Reuters admits doctoring photo, kills doctored version

Here's the photo Reuters has sent out to replace the doctored version. It doesn't seem to be an undoctored version of the notorious photo:

And here, for your reference, is the doctored version again:

How many other photos and stories has Reuters altered to in order to further the aims of the global jihad?

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I took a class on Adobe Photoshop at my local Community Center. After I completed the course I knew I could never again believe what I saw without a negative to back it up. I recommend this class to all. Amazing is the word for that program. These people in the media must think we are idiots. They need to look in the mirror to find the true fools.
As I posted elsewhere the downloadable “Free Trial Version “ is the key.

Looks like reuters took your advice. They just got the full version to get the 'original' photos.

but truly now, ..not even properly doctored, it´s a lousy job..

If the Moslems can't get away with doctoring photos; they sure can get away with doctoring diplomacy.

It was just reported that Lebanese and other Moslem leaders are up in arms in over the draft cease fire resolution being passed around the UN today. The Moslems are complaining that the text is unfair and heavily biased in favor of Israel.

Say, didn't the Moslems attack Israel?

Q) What kind of peace settlement did Germany and Japan get at the end of WWII?

A) Disarmament and military occupation.

The difference in the impression made by the photographs may be too subtle for all to grasp. But they should be able to grasp this: Reuters was detected by Charles Johnson of LGF in a lie, a photographic lie, and that lie was published around the world. Had he not detected it, had he not had a website up and running in which to publish and disseminate and be confirmed by others in his finding, Reuters would not have admitted to doctoring the photographs.

What does this mean? What is its larger significance?

The larger significance is that we have every right to question other photographs published by Reuters, by the same photographer. We have every right to question photographs published by Reuters by other Arab and Muslim photographers, and not only in Lebanon, but in Iraq (where the American military have some scores to settle with some of those photographers who always seem to know just where those bombs will be going off, and where other atrocities will occur). We have every right to question not only Reuters, but Agence France Presse (remember the Mohammad al-Dura mounted spectacle? Shall we allow everyone to forget that quite so quickly?)

We in the Western and larger Infidel world have a right to inquire as to what the newspapers and television of that Western world thinks it is doing, when it continues to publish the photographs, and the reports, of people who have been caught offering up, transmitting, and even aiding in creating, propaganda for Arabs and indeed, for other Muslims (as in the disgraceful coverage of Muslim terrorism directed at Hindus and other non-Muslims not only in Kashmir, but in India itself, and in Bangladesh). We have a right to know why there are not articles of self-criticism and self-examination, especially by those who preen themselves, a bit too quickly and too self-assuredly, that they are to be trusted, that they are reliable. Given the embarrassing history of how, for example, The New Duranty Times covered not only famines in the Ukraine, but life in the Soviet Union all through the 1930s, thanks to Walter Duranty, or how that same newspaper failed so miserably (see Laurel Leff's book on the subject) in its non-conveying of the truth about Hitler's war on the Jews, again all through the 1930s, when some might, if duly informed, even have managed to save their relatives, and to work much more frantically to alert others still living in what were regarded as the safety of France, or Holland, or other inevitable future victims of the Third Reich. The newspaper has blood on its hands, and in such circumstances, it has a higher duty than any other newspaper of, by, or for the so-called goddamned record.

And smoke dissipates quickly, of course. So, even the original photo was taken with the aim of capturing as much smoke as possible.

The level of malevolence in BBC headlines, stories, and tone toward Israel and the United States has escalated as well lately.

And one must not forget the disproportiate response to anti-Israeli, anti-American, jihadist doctoring and bias: a doctored photo, staging, false headlines, false reports of massacres (Jenin) and child killing (Mohammad al Dura): there will be nothing in the major media about this doctoring incident, just as the hoax of the Jenin massacre was never really exposed.

But imagine if such things occured at Fox News, for instance. It would make the front page of BBC online. Reuters would run the photos and stories for weeks. Perhaps it would prompt PBS to run a special documentary. And stories would fly about Jewish conspiracies. It would make campuses buzz across the West.

Like the smoke, jihadist propoganda in major media even when exposed dissipates quickly and then vanishes and is forgotten.

Doctored. Doctored. Doctored.

It's ALL doctored!

The struggle to wipe Israel off the map was doctored to look like a nationalistic land-feud.

The goal of instituting shariah law over the whole world was doctored to look like a request for tolerance of the "other".

The age-old hatred toward the Jews (anti-Semitism), irrational as always, never extended to any other people in the same situation (Darfur anyone?), was doctored to look like opposition to colonialism (anti-Zionism).

The ultimate end of bringing all of humanity under the boot of a fascistic regime was doctored to look like just another religion.

All doctored. Can we spot the doctoring? Can we bring as many people as possible to see the doctoring?

UH, sorry, those are more different than "undoctored" and "doctored."

Perhaps the Reuters organization is honing its photo touchup skills in preparation for a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv or New York? Easier to squeeze blood from a turnip than get the truth from Reuters. †

I just heard they have contacted Adobe in hopes of having an expert give them all a tutorial. Look beyond the smoke. Where did the blue horizon go?

Al Reuters is all smoke and mirrors, we have every right to question all their stories, and put them on notice. l watched fox this morning, the Leb official was complaining again about the Israelis need to leave Lebanon, and that the leb army can work at the border, of course along with Hizbollah. he avoided answering Chris Wallace about how could they control the border when the could not in the past, quite a telling interveiw. we need to remind
everyone that the arabs started it first.

ZionistYoungerster -

Speaking of doctored -- I want your opinion concerning the bottom line for the Arabs.

Isn't their true aim in "wiping Israel off of the map" to prevent to coming of the Messiah?

I'll be honest, I'm a Christian, and I believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah; but I also know that the Jews are still waiting for the Messiah, right?

So isn't that their bottom line, their primary goal -- to prevent the Jewish Messiah from coming? Feedback please!

when I looked at the doctored version it was an obvious and poor use of the clone tool,you can even see the brush size in the smoke.
check this 60 minutes special on the same sort of thing

in that it shows how the Palestinians are faking combat scenes ,it seems Hezbolah is taking leads from this same sort of behavior.lets all have a pity party for the poor Hezbolah,why they could never have started a war,it's gotta be those evil jews behind it all.
wag the dog


Unfortunately I'm no expert, so this is just bits and pieces from what I've read:

You mean the Muslims, right? Arabs can be Christians (and most Muslims aren't Arabs). They believe in some Messiah, and as far as I know, the Sunnis and the Shia are in disagreement about it. The "messiah" the Muslims await will, of course, come for giving victory to Islam (G-d forbid!) in the final battle. In fact, the very belief of Ahmadinejad in the imminent coming of the Islamic "messiah" is what makes him so dangerous.

As for the Jewish Mashiach (and here I write with more authority), Jews don't believe he is Jesus, because he failed requirements of messiah that are outlined in the Oral Torah. Also, the Jewish Messiah will not be a miracle-worker, but a tzaddik (righteous man) who will unite the Jews and lead them to victory against the enemy in the hardest of times. The Rambam (Maimonides) wrote about it all extensively.

I am very disappointed in the Israel approach to all of this. They are going to unnecessarily drag this out and be open to more missle strikes by not going in with enough troops and firepower. It is going to take division sized elements...not a few brigades rotating all of the time. If they would have done this from the start you would not see the degree of continued missle strikes hitting Haifa, etc...

Has anyone noticed that MSNBC is far ahead of the other networks in pointing this out? For me the military analysts and terrorism experts are miles ahead of the other channels. I have been surprised.

Note: Adnan Hajj, the photographer who is responsible for this doctored photo, is the same photographer who took many of the photos of the Qana attack. Including the famous ones of the dead children. If you google for his name, you'll find all his other photos and how they're being used around the world to "prove" how "disproportionate" Israel's response has been.

Now that one of Mr. Hajj's photos has been revealed as fake, that calls all his other photos, especially the Qana photos, into question.

Now that we have seen this, who wants to wager that they had collected those bodies we saw at Qana, from different locations, then stored them in a freezer until they could be of use? I heard Mr. Green Helmet was a mortician.


With Photoshop around, more then ever, we need to guard against doctored pictures.

Like you, I have taken computer graphics courses and with Photoshop getting better all the time, the danger of fake pictures goes up. IMHO, the two most popular programs are Word and Photoshop.

Got into this debate about how effective the Iraqi
insurgency was.

Those on the other side kept quoting ONE source.


As can be seen in below link

FACTBOX-Developments in Iraq on June 18
18 Jun 2006 11:13:55 GMT

Source: Reuters

June 18 (Reuters) - The following are security and
other developments in Iraq on Sunday as of 1100 GMT.

The new Shi'ite-led government of Prime Minister Nuri
al-Maliki has vowed to rein in insurgent and sectarian
violence that has killed tens of thousands of people
since U.S. forces invaded Iraq in 2003.

Asterisk denotes new or updated entry.

* KIRKUK - Attackers hurled a grenade at a shop
selling alcohol and seriously wounded three people in
the oil city of Kirkuk, 250 km (155 miles) north of
Baghdad, police said.

* NAJAF - Gunmen on Saturday evening ambushed and
killed a policeman near his house in Najaf, 160 km
(100 miles) south of Baghdad, police said.

* BAQUBA - Gunmen in a car shot dead three persons
including two Iranians in Baquba, 65 km (40 miles)
north of Baghdad, police said.

BAGHDAD - Gunmen abducted 10 workers at a bakery in
northwestern Baghdad, police said.

BAGHDAD - Six people were wounded in a mortar attack
in northern Baghdad, police said.

BAGHDAD - Ten bodies were found overnight in different
parts of the capital, police said.

FALLUJA - A woman was seriously wounded when gunmen
opened fire on a police vehicle taking her to hospital
in the town of Falluja, 50 km (32 miles) west of
Baghdad, police said.

AlertNet news is provided by RUETERS

They have day after day listing of attacks. HOWEVER
notice that EACH story has one source. An un named
Police source.

Yet oddly no one OTHER than the insurgents claim these
attacks. The other side then showed other sources
(Washington Post, NY Times, ect..)

Buth then I pointed out they were all quoting RUETERS

So seems there is something fishy going on.

This story makes me wonder if Saudi Prince al-Waleed Bin Talal al-Saud, nephew of the Saudi king, CEO of Kingdom Holding Company and 8th richest person in the world as ranked by Forbes magazine, has invested as much money in Reuters as he has in AOL/Time Warner (parent of CNN), CNN, Disney and FOX? Al-Waleed is the third largest investor in Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Murdoch is set to acquire a stake in the prince's Mideast titan media company Rotana. The size of the stake has yet to be announced.
Istithmar, a private investment company based in the United Arab Emirates is also acquiring large amounts of stock in AOL/Time Warner. Have they invested in Reuters also?
In March 2006 prince Al-Waleed launched a new satellite TV channel, Al-Resalah, "The Message", a 24 hour channel to “project Islam as a religion of moderation and tolerance” to an Arab audience, primarily the young. It will be the forerunner of an English-language Islamic channel for Western audiences at a later date.
At an Arab media conference in December, 2005, held in the UAE, al-Waleed openly boasted of altering Fox News Channel's coverage of the Muslim riots in France by making a telephone call to News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch. He said he convinced Fox to drop the emphasis on the Muslim nature of the rioters.
Also in December of 2005, the prince gave $20 million gifts to Harvard and Georgetown to expand their Islamic studies departments.
That kind of money buys a lot of influence and positive publicity.

Goes to prove that you can't trust the main-stream media (MSM), especially when Saudi pronce al-waleed has invested so many billions in AOL/Time Warner, CNN, Disney, Harvard, Georgetown, et al.


Was thinking that also since the Muslims know that the Christian Gospel is going out more and more into the world, they want Isreal out of the way so that there is an attempt to prove Christainity and Christians wrong.

This is why folks, it is important to learn about Photoshop or at least do the free try out and at least get to know this wonderful software program.

ZionistYoungster -

Yeah -- I'm clearly no expert either -- I meant to say Muslims. I'm still a student, and I'm trying to understand this conflict at a deeper level.

Either way, Israel represents 'Messiah' for both the Christian and the Jew. Christians believe that Jesus will RETURN one day and set up His kingdom on earth in Jerusalem; and the Jews are awaiting the Messiah also, and soon.

I think part of the motivation of the radical Muslims in destroying Israel is to 'block' the Jewish/Christian Messiah from coming on the scene.

We may not agree on who the Messiah is, or will be, but we can agree that Israel is central to where Messiah will come from for both Jew & Christian. It's my opinion that Muslims FEAR the Jews more than they hate them because the true Messiah WILL come from Israel; and if they can destroy Israel, then they can destroy our hopes and dreams. But they can't, and they won't!

I hope this makes sense.

My question refers to the cease fire, and cessation of all hostilities. Quickly countered by, No cessation until all Jews, or soldiers, or Zionist's are no longer in Lebanon. Ok, so what happens when all Jews leave, and the sodiers kidnapped are still in Lebanon? A perverse assesment of laying down arms, with an impecable recourse to shooting and killing more civilians. I would venture to say that the last Jew in Lebanon, is a soldier, and a Jew. So when would the fighting stop if Israel backed down?

We are lucky they never took that course. If they had, (and some clever jihadi graphic artist will figure this out) they would have used the Magnetic Lasso to capture only the smoke. Make a layer of just the smoke, shift right or left then align and bam, instant double smoke. Repeat as needed until you achieve the desired devastation. Look for more of this in the future.

Oh and how come no one mourns for the 15 year old Iranian invalid girl, or maybe lesser in age, like Muhammad cares, that was raped by a married man. Yet she was hung? Let us see that on CNN and NBC and FOX. Let Americans understand how brutal and unforgiving, for an invalid teenager raped by a Muslim married man, gets hung by her neck. What did she do wrong becides breathe? Nothing, and they hung her, publicly. Yet you wonder why we fight. Let freedom ring!

Steven L.
You'right. This episode calls into question the veracity all mainstream media reporting.

Yet I'm not surprised. I knew something like this might come along when Rigoberta Menchu, the Nobel Peace Prize winner's autobiography of "oppression" was proven a lie, engineered by the French Elizabeth Burgos-Debray, and when the U.S. academia justified the lies thru the prism of 'cultural" and "historical" relativism, which says all historical accounts are lies designed to further one agenda or another, so why not lie on behalf of the oppressed native Indian populations of Central America? Truth depends on who narrates it, and who has the power to impose it on any given society.

This may be MUCH WORSE than the usual multiculturalist media slanting their stories and photos against Israel and America. I fear that this Adnan Hajj may turn out to be an actual Hezbollah agent, deliberately planted in Reuters to spread disinformation.

As you know, we've got lots of Muslim Hezbollah sympathizers living right here in Dearborn Michigan. If any of them work in local Michigan newspapers or TV news shows, reporting on the War on Terror, can we trust any of their output?

bigcatgirl -

Yeah -- that too! Anything that radical Islam can do to prevent, undermine, invalidate and destroy the Jewish Messiah or Christian Savior from coming wouldn't surprise me, as there are no limits to what they will do. They are so driven by hate/fear, that they will stop at nothing to elimate this "threat" to their religion.

Which doesn't make sense to me, because if they believe that they have the truth, then they don't NEED to feel threatened by someone else's faith. If what they believe is true, then over the course of time it will happen just as they believe. But because this is a false religion, and they follow a false god, then they have to follow the false plan -- to dominate the world.

satan is a liar, and it's always been his goal to thwart God's True plan for salvation; and isn't it interesting that Iran (satan's spokesman) is openly seeking the destruction of Israel at a time when both Christians & Jews are waiting for their Savior/Messiah -- and soon!

Adnan Hajj, the photographer who is responsible for this doctored photo, is the same photographer who took many of the photos of the Qana attack. Including the famous ones of the dead children. If you google for his name, you'll find all his other photos and how they're being used around the world to "prove" how "disproportionate" Israel's response has been.

You'll find some. It might be quicker to go to Google Images than to go to Google, although it has to be said that in the past I've found that often one can find images through the main Google search page that don't turn up in Google Images.

However, the best source in this case seems to be Yahoo Images - probably because it's pulling them straight from Yahoo News:

Yahoo Images: adnan hajj

I have to say I looked through all eleven pages and I don't know that there are any other smoking guns there. He's got pictures of ruined buildings in Lebanon, but then he's got pictures of the protests from the Cedar Revolution. He's got a picture of a girl with a cut on her face that is attributed to Israeli bombing, but he's also responsible for a shot of roses on the murdered Lebanese PM's grave. There are even some "feelgood" pictures of US marines playing with Lebanese children.

Other than the photoshopped picture and his presence at Qana (where it looks pretty clear that staging took place) there's little to indicate he's doing anything other than grabbing dramatic shots - not necessarily a good thing in itself, of course.

However, he does seem to be in awfully close proximity to Hizbollah terrorists at times. See here and here. Query: these pictures seem to have been filed at the same time. Is this the same fire? Is the pillion rider the same man as we see pointing the rifle in the first shot. (The pillion rider, who is dressed similarly, seems, btw, to have a weapon in his right hand.)

It's not so much that 'they'want to prove Christians wrong as that Satan wants to prove God to be a liar. God has made promises in His Word (the Bible) that Israel will not cease from being a nation, that He Himself will protect them and destroy thier enemies in the End and that Jesus will return to defeat Israel's enemies, He will return and reign and rule from Israel. Satan hates the Jews because they are God's chosen people and Messiah is a Jew was to come from among them. Throughout history one can see Satan's attempt to destroy the Jews and Israel to make God out a liar, there is no logical,rational explanation for why the Jews have been hated and hated with such vile throughut the ages except that God has declared they would be. It proves His Word is true. The world can laugh at that, but it cannot be denied. The Torah plainly states so. This is a spiritual battle, folks can laugh at that all they want, but it is obvious and cannot be denied. But the good news is God is not a liar and although Israel will suffer much loss before the End, God is Faithful to His people ,not because of who they are, but because of Who He is, it's not because they are righteous it is because He is Righteous and the nations will see that in His defense of Israel. He has made promises and He is a promise keeper.

Often, you get an immediate subconcious 'feeling' when looking at doctored photos. The Qana pictures--I think there were two that caught my eye--showed staging, but something else that was weird; some of the children's bodies looked stiff as if Rigor set in. I got upset at myself at this reaction--at first--who would dig up "stiffs" to make a point? No question people died at the Qana hit. My objection here is some specific photos--almost as if the "stagers" of this episode picked out the bodies in advance. So, not only did these stooges parade the bodies around for hours, holding up the dead kids for the press to snap away, but I also question if some of those kids came from this attack. Bodies are not stiff like this in a few hours. So, some of the press may not be 'unwittingly' supporting the Islamist agenda; some due it with zeal. Charles had other examples of staged photos as well. He should get hte freaking Pulitzer Prize. He has nailed scams more than once.

heh so this is why that photo turned out that way ?

Reuters said that it has fired Adnan Hajj, the Lebanese photographer who submitted the image. The organization also said that it is investigating the incident.

"The photographer has denied deliberately attempting to manipulate the image, saying that he was trying to remove dust marks and that he made mistakes due to the bad lighting conditions he was working under," said Moira Whittle, the head of public relations for Reuters.

"This represents a serious breach of Reuters' standards and we shall not be accepting or using pictures taken by him," Whittle said in a statement issued in London.

"This represents a serious breach of Reuters' standards and we shall not be accepting or using pictures taken by him," Whittle said in a statement issued in London.

But, what will Reuters do internally? Do they have editors? Will they actually look at what they post and publish under THE Reuters name?

Ladies and Gentleman, Doctoring photgraphs is nothing new, it has been done since the invention, well, photography. The difference now is any body with enough practice can do it. With negatives and prints, it requires great skill and lots of time. I have used photoshop to restore photos and recover over and underexposed pictures. The clone tool is excellent for repairing tears and creases, and especially for removing pimples and tatoos. Obviously, Reuters will need to hire better Photoshop users.

Notoriously, Stalin had a habit having certain people removed from photos who Stalin needed to erase from history. His technicians were quite good at it.


The big difference is that Photoshop makes the job of doctoring all the more easier.


I do not want to protract what is obviously an off topic spin on this thread, but I feel I need to respond to the messianic issues you raised above.

The Christian position for Jesus as Messiah is not so easily dismissed. If you do not choose to believe in him despite the timing in Daniel, the loss of the geneological records, the ending of the temple sacrifices, the defilement of the eastern gate by Muslims, not to mention the monstrosity they built on top of it, backed up by 1.2 billion to keep you out, etc., that's fine. But I do. And I won't even mention the admitted 134 emendations for "theological correction" by the sopherim of the Masoretic text of the Tanakh, the Hebrew vorlages of the Septuagint found at Qumran, the records of the Sanhedrin, etc.

Despite what you may think from the above, I am not an anti-Semite (Mel Gibson is, though), nor do I believe in "replacement theology". I believe I may not boast over you (Romans 11:18), and that I must share my material blessings with you (Romans 15:27; I would include in that brand new fuel air bombs). I believe that of the people of Israel, "Theirs is the adoption as sons; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry"... of, yes, the Mashiach.

I am asking that you be more sensitive when using phrases such as "he failed" with reference to Jesus/Y'shua, and I hope that you will not consider Christians as unstudied fools, or your adversaries. At this site, we need to work together to defeat Jihad, educating ourselves and others about Jihad and Islam, not proselytizing, fighting or insulting each other.

Once again I've got to protest. Zionistyoungster makes some very perceptive comments related to the topic at hand and the Christian coocoos have to relate it to some doomsday mythology. Zionstyoungster was pointing to the fact the Islamic Fascists have hidden their totalitarian intent even in the guise of a religion. What the hell does this have to do with the second coming of Christ or biblical quotations? Zionistyoungster was on track but a few hijacked him into the woods of metaphysical dimentia. Robert has presented many angles to view the Jihad that threatens us and given many intelligent people a chance to present their views. Why do some continually seek to display their personal baggage. I for one, do not want to get emotionally involved.

Adding to what Concerned Citizen stated....

There are over 300 prophesies about who messiah would be, and Jesus fulfilled them all.

The book of Isaiah, Daniel, Hosea, Micah, Zechariah and Malachi all describe how the messiah would be born; to whom he would be born; where he would be born; how he would live; how he would die; and that he would rise again on the third day....and Jesus Christ fulfilled each and every one of these 300+ prophesies!

So I share Concerned Citizens point of view in saying that Jesus did not "fail" in His ministry. Instead, He meticulously, flawlessly, fulfilled Hebrew scripture to a T.

Read Isaiah 53:5 (one fulfillment)


Thanks for the epithet, "Christian coocoos". I appreciate some aspects of preterism (certainly not all), so I don't have a need to "relate it to some doomsday mythology". Save that for the dispensationalists.

My point was let's try to be more sensitive to each others "buttons". Hugh's an atheist, I try to read every one of his posts. He knocks religiosity every now and then, but has yet to offend me. I have opinions about atheism, but I'm not going to try to push his nose in it.

"Zionistyoungster" appears out of the ether, and proclaims Jesus "failed". I felt I needed to respond, sorry. I do hope he continues to post.

"Once again I've got to protest"

What else is new -- you always protest -- Y A W N!

If you want to understand why Reuters is anti-Jew, look up who owns a stake in the firm.

You may be surprised/shocked. The oil money goes somewhere, and its not to feed their hungry, uneducated Islamic hordes of poor people.

There is no such thing as the "free unbaised" western media.


By the way, personally I don't think the current flare up has much to do with Messianism (except for the caveat below).

I feel that the current issue mostly has to do with the concepts of Dar-al-Islam, inflated and offended egos of Muslim supremicism, control of the "farthest mosque", and obedience to their "scriptures" which has sacralized mandates even from the trees, saying "there is a Jew behind me, come kill him". It has to do with their incessant whining usurpation of victim status (started by their Prophet), their doctrine of taqiyya ligitimizing lying (no problems generating doctored photos), eternal grudges against the UN post WWII mandates, etc. It has to do with a religion that legitimized every sin Mohammed ever wanted to commit, and has not unexpectedly led to murdering civilians, and breaking every established law regarding warfare. It also has to do with the frustration of having vast amounts of money, owning dhimmi puppets at the EU, the MSM (especially their photographers) and every thought control academic outlet in the world, but realizing since they can't militarily defeat the tiniest country in the world, they can't militarily defeat anybody, so they've got to try to wage a propaganda war to buy time and attract allies. Israel is their convenient "villain" in this long running show, the current episode desparately intended defray attention to try to get yet another Islamic country up to nuclear capability (now this DOES have something to do with Messianism, Ahmadinejad's preoccupation with the return of the Islamic Mahdi). Otherwise, it's just a big soup of rancid hate left over from that master chef, Mohammed.

Given the above, a Lebanese stringer faking a picture, that's a dime a dozen. That Reuters would use a photo knowing it's a fake, boring (it sells, what do you expect, no matter who has a "stake"). But, Reuters stating that was a restoration artifact, now that's priceless.

Holy smokes batman. It looks like this image was doctored.

Pretty Funky! Looks like the work of an amateur.