)
killed by these untrue misunderstood hijackers of Islam , and while Lebanese-canadians ( Shite muslims) are outraged at the deaths of about 8 of there people holding canadian passports , there was nary a mention of rage after 24 canadians were murdered on 9/11/01 by other Muslims.
The real litmus test for selective rage is the fact that never once has a Muslim or Arab protested outside the Saudi Embassy in Ottawa Canada , this I expected since all 19 hijackers were saudi based and Al-Qaeda members , BUT NO , not a peep from these people demanding Justice because their Quran tells them that Justice denied for anyone is justice denied for everyone .

This utopic view of the World explains why Muhammad set out rules for War, he knew Islam could only be spread by violence and a forced submission to accept Peace and Justice .
Today Canada is seeing how the Islamists work , they get in the Country as refugees fleeing oppressive regimes and then build up a false "Islamophobia" to justify imposing islam by-proxy , then , in order to create division to use islam as the answer to injustice they protest external problem created by other Muslims spreading islam.
But the problem is that islam blames the victims and twists the story for propaganda to show that suicide bombers are the only way to fight the aggressors , and as a final note I'd like to also point out that the Lebanese Embassy in Canada has yet to see any protests for allowing Hezbollah to grow and cause all this misery.


I know how dhimmified Britain is, but they have an embassy in Iran? Didn't the 1979 US embassy hostage crisis drive any sense into them?