Reuters imploding

Hizballah's propaganda arm falls on hard times. "Reuters withdraws all photos by Lebanese freelance," from Reuters:

LONDON, Aug 7 (Reuters) - Reuters withdrew all 920 photographs by a freelance Lebanese photographer from its database on Monday after an urgent review of his work showed he had altered two images from the conflict between Israel and the armed group Hizbollah.

Global Picture Editor Tom Szlukovenyi called the measure precautionary but said the fact that two of the images by photographer Adnan Hajj had been manipulated undermined trust in his entire body of work.

"There is no graver breach of Reuters standards for our photographers than the deliberate manipulation of an image," Szlukovenyi said in a statement.

"Reuters has zero tolerance for any doctoring of pictures and constantly reminds its photographers, both staff and freelance, of this strict and unalterable policy."

The news and information agency announced the decision in an advisory note to its photo service subscribers. The note also said Reuters had tightened editing procedures for photographs from the conflict and apologised for the case.

Removing the images from the Reuters database excludes them from future sale.

Reuters ended its relationship with Hajj on Sunday after it found that a photograph he had taken of the aftermath of an Israeli air strike on suburban Beirut had been manipulated using Photoshop software to show more and darker smoke rising from buildings.

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Here is a link to click on and study:

Look at how the BBC, without any explanation, quietly removed the picture of the black-burqaed woman, her hands raised in imprecation and supposed despair (to win the sympathies of the unthinking everywhere), and replaced it.

Fittingly, the meretricious photo, and the even more mertricious because unexplained replacement of the first photo by one not as likely to raise embarrassing scrutiny and questions, is part of an article by Hugh Sykes. If you thought no one could be as unfair as Barbara Plett (sent off to Afghanistan after her tear-shedding episode) and Orla Guerlin (the wife, and collaborator in every sense, to a "Palestinian" Arab), then you have not been listening to Hugh Sykes, he of the ready tear for every person in Lebanon, not least those "civilians" in Hezbollahland whose entire mission in life is to fling missiles into Israel, as unguided as the V-2s which the Hugh Sykeses of this world have forgotten about, just as they have forgotten about how the British responded.

His dispatches have been morally intolerable. He has a great future at the BBC.

And not before time.

I'm supposed to believe that the editors at Reuters didn't notice the blatant, amateurish image manipulation? If they didn't notice it, then what does that say about their level of competence? Either way, Reuters has failed.

Hajj should be beheaded for disgracing Islam with his ridiculously poor PhotoShopping--not to mention bringing dishonor to Al-Reuters (PBUH).

Someone write us up a fatwah, quick.

Know Your Enemy

He should have no trouble finding a new job at al Jazeera, or the BBC.

Infidel Pride: I'd say the enemy already HAS gone to work for the BBC, al-Jazeera (Jihad-TV) et al.

Reuters describes the culprit as "freelance Lebanese photographer". Was he a Christian Lebanese? A Jewish Lebanese? An atheist Lebanese? A Druze Lebanese? A Yezidi Lebanese? Hmmmmm.


TV Remote

His name is Adnan Hajj. Is it a Maronite, Melkite, Jewish, or Yezidi (can't say I've heard of this last one) name?

Something tells me he's a Mohammedan.

So we have proof positive that the media is biased and is using virtually every technique available to skew public opinion. Those of us who are curious enough to look for truth are finding this out. It's too bad that most of the people in the west are still in the dark about this.

Indeed, truth is the first casualty in war.

iF YOU think the media is biased, just start looking at Muslims sitting as judges in America, Muslim holding political positions, Muslims running newspapers and so on and so on. It is an invasion and they are trying to take over everything.

I am critic with this war, because the suffering of Lebanon like country and their people, but these things remember that it´s difficult trusting in a mohammedan.

and CNN> Crescent News Network

Headlines we may see:

Last remaining Fundamentalist Muslim dies in the American Territory of the Middle East (formerly known as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Lebanon).

Iran still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.

The story was on CNN a few minutes ago, including Charles Johnson from LGF and his blog Little Green Footballs, which exposed this scandal...

The reporting from Lebanon is below any acceptable standard, the media is aiding and abetting the enemy and the bleeding hearts for the Mohammedans and their cause are taking us all to the abyss...


She looks a professional mourner to me. They are hired at funerals to make a scene.

"There is no graver breach of Reuters standards for our photographers than the deliberate manipulation of an image," Szlukovenyi said in a statement.

"Reuters has zero tolerance for any doctoring of pictures and constantly reminds its photographers, both staff and freelance, of this strict and unalterable policy."

What they really mean is that "there is no graver breach of Reuters standards for our photographers than GETTING CAUGHT AT the deliberate manipulation of an image."

and what they really mean here is that "Reuters has zero tolerance for any GETTING CAUGHT AT doctoring of pictures and constantly reminds is photographers, both staff and freelance, of this strict and unalterable policy."

Wag the Dog.

I am waiting for CNN to disown Michael Ware the Hezbollah inbed. He is a total tool for the Hez, with his apparent admiration for the Jihadists and distorted assesments of the war declaring that Hez is largely intact and unfazed by the Israelis. This was same jerk in Iraq that was undermining our efforts there. He is a propagandist that needs to be ferreted out.

After the Germans retreated from various parts of France in 1944, the French people took their revenge on the collaborators, and the alleged callaborators. It's human nature. We've all seen at one time or another the movies of women with shaved heads and men getting severely beaten. A French hero of WW1 was sentenced to death after the war. The apologists for jihad, along with their anti-Semetic fellow travelers and the creatures that walk among us will probably get their just reward. I have no doubt that the West will eventually win, and the retribution will be directly proportional to the amount of Western blood that is shed.

There is no excuse for what is going on with the MSM.

What's going on with the MSM is influenced by large amounts of cash from the Saudis, noteably prince al-Waleed Al Saud, friend of Rupert Murdock, and large investor in AOL (ArabsOnLine), Time Warner, FOX News, CNN, etc. Follow the money trail.

Bohemond_1069, So, they are really just a bunch of $2 whores.

The muslims are even attacking the Flight 93 photos as doctored or fake. The Nazi propagandists would be proud of the Muslims carrying on their tradition.

Adnan Hajj is one of those Arabic names that is not religion specific. There are both Christians and Muslims with "Hajj" as a family name. However, one thing is clear, Adnan Hajj certainly had access to Hezbollah. This fact alone makes me think he is Muslim.

Something else that bothered me but I ignored at the time. Remember Hajj's photo in Qana labelled "Lebanese rescuers cover a body that was uncovered in the rubble of a bombed house in the south Lebanese village of Srifa (REUTERS/Adnan Hajj)" This is a photo of the same dead baby that other photographers took being carried by different men hours apart.

The photo clearly shows the man with the look on his face of one enduring a horrific odor. The baby is BLUE! It appeared to be in a stage advanced post-rigormortis where a body is no longer stiff but very flacid.

It looks like they dug up a baby that had been dead several days in order to inflate the body count. Sorry for being so morbid, but having seen a lot of death, this body did not strike me as one that had been dead less than a day.

They are pretty slow, but sometimes the main-stream media does eventually pick up on things. Bill O'Reilly covered Adnan Hajj's Reuters photo scandal on today's show.

At least CNN are broad casting this in Asia

a lot of turks have the name adnan. since none of them are christians I would guess muslim. Just a guess though.

Cut the poor guy some slack people; He was simply removing dust! (and adding smoke... and flares... and mourning ghouls... and burning korans... and whatever else he saw "fit to print", not so different from what the New York Times does on a daily basis.

Am I the only person disturbed by what Reuters is doing? Withdrawing all the photos looks like ass-saving destruction of evidence, not an attempt to uphold the truth.