Reuters doctoring photos to make Israel look bad?


Hot on the heels of the Qana photo-staging controversy comes this -- also involving Adnan Hajj, one of the photographers at Qana. Hajj took the top shot posted here.

Charles at LGF has the whole story -- and there is much more to it. He first noted the recurring patterns in the smoke, strongly suggesting -- since smoke doesn't work that way -- that the smoke in the image was cloned so as to make the destruction in Beirut look more extensive. Later he found the second image here, which seems to be the source. Look closely at the two (and Charles has overlays at LGF): you'll see that the top image has more buildings, and that they too seem to be cloned in the process of creating more smoke. Says Charles: "Notice the lower right area of this photo, and compare to lower left of the doctored photo. Notice how all the buildings line up perfectly, including the oddly shaped building on the horizon."

About Qana I wrote: "Americans and Westerners are not used to dealing with carefully orchestrated and large-scale deception of this kind. It is time that it be recognized as a weapon of warfare, and an extremely potent one at that."

Has Reuters now fully committed itself to being an arm of the Hizballah propaganda machine?

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l am thinking of dumping my netscape, they have these news stories supposedly voted on by people, their latest is video of Israeli soldiers abusing poor Lebs, etc. Netscape has become so far left,anti US, Israel, that l am seriously looking to getting rid of it. l have tried to send my comments to Netscape saying so, but their login for comments is not user friendly. if anyone has suggestion how to send netscape comments of this absurb so called news video would be greatly apppreciated.

I think we should see if they use the same corpses in different incidents.

I have a feeling that they might do.

Of course they don't have to go to extreme lengths to convince their target audience of zombie clones, they would gladly swallow anything.

You can see that the column of black smoke on the left is clearly superimposed on the picture.

War is deceit.

Reuters have "killed" that picture now, and appologised for the deception.

"War is Deception" said Muhammad. And there is not a believing Muslim who does not accept that Muhammad is the Perfect Man, uswa hasana, al-insan al-kamil, the Model for All Muslims For All Time.

The altering of photographs for propagandistic purposes is most famously associated with Stalin's rule. It began with legitimizing his rule by publishing retouched pictures of Lenin and his crew or retinue, but with some Old Bolsheviks, annoyingly close to Lenin, airbrushed out, so that no one came between Stalin and Lenin, and in some cases, even managing to move Stalin closer to, or right next to Lenin. The device was one that appealed to the Soviets.

And of course it appeals now to photoshoppers of the world, not least the almost entirely Arab crew of photographers who are giving the world not "the war in Lebanon" but a doctored war, a war with miseries of the locals exaggerated or even invented. Does anyone think that the photographer, Adnan Hajj, understands and respects the idea of journalistic truth -- or that so many others of his ilk are not working hand-in-glove with Hezbollah or, for that matter, Hamas, or still a little earlier, the PLO? Would it make sense, knowing what we know of Arab Muslim precepts, and loyalty to the umma, and that "war is deception," not to think that Arab photographers would refrain from doing all they could to either carefully take misleading pictures (those of who think Beirut is "in flames" should hear the reports from the splashing in the hotel pools, see the bustling and even the traffic jams all over untouched Beirut (that is, save for the Hezbollah neighborhood -- to call it a "quarter" is to exaggerate its size). Those who think because a bridge or a road in the north, capable of carrying missiles and men from Iran and Syria, that "Christian areas are being hit" should think again. If the target is always and everywhere connected to Hezbollah -- and the roads into and out of Syria (and roads also means bridges) are hit, wherever they are, that is a special case: they are directly connected to preventing the resupply of Hezbollah. But the pictures are made, whenever and wherever they can, to hide this.

The American military has been a victim of this in Iraq. The coverage of its activities, the inattention paid to all the good works (good works in one sense, wasteful acts of kindness in another, on people whose hearts and minds cannot be won, and the effort to win them squanders our resources, and prevents us from recognizing what it is that menaces us, and planning accordingly, in and out of Iraq. Programs should be given in the military academy, showing how Al-Jazeera, for example, covers the Americans in Iraq: the endless scenes, over and over, of the very same supposed American "atrocities," the deception in those scenes, the exaggeration and the fabrication. And not only military audiences should be shown these Al-Jazeera and simlar acts, but civilians -- the propaganda war of Islam should be a subject of study in colleges, and examples should be presented for analysis on, say, the more intelligent news shows.

Why? Why should Muslim and Arab propaganda in the reporting on, and photographing of, scenes of war between Muslims and non-Muslims be made the subject of study? Because it is now a permanent feature of the Jihad, the Jihad that is above all a "war of deception," and in order not merely to be fair in the depiction of how the Israelis fight, or how the American soldiers fight, but in order to make sure that Infidel populations are not, through their own supposed media -- the BBC, or Reuters, or AP -- which because they are not labelled Radio Berlin, or Radio Tokyo, or TASS, those credulous Infidels believe must "be telling the truth."

Of course they are not doing so. And the photographs photoshopped so crudely and obviously above are only the latest, and the easiest to spot, but every day, on the radio, on television, in your newspapers, in the inability to cover so many telling stories (think of what you read here, and think of how little of it apears, and always with a delay, in that supposed newspaper of record, The New Duranty Times), and to make sense -- by beginning to hint at what is in the Qur'an, in the Hadith, in the Life of Muhammad.

It has been nearly 5 years since 9/11/2001. What has the major press anywhere in the Infidel world done about looking into, and reporting on, unretouched and unphotoshopped, what Islam inculcates, and what a very large percentage of Muslims so devoutly believe? Not a hint as yet, not a single Qur'anic passage, as far as I know, has yet been quoted even once in The New Duranty Times -- save when it inadvertently appears because it has been quoted by Bin Laden, or Al-Zawahiri, or some member or leader of one of the lesser jihads.But never does the writer, never has a columnist -- certainly not Tom Friedman, who "for 27 years has been reporting on the MIddle East" and "who won a Pulitzer Prize for his book "From Beirut to Jerusalem" and who, not once in his colossally idiotic career, ever managed to quote a single Qur'anic verse.

The doctored photographs, worthy of the NKVD in their crudeness, are the least of it.

But let's start with them. Let's not forget the nonsense and lies that are our daily portion from Arab photographers, and Arab Muslim reporters -- but also, alas, from those who are non-Muslim and non-Arab, but out of incurable ignorance, as in Friedman's case, or out of a wish to deny or an inability to make the mental effort to understand the mental makeup of Muslims, perhaps because one knows a handful of "Muslims-for-identification-purposes-Muslims" who have lived in the West and are so affable, so plausible, so friendly that they become barriers to mental entry into the real world of Islam, and then there are those Western reporters on the Lesser Jihad against Israel in particular who exhibit the signs of both ignorance and denial and a clear mental condition that one also finds among the pat-buchanans, david-dukes, and roger-garaudys of this world (see Orla Guerlin, see Barbara Plett, see Caroline Hawley, see so many it would take forever to name them).

Israel needs to fight the war like a war. Show no mercy because the jihadis would show none either.

World media has an agenda - that of European socialism. If you don't fight back, then welcome
to the world of dhimmitude and a thousand year of suffering like the rest of us.

And not only that, those same buildings appear more than once. The LGF website showed a section of buildings, and how they'd been cloned - not only did the buildings look exactly alike but so did the damage to them - proof of blatant doctoring.

Venting is great, but please, let's flood their mailbox with messages! Here's their contact page. It may not change things immediately, but let's put some pressure on them so that they realize they can't just get by with this sort of trash!

Too late Reuters. You may have 'killed' those doctorted pictures, but what you cannot kill is the truth about your own bitter antisemitism. It seems that Martin Bormann didn't die after all - he merely resurfaced at al-Reuters. The truth is out, and the fact couldn't be clearer to us that you have a bitter anti-Western and antisemitic agenda, and you have nailed Hizbolllahs wicked flag to your mast.

As Hugh states:

"Muslim and Arab propaganda in the reporting on, and photographing of, scenes of war between Muslims and non-Muslims [should] be made the subject of study"

"Pallywood" & "Al Dura, What happened?" both can be downloaded at

Also, visit Honest Reporting's website to purchase the "Relentless" and "Obsession" videos for yourselves and for your schools and libraries.

Honest Reporting's "Obsession"

Honest Reporting's "Relentless"
Currently, both videos can be viewed on Google video at these links:



This is the most disgusting piece of amature work I have seen in my life. I use photoshop almost every day and I can think of a dozen ways to fake a photo. If anybody is interested here is a little bit of Photoshop work that I did on a photo of St Pauls Cathedral taken in 1940. I did it not to lie but to make a point. Here is the link enjoy.

For what it's worth, here is Reuters' original photo and apology, prior to editing. Here's the picture "kill" announcement.

Did you ever notice that "Reuters" spelled backward is "mud"? Well, if you play with the pixels it is. And "mud" spelled backwards is "dum" with no tinkering whatsoever. And "dum" is dumb enough.

Reuters employee issues 'Zionist pig' death threat,7340,L-3256534,00.html

Mackie, Re: the Reuters employee whose computer was used to post a death threat to Mr.Johnson of LGF,
the FBI should be notified so they can investigate. Reuters isn't the only one who can find out who the perpetrator is.
Why is it that when a muslim does this sort of thing it isn't a hate crime and not worth the police's trouble, but when another religion does it is is a hate crime and the police are all over it?

What amateurish work. The fact that the doctored photo even made it to publication calls into question the sort of oversight-- "quality control," if you will-- they have in place at Reuters.

This guy can't be the sharpest tool in the shed to think he could push a few buttons in a photo-editing program and get away with it. One can even see the "brush" shape he selected and clicked repeatedly to make the "smoke."

Lame, lame, lame. The Photoshop masters at Fark could take the original and edit in Godzilla, the Hindenburg, and Michael Bolton high-fiving Condoleezza Rice, and make a far more convincing presentation.

This guy can't be the sharpest tool in the shed to think he could push a few buttons in a photo-editing program and get away with it. Posted by: Shinoliite

The photo is surely "Photoshopped". However the pathetic attempt at alteration leads me to believe that they couldn’t afford (or were too cheap to purchase) the Full Version. They probably downloaded the Trial Version online.
The difference being about 1000 bucks and the Full Version has a huge number of “Tools” that are left out of the Trial Version. With the FV they could have used the smoke from the original to fill the copy. If done by an experienced editor it is almost impossible to spot the fake with the human eye alone.



and here's our friend again: Mr. "Green Helmet";_ylt=AsbUk5TEO_4wyQyz4Rxyf0jmWMcF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5bGcyMWMzBHNlYwNzc25hdg--

Photographer: Adnan Hajj

Enemy-agent provocateur exposed!

tgusa- I think it is more likely Adnan Hajj or his "photoshopper" have the appropriate tools and ability. It is not hard to master APS. What probably happened and I could be wrong, but the nature of that photo or that "photoshop" is that of a work in progress. That "work in progress" was saved at some point and the more believeable, final "PS" exists or did exist, but for some reason was not the photo that was sent to Reuters. The process to perfect the final photo can be a long and tedius process and the end result be quite believeable as opposed to the unblended clone stamped "PS" that Reuters published. Most likely is a mistake in saving or should I say, not saving, the intended "PS" and sending the work in progress intead. JMHO.

Re: "Reuters doctoring photos to make Israel look bad?"

Because of that marvelous invention, the Internet, folks who notice these Rather-Scams can address the truth about such lies and not be frustrated by the Orwellian lies. Times have changed.

Most likely is a mistake in saving, Posted by: jimbabwe

Yes that would be another difficulty you would encounter via FV vs. TV.
However, it still does not explain how a blatant forgery like this could get past even the editor of a pre school newspaper. Any answers? Anybody?

Qur’an:9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

'and here's our friend again: Mr. "Green Helmet"'
Posted by: sheik yer'mami

He sure gets around,Mr Green Helmet. It seems the Lebs have fewer actors than the Aussies!